



1、教学设计-1 he f abl e of t he woodcut t er学习好资料Lesson21 The Fable of the Woodcutter教学设计教材分析:本单元学习诗歌与寓言,使学生感受英语作为文学艺术的语言魅力。不仅如此,教师还应为学生插上想象的翅膀,激发其创造力。本节课将要 学习的木匠与金斧子的故事能够启发学生的诚实品质,传递正能量,同时可鼓 励学生将生活中的诚信故事分享交流。教学目标:1 , 语言 目 标:fablewoodcutteraxedivespiritsilverpolicymake one' s livingAs he cried, a spir

2、it appeared2 .能力目标:学生会大声朗诵课文,明白文章大意,最终能对脉络进行复述或 者讲出自己编的故事续集。3 .情感目标:学生能深刻体会到诚实的重要性,并意识到自己不能骗老师,考 试不能作弊等。教学重、难点:将学生由听故事的人转化为讲故事的人。教学法:情景法、听说法、全身反应法、交际法教学准备:1.从提前自学课文并表演的学生中挑选一组优秀的以备课堂表演。2 .教师会背诵本课课文3 .为表演的同学准备部分道具(仙子花环等)教学过程:Step1导入-YES/NO(师生问候过后学生先不坐,此问中yes者坐,no者站):When you pick up a-100-yuan mobile

3、 phone and you know who it belongs to will you give it back?when you pick up a-500-yuan smart phone and you know who it belongs to will you give it back?When you pick up an iphone6 and if you keep it no one knows will you give it back?This is a little test of your honesty Now look around and congrat

4、ulate our honest classmates.(告知站着的同学只有分享一个诚信故事才可坐下不会英文部分可用中文替代)Do like their stories? I have one more.Step2 Listenin教师慢速背诵课文,学生竖起耳朵听故事。Fill in the blanks below1. AS he cried, a appeared.2. Because he was honest, he_to the spirit that it wasn' t his axe.3. So the spirit went down a third time and

5、 with an old axe.板书标题,并在下面用小字写上名言Be true to your work, your word, and yourfriend.-Henry David Thoread like our talented classmates to act it out.Step3 ActingIn order to help you understand the plot, we Welcome!Don t forget to fill the elements chart below:charactersplaceToolsemotions学生表演Step4 READIN

6、G1- Accoding to your classmates show, can you answer the following questions by your own words:you can find the answer on your textbook if you mayWhat happened when the woodcutter was cutting wood?How did the woodcutter get his axe back?Why did the spirit give him the other two axes as presents?2- t

7、he teacher teach them to read the part of the answers to the questions above.3- Students read the story together and then leave a few seconds for them to think about the quality of the characters.(work in pairs)Tips: honest、helpful> kind、poor、foolish> evil、pure lovely4- read the story by yours

8、elves and circle around your difficulties.Step5 language points教师先处理部分重点,然后给学生 7分钟时间自学导学案上的讲解并做相应练习。3分钟用于学生与同伴之间提问检测。紧接着5分钟时间教师提问检测学习成果。Step6 interactive practice教师扮演仙子,全体学生扮演木匠。以问答的形式将故事演示一遍(适当发 挥)Step7 group work学生分组练习。二选一:复述故事或讲续集。Step8 summaryIn this lesson, we learnt a lot. We' ve knew a story about honesty. We knew someelements of writing a story. We are good at telling a story in English and we will never be dishonest from now on.Step 9 Homewor


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