



1、2020-2021学年九年级英语上学期期中测试卷03 (牛津版)第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(共15分)1.(本题 1 分)-1m wondering you will come to my party or not tomorrow.-I will certainly attend your party. Thanks for your invitation.A. whenB. howC. whetlierD. that2.(本题 1 分)Man,prefers.A. sing and dance B. singing to dancingC. to sing to dance D. to s

2、ing than dancing3 .(本题 1 分)-We can wear that blue suit to the theatre.-Why not the grey one there for a change?A try wearing B. trying to wearC. to try and wear D. to try wearing4 .(本题 1 分)Lucy is readmg novel. It is interesting story.A. a; anB. a; aC. the; theD. the; an5 .(本题 1 分)He said he his tea

3、chers in the primary school since then.A. didn't see B. hasn t seen C. hadn t seen D. wouldn't see6 .(本题 1 分)一Could you please tell me?Of course. Many people in Shiyan know it.A where is Mount WudangB how can I get to die Wulong RiverC. what is Sheimongjia famous forD if there will be a new

4、airport in Shiyan7 .(本题 1 分)My pen is broken, so I have no pen to.A. to write B. to write withC. to write on it D. to write with it8 .(本题 1 分)The girl red helped me find my key.A. oncost B. iii;missed C. in;lost D. oniinissiiig9 .(本题 1 分)Yellow is the colour of the sun. It can a wanisiumy day.A. rem

5、md you about B. remind you ofC. remind you D. remuid of you10 .(本题 1 分)一Will you buy this tie for Dad?一I have no idea. I don't know or not the colour matches his new shirt.A. ifB. thatC. whyD. whether11 .(本题 1 分)1 want to stay in die city for two days.A. the other B. other C. another D. others12

6、 .(本题 1 分)1 don't know tomorrow. Can you tell me?A when we startedB. when did we startC. when we will startD. when will we start13 .(本题 1 分)He has got somethuig to at the meeting.A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say14 .(本题 1 分)The car is expensive he can't buy it.A. too; toB. so: thatC. such; tha

7、tD. enough; that15 .(本题 1 分)Mike has hmch at school.A. So does Tom B. So has Tom C. So Tom hasD. So Tom does二、完型填空供15分)Have you ever been near an animal you were afraid of? How close have you been to a dangerous snake? Well, Tony Kepler raises killer snakes for a living and he loves his 16. He has b

8、een working with them since hewas a little boy and he's not 17 at all.Tony s fatlier has been a snake handler (驯蛇师) for twenty years and he has taught liis son a lot about them. Now Tony is 18 to make money from snakes. In order to 19 the venom (毒液),he has to find rattlesnakes in the western par

9、t of the United States. He sends the venom to a 20 where they make it into something called "anti-venin: Anti-vemn is what they give people 21 they have been bitten (咬)by a poisonous (有毒的) snake. This anti-venin is really helpfiil in 22 the person who has been bitten. He has been making his liv

10、ing this way for five years and feels23.Tony s dad has handled nearly 1,000 snakes in his Efetinie. And Inmdreds of people go to him to 24 how to deal witli snakes. Tony's dad has been willing to25everything about how to hold, how to feed andhow to get venom from snakes. But not everyone 26 get

11、used to the idea of picking up a snake. Many people heard 27 stories about snakes when they were children and have been afraid of them ever since. Tony has been trying to educate people about the positive tilings snakes do. For one tlmig, tliey help 28 die rat and mouse population. Snakes are also v

12、ery clean and 29 and they seldom trouble humaas.Tonys job is very different from any other job Fve heard of but it is a really 30 one. Without venom collectors, many people would be in real danger and some would die.16 . A. family B. jobC. hobbyD. pay17. A. afraid B. lonelyC. braveD. patient18. A.ho

13、nestB. luckyC. ableD - carefiil19. A.discoverB . collectC. produceD taste20. A.libraryB museumC hospitalD laboratory21. A.beforeB. tlioughC. afterD. unless22. A.calmingB. testingC. savingD. protectmg23. A.freeB. tiredC. safeD great24. A.learnB - showC. discussD explain25. A.exchange B. overcomeC. re

14、tellD. share26. A.mayB. canC. has toD. need27. A.folkB. humorousC. movingD. scary28. A.countB controlC. doubleD - stop29. A.noisyB - slowC. quietD active30. A.important B. dangerousC. popularD. cruel三、阅读单选(共30分)Dear Cheii Jie,How is it going? Last Monday, we talked about our dreams in the class meet

15、ing. Some students didn't know what they wanted to be in the future. But I said that I wanted to be an English teacher. I hope to be a good teacher, like Mr. Wu, He makes his math class interesting. He often tells us to work hard and try our best to achieve our dreams.What are you gomg to be whe

16、n you grow up?Yours,Li MingDear Li Ming,Thanks for your letter. My dieam is to be a voluntary(志愿的)doctor. But my parents don't agree with me. They thuik the job will sometimes be very difficult.This week I wrote to my Chuiese teacher. Miss Liu. I asked her for some advice. She said that a good d

17、octor could help more people and she told me not to give up my dream. Now. Pm sure of my dream job and maybe I will go to work in a poor place one day, but J will always be your friend!Love ,Chen Jie31. (2 分)What did Li Ming and his classmates talk about in die class meeting?A. Their teachers. B. Th

18、eir dreams.C. Tlieirparents.D. Their friends.32. (2 分)Who wants to be a teacher?A. Chen Jie.B. Li Ming.Mr. Wu.D. Miss Liu.33. (2 分)What subject does Mr. Wu teach?A. Chinese. B. English.C. Math.D. P.34. (2 分)What do Chen Jie's parents think of die job of a voluntary doctor?A. Ter5r difficult. B.

19、Very easy.C. Very interesting. D. Very boring.35. (2 分)Chen Jie wrote a letter to Miss Liu because he wantedA. to give, up his dreamB. to be poorD to get some adviceC. to make friends with Li MiiigBNobody can succeed without confidence. When you are truly confidents maybe there is a touching distanc

20、e behveeii you and success.Its important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it under any situation, because if you believe you can, then you really will. Believing in yourself keeps you searching for answers which means tliat pretty soon you will get them.Confidence is more than an atti

21、tude (态度).It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with honesty and confidence. It comes from a strong sense of purpose. It comes from a strong promise to take responsibility (责 任),rather than just letting life happen. One way

22、 to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and do it successfully.Confidence is not being arrogant (自大).Arrogance is bom out of fear, while confidence comes from strengtli and honesty.Confidence is not just believing what you can do.Confidence is knowing what you can do. Know that you a

23、re able to finish doing anything you want, and live your life with confidence.Aiiythmg can be achieved tlirough efibrt and self-confidence. If your life is not what you want it to be,you have tlie power to change it, and you must make the changes. Live with your purposes and your plan of action. Act

24、 with your own purpose, and you will have the life you want.36. (2 分)If we have confidence.A. we are sure to achieve successB. success may be not far away from usC. we can live a better lifeD. we have not any difficulties37. (2 分)What does the tliree paragraph niauily talk about?A. What an attitude

25、is.B Where an attitude comes from.C What confidence is.D. How we can gain confidence.38. (2 分)Which of die following has nothing to do witli the development of confidence?A. Arrogance. B. Honesty.C. Responsibility. D. Purpose.39. (2 分)What are the key words of this passage?A. Distance and success.B.

26、 Confidence and attitude.C Confidence and success.D. Success and life.40. (2 分)In which column (专栏)of a newspaper can you most probably read this article?A. AdvertisementB. Science.C. Nature.D. Forum.CSometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of o

27、ne 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo (柔道)though he had lost his left ami in a serious car accident.The boy began lessons witli ail old Japanese judo master. Tlie boy was doing well, but he couldn't understand why, after tliree months of trauung. the master had tauglit lum only one move.“

28、Teacher, “the boy finally said, "shouldn't I be learning more moves?”“This is die only move you know, but this is the only move you'll ever need to know, Hthe teacher replied.Not quite imderstanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training.Several months later, the teacher t

29、ook the boy to his first competition.Surprising Imnself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some tune, his opponent (对手)became impatient: the boy skillfully used his one move to win the match.Still amazed by his success, the boy was now i

30、n the finals.This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be overmatched. Tlmiking that die boy might get hurt, the referee (裁判)called a tmie out. He was about to stop the match when the teacher said to him, "No, let him continue:Soon afte

31、r the match restarted, his opponent made a big mistake. At once, the boy had won die match and the competition. He was the champion.On the way home, the boy and teacher talked about every move in each and every match. Then die boy gathered die courage to ask what was really on his mind.“Teacher, how

32、 did I win die competition witli only one niove ?"You won for two reasons J die teacher answered.“First, you've almost mastered one of die most difficult throws in all of judo. Second, tlie only known defense (防御)for that move is for your opponent to catch your left ami."The boy*s bigg

33、est weakness had become his biggest strengtli.41. (2 分)The main idea of tliis passage is.A. the disabled can get successB. how the boy learned JudoC. weakness can become strengthD. practice makes perfect42. (2 分)Though he didn't quite understand why he was asked to practise one move for tliree m

34、onths, the boyA. was shy to ask the reasonB. trusted the master very muchC wanted to be a championD took part in the competition43. (2 分)According to the underlined sentence, we know thatA. the boy seemed to give inB the boy appeared braveC the boy was certain to winD. the boy seemed to lose the mat

35、ch44. (2 分)Who does the imderlmed word *HeH refer to?A The referee. B. The boy.C. Tlie opponent. D . The teacher.45. (2 分)What serious mistake did the opponent make in the finals?A. He fell down on the ground.B. He forgot to throw die boy to the groiuid.C. He only remembered that he would win.D He t

36、ried to catch die boys left arm.第口卷(非选择题)四、用单词的正确形式完成句子(共10分)词语填空(用所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词限用一次).advice decide make sleep that I anything angry too alwaysFrom: saiidraoxmail. comTo: elleoxmail. comSubject: Need help!Hi Elle,I need some help witli my problems. I don't know what to dolYbu re s

37、o confident (自信的)and always know what to do, so I hope you can give me some46(1 分).I have very strict parents who won't let me do47,(1 分)on my own. They've been really48, (1 分)with me because of my poor school results. I don*t know how to let them know that their pressure 1s49.(1 分)it hard f

38、or me to do well in school.My friends at school are50,(1 分)trying to get me to do tilings I don't like. I want make my ovn5L (1 分).I don't want to do tilings because of the pressure from my classmates. How do52,(1 分)deal with them?Lm always worrying about my looks. I tluiik Lm getting too fa

39、t. I have too many pimples (粉刺)on my face» 53. (1 分).All these problems are making me feel very stressfiil and sad. I'm so stressed54, (1 分)I'm begimung to have sleep problems. I worry so much tliat I can't55,(1 分). What can I do? Please help!Yours >Sandra.五、回答问题(共10分)阅读下而短文,根据短文

40、内容回答问题Is it difficult for you to remember things? I'd like to tell you some ways to improve your memory,so you shouldn't feel upset.My first advice is that if you want to remember something well, you have to review it regularly(有规彳节地). You might review the material two days after you learn i

41、t, then a week later, then two weeks later, and then a month later. After a month you will find that you can easily remember the material.My second advice is to use a colored pexi to highlight (标注)the important parts on your book. This will help you in two days. First, it will help you pay attention

42、 to die most important parts when you leam die language. It is always easier to remember only the key points. Second, this will make reviewing easier When you open your book, the colored parts will show you the most important tlmigs quickly. Ill this way, you don't have to review all the material again.Another piece of advice is to use the proper time well. First,review all the mfbnnation in your niind right before you go to sleep. Your bram is workuig while you are sleepmg. If you dunk abou


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