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1、安科技大学 2016 考博英语试题考生编号,姓名,2016年博士研究生英语招生考试(试卷类型A)请考生在答题纸上写明试卷类型Part I. Structure and Vocabulary (20%)Section ADirections: Thrrc «vr 20 jtenfcncej in this xecrinn Each “nfcx” box owe watd or a ict af underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A. B. C and D. Choose the word or

2、 phrase that is closest in meaning to the umkrUned one. Then mark the cormponding letter on fhe Answer ShcH w如 a single line through the center.1. The lexers of the two countries are "alining tlieir sununll meeting wlih a pledge to maintain and develop good tiei.A. strategyB. standpointC. promi

3、seD. priority2. If we were not to enforce the newspaper's promises of confidentiality, confidential sourceswould have no Icgl recourse against unscrupulous reporters or editorsA. undesirable B. immoralC. unscriptedD. immortalJThc effects can range from temporary system malfunctions and lockups t

4、o outright motherboard damage. Some ittacki could cause catastrophic and permanent damage.A. shanering B. conspicuous C. compelling D. shackling4. Picasso's qualifications for the title of great artist were many. The Iide demands mindless admiration from us. it suggest an authoritative consensus

5、 .A .oppositionB. concessionC. consequenceD. agreement5. As soon as we entered the house, wc felt an intangiblj sense of gloom and hopelessnessA. untouchableB. unconsciousC. imponderableD. unjustifiable6The effects can range from temporary system malfunctions and lockups to outright motherboard dama

6、ge. Some attacks could cause catastrophic and permanent damage.A. compellingB. conspicuousC. shatteringD. shacklingLofthc city businessman with a dark suit and rolled7. He doesn*t conform to the usual品 umbrella.A. conference B. customC. patternD. habit8. The new niles are an anetnp< to curtail (l

7、ie power of the committee, which has been making too many decisions without consulting the people they will affect.A. reduceB. shortenC. decreaseD. abbreviate9. During the celebration of the 6o<h birthday of the university, many eminent scholare were invited to visit the university and give lectu

8、res on various topics.A. oldB. youngC. well-knownD. middle-aged)0. He is very realistic, refining to consider any thing which is not mundane,A. woridiyB. materialC. spiritualD. menu111. During the last decades, there have appeared some neu and strange viruses which arc not only falal but also contag

9、ious.A. murderous B. harmfulC. evidentD. infectious12. Cashiers must generally account for discrepancies between money taken in and the amount recorded on registered tapes.A. diixriminMions B. uncertaintyC. inconsistencies D. discretion13. A man who acts upon this principle will have a much more ard

10、uous life than a man who merely obeys conventional precepts.A. exoticB. meaningful C. pragmaticD. diflicult14. On hearing of the case some time later, Conan Doyle was convinced that the man was no< guilty, and immediately went to ascertain the truth.A. exploreB- aeorchC. verifyD. obtain15. In ord

11、er to make the trees around the garden more beautiful, the gardeners used a special liquid to defoliate the leaves of some trees.A. removeB. enlargeC, minimizeD. strengthen16. Tivo weeks later, starving and washed out the family reached Cincinnati, where they made contact with members of the Undergr

12、ound Railroad.A. die outB. drain offC. go brokeD. exhausted17. Whenever you meet a new English word in readings you should not try to con、uh them now and then, for this will delay your reading speed and kill your interest in reading.A. look upB. look toC. look through D. look out18. Nations all over

13、 the world arc especially on guard against terrorism raring its ugly head qain.A. raisingB. loweringC. turningD. moving19. Snobs who pay too much respect for social position and wcahh tend to dispanuy the academic achievement of intellectuals.A. encompassB. despiseC. WsifyD. implicate20. The situati

14、on was gening worse, which brought about an anarchy in this city.A. disorderB. chartC. charityD. turbineSection BIMrcctioos: Thert an 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For axh sentence thtre art four choices marked A. B. C and D Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark t

15、he corresponding letter on the Answ er Sheet “ilh a single line through the center21. During the process, grvat can: has lo be taken to prutecl the silk from damage.A. tenderB. delicateC. sensibleD. sensitive22. Since the matter was extremely, wc dealt with it immediitely.A. toughB. urgentC. tenseD.

16、 instant23. The thief tried to open the locked door but.A. without effectB. in no wayC. at a lossD. in vain24. For some time now, world leaders out the necessity for agreement onarm* reduction.A. had been pointingB. have been pointingC. were pointingD. pointed25. Mar> was of uhat had happened lo

17、her boyfriend.A. ignorantB. permanentC. protectiveD. manual26. Ihe Secretary of the United Nations has appealed help from the internationalcommunity.A. inB. forC. onD. with27. He is about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics nex! year.A. optimistic B. obviousC. optionalD. outstanding2

18、8. He argues that if workers general training as a gift, they may alsoview it as a signal of commitment on the pan of the employee.A. denounce B. perceive C. censure D. visualize29. Wc have been told that under no circumstances the telephone in the oflice for personaloffairs.A. may we use B. we may

19、use C. we could use D. did we use30. The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful between the need for profitabilityand the demands of loed conservationists.A. compromise B. solutionC. cooperation D. resolution31. Reading widely certainly helps to our horizon.A. imposeB. dreadC. luvricssD. beuaden

20、32. The store has to a number of clerks because sales uere down.A. lay outB. lay offQ lay asideD. lay down33. Petrol is refined from the oil wc take out of the ground.A. freshB. originalC. rudeD. crude34. Only the of the general manager, who kne of Mary' personal difficulties, savedher frum bein

21、g dismissed.A. interrelation B. interruption C. intervention D. interference35. He in court that he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank after it had beenrobbed.A. justifiedB. classifiedC. testifiedD. identified36. Hehimself as a waiter and watched what was going on aroundA. disguisedB. disgust

22、edC. disposedD. discarded37. You must take the steps by yourself; after you have begun. I will help you.A. primitiveB preliminary C. practicalD.practicable38. It's usually the case that people seldom behave in a way uhen in a furious state.A. stableB. legalC. rationalD.credible39. The of thesolu

23、tions to the domestic problem of Middle Eastern countries put forward by the East and ihe West is not a coincidence. It is actually bised on the peaceful-existing principles.A. conversion B. convergence C. emergenceD. concurrence40. To poor people, cars provide a daily reminder of the contrast betwe

24、en their own poverty and the enjoyed by the rest of society.A. influence B. aflluenccC. abundanceD. indulgencePart IJ. Reading Comprehension (30%)Dircctioiix: There arv 6 passages in this part Each passage is foUawed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices

25、marked A. B. C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letw onhe Sheet w”h a single line through the centerPassage OneIn recent years, the life insurance industry has abandoned its emphasis on death benefits ill favor of a "living benefits* fbcus. In 1970. 59% of

26、company premium income came from life insurance and only 10% from annuities; today, 29% of company prenium income comes from life Insurance, which nearly half comes from annuiues. Ihe transition isnt rooted in a single cause, but in varied mark« forces gathering «imultAneously.Ils origin c

27、oincided with the release of a 1978 Federal Trade Coirmission Report that unfairly criticized the rate of return paid on the inside buildup of a life policy For the first time, the public anention focused on the life product as an investment rather than es a risk protector. Consumer groups soon spre

28、ad the message. Then came double-digit inflation and rising interest rates, bnngmg with them new competition for the life insurance premium dollar from other members of the financial service industry. Traditional life insur>nc« policies king drained of each volueo by policy owners who could

29、earn 15% to 20% interest on policy leans placed in money market investments. To check the cash outflow, interest-sensitive products were developed.Meanwhile, the population was aging. For the 70 million Americans x>m between 1946 and 1961, retirement became an increasing concern. Doubtful about t

30、he government's reliability in general and of the Social Security trust fund in particular, most retiremeobminded individuals took matters into their oun hands and made retirement funding a top concern. There were other comributing factors as well: the declining proportion of young married adult

31、s, the increase in childless couples and of individuals living alone, and the growing diversity in the American population specifically, the inflow of racial and natimal groups having different beliefs about security, death, and family responsibility. Finally, more individuas became covered by group

32、 insurance through <hcir employer or a pru命ssional association, while the number of people not solely dependent upon a spouse's (husband or wife's) income increased almost conespondingiy.Classifying families into five income segments, life insurance ownership is increasing in the two high

33、est segments and declining in the three lowest segments. Approximately seven in ten households in the highest segment own individual life insurance, compared to four in ten in the lowest segment However, households with incomes of more than $ 75.000 a year account for only 10% of all U. S. household

34、 certainly not a large enough segment to support the entire industry. Others within the financial services industry - such as banks - are cure to fill the space. Thus, despite the short term advantages of serving the highest income clashes, the current trend could end the life insurance industry'

35、;s days as a big business and transform il into a cottage industry. It is difficult today 10 picture life insurance as the protector of widows and children or to justify the continued tax advartages of imestment-oriented life products to politicians. 1b retain the non-taxability of inside buildup an

36、d to restrain additional government regulation, the life insurance indinlry imist again become the principal fifuncial advisor to the lower and middle income markets, which in turn will require either work-site and direct response marketing or a return to single-needs selling.41. The authors primary

37、 concern is to.A. identify the historical causes of the current trend in the life insurance indusUyB. argue for the necessity of action to prevent further erosion of the lite insurance industryC. convinco tho roador of th. tax reforme required to reverse the current trendD. evaluate alternative prop

38、osals for reforming the current life insurance industry42. It can be inferred from the passage that annuities.A. arc attributable primarily to (he ne琳 emphasis on living benefitsB. account for most premium income for life insurance companiesC. are a less popular form oflife insurance today than in 1

39、970D. tend to provide living benefits rather than death benefits43. The author considers the 1978 Federal Trade Commission Report to be unfair most probably 6because it.A. failed to adequately account for the benefits associated with risk protectionB. failed to represent property the rate of return

40、on the inside build jp of a life policyC. contributed to the double-digit inflation that worsened national economyD. neglected to consider the relative returns of other types of invcs:rncnts44. The author mentions all of the following possible ways for the lift industry to reverse the current trend

41、EXCEPT.A. offering products that Gil a single insurance needB. introducing products that are sensitive to interest ratesC. establishing an advisexy relationship with the lower and middle income marketD. instituting a direct-response marketing program45. The number of people entirely dependent on a s

42、pouse's income has.A. increased, but not as much as that of people covered by employers, group insuranceB. increased, although their proportion in relation to the overall population has decreasedC. decreased almost as much as that of people not covered by empbyers,group insuranceD. decreased, bu

43、t not so much as that of people covered by employ* group insurancePassage 'IwoThe recent, apparently successful. prcdicUon by mathematied models of an appearance of El Nino the warm ocean current that periodically develops along the Pacific coast of South America - has excited researchers. Jacob

44、 Bjericncs pointed out over 20 years ago how winds might create cither abnormally warm or abnormally cold water in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Nonetheless, until the development of the models no one could explain why conditions should regularly shift from one to the ocher, as happens in the peri

45、odic shifts between appearances of the warm El Nino and the cold so-called aniEl Nino. The answer, at least if the current model that links the behavior of the ocean to that of the atmosphere is correct, is to be found in the ocean.It has long been known that during an El Nino, two conditions cxi(t:

46、 (1) unusually warm water extends along the eastern Pacific, principally along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru and (2) winds blow from the wesi into the warmer air rising over the warm water in the east. These winds tend to drive the wanner surface water into a "pile* that blocks the normd upwel

47、ling of deeper, cold water in the cast and further wanns the eastern water, thus strcngthciing the wind still more. The 7 contribution of the model is to show (hat the winds of an El Nino, which raise sea kvcl in the cast, simultaneously send a signal to the west lowering sea level. According to the

48、 model, that signal is generated as a negative Rossby wave, a *ave of depressed, or negative, sea level, that moves westward paralleled to the equator at 25 to 85 kilometers per day Taking momlis io cross the Pacific. Rossby wave march to the western boundary of the Pacific hasin, which is modeled a

49、s a smooth wall but in reality consists of quite irregular island chains such as the Philippines and Indonesia.When the waves meet the western boundan. they are reflected, and the model predicts at Rossby waves will be broken into numerous coastal Kelvin waves canying the same negative sea-level sig

50、nal. Ihese eventualiy shoot toward the equator, and then heat eastward along the equator propelled by the rotation of the Earth at a speed of about 250 kilometers per day. When enough Kelvin waves arrive from the western Pacific, their negative sea level signal tends to raise the sea level, and they

51、 begin to drive die system into the opposite cold mdc. I'his produces a gradual shift in winds, one tlut will eventually send positive sea-level Rossby waves westward, waves that will eventually return as cold cjcle-cnding positive Kelvin waves beginning another warming cycle.46. The primary fun

52、ction of the text as a whole is to,A. introduce a new explanation of a physical phenomenonB. explain the diflerence between two related physical phenomenaC. illustrate the limitations of applying mathematics to complicated physical phenomenaD. clarify the differences between an old explanation of a

53、physical phenomenon and a new model of it47. Which of the Following beet doscribcs the organization of the Hrot para|aaph?A. A theory is presented and criticized.B. A result is reponed and its importance explained.C. A model is described and evaluated.D. A hypothesis is introduced and contrar) evide

54、nce presented.48. According io the text, which of the following features is characteristic of an El Nino?A. Cold coastal water near Peru.B. Random occurrence.C. Winds blowing from the west.D. Worldwide efleets.49. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine:he validity of the mod

55、el of El Nino that is presented in the text?A. During periods of unuwally cool temperatures along the eastern Pacific, an El Nino is much colder than normal.B. The normal upuelling of cold water in the eastern Pacific deper ds much more on the local characteristics of the ocean than on atmospheric c

56、onditions.C. The variations in the time it takes Rossby waves to cross the Pacific depend on the power of the winds that the waves encounter.D. The 达梆tem boundary of the Pacific basin is so irregular that it orevents most coastal Kelvin waves from heading eastward.50. According to the model presente

57、d in the text, which of the follow ng normally signals the disappearance of an El Nino?A. The arrival in the eastern Pacific of negative scal-lcvcl Kelvin waves.B. A shift in the direction of the winds produced by the start of an an(i-EI Nino elsewhere in the Pacific.C. The reflection of Kelvin wave

58、s after they reach the eastern bouidary of the Pacific, along Ecuador and Peru.D. An increase in the speed at which negative Rossby waves cross the Pacific.Passage ThreeGood sense is the most equitably distributed thing in the world, for each man considers himself so well provided with it that even tbooe who an? mo»t difYtcuh to satiafy in everything ebe do not usually wish to have more of it than they have already. It is not likely that esef>one is mistaken in this; h shows, rather, that the ability to judge rightly and separate the true from the false, which i


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