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1、2021/8/221PSPICE计算机仿真计算机仿真Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis2021/8/222Preface2021/8/223Focusn学会绘制电路原理图,并会仿真;n学会基本电路模型的够造:n运算放大器(Operational Amplifiers )n变压器(transformers)2021/8/224DiscussnDc analysisn直流分析nTransient analysisn暂态分析nSteady-state sinusoidal analysisn正弦稳态分析nFourier series

2、 analysisn傅立叶分析2021/8/225CH1A FIRST LOOK AT PSPICE PSpice简介2021/8/226Three steps:nDrawing the circuitn绘制电路图nSpecifying the type of circuit analysis n定义分析类型nSimulation Resultsn查看仿真结果2021/8/2271.1 Drawing the circuitnFile-New-ProjectnPlace-Partn元件旋转nCTRL+Rn结束放置nRight click/End ModenPlace-Wire2021/8/22

3、8Scale factorsnF1E-15nP1E-12nN1E-9nU1E-6nM1E-3nK1E3nMEG1E6nG1E9nT1E122021/8/2291.2 SPECIFYING THE TYPE OF CIRCUIT ANALYSISnPSpice-New Simulation ProfilenName: your_file_name nAnalysis type: Bias pointnPspice-Run2021/8/22101.3 Simulation ResultsnView-Output File2021/8/2211SIMPLE DC CIRCUITS简单直流电路CH22

4、021/8/22122.1 Independent DC Sourcesn电流源n电压源2021/8/22132.2 Dependent DC SourcesnVoltage-controlled sources压控源nVoltage-controlled voltage source压控压源nVoltage-controlled current source压控流源nCurrent-controlled sources流控源nCurrent-controlled voltage source流控压源nCurrent-controlled current source流控流源2021/8/22

5、142.3nFig.1 Circuit for Example 1 电路实例2021/8/22152021/8/2216Example 1na) Use PSpice to find the voltages Va and Vb for the circuit shown in Fig.1利用PSpice求出图1中Va 和Vb的电压数值。2021/8/2217nb) Use the PSpice solutions to calculate: 利用PSpice的分析结果计算求出n1)The total power dissipated in the circuit计算电路中的总功率n2)The

6、 power supplied by the independent current source独立电流源发出的功率n3)The power supplied by the current-controlled voltage sourcen流控源发出的功率2021/8/2218Fig. 22021/8/2219Fig. 3 output file2021/8/2220Solution a)nFrom the PSpice output:nVa =104.00VnVb =106.00V2021/8/2221Solution b)n1)WPWPWPWPdis270848 .5402 .2163

7、00. 4110410680.5402010420.2163510421220252021/8/2222n2) P24A(supplied)=104(24)=2496Wn3) PH1(supplied)=106(2)=212WnP(supplied)=2496+212=2708WnNote that the sum of power dissipated equals the sum of power supplied.2021/8/2223CH3DC SWEEP ANALYSIS直流扫描分析2021/8/22243.1 Sweeping a single source2021/8/2225F

8、ig.32021/8/2226Example 2nFor the circuit shown in Fig.3, use PSpice to find the values of io and vo when vg varies from 0 to 100V in 10V steps2021/8/2227Fig.42021/8/2228Place-PartnAnalog lib: RnSource lib: Vsrc, IsrcnSpecial lib: Iprint (ammeter安培表)nSpecial lib: Vprint2 (voltmeter伏特表)2021/8/2229注意事项

9、:nVsrc元件:n参数不需要改动nIsrc元件:n选中Isrc元件, (粉色表示被选中!)nEdit-Propertiesn修改DC项: 5, 如图52021/8/2230Fig.5 修改Isrc属性2021/8/2231nIprint元件需要执行Mirror操作: :n选中Iprint元件, (粉色表示被选中!)nEdit-Mirror-Horizontally Hn执行Mirror操作nEdit-Propertiesn修改DC项: Y, 如图62021/8/2232Fig.6 修改Iprint属性2021/8/2233nVprint2元件需要执行Mirror操作:n选中Vprint2元件

10、, (粉色表示被选中!)nEdit-Mirror-Horizontally Hn执行Mirror操作nEdit-Propertiesn修改DC项: Y, 如图62021/8/2234Fig.6 修改Vprint2属性2021/8/2235Fig.7 Simulation Settings dialog2021/8/2236nPSpice-Run(如图8)nView-Output file(如图9)2021/8/2237Fig.8 Probe窗口2021/8/2238Fig.9 Output file2021/8/2239Trace/Add Trace(Fig.10)n注意:nTrace Exp

11、ression: V2(R1)2021/8/2240Fig.10 Selecting a variable: V2(R1)2021/8/2241Fig.11 the resulting plot2021/8/22423.2 Sweep Multiple Sources2021/8/2243Example 3 nThe current source in the circuit shown in Fig.5 varies from 0 to 5A in 1A steps. For each value of the source voltage, plot i0 as vg varies fro

12、m 0 to 100V in steps of 20V.2021/8/2244Solution nThe schematic is the same as the one in Fig.6.nIn Capture, select the menu option PSpice/Edit Simulation Settings to specify a Secondary Sweep, the additional sweep variable and its values Fig.12.2021/8/2245Fig.12 Simulation Settings dialog 22021/8/22

13、46nWe also changed the increment in the Primary Sweep from 10V to 20V(Fig.12).2021/8/2247Fig. 13a Simulation Settings dialog 12021/8/2248Trace/Add Trace(Fig.13)n注意:nTrace Expression: I(R4)2021/8/2249Fig.14 Selecting a variable: I(R4)2021/8/2250Fig.15 the resulting plot? 2021/8/2251PSPICE计算机仿真计算机仿真Si

14、mulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis2021/8/2252CH4INDUCTORS, CAPACITORS, AND NATURAL RESPONSE电感、电容和零输入响应2021/8/2253You should know,nResistornThe value of resistance (In ohms)nInductor (initial current)nThe value of inductance (In henries)nCapacitor (initial voltage)nThe value of capacit

15、ance (In farads)2021/8/22544.1 Transient Analysis(暂态分析)nYou use transient analysis to examine the response of a circuit as a function of time.利用暂态分析得到电路随时间变化的响应2021/8/2255nYou may examine the output of a transient analysis in two different ways.nFirst, you may direct PSpice to write the results of t

16、ransient analysis to the output file.nSecond, you may use Probe to generate plots of voltage and current versus time.2021/8/22564.2 Natural ResponsenTo find the natural response of a circuit, you first find the initial inductor currents and capacitor voltages.2021/8/2257nExample 4 illustrates how to

17、 use PSpice to find the natural response of a series RLC circuit. We incorporated a preliminary analytic solution as part of the example to permit checking the validity of the PSpice solution.2021/8/2258Fig. 652021/8/2259Example 4na) analyze the natural response of the circuit shown in Fig. 16 with

18、respect to the type of damping, the peak value of Vc, and the frequency of oscillation.2021/8/2260nb) Use PSpice to analyze the circuits natural response. Then use Proble to generate a plot of the voltage Vc versus t, and use the Proble cursor to identify the peak value of the voltage.2021/8/2261Sol

19、ution a)nFor the series circuit shown in Fig. 65, 6262105011010002LCLR2021/8/2262nHence the response is underdamped(欠阻尼), and the roots of the characteristic equation are:700010007000100021jsjs2021/8/2263nTherefore, the form of the solution for Vc is,tcetBtBv1000217000sin7000cos2021/8/2264nFrom the

20、initial conditions, 000,450100tccddvv2021/8/2265nSolving for B1 and B2 yields,tcettv10007000sin57000cos102021/8/2266nBased on the solution for Vc, the peak value of Vc is 7.70 V, and it occurs at t=362.69 s. The damped frequency(衰件频率) is 7000 rad/s, and thus the damped period(衰减周期) is 897.60 s.2021/8/2267Solution b)nTo get the signs right, you must pay attention to the orientation of these parts. (Fig. 66)nThe initial voltage is positive at the left-most terminal of the capacitor, or bottom terminal if the part is rotated once.nThe initial current enters the left-most terminal of the i


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