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1、2021-11-131边界指导:在工作和职业态度中的指导者类型、关系质量和项目设计效应MARGINAL MENTORING:THE EFFECTS OF TYPE OF MENTOR ,QUALITY OF RELATIONSHIP ,AND PROGRAME DESIGN ON WORK AND CAREER ATTIUDESThe Academy of Management JournalVol. 43 No. 6 Dec. 20002021-11-132一、摘要Employing a national sample of 1,162 employees, we examined the

2、relationship between job and career attitudes and the presence of a mentor, the mentors type(formal or informal ) ,the quality of the mentoring relationship,and the perceived effectiveness and a design of a formal mentoring program. 在美国抽取1162名员工作为实验样本,调查工作态度与导师配备、导师类型(正式或非正式),导师关系和培训计划的效能、目的之间的相关性。

3、2021-11-133二、研究目的 purpose 1、 这项研究的第一个目的是通过新员工对导师关系的满意程度的分析来比较导师的类型和导师的配备对员工工作态度的影响。The first purpose of this study was to compare career and job attitudes among individuals with formal mentors, informal mentors, and no mentors while controlling for and investigating the degree of satisfaction obtain

4、ed from the mentoring relationships.2、 第二个目的是检验导师计划的质量、设计对员工工作态度和对导师关系的影响。The second purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the design and quality of mentoring programs on career and job attitudes and on the satisfaction obtained from mentoring relationship.2021-11-134三、文献综述 literature

5、review (一)、Mentoring in the workplace 当前的导师制度1、 Mentoring and work attitudes. 导师对新员工工作态度的影响2、 Marginal mentoring (二)、 Formal and Informal Mentoring Theory 正式导师和非正式导师理论(三)正式导师和非正式导师的调查研究 Research on Formal and Informal Mentoring 2021-11-135四、假设Hypotheses1、 导师关系:类型(正式的、非正式的),存在(有导师、没有导师),满意度(Mentoring

6、 Relationship:Type,Presence,and Satisfaction)a) 假设1:对导师表示非常满意的员工比那些对导师表示不满或者基本满意的员工将显现出更积极的工作态度(Protgs who report highly satisfying informal or formal mentoring will report more positive job and career attitudes than protgs who are marginally satisfied or dissatisfied with their informal or formal m

7、entors)b) 假设2:在已定的三种满意度内,有非正式导师的员工比那些有正式导师的员工将显现出更积极的工作态度,反过来,有正式导师的员工比那些没有导师的员工将显现出更积极的工作态度。) 2021-11-136 i. (With a given level of reported satisfaction ,protgs with informal mentor will report more positive job and career attitudes than protg with formal mentors,who in turn will report more posit

8、ive attitudes than no mentored individuals) 研究问题一、导师关系的存在或者类型是否比导师关系的满意度高低更影响员工的工作态度?(Does the type or the presence of a mentoring relationship account for more of the incremental variance in job and career attitudes than the level of satisfaction with the mentoring relationship) 2、员工培养计划的目的、特征 假设3:

9、具有有效指导计划的员工将比那些没有有效指导计划的员工显现出更积极的工作态度与导师关系满意度。(Formal protgs who report being in effective mentoring programs will have more positive career and job attitudes and report greater satisfaction with their mentoring relationships than protgs who report being in less effective mentoring programs .2021-11

10、-137 假设4:自愿参与员工将比那些强制参与的员工显现出更积极的工作态度,而且导师计划将更具有效性。(protgs in formal programs that involve voluntary participation will view the programs as more effective and will have more positive career and job attitudes than protgs in mandatory programs.) 假设5:在导师分配当中,直接参与分配计划的员工将比那些随意指定导师的员工显现出更积极的工作态度,而且导师计划将

11、更具有效性。(protgs in formal programs that involve participation in matching will view the programs as more effective and will have more positive career and job attitudes than protgs in programs that assign members to one another) 2021-11-138 假设6:为员工提供职业化发展道路的导师计划与只为员工提供一般工作任务的导师计划相比,能更加激励员工积极地工作。 (protg

12、s in formal programs aimed at career development will view the programs as more effective and will have more positive career and job attitudes than protgs in programs aimed at providing general job orientation ) 假设7:那些提供经常性指导和有导师评价机制的导师计划将比没有上述特征的计划更能激发员工的工作热情。protgs in formal programs that offer gu

13、idelines for frequency of meeting and recognition for the mentors will view the programs as more effective and will have more positive career and job attitudes than protgs in programs lacking such features)() 2021-11-139 研究问题二、导师的部门与级别是否影响员工的工作态度?(Does the rank or department of a formal mentor affec

14、t a protgs report of program effectiveness or the protgs career and job attitudes)五、研究方法 Methods1、 Dillman mail survey method.,Dillman问卷调查法为了得到一个性别对等的样本,随机选取相等数量的男女进行调查,我们共发了3000份调查问卷,工人、工程师、记者各1000人(男女各500)。2021-11-1310 2 、 测量 Measures All measures had acceptable coefficient alphas(系数)(1) 职业与工作态度的测

15、量(Career and job attitudes)。我们用量表对七种态度进行了评价:(a)、职业责任感(career commitment)(b)、工作满意度(job satisfaction)(c)、提升机会满意度(satisfaction with opportunities for promotion )(d)、组织责任感(organization commitment)(e)、过程公正性(procedural justice)(f)、在组织中的自尊感(organization-based self-esteem)(g)、离职意向 (intentions to quit )2021-

16、11-1311 (2) 关系满意度的测量(Relation satisfaction )员工的关系满意度用七分量表对以下四项指标进行测量,我的导师:(a)、是否是我喜欢的人(b)、是否能适应他/她的角色(c)、不满足我的需求(d)、使我失望(My mentor:Is someone Iam satisfied with.Has been effective in his/her roleFails to meet my needs.Disappoints me .)每项进行打分,分数17,1代表很不同意,7代表完全同意。=0。83 2021-11-13122021-11-1313(3)导师计划

17、的有效性(the Perceived Program Effectiveness )我们用七分量表对以下指标来测量导师计划的有效性:(a)、员工与导师各自是否自愿参与这个导师计划mentor volunteers and protg volunteers (b)、导师分配Method of matching (c)、计划目的Purpose of program(d)、经常性指导(Meeting frequency guidelines)(e)、导师的级别(Mentors rank)(f)、导师的部门(Mentors department)(g)导师的评价(recognition given t

18、o mentor)2021-11-1314A question of the survey:(Perceived Program Effectiveness 问卷问题:The formal mentoring program in my organization is effective.The formal mentoring program allows me access to mentors who otherwise would have been unattainable I am satisfied with the formal mentoring programthe for

19、mal mentoring program smoothed the way for me to get a mentor.I would be unable to get a mentor if not for the formal mentoring program.)对每项进行打分,分数17,1代表很不同意,7代表完全同意。4代表既不赞成也不反对。=0。792021-11-1315(4)正规导师计划的设计 Design of formal mentoring programs(5)变量的设计 Control variables 设计了27个与工作态度、导师制度相关的变量。设置两类变量:组

20、织/人口统计变量和导师变量(organizational/demographic variables and mentoring variables)利用协方差、因变量的相关性检验、回归分析的一致性检验 2021-11-1316六、研究结果Result 通过多元协方差分析(multivariate analyses of covariance|)、 Duncan多元实验方法(Duncans multiple range test)和 一元分析一元分析( (univariateunivariate analyses) analyses) 方法证明上述7条假设成立。 2021-11-1317七、讨

21、论(Discussion)1、这项研究提出了两个与组织发展相关的重要问题,第一个是,证明所有的导师关系都是平等的而且利用导师的基本效能结构来检验具有正式导师、非正式导师和不具有导师的员工之间的不同。(This study addressed two questions that have particular relevance for organizations entering the new momentum.First, we tested the assumption that all mentoring relationships are created equal and use

22、d the construct of marginal mentoring to examine differences between individuals with formal and informal mentors ,and no mentored individuals ) 第二个是力图证明导师计划的目的能否影响参与者的工作态度,他们对计划效能的理解,以及他们对导师关系的满意程度。( Second,we examined whether the design of a formal mentoring program affected participantswork attit

23、udes,their perception of the effectiveness of the mentoring program,and their satisfaction with the mentoring relationship)2021-11-13182、这项研究结果支持了Levinson 的理论即导师制度不是 完全 绝对的而是一个连续发展的过程。( The results of our study support Levinsontheory that mentoring is onto a simple ,all-or-none matter but falls along a continuum of effectiveness )3、在解释员工工作态度的 差异上,员工对导师的满意程度比导师的类型、导师的配备更具有解释力。(these results indicate that satisfaction with the mentoring relationship accounted for more of the variance in job and career attitudes than the type of men


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