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1、冷轧 cold rolling冷拨cold drawn牛产效率 production efficiency设备equipment强度 strength直缝焊管 straight welded tube螺旋焊管 spiral welded tube薄钢板 thin steel plate1f 厚钢板 medium thick plate中板 middle plate厚板 thick plate特厚板 especially thick plate理论重量 theoretical weight单位长度unit length单位面积unit area扁钢 flat steel实际长度 actual l

2、ength实际重量 actual weight偏差 deviation负偏差 negative deviatione偏茅 positive deviation开平板 opened plate报价 quote钢的牌号 steel grades材质 material碳素结构钢 carbon structural steel普通碳素结构钢 ordinary carbon structural steel优质碳素结构钢high quality carbon structural steel屈服点 yield point 屈服强度yield strength质量等级quality grade脱氧方法 d

3、eoxidize 受力强度 stress strength 然性变形 deformation 沸腾钢 boiling steel 半镇静钢 half calm steel 镇静钢 calm steel特殊镇静钢 special calm steel低合金高强度结构钢high strength with low-alloy structural steel冲击试验 impact test紧固件 fasteners碳钢焊条 carbon steel electrodes低合金钢焊条low-alloy steel electrode气焊 gas welding手工电弧 manual arc气体保护焊

4、gas shielded welding埋弧焊 submerged arc welding 钢焊缝手工超声波探伤方法steel weld ultrasonic testing铁塔防腐 anti-corrosion热(浸)镀锌 heat (dip) galvanized 热喷锌 hot zinc spray 喷油漆 spray paint 维护成木 maintenance cost 热镀锌工艺hot galvanizing technology酸洗助镀处理 picking help plating 附着层 attachment 1 ayer 金属构件 metal component 锌铁合金层z

5、inc-iron alloy layer电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion脱月旨 skimming 酸洗 pickling 水洗 pickling 助镀 help plating 烘干 drying热浸镀锌 hot galvanized technology 冷却 cooling 乍屯 passivation锌层表面处理 treatment of zinc layer surface 质量检查 quality inspection 油污 oil 油脂 grease 油漆 paint 灰尘 rust过酸洗 excessive pickling粗糙的 coarse 欠酸洗

6、 owe pickling 氧化 oxidation 附着性 adhesion 均匀性 uniformity 锌层 zinc layer 附着量 adhesion amount 锌层测厚仪测量zinc layer thickness gauge measurement打灰 play ash 氧化锌 oxide zinc 锌渣 zinc slag 化合物 compound 捞渣 remove slag 白锈 white rust电解液 electrolyte 放炮 blasting 工件 work piece 流黄水 yellow water flow 气孔 blowhole 漏镀leakage

7、 plating明瘤obvious tumor挂灰hanging ash堵孔 plugging hole 填号filling the number起泡sparkling发花grow dim锌瘤zinc tumor夕卜观 appearance 厚度 thickness 辅助手段auxiliary means污物 dirt 工序 procedure 放样 lofting 角钢生产angle steel production连板生产connection board production角钢金 fl 动生产线automatic angle steel production line角甸肖 nc 数拯

8、angle steel nc data 压印 pressure seal 冲孑lpunching卜料 baiting 压号 pressing number 号料 laying out 火曲线 fire curve 切角线 corner cutting line 切肢线 cutting limb line 生产扌旨令 production instruction 工程代号 project code 塔型代号 tower type code 部件编号 part number 制孑l区 making hole zone 铳刨区 milling zone 制弯区bending zone焊接区weldi

9、ng zone剪切区 shearing zone 清 clear root 铲背shovel back切角corner cutting切/卜角 cutting little horn切大角 切肢 冲孔 钻孔 割孔cutting great horn cutting limb punching holes drilling holes cutting holesexaminelong side bending火曲制弯 fire bending 开合角 operating angle switching 检验 打扁 paying flat 傍单向火曲 one-way fire bending 曲筋

10、 bending muscle 双向火曲 bidirectional fire bending 角钢生产自动线angle steel automatic production lineelectric welding trying assemblyback to the warehouse galvanization alignment packing delivery质量控制点 质量特性 关键部位 薄弱环节 性能 精度 寿命 可靠性 安全性角钢半自动线 angle steel semi-automatic production line 连板生产 口动线 board automatic pr

11、oduction line 划线 marking off 剪切下料 shearing material 连扳 nc 数据 connection board nc data 组对 fitting up 电焊 试组装 交库 镀锌 校直 包装 发运quality controlling points the key quality characteristic the key part the weak link performance precisionlife质量检验 破坏性试验 不合格特性 搬运设备reliability security quality inspection destruct

12、ive testing unqualified characteristics handing equipment彳亍车 traveling crane 塔式起重机tower crane龙门吊 gantry crane 汽车起重机truck crane叉车 forklift简易推车 simple cart 载重汽车camion下料设备baiting equipment剪板机 plate shearing machine 于动火焰切割manual flame cutting machine半口 动火焰切割机 semi-automatic flame cutting machine ft 动火焰切

13、割机automatic flame cutting machine下料机baiting machine带自动剪切功能的数控牛产线cnc line with automatic shearing function锯床 sawing machine 制孔设备drilling equipment冲床punching machine钻床 drilling machine 火焰切割机 flame cutting machine 数控自动生产线cnc line焊接设备welding equipment手工电弧焊 electrode welding 气体保护焊 gas shielded welding 埋弧

14、焊 submerged-arc welding 成型设备 molding equipment 单柱压力机 mono column press 四柱压力机 four column press 冲床 punching machine 摩擦压力机 friction press 专用设备dedicated equipment坡口机 facing machine 铳床 milling machine 车床 punching machine 刨床 planer machine 等离子切割机 plasma cutting machine 有色金属non-ferrous metal热变形 thermal de

15、formation 热影响区hot affected zone最终检验final inspection质量指标quality indexes抽样 sampling 检验员 inspectors 主操 main operator 操作规程operating procedures标准 standard 经济手段 economic measure 市场调节market regulation放样 lofting 供货计划delivery plan位置关系 positional relationship 部件制作明细 details of component manufacturing 原材料刀匸总su

16、mmary of raw materials包装明细 packaging details 特殊工艺统计statistics of sspecial procedure样杆图 sample rod drawing 样板图 sample plate drawing 卡板 card board 切角板 angle cutting board 专用量具 specialized measuring tool 心线 heart line 楞线 strength line 楞点 strength point 楞线侧 strength line side 肢边侧 limb side 轧制边rolling si

17、de切角边corner cutting edge根开 root open 单面板 single panel 双面板 double panel 三血板 three panels 交叉板 crossing board v 面板 v panel 折叠板folding board牛蹄板cattle's hoof board垫板 pad 填板 filling the board 连接板卷边connecting board curly edge地孑lgrounding hole安装用孔 installation hole 挂线孔hang line hole牌位孑lmemorial tablet h

18、ole多接腿 multiple legs 进货检验 incoming quality control 物理试验 physics experiments 抗拉强度 tensile strength 塑性 plasticity 伸比率 elongation断面收缩率percentage of area reduction化学试验chemical experiments碳 carbon, 硫 sulfur 硅 silicon 镒 manganese磷 phosphorus过程检验 process inspection半成品检验semi-finished products inspection互检mu

19、tual inspection专检special inspection首检 the first inspection检 self-inspection机器维护 machine maintenance模具 mold铁塔铁塔 tower输电线路铁塔transmission line tower电力塔electric power tower通讯塔communication tower景观塔landscape tower承匣结构load-bearing stmcture钢管杆塔steel tube pole tower角钢塔angular tower组合塔combination tower钢管塔tub

20、ular tower电力系统electric power system发电厂power plant发电机generator升压变屯所step-up transformer substation配电系统distribution system电压voltage架空输电线路overhead transmission line电缆线路cable line避雷线shield wire地线ground wire导线conductor / wire金具fitting绝缘了insulator拉线bracing wire基础foundation接地体grounding conductor接地引下线groundi

21、ng down-lead钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete横截面cross-section乍冈芯铝绞线 steel-reinforced aluminum conducto匚咼压high voltage低压low voltage超咼丿卡.extra-high voltage特高压 ultra-high voltage 光缆optical fiber电流current三相三线制 three phase three wire system 电压等级 grade / rate of voltage 电晕corona电抗 linear reactance 火线live line地线ear

22、th line零线null line回路loop / circuit交流 电alternating current直流 电direct current直线塔straight (line) tower转角塔angle tower终端塔terminal tower耐张塔strain tower换位塔 transposition tower 跨越塔crossing tower分歧塔branch tower转角度数 rotation degree 单回路single loop双冋路double loop多冋路 multi-loop 国家电网 state grid 设计院designing instit

23、ute呼高nominal height垂高vertical height横担cross arm挂点hanging point高低腿high-low leg立式铁塔self-supporting tower拉线式铁塔guyed tower通信塔telecommunication tower微波塔microwave tower广播塔broadcast tower电视塔television tower馈线feeder line爬梯climbing ladder平台platform天线支架 antenna cable rack / stand 航标灯 navigation light 机房 compu

24、ter room 接地网 grounding net地血塔ground tower屋顶塔rooftop tower插接plugging法兰flange焊接welding|员| 形钢管杆塔circular steel pipe tower多边形钢管杆塔polygonal steel pipe tower粗制螺栓crude boltconnection boardfoot nail变电站transformer substationtruss水泥柱concrete pillars接闪器air-termination systemtip避雷线shield / ground wire避雷带lightni

25、ng strap避雷网lightning netcharge屯容器capacitorpathway铁附件iron accessoriestower segment橐装箱container附属部分subsidiary地脚螺栓anchor boltwasher防爬刺anti-climbing thornmain / principal material辅助材uxiliary materialdiagonal materialtransverse material补助材subsidies material塔脚形式type of tower foot塔腿插入式 tower of insert 花窗式

26、flower window type 岩右基式 rock basis type 底脚螺栓式 bottom feet screw type 主材advocate material插入角钢形式 insert angle steel type 底脚板形式 bottom baseboard type 地脚螺栓anchor bolt断面形状cross-section shape单管塔 single-tube tower组合塔 combination of tower 底板 bottom board 靴板 boots board 肋板 floors 高低腿 high-low leg 塔身 tower bo

27、dy 塔头tower head横扌hcross arm地线支架 ground bracket 通讯塔 communication tower 原材料* raw materials 镀锌锅 galvanized pot 接地体 grounding body 接地引下线 grounding lead referrals 航标灯支架 navigation light bracket 馈线架 feeder frame 垂直走线架vertical line frame水平走线架horizontal line frame内平台platform inside外平台platform outside塔脚定位模板

28、 tower feet positioning forms 地脚螺栓定位板anchor bolt positioning board反爬梯 anti-climb ladder 护圈 protect circle 护带 belt 脚蹄 pedal 包角年冈connection angle steel角钢packet angle steel槽钢channel steel网格板 grid board 花纹板 decorative pattern plate 护栏 guardrail 焊接 welding connection 工程塔engineering tower辅助材auxiliary mate

29、rials斜材 inclined material 横(水平)材 horizontal material 连(接)板 connecting(pick) board 连板组合件board assemble呼高 nominal height 圆钢 round steel 腐蚀 coriosion 总图(司令图) assembly drawing (commander chart) 单线图 single line diagram结构图 stmcture chart连接关系 relationships构件明细 component details大样图 detailed graph零件图 compone

30、nt drawing工 艺卡片 process card力u工尺寸processing size力11工工艺processing technology图纸幅面drawing format比例proportion标注mark计量单位measured unit米 meter厘米centimeter毫米millimeter英寸inch孑l 径aperture肢宽width of wing肢厚thickness of wing钏接 riveting精制螺栓bright / refined bolt粗制螺栓crude bolt合金钢 alloy steel 承压型高强度螺栓pressure-bearin

31、g high strength bolt螺母nut螺杆screw螺纹thread平垫gasket扣紧螺母securing nut公称抗拉强度 respectively tensile strength value屈强比值yield strength ratio防卸(盗)螺栓 security / anti-theft bolt扳手 wrench可装可卸防盗螺栓installation and loading anti-theft bolt口j装不口j卸防盗螺栓installation and unloading anti-theft bolt插销式防盗螺栓pin-type security b

32、olt弯钩防滑式脚钉non-slip hook foot nail直脚钉 straight foot nail构件编号 component number投影projection视图view成彩现象 shadow phenomenon 第一角表达法 the first view expression 第三角表达法 the third view expression三视图three planes主视图front view俯视图plan view仰视图bottom view侧面图side view展开方 向spread direction图纸目录drawings catalogue档距span牛铁p

33、ig iron焦炭coke铁矿石iron ore右炭右carboniferous stone熟铁dug iron钢坯billet脱氧程度deoxidizing degree沸腾钢rimmed steel半镇静钢semi-killed steel镇静钢killed steel特殊镇静钢special killed steel锈蚀corrosion重皮(结疤)double-skin(scab)裂缝(裂纹、拉裂)crack (gash, pull cracks)表面夹杂surface impurity折叠enfoldment麻点(麻面、麻坑)pits: (pitted surface, pockma

34、rk)凹坑concave圆背round-shouldered扭曲distortion分层segregation夹杂inclusion气泡bubble划痕(刮伤、擦伤、划伤)scratch (graze, scoring)角钢angle steel圆钢round steel扁钢flat steel槽钢channel steel看谱仪light spectrometer验钢镜check steel mirror等边角钢equilateral angle steel腰厚waist thick普通槽钢common channel steel轻型槽钢 light channel steel热轧rolling钢管steel tube中空的 hollow无缝钢管 seamless steel tube 焊接钢管 welded tube 圆管 circular steel tube 异形管 shaped tube 矩形 square 半圆形 hemicycle 六角形 hexagon 等边三角形triangular八角形 octagonal 钢锭 steel tube 实心管坯 solid tube 箍铁hoop iron锻制forging冷拉cold pulling钢筋steel reinfor


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