1、Smart CarSSmart CarSUnit 21 Oral English Topics Cars in Modern Life Tips: 1.Do you want to own a car in future? What kind of car would you like to buy? 2.What will the future cars be like? 3.Is it necessary for everybody to have a car in china? 4.what is the relationship between cars and the environ
2、ment?2 1. automobile industry: The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not only economies but also cultures. It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in world-wide revenues, and provides the basis for a multitude of relate
3、d service and support industries. Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live, travel and do business.3 The automobile has enabled people to travel and transport goods farther and faster, and has opened wider market areas for business and comme
4、rce. The auto industry has also reduced the overall cost of transportation by using methods such as mass production (making several products at once, rather than one at a time), mass marketing (selling products nationally and globally rather than locally), and globalization of production (assembling
5、 products with parts made world-wide). 4 Between 1886 and 1898, about 300 automobiles were built, but there was no real established industry. A century later, with automakers and auto buyers expanding globally, automaking became the worlds largest manufacturing activity, with more than 53 million ne
6、w vehicles built each year worldwide.5 Automobile manufactures are among the largest companies in the world. These corporations are often multinational. These companies often share parts, or use parts made in foreign factories. The U.S. automobile industry produced 16.8 million vehicles in 1999. The
7、 three major automobile manufactures in the United States-General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Daimler Chrysler AG-provide three-fourths of the industrys total direct employment in the United State.6 At the start of the 21st century, the trends of global trade and manufacturing flexib
8、ility continue. Computerization continues to be a major part of auto design and manufacture, as do the search for alternative fuels and more efficient automobile designs.7 2. Global Positioning System (GPS): space-based radio-navigation system , consisting of 24 satellites and ground support. GPS pr
9、ovides users with accurate information about their position and velocity, as well as the time, anywhere in the world and in all weather conditions.8 GPS determines location by computing the difference between the time that a signal is sent and the time it is received. GPS satellites carry atomic clo
10、cks that provide extremely accurate time. The time information is placed in the codes broadcast by the satellite.9 so that a receiver can continuously determine the time the signal was broadcast. The signal contains data that a receiver uses to compute the locations to of the satellites and to make
11、order adjustments needed for accurate positioning. 10 The receiver uses the time difference between the time of signal reception and the broadcast time to compute the distance, or range, from the receiver to the satellite. The receiver must account for propagation delays, or decreases in the signals
12、 speed caused by the ionosphere and the troposphere. 11 With information about the ranges to three satellites and the location of the satellite when the signal was sent, the receiver can compute its own three-dimensional position. As of March 1994, 24 GPS satellites were in operation. Replenishment
13、satellites are ready for launch, and contracts have been awarded to provide satellites into the 21st century. 12 GPS applications continue to grow in land, sea, air, and space navigation. The ability to enhance safety and to decrease fuel consumption will make GPS an important component of travel in
14、 the international airspace system. 13 Airplanes will use GPS for landing at fogbound airports. Automobiles will use GPS as part of intelligent transportation systems. Emerging technologies will enable GPS to determine not only the position of a vehicle but also its altitude.14 3. Intelligent Transp
15、ortation System (ITS): advanced electronics, communications, and computer systems that increase the efficiency and safety of highway transportation. 15 Originally known as Intelligent Vehicle/Highway System (IVHS), these technologies can provide real-time information exchange between drivers and roa
16、ds, giving rise to the terms “smart cars” and “smart highways”.16 As the technologies have expanded to include public transportation and commercial vehicles, this range of technologies has become known as the Intelligent Transportation System. 17 Increasingly, drivers will have access to up-to-the-m
17、inute information on traffic conditions, alternate routes, and directions to unfamiliar destinations. Ultimately, vehicles control may be automated.18Smart cars What is a smart car? 智能车,是一种基于高科技的车型。在装备智能车,是一种基于高科技的车型。在装备各种电脑系统和辅助设备之后,它能自动的完成各种电脑系统和辅助设备之后,它能自动的完成或协助驾驶人完成特定的任务,如泊车,驾驶,或协助驾驶人完成特定的任务,如泊车
18、,驾驶,调整速度、方向等。目前许多国家和公司都有研调整速度、方向等。目前许多国家和公司都有研发并生产了一些不同型号与功能的智能车。下面发并生产了一些不同型号与功能的智能车。下面将简要介绍两种智能车(图)。将简要介绍两种智能车(图)。19Car in the future 美研类007电影中的智能车 性能: 汽车的电动门可以对周边人群放出电击式撞击。汽车顶端的有几个喷嘴,作用是在城市战中向对方放射摧泪瓦斯。更令人吃惊的是,汽车顶端还装备了外表像警灯一样的激光枪,360度视野的摄像机可以追踪任意角度的攻击者。为了保护士兵,汽车采用了近似黑色的防弹玻璃。为了不让汽车落入敌方之手,智能汽车还使用了指纹
19、识别系统。(photo)2021清华大学智能技术与国家重点实验室研制成功的清华大学智能技术与国家重点实验室研制成功的“” 中央电视台在报道中介绍,清华研究的这辆汽车最高时速达到150公里,完全是由智能控制的,智能车通过车顶的摄像头拍摄前方的路况图像,并传入车内的电脑中,通过计算机软件指挥方向盘的运动,从而实现道路避障、道路停障以及遥控驾驶,为了实现这些功能,这辆车配备了先进的GPS互补定位系统和激光雷达测障系统。专家说,这辆车的一些关键技术,如“定位系统,多种传感器信息处理”投入到实际应用,可以使汽车夜间行驶和巡逻监视等方面带来很多方便。(photo)22 more23 今天,未来汽车的影子已
20、经可在某些新款车展上初见今天,未来汽车的影子已经可在某些新款车展上初见端倪。关注一下当今一些车展上展示出的新款车型,如本端倪。关注一下当今一些车展上展示出的新款车型,如本田公司生产的一款装有照相机的日本版雅阁汽车,其优异田公司生产的一款装有照相机的日本版雅阁汽车,其优异的功能就可以帮助驾驶者在偏离车道时自动修正路线;再的功能就可以帮助驾驶者在偏离车道时自动修正路线;再如即将推出的如即将推出的2005款款Acura RL车也装有全新的全球定车也装有全新的全球定位系统,除能为驾驶者指引方向外,还实时提供交通状况位系统,除能为驾驶者指引方向外,还实时提供交通状况报告。报告。 此外,日本款威驰普锐斯车
21、上还装有自动泊车系统,此外,日本款威驰普锐斯车上还装有自动泊车系统,可以通过激光设备引导驾车人进入停车位。有报道说,可以通过激光设备引导驾车人进入停车位。有报道说,2005年底,一款新型年底,一款新型18-wheelers重型车还将装配一重型车还将装配一种眼球扫描系统。该系统可通过记录驾车人眨眼的次数,种眼球扫描系统。该系统可通过记录驾车人眨眼的次数,监测瞳孔的活动状况来检测驾驶者的疲劳程度和酒精浓度,监测瞳孔的活动状况来检测驾驶者的疲劳程度和酒精浓度,借以保障行车安全。借以保障行车安全。 24Any idea about the functions of smart car? 智能控制系统G
22、PS互补定位系统激光雷达测障系统多种传感器信息处理电子稳定控制器 眼球扫描系统红外热量探测仪回转偏航传感器微型数码照相机车载雷达系统自动泊车系统自动温度控制系统25 Is it possible for ordinary people to own one in the near future? If not, what will be the difficulties? What does the author think they are? (technology, computer system, highway) The following page will provide a br
23、ief introduction of the development. 26 铁道学院信电院的林建东因发明了一款新型的智能电动小铁道学院信电院的林建东因发明了一款新型的智能电动小汽车而被誉为汽车而被誉为“科技新星科技新星”,他的这项发明因其应用前景,他的这项发明因其应用前景好、安全系数灵敏度高而在甘肃省好、安全系数灵敏度高而在甘肃省“挑战杯挑战杯”竞赛中获得竞赛中获得二等奖。二等奖。 林建东所发明的智能控制系统,成本较低而科技含量相对林建东所发明的智能控制系统,成本较低而科技含量相对较高,该系统既可用于玩具汽车也可用在汽车制造业上,较高,该系统既可用于玩具汽车也可用在汽车制造业上,应用前景较
24、好。他预计,该项成果在开发出来后定会大受应用前景较好。他预计,该项成果在开发出来后定会大受欢迎。欢迎。27 消费者报告消费者报告杂志表示在未来杂志表示在未来3到到5年里,这项技术年里,这项技术就将被广泛应用与公共汽车上。车辆的安全性能是所有人就将被广泛应用与公共汽车上。车辆的安全性能是所有人感兴趣的话题。而未来的汽车就具备能为你提供更好的安感兴趣的话题。而未来的汽车就具备能为你提供更好的安全保障的功能。全保障的功能。 据悉,到据悉,到2005年,将会有多款车辆装配各种红外热量年,将会有多款车辆装配各种红外热量探测仪、回转偏航传感器和微型数码照相机,这样可以从探测仪、回转偏航传感器和微型数码照相
25、机,这样可以从不同角度监测调整行车速度和方位不同角度监测调整行车速度和方位.28Part1 para. 1-3 New technology will have a dramatic impact on cars and highways in the 21st century.Part 2 para. 4-9 With the aid of advanced technology, smart cars will be so designed that they can help eliminate traffic accidents, determine their own precise
26、 locations and warn of traffic jams. Part 3 para. 10-13 GPS and “telematics” will make t possible to build smart highways, which will benefit us in more than one way.29telematics Telematics : 远程信息学远程信息学 Tele-: telegraph电报电报, telemeter测远仪测远仪 -matics: informatics, mathematics Auto-prefix of or by your
27、self, or operating independently and without needing help eg. an auto-focus camera an auto-immune disease30words and phrasesConvert : change of use- 1. My kids are trying to convert me to country music 2. We converted our oil furnace to gas to save money.Correlate: “cor”-together (e.g.corporate) n.
28、correlation: a connection between two or more things Eg. Transmission of AIDS is highly correlated with alcohol use.31Incorporate: (corporate) + ( in) n. incorporationvt. 1. 包含包含;加上加上;吸收吸收(+in/into) We will incorporate your suggestion in this new plan.我们将把你的建议纳入这一新的计划。我们将把你的建议纳入这一新的计划。 2. 把把.合并合并;使并
29、入使并入(+with)Well incorporate the new plan with the old.我们将把新老计划合并为一。我们将把新老计划合并为一。 3. 使混合使混合(+with)incorporate a chemical substance with others把一种化学物质与他种化学物质混合把一种化学物质与他种化学物质混合32 4. 把把.组成公司组成公司(或社团或社团)When the business became large, the owners incorporated it.商店业务扩充后商店业务扩充后,老板把它组成了公司。老板把它组成了公司。 5. 使具体化
30、使具体化;体现体现incorporate ones thoughts in an article在文章中把想法表示出来在文章中把想法表示出来vi. 1. 合并合并;混合混合(+with)Paints incorporate with oil.颜料与油混合在一起。颜料与油混合在一起。 2. 组成公司组成公司(或社团或社团)33DecreaseDecrease-smaller or fewer 反义反义-increase N. 减少额减少额,减小量减小量C(+in/of) eg. The decrease in unemployment was 30 percent. 失业人数减少了百分之三十 V
31、. decrease the number to 把数目减到把数目减到。 decrease in size/price 尺寸减小。尺寸减小。eg. These measures will help decrease the cost of production.这些措施有助于降低生产成本。34Eliminate(from)-get rid of, -removefromeg. 1. 排除排除,消除消除,消灭消灭(+from) Our goal is to eliminate poverty. 我们的目标是消灭贫困。我们的目标是消灭贫困。 2. (比赛中比赛中)淘汰淘汰(+from)Our te
32、am was eliminated from the competition in the first round.我队在第一轮比赛中就被淘汰。我队在第一轮比赛中就被淘汰。3. 不加考虑不加考虑,忽视忽视4. 【口口】杀杀(人人)35lucrative Adj. 1. 有利的,赚钱的,合算的。有利的,赚钱的,合算的。 2.【军事军事】值得作为目标的。值得作为目标的。a lucrative investment 有利的投资。有利的投资。 a lucrative target可获战果的攻击目标。可获战果的攻击目标。 -ly 副词副词,-ness 名词名词 Eg. 1.Regions lucrati
33、ve market attracts newest commercial lender 2.The owner and general manager offered the player a lucrative lifetime contract 36vibrate 1.摇动,振动;颤动。摇动,振动;颤动。 2.心中打颤,胸口噗噗地跳;精神振奋。心中打颤,胸口噗噗地跳;精神振奋。 3.(像钟摆一样地像钟摆一样地)摆动;摆动; e.g. a vibrating type regulator 【 机械工程机械工程 】摆动式调节器。摆动式调节器。 1. Musical sounds are pro
34、duced when the strings of the piano vibrate 2. We felt the earthquakes vibrations 120 miles away!37Turn sth into/become a realityE.g. 1. Her dream of being a college student has turned into a reality. 2. Working at home and communicating with fellow workers via their PCs has become a reality for som
35、e.38As wellE.g. 1. She wanted to produce the play and to direct it as well. 2. Elles face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.39Get/be stuck in (sth.) be unable to move or to be movedbe unable to move or to be moved E. g. 1. I was stuck in the traffic yesterday for about one hour.
36、2. I was stuck at home with flu.40Be poised to Be ready to take action at any momentBe ready to take action at any moment e.g. . 1. The automobile company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign. 2. It is reported that US forces are poised to attack Iraq.41Take control of e.g. 1. The new ma
37、nager didnt know how to take control of his company. 2. The government has taken control of all the newspapers.42Send outsend away 1. 撵走;开除;解雇。撵走;开除;解雇。 2. 把把送到远处;写信送到远处;写信派人派人至远方。至远方。 3. 派人去拿派人去拿去请去请 (for)。send down 1. 英大学俚英大学俚勒令退学;开除。勒令退学;开除。 2. 使下降;使下落;使减少。使下降;使下落;使减少。 3. 使到使到(饭厅饭厅)去去43 send for
38、派人去叫派人去叫请请;遣人去拿;乞求;遣人去拿;乞求 eg.send for a doctor 派人去请医生。派人去请医生。send for a book 派人去拿一本书。派人去拿一本书。 send forth out 1. 送出;发送。送出;发送。 2. 发出发出(香气香气)。 3. 长长生生出出(芽,枝等芽,枝等)。 4. 派遣派遣 5. 出口。出口。44 send in 1. 送。送。 2. 拿出;提出。拿出;提出。 3. 递名片。递名片。 4. 参加展览参加展览 Eg. send in ones papers 提出辞呈;呈请辞职。提出辞呈;呈请辞职。 send in ones jack
39、et 辞职。辞职。 send in ones name 申请参加赛。申请参加赛。45 send off 1. 寄出;发寄出;发(信、货等信、货等)。 2. 驱逐,撵走。驱逐,撵走。 3. 送别送别(出走、旅行等的人出走、旅行等的人)。 4. 差遣;辞退。差遣;辞退。 send on 1. 转送;转寄转送;转寄(信等信等)。 2. 预送;先送预送;先送 Please send the letter on to my mother. 请将此信转送家母请将此信转送家母46Start up start from Paris 从巴黎出发。从巴黎出发。 start for home 动身回家。动身回家。
40、start on a journey 起程旅行。起程旅行。 start on a task 着手工作。着手工作。 start work(ing)口语口语start to work 开始工作。开始工作。Eg. Knowledge starts with practice. 知识从实践开始。知识从实践开始。 47 start up 1. 惊跳起来惊跳起来 eg. Suddenly he started up from the chair. 突然间他从椅子上惊跳起来。突然间他从椅子上惊跳起来。 2. 突然出现。突然出现。 3. 突然发动。突然发动。 4. 开始工作。开始工作。 5. 开开 办,开张。
41、办,开张。 start out 跳出;开始,着手;跳出;开始,着手;俚语俚语企图,计划企图,计划 (to do) eg. Ill start out to write my paper tomorrow. 我计划明天写读书报告。我计划明天写读书报告。 48In the air1. in the earths atmosphere2. uncertain, not yet decided e.g. 1. There is a peculiar smell in the air. 2. Our plans are still in the air.49Sentence drills501. dou
42、ble prepositionse.g. 1. The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. 2. The monkey suddenly emerged from behind the tree, frightening Lucy into screaming.512. V. + it + adj. + to doE.g. make it possible find it effective consider it feas
43、ible 523. Other thanEg.They do not require special roadway installations, other than well-maintained lane markings.他们不需要特别的道路设置,只需要将路面标志维护好就行了.534. With It will become affordable to a wide range of vehicle owners and operators, especially with many of the enabling technologies already being commerci
44、alized for volume production today.不用多久, 其成本就能为广大车辆拥有者和驾驶者所接受,尤其是目前不少可以应用的技术已经走向市场,开始了批量生产.54More than It is more difficult and expensive to implement than it really is.它的应用比实际情况更困难它的应用比实际情况更困难,更昂贵更昂贵.Language is more a skill than a knowledge. 与其说语言是一门知识,倒不如说是一项技能。与其说语言是一门知识,倒不如说是一项技能。 55given Given
45、 all of this experience in implementing safe automated transportation systems, it is not such a large leap to develop road vehicles that can operate under automatic control.考虑到所有这些安全运用自动化交通运输系统的经验,开发由自动化控制系统操纵的公路车辆不算是什么大的飞跃. 见见 text B课后翻译课后翻译56Abbreviation Clipping: form a word by omitting ltters of
46、 a word, e.g. ad(vertisement), lab(oratory), math(ematics). Blending : form a word by combining parts of some other words, e.g. smog-smoke and fog motel-motor and hotel telematics-telecommunication and informaticsCould you find more in the text?57 Try to find other words of the two types! kilo- emai
47、l- gym- brunch- doc- Medicare- Can you give more examples? 58Verbs in the form of ing and ed sleeping child canned food drinking water enriched English everlasting love unchanged melody Create some expressions of the type!59Essay writing Useful words Sample (见其他相关附件)(见其他相关附件)60个人品质常用词汇个人品质常用词汇 able 有才干的,能干的有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的和蔼可亲的 analytical 善于分析的善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力有理解力 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆,有冒险精神大胆,有冒险精神capable 有能力的,有才能的有能力的,有才能的 61 careful 办理仔细的办理仔细的 candid 正直的正直
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