1、单句改错简析50题第一组1. we made several american friends in new york so as to improve our english better.2. the doctor told the patient to take the medicine each four hours.3. the children are taking active part in th e english sp eech contest .4. i prefer staying at home to play with him ou tside.5. las t s
2、unday our team won th eirs in the football mat ch-6. i ii h ave my compu ter repair t omorrow.7. t he children were excitin g at the new s that their parents wou id return fr om abroad. 8 . several foo tball teams competed for the match.9. would you please join us for a wal k?10. we ii sing and dan
3、ce until a i ot of them t ake part in.第二组1. look out fire!2. this car is belonged to the smiths.3. take a ta xi in case y ou will be i ate for the meeting.4. s uddenly the house is on fire.5. the ice is too t hin for us t o skate.6. t he american civil war was broken out in 1861.7. is this sent ence
4、 sound r ight?8. the workers in t his factory get pay by t he hour.9. t he boys ligh ted a stick and went int o the cave.第三组1. the doc tor will be free after t en minutes.2 . there is a bit food lef t for lunch.3. he advised to start ea rly.4. you c an buy the c loth by metr es or by the yard.5. mr
5、smith asked me to buy th ree scores o f eggs for t he dinner pa rty.6. we sh all discuss about the re port in the afternoon.7 . does john k now any othe r language e xcept french ?8. he looks too much tir ed, for he h as worked to o much.第四组 1. so as to get to the airp ort in time, he started e a rl
6、y.2. thes e pens are y ours. those o nes are mine .3. the heav y rain kept us going to the party.4 . we were mad e work for t en hours by the boss eve ry day.5. th e left bag i n the room i s my brother s.6. do you have any qu estions to b e asked?7. t he rest oft he money wer e spent on b ooks.8. m
7、ore than one st udent have s een the film .第五组 1. the scenery in t he park was very moving.2. he was t he older of her two sons .3. i don t think he ii agree, do i ?4. i want t o find a hot el to live.5. she marri ed to a man from america .6. the boo k is well wo rth being re ad.7. would you like to
8、 call on his house?8. ho w long has h e recognized you?9. he i s seriously ill and can no more walk .10. i don t think engl ish is too h ard to be le arnt.第六组 1. th e light is s till on. plea se turn off it.2. a grea t many us ha ve pen frien ds.3. he is about to lea ve for beiji ng at once.4. will
9、you p lease explai n me what yo u meant?5. n inety percen t of the wor k have been finished.6. bell invente d a telephon e and it was a most usef ul invention .7. the mixt ure smells w ell but tast es badly.8. you can take them allthere is pie nty more.9. this is the only english chinese die tionary
10、 whic h i could fi nd in the sh op.10. we mu st get out o f the place as soon as p ossibly.1. 去掉better。imp rove意为“改善,改进”,已含better之意。2. eacheve ry。each后接表示单数意义的名词。every后接表示单数或s数意义的名词。此句every意为“每”。3. active前加an。take part i n中part前面如有形容词修饰时,则形容词前要加a (an)。4. pla y-*playingo pr efer doing t odoing意为“喜欢做而
11、不喜欢做”为习惯搭配。5. won*beat。win (战胜、贏得宾语通常是 arac e / war / battle / medal / frien d ship / reward等名词;beat (=de feat)表示在战斗或竞赛中“战胜、打败”对手,后接人或 群体作宾语。6. repair一repa irecl have st h. done (使某物被)为固定表达法,have为使役动词。7. ex citingexcit ed。excited (兴奋的)表示人的状态。8. forin。“参加某项运动的角逐”用介词in; “为而竞争”用介词for。9. forin。join sb.
12、insth.意为“和某人一起参加某项活动”。10 .去掠in。take p art in (参加)后面无宾语时,要将in去掠。如果川join in替换take part in , join in中的in可有可无。1. out后加for。look ou t表示“当心”、“小心”,但它是不及物动词短语,其后跟宾语时, 要在io ok out的后面加介词for。2. is bel ongedbelon gs。belong to表示“属于”,不能用被动形式。3. will b e are。in case作连词,意思是“以防;万一”,引导状语从句,从句的谓语用 一般现在时表示将要发生的情况。4. is
13、on 一 catch es。on fire与c atch fire都意为“着火”,但on fire是介词短语,表示状 态,它可以用来作定语,修饰名词;也可作表语。而catchfire是动词短语,表示动作,在句中主要作谓语。由suddenly可知这里强调的是动作。5. skate后加on。too. to.结构巾的动词与主语应是逻辑上的动宾关系,如果该动 词为不及物动词,则应在该动词后加上相应的介词。6. was brokenbrokeo break out常指战争、火灾等的“突然发生、爆发”,是不及物动词 短语,没有被动语态。7. is does。sound作“听起来”讲吋是连系动词,其后接形容
14、词、名词或介词短语作表语, 无被动语态,也不用于进行时态。但sound作“发的音”讲时,是及物动词,可用被动语态。如:the “h” in “hour” is not sounded.在h our这个词中h是不发音的。8. pay-*paid。get paid和ge t one s pay都可表达“获得报酬”,但前者更正式;。get pai d 是“get+过去分词”形式的系表结构,过去分词作表语,具有被动含义。9. lightedlit。light的过去式和过去分词有两种形式:li t,lit或lighted, lighted。前者 一般充当谓语,而后者多作前置定语。如:the boy ha
15、d a i ighted stick in his hand .那个男 孩手里拿着一根燃烧着的棍子。【答案与解析】1. after->in。in和after都可与吋间段连用,但前者常与将来吋连用,后者常与过去吋连 用。又如:i wil i be ready i n two days.两天以后我就可以准备好。he was still weak after his long ill ness.他k:期患病后身体仍很虚弱。2. bit-* little或在bit后加of。a丨ittle和a bit都表示“一点儿”,但前者直接作定语,后者 则需要加of才能作定语。3. t o start st
16、artingo advis e后直接跟一ing形式作與语,或跟不定式作輿语补足语。又 如:the d octor advise d my father to give up s moking.医生建议我父亲戒烟。4. 将第一个by改为in。in和by都可表示“以为标准单位”,但in后跟数名词,而 by后跟可数名词单数形式或不可数名词。5. scores * score o score dozen» hund red, thousan d» million 令: 一样,与具体的数词连用时不能用复数。6. 去掉about。discuss是及物动词,直接跟宾语。7. except
17、 -*be sides。except意为“除之外,没有”,意思是否定的;bes ides意为“除之外,还有”,意思是肯定的。由any other可知,french应包括在内。8. 把访一个 to o much 改力 muc h too。too m uch 意力“过多、非常、太”,有三种用法:用作名词词组,在句中作主语、宾语或表语;作副词词 组修饰不及物动词;作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词。而much too为副词词组,修饰形容词或副词。答案与简析1. soastolnorderto。in or der to表示“以便”、“为了”,引出的动词不定式作目的状 语,可与so as to换用,但in o
18、rder to引出的短语放在句中或句首都可以,而so as to引出 的短语常放在句屮,一般不能放在句首。2. one spens (或去掉on es)。one可指代前面已经出现的同类单数名词,数用ones, 但要注意,单数指示代词this, that之后可用one,而复数指示代词these , those之后不 能用o neso3. going前加from (或kept stopped)。表示“阻止某人做某事”可用k eep sb. from doing sth.或stopsb. (from ) doing sth.结构,但前者中from不能省略,后者可省去。4. work前加to。某些使役
19、动词和感官动词(如: m ake, have, hea r,see,watch, notice,feel等)后常接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,但若变成被动语态,不定式 符号t o不能省略。5. left bag-bag left。过去分词left及其短语不能作前置定语,一般只作后置定语修饰名 词,它与被修饰的名词为逻辑上的动宾关系。6. be asked-*asko句中作定语的不定式(to a sk)虽然与其修饰的名词(questions)之间 有动宾关系,但与句中的另一词(you)又有逻辑上的主谓关系,这吋动词不定式用主动表 被动。7. werewas。the rest作主诏时,谓语动
20、词可用单数成复数。当r est指代不可数名词 时,谓语动词用单数,此句中rest指代money,故用单数谓语动词was。8. have-*haso “more than on e +单数名词”意为“不只一个”,意义上为复数,但形式上 只是单数,所以它作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。答案与简析1. see neryscene。s cenery足不可数的集体名词,是从审美的观点来看自然风景;而 scene指从某处所见之景色,但多半包含人与动作。如:th e boats in t he harbor ma ke a beautif ul scene.港口的船只构成了美丽的景色。2. older-* e
21、ider。指兄弟姐妹中年龄较大的要用elder。3. do i 一 wi ii he。当陈述句部分是 “i / we think / believe / exp ect / suppose / imagine +宾语从句”时,反意问句应与从句一致,若有否定转移的现象,注意反意问句部分用肯定 形式。4. live后加in。作定语的不定式若是不及物动词,不定式后则要加上相应的介词。5. 去掉to或在married前加was。“和某人结婚”只能用marry sb.或be / get m arried to sb .,其屮marry和g et married都是非延续性动词,因此不能与表示一段时间的状
22、语连 用;表示结婚已有一段时间用bemarried。如:they have be en married f or ten years .他们结婚己经十年了。6. being rea dreading 或将worth 改为 worth y of。worth 和 w orthy 的意思相同,但其搭 配不同,be wo rth doing,即worth后跟一ing形式的主动语态表示被动概念;be worthy o f being done / to bedone:即worthy后跟of + ing形式的被动语态或不定式的被动语态表达被动概念。跟名 词时,wor th后可直接跟表示价钱或相当于“代价”
23、之类的名词,而worthy后跟of +名 词,意思是“应该得到,配得上”。如:he is worthy of the fame.他配得上这个荣誉。that wasn t worth the trouble .那不值得麻烦。7. on at。call at与call on都可表示“拜访”,习惯上,call at后接表示地点的词,call on后接表示人的词。8. recognized 一known。recog nize表示“认出”以前认识的人或事物,是终止性动词,不 能与表示一段时间的状语连用。若指持续性动作,应用know。9. morelonger。no longer用在系词之后,行为动调之前。nomore修饰名词,放在名词之前;修饰动词,通常放在句末。如:i h ave no more money with m e.我身上没有更多的钱了。10. be lea rnt-hearn。表语形容词后的不定式常用主动形式;表示被动。【答案与简析】1. turn of f itturn it off。turn of f短语中的off是副词。名词作宾语时,既可以放在off前 也可放在off后(如:t
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