



1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum必背短语L 一年到头:终年all year round2.离远be far from3.在黑喑中in the dark4.在过去in the past5.去过某地have been to sp.6.游乐园amusement park7.搭帐筌put up u tent8.在大山里露营camp in the mountains9. 了解有关的情况learn about sth.10.以如此迅然的方式in such a rapid way11.社会团体social groups12.数以千计的thousands of13.四

2、分之三three quarters14. 一个讲英语的国冢an English-speaking count15.在白天during the daytiioe16.好几次a couple of times17.现在:日前right now18.在公园里到处走walk around the park19.兜风lake a ride20.听说hear of21鼓励某人做某事encourage sb.todo sth.22.遗留、留下leave behind23.在某力面取存进步make progress in.24. 一方面on the one hand25.另一方面on the other ha

3、nd【教材内容解析】Section A1. Me neither (P. 65)me neither意为“我也不”,表示前者的否定情况也适用于我,反义词为me too.Susan can* t play the piano at all.Me neither.2. Let' s go to one tomorrow. (P. 65)one是不定代词,用来代替前面出现过的可数名诃单数,如果指代名词星数,用ones。Here are my hooks. Wh i ch one do you want to read?1 don* t like these dresses.How about

4、 those ones over there.3. Let' s go soaeuhere different today. (P. 65)sonewhere用作副词,表示“在某处、到某处”,常用于肯定句中,在否定句和疑问句中用anywhere。II' s cold here. Let' s go somewhere else.Did you go anywhere last Sunday?4. They are going to tak tha subiray. (P. 66)take the subw&y意为“乘地铁”,take用作动诃,可以衣示“乘、坐(车

5、、船等)”。We take the subway to work every day.5. It' s a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. (P. 66)(1) way表示“方法”时,后常接动词不定式或者。f doing作定语.Can you think out a way to open the door/of opening the door?(2) spend的用法sb. spond+时间/金钱+on sth. “在某出上花费多长时间或者多少钱”The man spent the whole day on his speech.T

6、he fanily spent 10. ()00 do I lars on their trip.sb. spend时间Yin) doing sth."花费笠长时间做某事”The boy h&s spent two hours playing the compiler games.【拓展】辨析spend, pay, take和costspend主语是人spend. on sth. /spend. (in) doing sth.pay主语是人pay for sth. pay + 金钱.lor sth.take主语是itIt takes sb.+时间do sth.cost主语是物

7、sth. costs sb.+金钱6. We put up a tent and cooked outside. (P. 66)put up意为“搭建”,还可以表示“举起、张贴”。They put up many buildings last year.【拓展】动词put的相关姐语put on穿上put out扑灭 put off推迟put down放下7. I ve been capping. (P. 66)本句时态为现在完成进行时,结构为*have/has been doing",表示某个动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延 续到现在,并且还有可能持续卜去。辅译我们已经等他有2个小时了

8、. 8. It' s unbelievable that technology has great progress in such a rapid way. (P 67)progress用作名词,表示“进步、进展”,常见的格配为Mnake progress in." "在方面取得进步”.The student is showing rapid progress in his study.1 have made much progress in English.9. It also encourages governments and social groups t

9、o think about ways to inprove toilets in the future. (P. 67)encoumge表示"鼓励"时,常用的结构为:encourage sb. to do sth.”鼓励某人做某事” The fanily members encouraged her to fight against the disease bravely.10. r ve finally realized why ny grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets. (P 67) collect 用作

10、动词,表示“收集、采集"。I like collecting stamps.11. Me. toa (P. 68)Me. tcc宜为“我也是”,表水前向所描述的肯定情况也适用于后者“我” .1 like spring best. Me, too.Section B1. For thousands "tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday. (P. 70)thousands of意为“成T上万的、数以万计的&

11、quot;,衣示个不J!体的数字,前面不能用具体的数字修饰,后接 可数名词且数形式。They plant thousands of trees every year.2. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country. (P. 70)on the one hand. on the other hand. 意为”一方面,另一方面 .用于引出不同的或者对立的观点和看法.On tho

12、 one hand, Peter wants to mnke more money. On the other hand, ho wants to have more time to enjoy 1 ife.3. Maybe you fear that you won* t be able to find anything good to eat when you travel. (P. 70) fear用作动词,意为“害怕、惧怕”。She fcared to tel 1 him the truth.4. Whether you like Indian food, Western food o

13、r Japanese food, you' 11 find it all in Singapore! (P. 70)whether用作连词,表示“不管(还是):或者(或者)",常与。r连用,引导让步状语从句.Whether you 1 ike it or nolt you' 11 have to do il.5. However, if you go to see lions, tigers or foxes during the daytime, they" 11 probably be asleep. (P. 70)however用作副词,代示“然而、不

14、过“,表示转折,后常接逗号。Il rained suddenly. However, it became clear soon.6. One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year around. (P.70)all year around 表示"全年",也可以说all the year aroundSome trees are green all year around.7. This is because the island is so close

15、to the equator. (P. 70)be close lo表示“界近、接近、曲近”,close此处用作形容诃,表示“接近的”。The window is close to the door.My house is close to a supermarket.8. So you can choose to go whenever you like-spring, summer, autumn or winter. (P. 70) whenever用作连词,表示“在任何时候,无论何时”,在句中引导时间状语从句.You can come back whenever you want to

16、.【语法讲解】一 have/has been to 与 have/has zone to(1) “have/ has been to +地点幺词”表示“去过某地”,表示某人的一种经历,说话时已不在那个地方,常 和once, twice, never, ever等连用。当地点为副词时,则要省掉no。一-牖译:你去哪儿了?-翻译:我去邮局了.(人已不在邮局)-翻译:你曾去过上海吗?一翻译:没有,我从来没有去过那儿.(2) “have/hHS gone lo地苴名词”发示“去了某地”,说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的路上、已在某地 或在回来的路上,所以此甸型常用于第三人称不能与时间状语。nee, t

17、wice, never, ever等连用,也不能和for以及since构成的短语连用。Where is Simon?西蒙在哪儿?-翻译:他和家人一起去澳大利亚了。(人已不在这儿,在去澳大利亚的路上、已在澳大利陀或从澳大利讹返回的途中)助记 liave/has been to, liave/has gone U)意不同,两者用法'i分清.have/has been lo+地点,“曾经去过某地“行:have/has gone to+地点9 "已去某地”人无踪。【拓展】“have/has been in +地点名词”表示“在某地恃过(多久)”,常与表示段时间的状语连用。例如:Mr.

18、 Brown has been in Shanghai for three days.布朗先生来上海已经 3 天/°We have been in China since 5 years ago.我们自从 5 年前就来中国 f How long hove you been in New York?你在纽约多久了?二非延续性动词与延续性动词(1)非延续性动词也称为短传性动词或瞬息动词,这类动词所表示的动作往往在“瞬间”就完成了,动作不能 “持陵”,可以用于完成时态,但在完成时态的句子中不能与表示段时间的状电连用,如:since two days ago, fore。years等。如果要

19、表示该动作的延续,就需要将其转换为延续性动词或表示状态的诩。The f i Im started two hours ago.电影是两个小时前开始的(E确)一The film has been on for two hours.电影已经开始两个小时/(正确)The film has started.电影已经开始了。(正确)The film has started for two hours.电影已经开始两个小时了错误)常见的非延续性动向tfg die, buy, borrow, lend, come, go, arrive, stop, finish, 1 eave, open, close, begin, starts see, marry, join, hear 等0(2)延续性动词,是指动作可以延续的动诃,可以跟表示持续一段时间的时间状语连用。常用的延续性动词行:keep, have, last, run, eat, drink, sing, sleep, sitt teach, live, slay 等。I have kept


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