



1、2019-2020 学年三年级英语上册期末测试卷满分:100 分时间:60 分钟得分: 听力部分一、听录音 , 选出单词。 (10 分) ( )1.a.over b.ok ( )2.a.boil b.borrow ( )3.a.have b.hundred ( )4.a.horse b.house ( )5.a.coat b.christmas 二、 听录音 , 给下列句子排序。 (10 分) ( )itisinjanuaryorfebruary. ( )mikeandsaragotolinglingshouse.( )theycelebratechinesenewyeartogether.

2、( )chinesenewyearisabigholiday. ( )theyhaveagoodtime. 三、听录音 , 补全对话。 (10 分) maomao:goodmorning,sam. sam:morning,maomao. maomao:mayiborrowyour 1 ? sam:sure.hereyouare.i 2 markers. maomao:howmanymarkersdoyouhave? sam:ihave 3 markers. maomao:sogreat!canihavealook? sam:certainly. maomao:yourmarkersarever

3、ynice. sam:thankyou. maomao:teachers dayis4 . sam:letsmakea5 formisszhang. maomao:ok. 四、听录音 , 判断正(t) 误(f) 。(10 分) ( )1.todayisdecember24th. ( )2.theydon thaveachristmastree.( )3.thebellsarered. ( )4.theygiveandgetgifts. ( )5.theyhavesomecandies. 笔试部分五、根据图片 , 补全句子。 (10 分) 1.mayiborrowyour ? 2.icollec

4、t markers. 3.our isinoctober. 4.ilikethecolourful . 5.this isformum. 六、 选择正确的答案。 (20 分) ( )1. mayiborrowyourglue,please? a.sure. b.thankyou. c.notatall. ( )2.youhave markers. a.much b.somany c.a ( )3.let sthemtogether. a.puts b.toput c.put ( )4.tenplustwentyis . a.thirty b.twenty c.ten ( )5. pencils

5、doyouhave? ihavefifty. a.howmuch b.howmany c.howold ( )6. isthanksgiving? it sinnovember.a.what b.where c.when ( )7. chinesenewyear. a.happy b.merry c.nice ( )8.welcome ourhouse. a.to b.in c.at ( )9. somecandies,please. a.has b.do c.have ( )10.canyoutellmesomeofyour ? a.holiday b.holidays c.aholiday

6、 七、连词成句。 (10 分) 1.christmas let s celebrate (.) 2.eat we (.) 3.windy and it s cool (.) 4.make snowman she can a (.) 5.four seasons are there (.) 八、根据句意填空。 (10 分) therearefourseasonsinayear,spring,summer,autumnandwinter. ilovesummerverymuch.itsvery1 insummer.icanswiminthesea.ioftenswimonsundays. spri

7、ngisbeautifuland 2 .butitiswindy.idontlikethewind.inautumn,its3 .it sveryniceinautumn.weusuallygotothepark. wintercomes.itsvery4 .ifitsnows,icanmakea 5 .canyoumakeasnowman? 九、阅读短文 , 判断正 (t) 误(f) 。 (10 分) todayisfebruary3rd.theweatheriswindyandcold.igetmanycardstoday.theyrebirthdaycards.theyrefrommyf

8、riends.canyouguesswhy?iwearmynewredcoatandbluejeans.they reverypretty.mymothertakesmetothezoo.icanseemanyanimals.imveryhappytoday.( )1.mybirthdayisfebruary3rd. ( )2.itswindyandsnowytoday.( )3.icanseemanytreesatthezoo. ( )4.ihaveanewcoat.itsblue.( )5.ihavemanybirthdaycards. 期 末 测 试听力部分一、听力材料1.over 2.

9、borrow 3.hundred 4.house 5.christmas 答案:1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.b 二、听力材料chinese new year is a big holiday.it is in january or february.mike and sara go to linglings house.they celebrate chinese new year together.they have a good time. 答案:2 3 4 1 5 三、听力材料maomao: good morning, sam. sam: morning, maomao. mao

10、mao: may i borrow your markers? sam: sure.here you are.i collect markers. maomao: how many markers do you have? sam: i have fifty markers. maomao: so great! can i have a look? sam: certainly. maomao: your markers are very nice. sam: thank you. maomao: teachers day is coming. sam: lets make a card fo

11、r miss zhang. maomao: ok. 答案:1.markers 2.collect 3.fifty ing 5.card 四、听力材料today is december 25th.its christmas day. lingling, dongdong and sara celebrate the holiday together.they have a christmas tree.and they put gold bells and silver stars on it.they have some candies.they give and get gifts. 答案:1.f 2.f 3.f 4.t 5.t 笔试部分五、1.eraser 2.fifty 3.national day 4.balls 5.gift 六、1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.c 10.b 七、1.let s celebra


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