六年级英语上册 Unit 10 Air(第1课时)课件 牛津上海版_第1页
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1、牛津深圳版牛津深圳版Unit 10 AirSection ALearning aims1.掌握的单词:掌握的单词:air,everywhere,alive,balloon,factory,smoke,dirty,clean,hurt,fresh,plant,keep.alive,plant trees.2.掌握重点单词:掌握重点单词:important,need,keepWarm-up认识空气Free talk1.Do you know the air?2.What do we use air for? PresentationWhat are the characteristics(特点)

2、of the air?教学目标We cant leave air.We breath with air.air空气There is water everywhere.Be careful!everywhere到处,处处We cant be alive without air.Air is very important for us.alive活着的What are these?They are balloons.balloon气球There are many workers in the factory.factory工厂There is a lot of smoke from the fac

3、tory.smoke烟 到处alive工厂工厂air alive活着的活着的everywheresmokeairfactory 烟气球气球气球气球 空气到处到处 空气 ballooneverywhere活着的活着的balloon连连看连连看只能将单词与相对的汉语意思连接起来。His feet are dirty.He should wash them.dirty脏的He is dirty.She is clean.clean干净的Dont play with the knife,little boy. You will hurt yourself. hurt 受到伤害The air is ve

4、ry fresh.fresh新鲜的plant vegetablesplant trees植树plant种植The fresh air can keep us alive well.keep.alive让.活着dirtycleanhurtfreshplantkeep.aliveplant treesfactorydirty小心地雷小心地雷Key wordsimportantimportant重要的It is important to do sth做.是重要的例如:(1)空气对动物和植物来说是重要的。Air is important to animals and plants.(2)保持空气干净是

5、重要的。It is important to keep air clean.It is important to sth对.来说是重要的needneed需要need sth需要某物need to do sth需要做某事例如:(1)我需要很多的水。I need a lot of water.(2)我需要去买一些苹果。I need to buy some apples.keepkeep保存,保持keep sth+形容词保持某物.例如:(1)新鲜的空气能保证我们活着。The fresh air can keep us alive.(2)它能保证我们安全。It can keep us safe. 课堂

6、练习课堂练习英汉互译(1)太阳对地球来说很重要。(2)努力学习很重要。(3)I need five kilos of oranges.(4)I need to buy some milk.(5)Doing exercise can keep us healthy.The sun is very important to the earth.It is important to study hard.我需要5千克橘子。我需要买一些牛奶。做运动能保持我们健康。根据课文内容填空。It has no_or_.It has no_or_.We can not_it,but we can_it.It is

7、_.It is_to all people.It is also important to_and_._,_,_and_all need it.It_them high in the sky.colourshapesmelltasteseefeeleverywhereimportantanimalsplantsThe kitethe balloonthe planethe birdkeepsAsk and answer the questions.S1:What is it,Jill?S2:It is the air.S1:Does it have any colour or taste?S2

8、:It doesnt have any colour or taste.S1:Can you see or feel it?S2:We cant see it,but we can feel it.S1:Why is it important?S2:Because it can keep us alive,it can keep the kite,the balloon,the plane and the bird high in the sky.Make and sayTake a piece of cloth.Tie a piece of string to each corner.Bring the four pieces of string together and tie them to a small toy.Throw up the toy in the air. What happens?The toy moves slowly in the air.It shows that the air is everywhere.你还能做其他实验来验你还能做其他实验来验证空气的特性吗?证空气的特性吗?教学目标1.掌握的单词:掌握的单词:air,everywhere,alive,balloon,factory,smoke,dirty,cl


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