



1、合同编号模具开发协议(中英文)(标准版)甲方:乙方:签订日期:签订地点:模具开发协议mold develop ing agreeme nt合同号/con tract no.甲方:(here in after“ party a ”)乙方:and toe(here in after “ party b ”)in dividuallycalled party a and party b respectively an d/or the“ partycalled the “ parties ”.经过友好协商和在公平、平等的原则基础上,双方约定如下:after frie ndly con sultati

2、 ons and proceed ing on prin ciples offair ness and equality, the parties have agreed the followi ng:一、模具内容(包括材料"mold info.(including materials)二、模具价格表/mold price list产品型号 part no.模具规格 mold description计量单位unit数量qua ntity单价(人民币)unit price(rmb)总价(人民币)total price(rmb)(以上价格已含17%的增值税,且包含模具送到的运费。)(th

3、e above prices in clude vat 17% and the molddelivery to .)三、模具开发周期及要求/work day requirement1) 模具的开发周期/mold work day首件样件完成时间/time offinishing first product of mold :从接到订单到首件样品完成需要 天 / days from build in gtime aro (after receipt of order) to first pom (product of mold) sample pour;天 / days fromfirst开发时

4、间/developmenttime:从首件样品到整个样件提交需要sample pour to sample submissi on.2)模具验收/mold inspection:模具必须符合甲方的技术要求。the product shall completelyfit the tech ni cal requireme nts.3)由于模具的开发周期和质量问题造成甲方项目延期,乙方将赔偿甲方的一切损失。ifparty a' s project delayed due to the work day and the quality of the mold,party bshould co

5、mpe nsateparty a for all the losses.四、模具的维护/mold maintenance正常使用寿命内的模具在生产过程中发生的损坏或磨损,相关的维修及保养等都由乙方负责。if the mold is within the no rmal worki ng life but damaged or worn duri ngthe producti on process, party b should be resp on sible for the related repaira nd maintenan ce.五、模具费用的支付/paymentterms在铸件得到

6、最终用户的确认及甲方收到最终用户模具费用后30天内支付。party a will fullypay to party b within 30 days after casti ng approval by final customer, an dreceipt of tooli ng payme nt by party a.六、模具所有权/ownership模具的所有权为甲方所有,甲方享有收回和处理的权利。mold' sown ershipbel ongs to party a. party a enjoys the right to tak ing back and deali ng

7、 withthe mold.七、保密责任 /confiden tiality1)未经甲方允许,乙方不得将甲方所提供的图纸及技术资料以口头、书面、 出示和借用的方式转泄露给第三方。如有发生信息泄露,甲方有权追究其法律责 任。without the permission of party a, party b should not disclose thedrawings and tech ni cal in formatio n which are provided by party a in oral,writte n, show ing and lending way to the thir

8、d party. if party b revealed such in formati on, party a has the right to pursue party b' s legal resp on sibility.2)当双方履行完该协议后,乙方必须归还甲方所提供的用于开发该模具的所 有保密信息及其全部副本(不论其是否是在计算机磁盘、光盘读取器、光盘、硬 盘或软件中或 硬拷贝载体上存储、保存或记录的);如果乙方退还上述保密信息 及其全部副本为不可行,则应将其销毁,或者从计算机或其他电子系统中将其删 除或抹除。after the parties fulfill the ag

9、reeme nt, party b should return toparty a all con fide ntial in formati on and all copies of develop ing the mould thereofwhether or not the same are stored, main tai ned or recorded in computer disks,cd-rom drives, cd-roms, hard disks or software or in hard copy format and, tothe exte nt that it is

10、 not feasible to return the same, shall destroy suchc on fide ntial in formatio n or cause the same to be deleted or erased from any computer or other electro nic system.八、其他约定/others1)本协议受中华人民共和国的法律法规管辖,并应依照中华人民共和国的法律法规解释。theagreeme nt shall be gover ned by, and in terpreted in accorda nee with,the

11、 laws and regulations of the people s republic ofchina.2)除非双方采用书面形式,否则对本协议的任何修正均属无效。anyame ndme nts to this agreeme nt shall not be valid uni ess made bythe parties in writ ing.3)本协议一式两份,每份皆具有同等法律效力。this agreeme nt is made in twoorig inal copies, both of which areequally valid.4)本协议在双方签订本协议之日立即生效。th

12、is agreeme nt shall take effectimmediately upon the date ofexecutio n by the parties.5)凡涉及本协议或因本协议而发生的所有争执,都应通过友好协商解决。如果在书面要求协商的通知发出后的三十(30)天内不能解决,则该争执应提交乙方 所在地有管辖权的法院进行裁决。all the disputes and con troversies of every kindand n ature betwee nthe parties aris ing out of or in conn ecti on with the agr

13、eeme nt or the executio nhereof shall be settled by frie ndly n egotiatio n betwee n the parties. if no settleme nt can be reached with in thirty (30) days after delivery of the writte nno tice requesti ng the said n egotiati on, such dispute or con troversy shall besubmitted a compete nt court located in the bus in ess place of party a forjudgme nt.6)当本协议中文文本与英文文本发生歧义时,应以中文文本为准。the chin ese versi on


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