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1、simple past / present perfectusing the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "check” button to check your answers.1. a: did you like the movie "star wars?"b: i don't know. i (see, never)that movie.2. sam (arrive)in san diego a we

2、ek ago.3. my best friend and i (know) each other for over fifteen years. we still get together once a week.4. stinson is a fantastic writer. he (write) ten very creative short stories in the last year. one day, he'll be as famous as hemingway.5.1 (have, not) this much fun since i (be) a kid.6. t

3、hings (change) a great deal at coltech, inc. when we first (start) working here three years ago, the company (have, only) six employees. since then, we (expand) to include more than 2000 full-time workers.7.1 (tell) him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) off into the forest and

4、 (be) bitten by a snake.8. listen donna, i don't care if you (miss) the bus this morning. you (be) late to work too many times. you are fired!9. sam is from colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) the ocean. he should come with us to miami.10. how sad! george (dre

5、am) of going to california before he died, but he didn*t make it. he (see, never) the ocean.11. in the last hundred years, traveling (become) much easier and very comfortable. in the 19th century, it (take) two or three months to cross north america by covered wagon. the trip (be) very rough and oft

6、en dangerous. things (change) a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. now you can fly from new york to los angeles in a matter of hours.12. jonny, i can't believe how much you (change) since the last time i (see) you. you (grow) at least a foot!13. this tree (be) planted by the settler

7、s who (found) our city over four hundred years ago.14. this mountain (be, never) climbed by anyone. several mountaineers (try) to reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever). the climb is extremely difficult and many people (die) trying to reach the summit.15. i (visit, never) africa, but i (travel) t

8、o south america several times. the last time i (go) to south america, i (visit) brazil and peru. i (spend) two weeks in the amazon, (hike) for a week near machu picchu, and (fly) over the nazca lines.现在完成式一、现在完成式表示到现在为止已完成或仍在持续的动作、状态;强调对现在的影响、联系,或 表示经历、经验即用过去发生的动作来说明现在的情况。二、现在完成式用在过去已完成而其结果对现在仍有影响的动

9、作来说明经历、经验,或表示某种 感情色彩。三、当现在完成式表示从过去某时持续到现在的动作或状态,以说明经历、经验,与for或since 引导的表示一段时间的副词片语连用时,述语动词要用be, keep, learn, live, read, serve, stay, study, teach, watch, work, write 等表示持续的动词,不可使用 arrive, become, begin, borrow, buy, come, close, die, end, enter, get, go, hear graduatejoin, leave, lend, lose, marry,

10、 open, put, reach, receive, return, see, shut, start, stop 等表示终止的 动词。1. it has been a long and tiring day today.今天真是够累的。现在完成式表示到现在为止已完成或仍在持续的动作、状态;强调对现在的影响、联系。2. where have you gone, mom?(错误)你去哪里去了,妈妈?表示终止的动词如die, go等不可用完成式表示从过去某时持续到现在的动作或状态。have gone表示所提到的人现在已不在本地,上句是错误的,不符合逻辑。3.1 mean, where have

11、you been, mom?我意思是说你今天去哪里了?表示终止的动词如die, go不可用完成式表示从过去某时持续到现在的动作或状态。4.1 have been to the flower market. i bought a pot of flower.我去了趟花市。我买了盆花。本句用have been表示人去过某地但现在己经回来了。不可用have gone。5. mom, it has been a long day for me, too.妈妈,我今天也够受的了。现在完成式表示到现在为止已完成或仍在持续的动作、状态;强调对现在的影响、联系。6. tell me what you have

12、 done today.告诉我你今天都干了些什么?强调对现在的影响、联系,或表示经历、经验。强调对现在的影响、联系,或表示经历、经验。强调对现在的影响、联系,或表示经历、经验。强调对现在的影响、联系,或表示经历、经验。现在完成式表示到现在为止已完成的动作。7.1 have finished all my homework. 我把所有功课都做完了。现在完成式表示到现在为止己完成的动作。8. i have cleaned all the rooms.我打扫了所有的房间。现在完成式表示到现在为止己完成的动作。9. and i have eaten up all the food.然后我把所有的食物都

13、吃光了。现在完成式表示到现在为止已完成的动作。10. you must be very very tired by now, i should say. 看来你现在一定是很累了。11. oh, my god. what have you done!天啊,你看你都做了些什么!现在完成式可用来表示某种感情色彩。本句表示对所做的事表示不满。12. you have eaten this?你把这个也吃了吗?现在完成式可用来表示某种感情色彩。本句表示一种惊讶的感情。13. you have ruined my precious flower.你把我宝贵的花儿都毁了。现在完成式表示到现在为止已完成或仍在持

14、续的动作、状态;强调对现在的影响、联系。14. but it has died for a couple of days.(错误)但它已经死了几天了。表示终止的动词如die, go等不可用完成式表示从过去某时持续到现在的动作或状态。15.1 mean it has been dead for a couple of days.我是说它已经死了几天了。当现在完成式与for或since引导的表示一段时间的副词片语连用时不能用die, go等表示终 止的动词如。16. furthermore, the flower you have mentioned is nothing but a cabbag

15、e! 另外,你所说的花儿只不过是一棵白菜。现在完成式表示到现在为止已完成的动作。强调对现在的影响、联系对于初接触现在完成时的人来说,往往会产生一种茫然,因为它似乎与一般过去时相似。那就是, 这两种时态描述的动作都始于过去。其实不然,现在完成时主要表示,发生在过去的动作延续到 现在刚刚完成、或许还要延续;侧重于这个动作对现在带来的结果、产生的影响、积累的总和等 等。而一般过去时则只不过是表示动作发生在过去的什么时候。弄清了这一区别,就很容易理解 现在完成时了。它主要适用于下面的几种情况:1)表示截止现在业已完成的动作by now, i have collected all the data th

16、at i need o 到现在为止,我已收集到了我所 需的全部资料。she has read 150 pages today。她今天已看了150页。we haven't met for many years。我们已多年没见了。they have developed a new product。他们研制成功了一种新产品。2)表示发生在过去而对现在产生影响、带来结果的动作have you had your dinner?你吃晚饭了吗?she has been to the united states.她己去美国了。you have grown much taller。你长高了许多。3)表示

17、过去发生的动作持续到现在,并可能还要延续it has been five years since he joined the army 0 他参军五年了。they have learned english for eight years « 他们己学了八年的英语了。so far we've only discussed the first five chapterso 至今我们还只讨论了前五章。儿点注意1)一个句子应该用什么时态只能取决于它需要表达的意思,以及它所处的语言环境。例如:he speaks english。(一般现在时,说明动作发生的经常性。)he spoke e

18、nglish when he was in new zealand o (一般过去时,说明动作发生的时间。)he is speaking englisho (现在进行时,说明动作正在进行。)he has spoken english for three years since he came to the usao (现在完成时,这 里说明动作的总和。)he has been speaking english since he came to the usa.(现在完成进行时,强调动作 的连续性。)2)在含有时间状语从句或条件状语从句的主从复合句中,如果主句的谓语动词是一般将来 时,那么从句的

19、谓语动词就只能用一般现在时来表示将来时;如果主句的谓语动词是过去将来时, 那么从句的谓语动词就只能用一般过去时来表示过去将来时。例如:i will not play tennis if it rains tomorrow0i would not play tennis if it rained the next day。3)有些动词表示无法持续的动作,它们一般不宜用于进行时态中。这类动词常见的有:be, believe , consist , find , forget , hate , have , hope , hear , know , like , love , notice , pr

20、efer , remember , see , seem , smell , suggest , taste , understand , want , wish , sit down , stand up 等等。be动词若是用于进行时态,可表示暂时、短暂的情况或表现。例如:tom is being a good boy today。汤姆今天彳艮乖。he is being childish。他这样做是耍孩子气。you are not being modest。你这样说不太谦虚。4)关于现在完成时的时间状语问题a. 凡是完成时态都表示,不知道也不管动作发生的具体时间,所以在使用现在完成时的 句子

21、里,不可以带有表示具体过去时间的状语,如:yesterday , last week ( month , year , etc. ) , two weeks ago , in 1999等;但常和有些副词连用,如:just , before , already , often , never , ever , not-yet , always 等等。b. 在以when提问的特殊疑问中不能用现在完成时。另外,ago不能用于现在完成时的句子 里,因为它表示从现在算起的以前某个时间,属于表示具体过去时间的状语。但是可以用before 来表示以前的意义,因为它只表示以前,而不知什么时候的以前。c. 如果

22、是不表示连续性的动词用于现在完成时的句子,不可以和以for表示的一段时间 的状语连用。在这种情况下,应该用"it has been;since的句式来表达。如:he has joined the army for five years.(错误)it has been five years since he joined the army。(正确)现在完成时是初中英语中最重要也是最难掌握的一个时态,同时它也是中考英语中一个最重 要的时态考点,许多同学们对现在完成的用法似懂非懂,具体做题时也往往是跟着感觉走。 本文结合初中英语的教学内容和中考英语的考查特点,为同学们归纳学好定语从句必须注

23、意 的五个方面,供大家参考。一、弄清基本构成方法现在完成时由“have/has+过去分词''构成。其中的have/ has为助动词,构成疑问句时, 可将其提前;构成否定句时,可直接在其后加not。二、掌握两种主要用法现在完成时主要有两种用法,一种是已完成用法,也叫影响性用法;另一种是未完成用 法,也叫持续性用法。两种用法的特点是:1. 已完成用法(影响性用法):该用法的现在完成时表示一个过去发生的动作在过去已经 完成,并且这个过去发生并完成的动作对现在有影响或结果,同时说话强调的或感兴趣的就 是这个影响或结果。如:she has left.她离开了。(对现在的影响或结果:她现在

24、不在这儿。)has she found her car key?她找到她的车钥匙了吗?(对现在的影响或结果:她能开她的 车了吗?)i have finished my work.我的工作做完了。(对现在的影响或结果:现在我没事了。)he has eaten nothing today.他今天什么也没吃。(对现在的影响或结果:他现在一定很饿。)2. 未完成用法(持续性用法):该用法的现在完成时表示一个过去发生的动作并未在过去 完成,而是一直持续到现在,并且有可能继续下去(也可能到此结束)。如:how have you been?你近来怎样?she has been a teacher for 2

25、0 years.她己当了 20 年的老师。how long have you lived here?你在这里住了 多久了?they have been married for ten years.他们结婚已经 10 年了。i've known her for a long time.我认识她很长时间了。注:除以上用法外,现在完成时还可表示过去的重复动作甚至将来动作。如:he has always gone to work by bike.他总是骑自行车上班。ril go to bed when i've finished my homework.我做完作业后就上床睡觉了。三、注

26、意通常连用的副词现在完成时通常连用的副词有already, never, ever, just, before, recently等。如:we have finished our work already.我们己经完成了工作。he has never driven a car before.他过去从未开过车。have you ever been a teacher?你当过教师吗?she9s just been to a party.她冈l参加一个晚会回i来。eve just had some photos taken.我刚照 了 几张相。但是,若不强调动作对现在的影响,这些副词也可用一般过去时。如:he just arrived in japan.他刚到日本。such things didn't happen before.那样的事以前没有发生过。i hear that he went abroad recently.我听说他最近出国 了。四、注意since与现在完成时的关系since不管用作介词、连词还是副词,句子(主句)谓语通常都用现在完成时。如:i haven't seen her since last week.自上


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