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1、复习比较作比较型作文 一、运用比较手法来阐明自己的观点 对于这类作文,要求在比较所讨论的两个事物优缺点的同时,阐述自己的观点与倾向。在具体写作时,对赞成的事物要多写优点,缺点则一笔带过,而对反对的事物,则要大写特写其缺点,优点一笔带过。这样处理,作者的观点才能得以体现。这类作文通常有两种写法,即:整体比较法和分项比较法。复习比较作Comparison and Contrast A VS B1) One-Side-at-a-Time (整体比较法)(整体比较法) A: a b c B: a b c2) Point-by-Point(分项比较法)(分项比较法) a: A & B b: A

2、& B c: A & B复习比较作e.g. To Live in The City Or The Countryside 1. One-Side-at-a-Time(整体比较法)(整体比较法):A: live in the cityB: live in the countryside a. convenient life a. inconvenient lifeb. good education b. poor educationc. pollution c. close to nature 复习比较作2. Point-by-Point(分项比较法)(分项比较法) a. lif

3、e A: live in the city B: in the countryside (convenient) (inconvenient) b. educationA: live in the city B: in the countryside (good) (poor) c. environmentA: live in the city B: in the countryside (pollution) (fresh air)复习比较作十句作文模式整体比较法City Life ,Your Best ChoicePart IS1: Topic: why do we talk about

4、the subject, what are the subject you are going to talk aboutS2: Thesis: your preference for A or B S1:如今越来越多的人渴望改变自己目前的生活方式,有的选择大城市,有的选择农村 S2:我的选择城市生活复习比较作Part IIS3: Concede Bs advantagesS4: But Bs disadvantage 1S5: 2S6: 3S7: As corresponding advantage1S8: 2S9: 3 S3:让步承认农村生活的优点,比如安静、贴近自然、污染少等 S4:农村

5、生活缺点1 S5:农村生活缺点2 S6:农村生活缺点3 S7:城市生活相对应的优点1 S8:城市生活相对应的优点2 S9:城市生活相对应的优点3复习比较作Part III S10: Conclusion: restate your choice S10:结论:城市生活,你最佳选择复习比较作Exercise1: Please analyze the situation if you choose B: country life. How to write the essay in 10 sentences?附:十句作文句型:复习比较作S1: With the arrival of informa

6、tion age the wide use of computers/the internet the development of science and technology the improved standard of living , plays an important role/part in our daily lifeincreasing attention is drawn to . 复习比较作S2:While it is commonly believed that A, widely accepted I believe B.S3: It is true that A

7、.To be sure,复习比较作S4:But the chief faults are obvious defects S5:Studies showsResearches demonstrate thatExperiments reveal复习比较作S6: On the contraryOn the other hand , the advantage of Bfar outweighcarry more weight than advantages of AS7:For one thing, BS8:For another, B also复习比较作S9: Although B fails

8、 to , few things can can not be compared with match B in terms ofequalS10:Therefore, I think the advantage the significance of B is more than复习比较作十句作文模式分项比较法Newspapers as a Better Source of NewsPart IS1: Topic: why do we talk about the subject, what are the subject you are going to talk aboutS2: The

9、sis: your preference for A or BS1:如今有很多渠道可以获取知识,比如报刊杂志、电视、网络等,其其中最为常见的是电视和报纸S2:我的选择报纸复习比较作Part IIS3: Concede Bs advantagesS4: But Bs disadvantage 1S5: As corresponding advantage1 S6 : Bs disadvantage 2 S7: As corresponding advantage2S8: Bs disadvantage 3S9: As corresponding advantage3 S3:让步承认电视获取知识的

10、优点,比如生动、形象等 S4:电视的缺点1 S5:报纸对应的优点1 S6:电视的缺点2 S7:报纸对应的优点2 S8:电视的缺点3 S9:报纸对应的优点3复习比较作Part III S10: Conclusion: restate viewpoints S10:结论: 报纸更好的消息来源复习比较作Exercise2: Please analyze the situation if you choose B: TV. How to write the essay in 10 sentences?复习比较作二、通过比较来说明两个事物的性质,不阐明自己的观点,不作选择,在分别阐述两个事物的优缺点之后

11、,提出一种均衡的观点。复习比较作十句作文模式How to Solve the Problem of Heavy TrafficPart IS1: put forward the topicS2: general view on this problem S1: 现在城市交通问题越来越突出 S2:对这个问题人们一般有以下两种解决方法复习比较作Part IIS3: solution AS4: As advantageS5: As disadvantage1S6: As disadvantage2S3: 第一种解决办法:多建马路S4: 可以减轻车流密度S5: 成本高S6: 过多占用空间复习比较作S7

12、: solution BS8: Bs advantageS9:Bs disadvantageS7: 第二种解决办法:发展公交S8: 公交容纳更多人,缓解交通阻塞S9: 公交不方便,同时这样做不利于汽车工业发展复习比较作Part III S10: a balanced viewS10: 均衡观点,多管齐下,集思广益,解决问题复习比较作Exercise3: Please analyze the situation about : How to solve Energy Problem?” How to write the essay in 10 sentences?附:十句作文句型:复习比较作S1

13、:To most people, are the two basic commonways in which means to S2:There are both advantages and disadvantages to strengths and weaknesses merits and limitsthe two ways systems .复习比较作S3: The most obvious advantage of isS4:For example,S5:Another advantage is benefit S6:The defect , however, is that f

14、ault problem复习比较作S7:By contrastOn the contrary , BS8:In addition to , B alsoBesidesS9:There is again a fault : it defect danger 复习比较作S10:Anyway , both the ways have their meritsAnyhow strengthsand their faults imperfections , but both must be improved in order to achieve the best possible result/eff

15、ecta combination of their merits might be a step in the right direction .复习比较作Homework:Choose one of the following topics and write an essay of 120 words with the help of what we have learned about the comparison and contrast composition.City life and Country LifeNewspaper and InternetPackage Tours and Traveling on O


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