



1、2019年济南中考英语真题试卷2019年山东省济南市中考英语试卷选择题部分共膜分l听力测试冲分)*)听录音.从每纲句子中选出T秀所听到的句子如每个句子听Th第1页 < 上H或)TliK my Cjt:d5.She (jets up jl %氏 o'jiuck.yem huy uny 管版切卜心? Annu will k1 buck ncxi yeur. Wliert ih our iiu>k leaclier?.A. PlfMse emit 加r, Ainy.2. A. ph (enni> cMiec week.(.凡 Wltlt yiiu 怕把 fi>r4.

2、A. llnsi hii-i Irm >rmijfht hiiir,5* A. Whafi hii phone number?B.Let's go it)llie tLory.C.B.IJe never cjIs junk food,C.R.1 )n y(jii huve u hEKikL'tbiill'!C1.B. Lbifi hudxl wimdcrful idea. C.B. AMidlS die mallei u id) her? CB)听录音,队每意4、B、C三幅图曾中出与听到的对话内容相符的一项,每段对话听商遍.X.IL ID A. Ibod,(2)

3、A, Riir,(JJ A. Aiiibum?; <10.厂)在录音中,栋幡听到一段对话及五个门请根据对话内容及问题选择正需答案.对话及问题听两遍.瓦 Water,U RkperPR. Sh.C. Ten.氏 Ai Libuul B: 0!L Ai iibuul 9; (Mk(4) A.Phy chess.B.Have a talk.C.Sing a hcog.(5) A.Cooking.B.Writing.C.Shopping.D)在录音中,你将听到一寓短文及五个问H请根据短文内容及问选算正确答案.短文及问题听两遍.C. On Wednesday.12. (75 分)(D A. On

4、Friday. B. On Monday.(2) A. She wrote a letter.(3) A. Near a bus stop.(4) A. One day.(5) A. Helpful.B. She sent a postcard.B. In a post office.B. Two days.B. lucky.C. She made a phone call.C. In her school.C. Tliree days.C. Brave.18. -Hi. Bob. ? - Fm fine.A. Uhat's thisC. Who,s that19. Is this y

5、our bnrthefs hal ? - No.A. hisB.him20. -1 often eat apples. - Me. too.A. AB.An21. Wliat docs your cousinlook like?A. shortB.thin22 My favunte sport is ba5cball.II读音选词根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.(5分)13. This book is a m汹 diffivult for me.A. bedB. hotC. hadD. bit14. The French boy enjoys hi sch

6、ool. Zlaif? in China.A. laleR. lifeC. kmghD. knife15. k their a suuiiniing 4Ml V in your neighborhood!A. poolB peelC. pushD. pale16. The movie sur needs soinc/ai vat/ lime to relax herself.A. projectB. provideC. piuduclD. private17. It took MMne photos with the new/1 ka?nwra/on my birthday.A. cinema

7、B. calendarC. cameraD. kilometer 01.选界填空从诲HA. B、C, D四个选项中,选出一个量佳答案.(20分) thanks.B. Where are youD How are youit isn*t. The black one is.C. sheD. herapple a day keeps th: doctor away.C. TheD. /Is he tall or? -Heis tall. And he is strong.C. longD. snail -So you can(he base ba .1 club.A. giveC. joinD n

8、vet23. Hello. Is Gma there? 一 Sorry, she's not home.A. toB. alC. onD. of24. I can't find my ruler. I don't know it's somewhere in the living room.A. soB. ifC- butD. be25. is your art teacher!- Mr. Miller. He is my favorite teacher.A. WhatB. WhereC. HowD. Who26. I,m going to the Icuno

9、rniw. I wanl lo borrow a few book、about science.A. museumB. libraryC. mountainD. hospital27. My best friend Ahce is much than me. I m very outgoing A. .quietB. quieterC. quietestD the quietest28. - Ihs Linda washed the clothes?-No. she hasn't. She it after she Gnishes her homework.A. didB. Ins d

10、oneC. will doD. was doing29. - Ini very sorry. I kid. I tailed die math lesl. -. You've tried ver) hanl.A. Yixire welcomeB. Sounds goodC. Thais for sureD. Nevermind30. - Excuse me. Could you speak a little louder? I can、hear you-OK.A. hardlyB. cheaplyC. dearlyD. heavily31. - Look!beautiful floue

11、rs? - And they smell very nice.A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. What an32. Allan ha>a pel dog. I oflen see him the dog in the morning.A. walkB. walksC. walkedD. to walk33. Wbuld you like to come to my party next Sunday ?-rd love to» but I I have an important meeting that day.A. ainB. musin'C. ne

12、edn'tD. shouldn't34. hiul and Dale have in comnioiu although ihey arc brothers.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing35. - Eric,playing tlut computer game. Why not read a book? - OK. Mom.菜3贞(共13页)C. stopsD. stopA. to slopB. stopping36. - When will Sallv and Carol arrive?-1 don't

13、know. I havehere for half an hour.A. comeB. kflC. waitedD. arrived37. Whai's up. Tony? - WelL Mr. King* could you tell?A. how did you team histoiyB when the art festival isC. where *crc you yesterdayD. uiiai arc they drawingIV完形填空 从每题A、B、C D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案.(15分)38. (15 分)Recently Stev

14、e had a car accident and his car was broken So until the car was (1)he had to go to work by subway. One day. he noticed a (2)guy at the station at night. He felt (3) fbi hinh so he gave him some mug.Thu homeless guy thanked him for it. TIk next day again, x noticed the homeless gu> at the same pl

15、ace. This time Sieve (4)him a meal. The homeless guy thanked him for his (5)ButSieve got curious (iT 奇的)and asked. "How did you gel to this (6)-(7)a smile, the homeless guy said» By shoeing fovc. Steve didn't (8) it. so he asked him. hiK do you mean by that? " The homeless guy rep

16、lied, "In my whole life. I made sure that everyone was happy. No matter what happened in my life* I always helped eveiyone "Sieve asked him. Do you (9)it? m uhich the homeless guy replied. "No. Il just breaksm heart (Ih( the very people I gave money lo wouldn*( give me a coin (10) I w

17、as in need. Son. it is better to build your own house and invite someone in for shelier(庇护)than to( II 1(hem your bricks (片)hilc you are building yours. Because one day when you turn amund and look at the place where you plaiuied to build your house, it will be ail empty (12). Then you aiv Ilie one

18、looking for bncks.Steve understood what the homeless guy meant and thanked him for the good (13).Helping others is a grxid ihing. But sometimest uhile we arc helping others* we( 14)(*ir own problems and needs. One must remember that someliiues sharing is better than giving away. You can do a lot mer

19、e by being in a (15)position instead of bringing yourself into a weaker situation.(DA.ok!B.cheapC.readyD.dirty(2) A.richB.homelewC.smartD.hundsnme第4页(共13页)A.They to id a few stones.B.They hid the key in the apnment.C.They drank snme coffee.D.They cleaned up the colored paper.(5) Whai can he a suitab

20、le title for the text?A.Teachers and StudentsB.April Fools Day BalloonsC. A Good College TeacherD. Jason and His Roommalc41. (10 5/)Daiu Csonka is an adult now. WTwnslie was 8. her house caught on fire. The fire left bum scan (伤疤)oxer 18 peicent of Mr body, including on her face, neck and aims. She

21、got better and relumed to school. Iler classmates were mean, though. They nuide fun of her scars. *1 dtdn l have any friends, she said.Her nurses at the luispilal had a Migge>lion. Tliey said slie sltouki go (o a camp for kids who had been burned. She went there every summer for 10 years. Il help

22、ed her feel better. She met kids who could underMaiul whal she *ent (hn>ugh.The bum camp started in 1988. Since then, ii has heen offering children with bum vars a week of relief from looking differvm. Campers go there to swim, play games and do many other things.Kevin Achng is 14. This is his se

23、cond summer at the camp. A year and a half ago. a tcmblc fire left scan over 25 percent of his body.At firsi. he was not sure if he wanted io go to the camp. "He said. 1 don't want people to stare at me. said his mother. I said. sKev. its a bum camp. Other people are there wlw have bums. *

24、He ended up bmg i(. After camp, his mother noticed a difference. He was no longer embarrassed about the special clothes he had to wear for his scars. He was more comfortable being himself.Every year, ihe Thursday of ihe camp week is Fire Truck Day. Rrc tmeks arrive, along with campers from previous

25、(吸前的)刈仆 doctors and nunicst and family members. Campers can see fifv trucks up close and talk with firefighters. Sometimes, they arc the very firefighters uho rescued the campers monihs or years cariicr. Rrc Truck Day allows them to sec each other in a happy situation, which is always the campers 5

26、most unforgettable day.(1) Whal do we know about Dana Csunka from Paragraph 1 ?A She got burned in her school.B. She is an eight * year - old schoolgirl.C. She lias scars all over her bexiy.DShe was lonely because of her scar.(2) Which of the f(>lk>u ing is NOT true about the bum onnp ?tfL7CfX

27、.阅读理解七域五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项,(5分)55. (5 分)If you wear glasses, there's good news for you. (1)A new study has found ihai needing to wear glasses is connected with higher level> of intelligence.In the study. rcsc<irchcrs fmm the Uniwrsity of Edinburgh studied data(数据)on h

28、minpower and genes. Genes, made upof DNA. are information in (he cells of our body. They determine how we look and hou* our bodies work. (2)They found a connection between brainpower and physical clwractcrisiics including eyesight and health. People who were more intelligeni were more likely to have

29、 genes that might 由aw they need to wear glasses. The researchers also found that being smarter has some advantages. They fbwid ways in which smarter people have fewer health problems.(3)Tliey are not proved (证实的)causes. Il is esisy to prove dial (wo things are connected. Il is harder lo prove that one thing, bkc intelligence, causes (he other, hke needing glasses.R)rgel genes (hough. Uvaring glasses makes people (hink you are


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