1、2020年高考英语专题复习:动词 ing形式 被动语态练习题、单项选择*1. That is the Only Way We Can imagi ne the OVerUSe Of Water in StUde nts' bathrooms.A. reduci ngB. to reduceC. reducedD. reduce2. the City Centre, We SaW a Stone StatUe of about 10 metres in height.A. APPrOaChi ngB. APPrOaChedC. To approachD. To be approached
2、3. The news ShOCked the public, to great ConCern about StUdents' Safety at school.A. havi ng ledB. ledC. leadi ngD. to lead4. The IaWyer listened With full attentiOn , to miss any point.A. not tryingB. trying notC. to try notD. not to try5. HiS first book next month is based On a true story.A. P
3、UbIiShedB. to be PUbIiShed C. to PUbIiShD. being PUbIiShed6. from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a Sea of trees.A. SeenB. SeeingC. HaVe See n7. I have a lot of readi ngsbefore the end of this term.A. complet ingB. to complete C. completedD. To SeeD. being completed*8. Alexa
4、nder tried to get his workin the medical CirCles.A. to recog nizeB. recog nizing C. recog nizeD. recog ni Zed9. The retired man don ated most of his SaV ings to the school damaged by the earthquake inYushu,the StUde nts to retur n to their CIaSSrooms.A. en abli ngB. havi ng en abled C. to en ableD.
5、to have en abled10. In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained abroad due to the volcanic ashcloud.A. StiCk ingB. StUCkC. to be StUCkD. to have StUCk11. Lots of rescue WOrkerS Were work ing around the clock , SUPPIieS to Yushu, Qin ghaiprov ince after the earthquake.A. SendingB. to SendC. havi ng
6、 SentD. to have Sent12. AS a result of the SeriOUS flood, two -thirds of the buildings in the area .A. n eed repairi ngB. n eeds to repair C. n eeds repairi ngD. n eed to repair13. The glass doors have take n the place of the woode n OneS at the entrance,in then atural light duri ng the day.A. to le
7、tB. Ietti ngC. letD. havi ng let14. I really Can't Un dersta nd=_ her like that.A. you treatB. you to treatC. Why treatD. you treat ing*15. I had great difficulty the SUitabIe food On the menu in that restaura nt.A. findB. foundC. to findD. finding二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1 - 20各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,
8、选出最佳选项。When I come across a good article in read ing n ewspapers, I ofte n Want to CUt and keep it.BUt just as I am about to d o so, I find the article on the A_ Side is as much interesting. It may be a discussiOn Of the Way to _2_ in good health, or 3 about how to behave andCon duct On eself in soc
9、iety. If I CUt the front article, the opposite One is likely to4 damage,IeaVing out half of it or keeping the text 5 the title. Therefore, the SCiSSOrS would _6 before they start, 7halfway done Whe n I find out the 8 result.SOmetimeS two things are to be done at the Same time, both worth your _9 . Y
10、ou Can Only take UP One of them, the other has to Wait or be 10up. BUt you know the future isUnPrediCtabIe - the Changed SitUatiOn may not allow you to do What is left11. ThUS youare 12 in a difficult POSitiOn and feel sad. How 13 that nice Chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at Onc
11、e? It may happen that your life 14 greatly On your Prefere nce of One ChOiCe to the other.In fact that is What 15 is like: We are ofte n 16 With the two opposite SideS of a thing WhiCh are both desirable like a newspaper CUtting. It often OCCUrS that our attention isdrawn to One thing Only17 We get
12、into ano ther. The18may be more importa nt tha nthe Iatter and giVe rise to a diVided mind. I19remember a philosopher's remarks: "WhOne door shuts, ano ther ope ns in life. " So a CaSUaI20may not be a bad one.1. A. frontB. SameC. eitherD. opposite2. A. getB.keepC. leadD. bring3. A. adV
13、iceB. n ewsC. a theoryD. a report4. A. SUfferB. reduceC. PreVe ntD. CaUSe5. A. onB. forC. WithOUtD. off6. A. USeB. ha ndleC.PrePareD. Stay7. A. orB. butC.soD. for8. A. SatiSfy ingB. regretfulC. SUrPriS ingD. impossible9. A. COUrageB. Stre ngthC. atte nti OnD. Patie nce10. A. giVe nB. heldC. madeD. P
14、iCked11. A. nearB. aloneC. aboutD. beh ind12. A. filledB. attractedC.CaUghtD. StrUCk13. A. daresB. comesC. dealsD. does14. A. improVesB.ChangesC. PrOgreSSeSD. goes15. A. StUdyB. SOCietyC. n atureD. life16. A. facedB. SUPPIiedC. COnn ectedD. fixed17. A. beforeB. afterC. Un tilD. as18. A. follow ingB.
15、 n extC. aboVeD. former19. A. stillB. alsoC.OnCeD. almost20. A. treatme ntB. actio nC. ChOiCeD. remark三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳答案。AHele n Thomas, born on AUgUSt 4, 1920, is a famous n ews reporter for the HearSt NeWS Service, and a member of the White House PreSS Corps She SerVed for fifty
16、 SeVen years as a COrreSPOndentand White House bureau Chief for United PreSS International(UPI)She is called “ FirSt Lady of the PreSSBorn in Kentucky Helen ThOmaS WaS raised in DetrQitMiChigan Where She attended PUbIiC schools and later graduated from Wayne State Uni VerSity. UPOn IeaVi ng COlIegHe
17、le n SerVed as a copy girl in anOld ComPany in WaShington In 1943, MS ThomaS joined United PreSS InternatiOnal and the WaShington PreSS Corps ThOmaS SerVed as PreSident of the Women' S National PreSS ClUb from 1959 to 1960In NOVember, Helen began COVering then PreSident-elect John F. Kennedy, fo
18、llowing him to the White House in JanUary 1961 as a UPI COrreSPOnderii(讯员).She later became White House bureau Chief for UPI, Where She WaS employed Until her resignatiOnon May 17,2000 ThOmaS then became a White House COrreSP Ondentand a colu mnistThOmaS WaS the onIy woman journalist traveling With
19、then PreSident NiXon to China in JanUary,1972 She has traveled around the world SeVeraI times With PreSidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reaga n, Bush, and Cli ntqn duri ng the COUrSe of WhiCh She COVered every ECono mic SUmmiThe World Almanac and Book of Fadb as Cited her as One of the 25 Most Influentia
20、l Women in AmeriCaOn MarCh 21,2006, ThOmaS WaS called UPon directly by PreSide nt BUSh for the first time in three years. ThOmaS asked BUSh about Iraq Helen ThOmaS has Written four books and She is also a PoPUlar SPeaker at events n ati On Wide1. What ' S the COrreCt order of the events?a. ThOma
21、S joined the Un ited PreSS Intern ati Onal and the WaSh ington PreSS Corps.b. ThOmaS traveled With PreSident NiXon to China.c. ThOmaS SerVed as PreSident of the Women' S NatiOnal PreSS Club.d. ThOmaS resig ned.e. ThOmaS WaS called UPon by PreSide nt Bush.f. ThOmaS became a White House COrreSP On
22、dentand a colu mni st.A. a, b, c, d, e, f B. a, c, b, d, f, e C. a, c, b, d, e, f D. a, d, e, f, c, b2. WhiCh of the follOWing is NOT true?A. ThOmaS made SPeeCheS about eve nts n ati On Wide.B. ThOmaS has Writte n four books.C. ThOmaS COVered every ECono mic SUmmit Whe n traveli ng With US PreSide n
23、ts.D. ThOmaS became a COrreSP Ondent after She graduated from Uni VerSity.3. ACCOrd ing to the PaSSage , We Can knoW that.A. ThOmaS is called“ FirSt Lady of AmeriCa”B. PreSide nt BUSh received ThOmaS OnCe in his term.C. ThOmaS is the most in flue ntial Woma n in AmeriCa.D. ThOmaS traveled to China W
24、ith PreSide nt NiX On SeVeraI times.4. The PaSSage tells US that ThOmaS.A. WaS Very Poor Whe n She WaS young.B. SerVed as PreSident of the Women' S NatiOnal PreSS Club for three years.C. traveled With then PreSident NiXon to China WithOUt any other Woman journalist.D. has Written many books and
25、is PoPUlar WorldWide.5. What ' S the best title for the Passage?A. A SUCCeSSfUI n eWS reporterHele n Thomas.B. The first lady of the PreSS-Hele n Thomas.C. Life experie nce of Hele n Thomas.D. Hele n ThOmaS and her careerBAre some people born CIeVer and OtherS born stupid? Or is intelligence dev
26、eloped by our en Viro nment and OUr experie nces?Stra ngely eno ugh, the an SWer to both questio ns is yes. Tb Some extent our intelligence is given to US at birth and no amount of SPeCiaI educatiOn Can make a genius out of a child born With low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in
27、a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than One who lives in rich and Varied surroUndings. ThUS the IimitS of a PerSOn ' S intelligence are fixed at irtbut Whether or not he reaches those IimitS will depend On his environment. ThiS VieW now held by most experts Can be SUPPOrted
28、in a number of ways.It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent SOmething We are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people , the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. ThUS if We take two Unrelated people at random from the population, it is likely that their
29、degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand We take two identical twins, they will Very likely be as intelligent as each other ReIatiOnS like brothers and SiSterS Parents and children, usually have SimiIar intelligence, and this clearly SUggeStS that intelligence depen
30、ds on birth.Imagine now that We take two identical twins and PUt them in different environments. We might Send one, for example, to a UniVerSity and the other to a factory Where the work is boring. We would Soonfind differe nces in in tellige nce develop ing, and this in dicates that en viro nment a
31、s well as birth plays a part. ThiS Con clusi On is also SUggeSted by the fact that people who lives in close Con tact With each other but who are not related at all are likely to have SimiIar degrees of intelligence.6. WhiCh of the following best describes the Writer' S Pointin ParagraPh One?A.
32、To some extent, intelligence is given at birth.B. Intelligence is developed by the environment.C. Some people are born CIeVer and OtherS born stupid.D. Intelligence is fixed at birth, but is developed by the enVirOnment.7. In the first ParagraPh) “ no amount of SPeCiaI educatiOn Can make a genius ou
33、t of a child born Withlow in tellige nce” SUggeStS that .A. no environment can Change the least able into the most ableB. the difference in men' S intelligence depends On the amount of their educationC. if a PerS On is born CIeVehe is Certa in to be a geniusD. if a PerS On is born stupid, nothin
34、g Can Cha nge him into an educated PerS On8. The last ParagraPh mainly shows.A. the importa nce of educati OnB. the relati On ShiP betwee n en viro nment and birthC. the Writer ' S final conclusiOnD. the relati On ShiP betwee n in tellige nce and en viro nment9. The key word of this PaSSage woul
35、d beA. DePe ndence On EdUCatiO nB. I ntellige nceC. Surro UndingSD. EffeCt of EdUCati On10. WhiCh Stateme nt about the PaSSage is true?A. All twins have SimiIar degrees of intelligence.B. A man who is educated in University must make greater achievements than a man who works in a bori ng factory.C.
36、PrOPer educatiOn Can Change One' S intelligence at some degree.D. EdUCatiOn Can ' t make a child born With low intelligence CIeVerer四、书面表达过生日互赠礼物在中学生中似乎成为一种时尚,甚至有的学生还去饭店开生日聚会。对此, 同学们有不同的看法。假设你是王平,请你根据下表的提示,给某英语报社的编辑写一封信,谈 谈自己的观点。赞成为冋学们提供交际机会;利于增进冋学之间的友谊; 学习之余可以放松心情。反对容易造成对时间和金钱的浪费;导致攀比的行为;对
37、青少年的学习和成长造成不利影响。你的观点注意:1.词数:120150词左右(信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数)2. 短文须包括表中的全部内容,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 参考词汇:攀比 keep UP With the JonesesDear Editor,I ' m a middle school StUdent named Wang Ping.Yours,Wang Pi ng试题答案一、1 5 BACBB 6 10 ABDAB 1115 AABDD1.此题应该用不定式 the Way to do Sth 表示"做的途径、方式”。We Can imagine 作定语修饰前边的the Only Way ,前面省略了 that。8.本题考查非谓语动词的用法。宾语 wo
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