八年级英语上册 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件_第2页
八年级英语上册 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件_第3页
八年级英语上册 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件_第4页
八年级英语上册 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件_第5页
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1、第四课时第四课时Section B(1a1e)1resolution n决心;决心要做的事make a resolution to do sth.下决心要做某事2next year明年,下一年是一般将来时时间状语,类似的短语还有:tomorrow 明天in a week/year/month一周/年/月后tomorrow afternoon明天下午3get good grades取得好成绩grade n成绩;分数;年级Grade Two二年级4make a soccer team组建足球队5take guitar lessons上吉他课take在此意为“上课”,可用have代替。eg:Well

2、 have/take an English class today.我们今天上英语课。6lots of“大量的;很多的”,相当于a lot of,可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。7play the piano弹钢琴【注意】乐器前一定用定冠词the。8sound like 意为“听起来像”,其后通常接名词。eg:It sounds like an interesting story.它听起来像是一个有趣的故事。9How are they going to do it?他们将怎样去实现它?句中how表方式,意为“怎样”。 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Boys and girls,w

3、hat are your New Years_(resolution)?2. Kelsy_(learn)to play the piano next year.3. The boy_(real)loves playing the guitar.4. He wants to get a lot of_(exercise).5. I want to go to a_(foreigner) country if I have much money.resolutions is going to learn really exercise foreign 二、单项选择。6.Lang Ping is g

4、oing to_another womens volleyball team.A.get B.make C.makes D.gets7.The music of the program_very beautiful.A.cooks B.smells C.sounds D.tastes8.Whats your New Years_?I am going to study harder.A.jobB.subjectC.resolutionD.exerciseB C C 9.Im going to learn to play_violin.A.a B.the C.an D./10.Does your

5、 sister_exercise after school?A.gets many B.get muchC.gets lot D.get lot ofB B 三、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。11.蒂姆准备下次取得更好的成绩。Tim is going to _ _ _next time.12.我准备上小提琴课Im going to_ _ _.13.你应该吃更健康的食物。You should eat_ _.14.我打算学另一门外语。Im going to learn_ _ _.15.我妈妈明年准备多锻炼以保持健康。My mother is going to get _ _ _ to keep he

6、althy next year.get better grades take violin lessons healthier food another foreign language lots of exercise 四、从方框中选出恰当的单词补全对话。(foreign,play,hard,what,how)A:Did you make a New Years resolution,Sonia?B:Yes,I did.A:16._are you going to do?B:Well,Im going to join a tennis team.A:17._are you going to

7、do that?B:Im going to practice tennis really 18._,and I am going to go to a summer camp.Im going to 19._tennis every day there.What about you,Jim?A:Oh,Im going to learn another 20._language.B:Are you?But foreign languages are not for me. What How hard play foreign 五、完形填空。My dream in life is to becom

8、e a doctor.I think that being a _21_ is one of the most important jobs in the world.Most people are busy working every day.They dont have much _22_ to relax or do exercise.Lots of them are in _23_ health because they dont take good care of themselves.I would like to help them get _24_ again.I know i

9、ts not _25_ to be a doctor.I need to learn a lot.I am going to study hard to _26_ my skills.As a doctor I am going to try to _27_ the people who are sick.Ill always be there with them when they need me.If someone doesnt have enough _28_,I am still going to help him or her.I believe after he gets som

10、e money,he is going to give the money back to _29_.Maybe doctors cant make much money,_30_ I dont care.It will be great to be a doctor because I can help others.Helping others will make me happy. 21.A.doctor Bteacher C.reporter Dsinger22.A.hope Btime Cwork Dfun23.A.better Bworse C.good Dbad24.A.healthy Brich C.sad Dwarm25.A.happy Bexcited C.surprised D


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