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1、张老师暑假辅导材料六part 1 listening (第一部分听力)listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)lesson 151. a. twice.b. four times.c. five times.d. six times.2. a. the blind peopleb the poor peoplec. people who are ill.d people who are lost.3- a. no, she wontb. ye

2、s, she will.c. if s hard to say.d. yes, she has.4. a. a vet.b. a doctor.c a teacher.d. a cook.5. a. play in the garden.b. help the girps pel.c. buy food for petsd. find homeless kids.6. a. 3 p.m.b. 3:45 p.m.c. 2:45 p.m.d. 2:15 p.mlesson 161. a. brazilian.b. british.c. italian.d. french2. a. 28,940.b

3、. 38,940.c. 29,840.d. 34,980.3- a other countriesb. languages.c. pen friends.d. letters4. a. yu garden.b. the bund.c. shanghai museum.d. snack bars.5. a. at the top of the pageb. at the top-right comer.c at the bottom of the page.d. at the top-left comer.6. a. by car.b. by rail.c. on foot.d. by plan

4、e.lesson 171. a. 10:20.b. 10:12.c. 9:4&d. 9:40.2. a. china.b.japan.c singapored. sydney.3- a. an engineer.b a salesmanc. a dentist.d. a secretary.4. a. if s easy.b. it's hard.c. it's boring.d it's nice.5. a. a teache匚d. a soldier.b. a waite r.c a doct or.b. she is sick.d. the books a

5、re heavy.6. a. she is tired.c the boy wants to help.part 2 vocabulary (第二部分词汇)it is difficult tobetween two such nice houses.i regret to have to do this, but i have noour teacher gave us a lot ofbooks in maths.it was advice of a kind, but it wasn't veryagain the young man made estures, shaking h

6、is head.the lost hikers felti must apologize for thestate of the room.mybrother drops all his clothes on the floo匚you should up your room twice a week.> can you to 100?> the shop assistant says she will give you a > book is a noun.> lucy works as an in this shop.> his work is to his m

7、anager to finish the task.> he wants to the party.> li yong is a famousin china.> her dream is to be a part 3 grammar (第三部分 语法)l时间介词1. children get giftschristmas andtheir birthdays.no. we can have a game of table tennis.a. onb. inc. outd. up3. a lot of students in our school were bornmarch

8、, 1981.a. inb. atc. ond. since4. he suddenly returneda rainy night.a. onb. atc. ind. during5. my grandfather was bornoct. 10, 1935.a. onb. inc. atd. of6. the train is startingfive minutes.a. inb. atc. ford.still7. mike does his exercisesseventhe evening.a. on; tob. at; inc. by; ofd. at; on8. childre

9、n wake up very earlythe morning of christmas day.a. inb. onc. ford. at9a cold winter morning, i met her in the stfeet.a. inb. onc.atd. for10. it happened to be very coldthe morning of our sports meeting.a. atb. onc. withd. of11. why did you get up so earlythis morning.a. onb./c. atd. in12. he went t

10、o shanghaiseptember 3, 1991 and came backa cold morning last yea匚a. in; onb. on; inc. on; ond. in; ia13. lucy was bornthe night of may 12, 1984a. onb. inc. atd. to14. mrs brown came to china 1996.a.onb.ofc. to,d. in15the morning of november 20, 1915, the workers came to chicago to show their mournin

11、g of joe hill.16. ann movedhangzhouseptember, 1992.a. /; inb.to;inc. to; ond, in;in17. they started offan autumn afternoon.a. duringb. atc. in18. he often goesschoolsix thirtythe morning.a. for; to; inb. to; at; inc. to; for; at19. he arrivedshanghai9: 30march 5.a. at; in; atb. to; on; atc. in; on;

12、at20. the english teacher told me to get therehalf past ten.a. inb. atc. ond. ond, for; at; tod in; at; ond. ofii.地点方位介词21. the boat is passingthe bridgea. throughb. belowc under22. two planes are flyingthe city.a. throughb. overc. on23. we can see a river running to the eastthe hill.a. underb below

13、c. over24. do you see the kitethe building.a. overb crossc ond. acrossd. belowd. ond. above25. he put up a mapthe back wall because there was a holeit.a. on; onb. at; inc on; in26. there is a doorthe wall.a. onb. toc. of27. any maneyeshis head can see that he's exactly like a rope.a. with; onb.

14、with; inc. on; with28. the united states isthe south of canada andthe east of japan.a. to; inb. on; toc in; beside29. the man stoodthe window, watching the boys playing outsided on; atd.ind. in; withd at; ona. in30 japan liesthe east of china.a. onb. toc. ind. with31. uncle wang arrivedno. 14 middle

15、 school half an hour ago.a. atb. inc tod./32. my uncle lives88 beijing street.a. tob.ofc. atd. on33. they are waitinga busthe bus stop.a. for; inb. on; atc. with; atd. for; at34. is the street too narrow for the bus to go?a. throughb. acrossc. ond. in35. a mother camel was walkingher sonthe desert.a

16、 without; alongb with; throughc. next to; passd beside; through36. the river runsthe city.a. acrossb. throughc. overde from37. it took us over an hour to walkthis street.a. fromb throughc. overd. across38. tom sitsthe classroom while john sitsthe room.a. in front of; at back ofb. in the front of; at

17、 the back ofc. in front of; at the back ofd. in the front of; at back of39. lucy sitsthe third row,jim's left.a. on; onb. in; atc. at; ind. in; on41 shanghai isthe east of china, but japan isthe east of china.a. to; inb. in; to c. on; tod. to; on42. don't readthe sun it's badyour eyes.a.

18、 in; tob. under; forc. with; tod. in; on43. the womana blue dress is my teache匚a. inb. onc. ofdat44.researchthe universe scientists have put a lot of informationcomputers.45 when a piece of ice is takena warm room, it gets smaller and smaller untilthe end it disappearscompletely.a. in; inb. out of;

19、atc. into; ind. to; by46 a woman fellthe boatthe water.a off7; intob. at; belowc down; underd away; in47. hong kong isthe south of china, and macao isthe west of hong konga. in; tob.to;toc.to; ind. in; in48. japan liesthe east of chinaa. tob. inc.aboutd. at49. lookthe mapchinathe wall, pleasea after

20、, of,inb at, of, inc after, in, ond at, of, on50. they worka small farma river.a. on; byb. at; onc. by; ond. in; in051. there are always many volunteers in great events, ?一yes. many hands make light work!a aren't thereb. are therec. arent they052. 一 meat isn't really dangerous, is it?一oh! !

21、it9s not at all good for our healtha. yes, it isntb. no, it isc. yes, it isd. no, it isnt053 alice had a wonderful time yesterday, ?a. hadn't sheb. wasn't shec. didn't shed. wouldn't she054 the tall man over there is our new english teacher,?a. is heb. is therec isn't hed isny th

22、ere 055. he didnt go to the lecture this morning, did he? though he was not feeling very well. he is on a visit to shanghai.a. isn't he; nob. hasn't he; yesc. isrft he; yesd. hasnt he; no she doesnt like geography, does she? she likes it very much.a. yes, she docsb. yes, she doesn'tc. no

23、, she docsyou didnt go to school yesterday, did you?,though there was a heavy rain.a. yes, i didb. no, i didn'tc. yes, 1 didrftd. no j dideric's never seen a three-d movie at the cinema,a. hasnt heb. has hec. isn5t hed. is heyou had a good time during the may day holiday,you?a. hadn'tb.

24、didn'tc. haveivtthey came here to have a meeting on time,a. dicing they b. did theyc. don theyd. do theyyou can hardly see anything in the dark rom,a carf t youb, can youc. don't youd. do youlet's go and visit shanghai this summer holiday,一why not? that's what fm thinking about.a. wi

25、ll youb. shall wcc. will wcd. won't youshe?一 the little girl often has nothing for breakfast, because she often gets up late and is afraid of being late for school.a. has; yes b. doesift; noc. does; no一 jim's seldom been late for school ?一 . he always gets to school on time.a. is he; no b. h

26、as he; noc. has he; yeshe could hardly swim when he was young, ?a. did heb. couldn't hec. could hed. hasn't; yesd. is he; yesd. didn't hehe had better stay here, he?068. 一 hds seldom late for school,no. he is used to going to school early.a. isn't heb. has hec. hasn't hed. is he0

27、69. he's never been to the great wall,a. is heb. isn?t hec. hasnt hed. has he()70. you bought a new computer last week,you?a. arentb. don?tc. didn'td. havent071 the old man had to do all the farm work himself,a. did heb. had hec. didn't hed. hadn't he072 一 there is enough food for th

28、e birds, isntno. we need to get some.a. itb. therec. thatd. this073. his sister had a bad cough,she?a. wasn'tb. doesn'tc. hadn'td. didn't074. an elephant is strong,it?a. doesntb. doesc. isntd. is075.a. does itb. doesn't itc. did itd. didn't itthe town government set up a new

29、modern hospital for the farmers,076.a. will youb. can youc. do youd. arc youdon't forget to return the library book,077.a. did heb. couldn't hec. didn't hed. could hepeter could hardly see the words on the blackboard,078 mary's brother had a talk at school yesterday afternoon,a. had

30、heb. hadift hec. did hed. didn't he079. 一 lucy didn't come to school, did she?. she was ill in beda. no, she didb. yes, she didc. no, she didn'td. yes, she didn't080. there will be a volleyball match in our school,?a didnt herb. didn't alicec. did shelet's go and fly kites,?一

31、 wonderful!a. will youb. shall wec. dont youyottve never seen such a wonderful film before, a. havent youb. have youc do younothing is difficult if you put your heart into it, ?a. aren't theyb. isn't itc. is ityou don't come from england, do you?d. didnt shed. do youd. dont youa. no, i d

32、ob. yes, 1 doc. yes, i don9tliu qian has made “magic" a hot word, he?a. doesn'tb. didntc. hasn'tmom, my grandfather goes for a walk after supper every day,a. does heb. is hec doesnt hed. no, i don'td. isn't9d. isn5t he一 i come from america. how do you know that?there are two lib

33、raries in this city, ?a. aren't thereb aren't theyc are twodon't forget to give polly some food and change her water, ?d. do youa. shallb. will youc. won't youthe computer is very useful in our life, it?a isiftb. wasiftc. hasn'td. doesn't一 yoir ve never seen dinosaur eggs, ha

34、ve you?一 how i wish to visit the dinosaur world.a. yes, i haveb. no, i haven'tc. certainly, i haved. of course, i haventshe didnt come to school yesterday, did she?一 , though she was not feeling well.a. no, she didn't b. no, she didc. yes, she didn'td. yes, she dida. isn't itb. is it

35、c. isnl thered. is there094 he has few friends in the new school,a. has heb. is hec. does n't hed did he095. kate's never seen chinese film,a hasn't sheb. has shec. isn't shed. is she096 few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,a don't theyb. didn't theyc. did t

36、heyd. do they097. 一 linda had nothing for breakfast this morning,no. she got up too late.a had sheb. hadn't shec. did shed. didn't she098 m匚 king has never been to france, ?d. has mr. kingd. haventa. has heb. hasn't mr. king c. hasn't he099 一 you never have noodles, you?一no. i only l

37、ike rice.a. dob. don?tc. have100. the town government set up a new modem hospital for the farmers, ?a. does itb. doesnt itc did itd didn't itpart 4 reading(第四部分阅读)1.friends are very important in our everyday life. everyone friends. we all like to feel close tosomeone. 2一 is nice to have a friend

38、 to talk, laugh, and do things with 3 , sometimes we need to be alone. we don always want people _4_. but we would feel lonely if we 5 had a friendno two people are 6 friends 7 dont get on well. that doesn9t mean that they no longer like eachothe匚 most of the time they will make up (言于好)and become 8

39、 again.sometimes friends move away. then we feel very 9 we miss them very much, but we can _10them and write to them. and we cannew friends. it is encouraging to find out how much we like newpeople when wc get to know them.theres more good news for people who have friends they live 12_ than people w

40、ho dont why?friends can make us feel happy3 happy helps you stay well or it could be just done that someone cares ifsome one cares about you, you take 14 care of 151.a. lovesb. hatesc. needsd becomes2.a. itb.hec. thered. someone3.a. hardlyb. nearlyc. suddenlyd. certainly4.a. aloneb. awayc all overd.

41、 around5.a everb. neverc. justd. really6.a. friendlyb. kindc. just the samed. quite different7a. alwaysb. sometimesc. oftend. usually&a. friendlyb. goodc pleasedd. friends9.a.angryb. sadc. happyd. alone10.a. callb. askc. telld. talk with11.a. look forb. findc maked.know12.a. longerb. shorterc. s

42、lowerd. faster13.a. smellingb. beingc soundingd. making14.a. lessb. betterc. littled. no15.a. youb. yourc. yoursd. yourself2.suppose(假设)you are going to boston, and you the city before. if someone 2 you about the interesting places in the city, you 3 to get some ideas of what you will see. but dont

43、have a _ idea of where these places are or of how to find 5 however, 6 someone has a map of the city and7_ you the main roads and buildings, you may say, “ oh, now i see . i can find my way with & trouble at all working in math is somewhat (有点儿)like trying to find your way 9 a new city. perhaps

44、the words may tell you some information and you have 10 it, but you can't see any clear road 11 theanswers maybe you 12 a kind of map of the main roads in maths 13 you find your way. explore (探究) what lies in maths, and 14 to find the main roads they will 15 you to the answer. if you can find th

45、e the maths problems will be easily worked out.1. a. are going to visitb. once visitedc have never visitedd. have ever visit2. a. answersb. showsc. meetsd. tells3. a. beginb. likec learnd. refuse4. a. cleverb. clearc. stranged. wrong5. a someoneb. bostonc themd. it6. a. ifb. thoughc. whetherd. since

46、7. a. helpsb. givesc. passesd. shows& a. notb. noc somed much9. a. ofb. toc. ind around10. a. thought overb. heard aboutc written downd talked with11. a. withb. forc. ofd to12. a. need to haveb. don't needc needntd in need of13. a. helpb. to helpc. helpsd help with14. a. try your bestb. take

47、 your placec. look upd walk on15. a. keepb.sendc. leadd. ask3.several years ago i studied in a university in the biggest city in our country its beautiful but it5s hot in 丄 so i usually returned to my hometown when my 2 began. it is not big, but it's cool and quiet. i could 3 in the daytime and

48、have a good sleep at night.one day i had some 4 to solve. but i didn't take the dictionaries home my father told me charlie, one of my 5. had a good library. i went to his house at once wc dicing see each other after i © middle schoolat first he didnt recognize me. he 7 me up and down. and

49、then he called out, <4oh, dear! ws you, fred!of course we were 8 to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and 9, lateron he showed me around his library. it wasn't big but there were a lot of nice books in it. and the dictionaries i 0 were in them too. at last i said, “

50、11 you lend some dictionaries to me, please?"t'm sorry i don't lend any books to 12 said the young man."are you afraid fll 13 them?”"no, fm not. fm afraid you wony 4 them to me. look! all the books are not 15. but borrowed1. a springb. summerc autumnd. winter2. a. birthdayb. s

51、aturdayc. sundayd. holiday3. a. studyb. playc. restd. run4. a. wordsb sentencesc. problemsd. stories5. a. brothersb sistersc. auntsd classmates6. a. finishedb. heardc. sawd. met7. a. liftedb.earnedc. lookedd. pulled8 a. angryb. happyc. worriedd. sad9. a. doctorsb teachersc. workersd drivers10. a. lo

52、oked forb.readc. wroted. looked at11. a. needb. mustc. mayd. can12. a. otherb. the otherc othersd. another13. a. loseb. sellc. throwd. know14. a. payb.returnc. used. look after15. a madeb. pickedc. wond.bought4.mt. wang teaches english in a middle school. he likes his work very much. he wanted a tea

53、cher even when he was a young boy.there are six classes in a school day at me wangs middle school. mi; wang teachers five of these six classes- 2_ his "free" hour from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, mr. wang 3 meet with parents, check students* homework and 4 many other things. so mr. wang works hard from the moment he gets to school early in the morning until he leaves for home late in the afternoon, and his nfreeh hour is not free at all.in


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