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1、第一单元1 add up 加起来 add to 增加 add up to 总计达 add to 把什么加到什么上2 upset 形容词 心烦的,动词,使心烦 I am upset.3 calm down 动词,使平静下来,形容词,平静的,keep calm ,stay calm 保持平静, Stand still 站着不动,still 形容词,静止的,副词,仍然4 ignore 动词,忽视,不理睬5 have got to do =have to do 不得不 havent got to 否定6 be concerned about / for 关心,在意,be concerned with

2、与什么有关7 While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 动词做状语。找主句,主句出主语,主语与动词2是主动,进行关系,用doing , 被动关系,用done8 walk the dog 遛狗,got loose 松了, be hit by 被谁撞了9 if so如果这样, if necessary 如果有必需的10 go through 经历,经受,仔细检查,浏览,通过,用完11 set down 写下,记下12 a series of 一系列的13 be outdoors(副

3、词) 在户外。Indoors 在室内(副词)14 I wonder if +句子, 我想知道是否。15 be / grow crazy about sth 疯狂喜爱某物16 so.that+句子,如此以至于,so 接形容词或副词或many/much/little/few+名词17 awake 醒着的,形容词,stay awake 保持清醒的, 18 have a good look at sth 看某物, 19 on purpose 故意, by chance ,by accident 偶然地20 in order to do=so as to do 为了,引导目的状,in order tha

4、t +句子,为了。So that +句子,为了,结果是(两个含义), so as to do 不能位于句首21 face to face 面对面(副词),face-to-face定语,修饰名词22 It is the first time that +句子(现在完成时),It was the first time that+(句子,过去完成时), 第几次干某事。23 no longer=not.any longer不再24 I find it difficult to settle. Find+it+adj.+to do,发现干某事怎么样。It 作形式宾语25 settle 定居,解决, se

5、ttle the problem 解决问题26 suffer 遭受 loss, pain, punishment, defeat, hardship, injustice, grief, distress, insult, discouragement, disappointment, suffer from 遭受战争,自然灾害等带来的苦难及患病之苦,多指长期的痛苦27 recover from 从中恢复,recover sth 重新获得It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one.Jane recovered

6、her lost wallet.28 be/ get tired of sth/doing 对什么厌倦29 look at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows. 通过30 pack名词,包裹 a pack of 一包什么东西。动词词组,pack up sth=pack sth up 将某物打包31 get along with 两个含义,与某人相处(=get on with,相处得好,get along well with),事情进展如何。=fit in with sb相处得好32 fall in love 相爱,fall in lo

7、ve with sb 与某人相爱(瞬间动作,不可延续),be in love with sb 可延续动作,(for many years, since 1998)33 disagree with sb 不同意某人的观点 He disagreed with what you say.34 对表现出兴趣 show interest in, have interest in 对。感兴趣35 take part in 参加大型活动,join in 参加小型活动,join sb in doing 加入某人干某事 Join+组织(club ,the army, the party, league,),at

8、tend 出席,(出席会议,婚礼,课程meeting, wedding, course, concert, lecture)35 be good to对谁好35 as far as I am concerned 就我而言36 make/ keep/ get sth done 使某物被完成37 since, 自从,主句现在完成时,从句一般过去时38 hide away 躲藏hide-hid-hid39cheat in the exam 考试作弊40 be important to 对谁很重要41 a series of 一系列的42 be/grow crazy about sth/ doing

9、疯狂喜爱43 stay 动词,呆在某地,stay at home.系动词,保持,stay awake44 at dusk 在黄昏45 power 能力,力量,权利。 In ones power 在某人的掌控之中,come to power 执政,不可延续46 It is the first time that 加句子(现在完成时),It was the first time that 加句子(过去完成时)47 I wonder if加句子,我想知道是否。48 It is no pleasure doing 干某事没有乐趣。 It is necessary to do49 Keep a diar

10、y 写日记50 I found it difficult to settle and calm down-find it (形式宾语)+ adg.+ to do ,发现干某事如何51 for the purpose of.为了什么的目的With the purpose of sth/ doing 带着。的目的52 have trouble (difficulty ) with sth或 (in) doing 干某事有困难53 ask for advice 征求建议,take ones advice 听从建议54 I would be grateful if+句子, 如果怎么样我将不胜感激语法

11、直引和间引(陈述句和一般疑问句)普遍规律,当主句的动词是一般过去式的时候,直接引语变间接引语时态要发生转变(一般现在时一般过去式,现在进行时过去进行时,一般将来时过去将来时,现在完成时过去完成时,一般过去式过去完成时,过去完成时过去完成时,)He said,"I am afraid I can not finish the work."-He said that he was afraid he could not finish the work.当主句的动词是一般过去式的时候,它所引导的宾语从句也叫作间接引语,必须是过去的某个时态He asked me if I knew

12、 how to get to the library.当主句的动词是一般现在时的时候,直引变间引时态不变当主句的动词是一般现在时的时候,它所引导的宾语从句也叫作间接引语,可以是任何时态He says he had a good time the night before.5 直引变间引,人称,时态,指示代词,时间状语,地点状语,某些动词要发生转变Come -go, this -that, these-those, last year/night-the year/night before, now-then, ago-before/earlier, today-that day, yester

13、day-the day before, the day after tomorrow-in two days' time, tomorrow-the next/ the following day, the day before yesterday-two days before/ earlier, bring-take, next Monday-the next Monday6 下列情况时态不发生变化1 当主句的时态是一般现在时或一般将来时的时候,直引变间引时态不变,换句话说,它所引导的宾语从句可以是任何时态。Tom says, "you were right."

14、-Tom says that I was right.2 直接引语是客观真理时,直引变间引时态不变。The teacher said"The earth goes around the sun."-The teacher said that he earth goes around the sun.3 直接引语是一般现在时而且是习惯性动作时,直引变间引时态不变The teacher said"I get up at 5:00 every morning."-The teacher said that she gets up at 5:00 every m

15、orning4 某些情态动词没有过去式或者本身就是过去式,时态不发生改变Tom said to me,”I had better do it now.”-Tom said to me that he had better do it then.5 有连词(since, while,when)所引导的过去式的状语从句时,直接引语变间接引语状语从句的时态不变,变主句时态。Tom said to me”I have lived here for 7 years since I came here.”- Tom said to me he had lived here for 7 years sinc

16、e he came here.6 直接引语中有典型的表过去的时间介词时,时态不变Tom said to me”I was born in 1999.”-Tom said to me that he was born in 1999.当直接引语是陈述句时,直引变间引,由 that +句子引导,that可以省略。主句的动词可以用said that,said to sb that, told that, and 连接两个that 引导的宾语从句时,第一个that 可以省略,第二个that 不可省略。Tom said “I help you.”-Tom said that he helped me.当

17、直接引语是一般疑问句时直引变间引,主句的动词可以用asked sb, 由 whether 或 if 加句子,句子用陈述语序, 介词后只能用whether, 有or not 必用whether, 只有 or ,用whether 和if 都可以Tom asked me “Did you go there by bus?”-Tom asked me if I had bought him a gift.第二单元1 do you think, do you expect, do you suppose 是插入语,可以省略,放在特殊疑问词后面。要用陈述语序 例如Who do you expect wil

18、l take the place of Mr. White? When do you think will we set off for Beijing ?变为we will 2 because of sth / doing 因为,because+句子,因为3 Make voyages to +地点 , 去航海,4 later in the next century 后来在下个世纪, later on 后来, three days later 三天以后, latest 最新的,lately=recently 最近的, the latter 后者,the former 前者5 native En

19、glish speakers 以英语作为母语的人6 the same kind of English 同一种的英语7 even if+句子,连词,即使=even though 8 as long as +句子,连词, 只要9 would like sth/ to do 想要10 come up to + 地点,来到某地,come up to the apartment来到公寓11 sb come up 走近,上来,sb come up with sth 某人提出某事, sth come up 某事被提出,主动表被动,A better idear has come up in the meeti

20、ng.12 actually = in fact=as a matter of fact 事实上13communicate with sb 和某人交流14be based on 以为基础。15 at present 目前,present动词-赠送,名词-礼物,形容词-在场的,出席的,be present at 出席,反义词,be absent from 缺席16 than ever before 比以前17 make good use of 好好利用,make full use of 充分利用=make the most of=make the best of, make use of 利用,

21、被动语态,be made use of或 use be made of 18 such as 例如 用于同类事物中的几个例子,不能列举完全。不位于句首,不接逗号,不跟句子。列举完全要用namely或 That is.For example 举例说明,一般只举同类人或事物中的一个为例,作为插入语,句首句中句尾都可以。Many great people rose from poor backgrounds, Lincoln for example. I have three good friend,such as John , Jack and Tom., namely,that is 那就是,要

22、把事物列举全。19 usage 使用(不可数,名词),English grammar and usage20 English-speaking 说英语的,an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家, peace-loving 爱好和平的, spoken English 英语口语,written English 书面英语21 command 动词,命令, command sb to do, command that+句子(should do ,should 可以省略),have a command of sth 精通某事22 request 动词,请求,reques

23、t sb to do , request that+句子(should do ,should 可以省略), sb be requested to do 23 say to sb on the phone 在电话里和某人说话24 hold on 等一会,别挂断, hold on for a minute25 however有逗号,然而。In the way people speak ( the way 做先行词,定语从句引导词有三个 that ,in which, 什么也不填)26 play a part in=play a role in(in 后面加组织,活动,of 加成员,身份,角色) 两

24、个含义,扮演角色,起作用,play an active part in 起积极作用,play an important role in 起到重要作用27 recognize 认出,识别,公认, be recognized as.作为什么而被公认At first I did not recognized the new government.The book is recognized as a classic.28 go round the corner 转过拐角,on your left-hand side 在你的左边。Cross the street过马路。29 straight 两个词性

25、,直的,正直的,直接地,坦率地He went straight to bed after supper.His uncle is a straight man.I told him straight that I did not like him.30 动词作定语有两种形式,doing 表主动,进行,用途,a falling leaf, a sitting room, done 表被动或完成,a fallen leaf31 before long 不久32 out of order 出了故障33 only to do 结果。(结果出乎意料)34 hear from sb 收到某人的来信35 g

26、ive back 归还36 take away sth 把某物拿走37 make /take a voyage 进行航海, be on a voyage to 正往。航海38 tell the difference 区分差异39 be native to 原产于, 土生土长的40 be forced to do 被强迫干某事41 make sense 讲得通,有意义42 express 动词,表达;名词,快车,快递;形容词,快速的,express train快车43 expression 表达,表情,词语44 straight 直的,直得。45 recognize ones voice 识别某

27、人的声音46 the same .as +定语从句,两个事物相似。 The same .that +完整的句子47 a 加序数词,再,又48 be willing to do 很愿意干某事49 suggest doing,suggest +句子,一,建议,should do,should 可省略,二暗示,该什么时态就是什么时态。Insist 坚持说,该什么时态就什么时态,坚持要求,should do,should 可省略,50 keep still 保持静止不动,形容词,静止不动的,副词,仍然。Insist on sth/doing51 As time went by= as time goe

28、s by= with time going by, as 连词,后加句子,句中动词得有时态和语态。With 介词,动词有三种形式,doing, done ,to do52 would rather do 宁愿干某事53 could not help do 不能帮助干某事,could not help doing 情不自禁干某事54 while 当, 尽管,然而55 advise doing, advise sb to do. Suggest doing,。没有suggest sb to do 语法 直引和间引当直接引语是特殊疑问句时,主句的动词要用asked sb,该特殊疑问词不变,后加陈述句

29、。Tom asked me “what did you do yesterday?”-Tom asked me what I had done the day before.当直接引语是祈使句时,直引变间引,要用ask, advise, tell, order ,command sb (not) to do,(注意请求语气和命令语气)Tom said” open the door!”-Tom told me to open the door.Tom said”Will you please open the door?”-Tom asked me to open the door.第三单元1

30、transport 动词,运输。名词,运输,交通工具(不可数),public transport 公共交通,be transported to 被运输到某地2 prefer-preferred-preferring3 prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A, prefer sb to do 宁愿某人干某事 Prefer to do A rather than do B比起B来更喜欢A, prefer doing A to doing B,比起B来更喜欢A, rather than 而不是4 ever since 从那以后,从句用过去式,主句用现在完成时,from then on从那以后,

31、 用一般过去式Ever since three years ago, we have learned English.From then on, the boy did not make the same mistake any more.5 persuade 说服, persuade sb to do =persuade sb into doing 说服干某事。persuade sb not to do= persuade sb out of doing 说服不干某事,persuade sb of sth 是某人相信某事6 graduate 动词,毕业, graduate from。名词,毕

32、业生(可数)7 finally 最后= in the end=at last8 cycle along the river 沿着这条河骑行9 强调句It is/was+被强调部分+that(who)+其他,如果被强调部分是人,还可以用who, 如果被强调是时间或地点的话,时间和地点前要有介词。考点 1) It is not until + 被强调部分+that +其他。 2) What is it that+其他。 3) 强调句常和定语从句混合It was in the supermarket where I lost my wallet (定语从句)that I met my old fri

33、end.(强调句)做这种题,看这句话的中心意思,中心意思即为强调句,可以省略的部分是定语从句 4)一问一答,回答常用定语从句来回答-Where did you see Tom?-It was the supermarket where I lost my wallet.(正确),定语从句- It was in the supermarket that I lost my wallet.(错误), 强调句10 schedule 名词,时间表,动词,为某事安排时间, ahead of schedule 提前,on schedule 准时,be scheduled for sth 预定为, 预计,H

34、is arrival is scheduled for Thursday.Be scheduled to do 预定干某事,They are scheduled to leave at 4:00.11 be fond of sth/doing 喜欢12 one serious shortcoming 一个严重的缺点13 the best way of getting to places,到达某地的最佳方法,the way to do, the way of doing,干某事的方法14 insist 两个含义,坚持说,坚持要求(后加句子,should do ,should可省略)15 alth

35、ough= though 尽管,虽然,连词,引导状语从句,不能和but,and,however连用,但可以和副词yet,still 连用。Though 位于句末,有然而,不过的意思, though 可以引导半倒装(类似as,尽管)Child as (though) he is, he knows a lot.As if=as though 好像,even though=even if 即使,没有as although, even although16 organize 动词,组织17 care about 关心,在意,care for 喜欢,照顾18 determined 形容词,坚定的,有决

36、心的,动词,决定干某事,be determined to do 19 改变某人的注意干某事 change ones mind to do(mind可数,可以+s )20 make up ones mind to do (mind可数,可以+s ), 下定决心干某事21 once 连词,一旦,(曾经,一次)22 give in 屈服,让步,give in to sb 向谁屈服,give up sth / doing 放弃23 at an altitude of 5000metres 在5000米的海拔上24 attitude to/towards 对待什么的态度25 the weather fo

37、recast 天气预报26 a parcel of warm clothes 一大包27 as usual 像往常一样, than usual 比往常28 reliable 可信赖的, 动词 rely on sb to do , rely on doing29 as 连词,当,随着;因为;尽管(Child as he is, he knows a lot.);介词-作为30 at midnight 在午夜31 as long as=so long as 连词,只要32 mind 名词,想法。动词,介意,mind doing33 once 一次,曾经,一旦(连词)34 物+be +adj. +t

38、o do.不能用to be done. English is hard to learn.35 make progress in sth/doing 在某方面取得进步36 dress sb,sb be dressed in sth37 to tell you the truth 告诉你事实38 encourage sb to do Encouraged 受到鼓舞的,encouraging 令人鼓舞的39 view 观点,风景(在某个位置或角度看到的景色),sight(名胜,风景,常用复数), scene 有人活动,scenery 总的自然风光和景色40 company 公司,动词,陪伴,for

39、 company 陪伴(介词),keep sb company动词,陪伴41 It is said that +句子,据说。42 graduate from 从那毕业43 can not (hardly) wait to do 迫不及待干某事44 get in touch with sb 和某人取得联系45 keep sth in mind 记住46 have no choice but to do 别无选择,只有。47 put up your hands 举手,put up the tents 搭帐篷48 badly 坏,很,非常。49语法 现在进行时表将来形式为 am,is are + b

40、eing + doing并不是所有的动词都可以用现在进行时表将来的,往往是表示位置移动的动词,如,come, go, arrive, leave, stay, have , do, meet, fly, walk, ride, drive, take, return, play, work, spend, see off.I am leaving tomorrow.-Are you staying here till next week?What are you doing next Sunday?将来时还有以下集中表达方式表达方式1 wii/shall do 2 be going to do

41、3 be to do4 一般现在时表将来有两种情况1 列车时间表,飞机航班表,电视节目表,电影上映表2 主将从现, The train leaves at 7:30. Will you look after my baby When I am away?5 be about to do .when .即将干某事。突然怎么样。I was about to leave when the telephone rang.第四单元1 Imagine doing, 想象干某事2 right away 立刻,马上=at once , right now 现在3 shake 摇动, shake head 摇头

42、,shake hands with sb 和某人握手4 burst 爆裂,爆发,a burst of applause 爆发出掌声, burst into laughter=burst out laughing大笑,Burst into tears=burst out crying大哭5 It seems as if 句子=It seems that 句子=句中主语+ seem to do, 似乎,好像6 (Be ) at an end 结束,最后=in the end= at the end=by the end of(完成时)7 in fifteen seconds 在15秒后8 in r

43、uins 废墟一片, lie in ruins 动词,处于废墟一片Lieliedlied 说谎,lie-laylain 躺,位于,处于。状态,lay-laid-laid 下蛋,放置9 It is no wonder that +句子,不足为奇;There is no doubt that +句子,毫无疑问10 分数,分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子大于等于二时,分母加s, two thirds,分数,百分比 + of +名词,名词决定动词的形式11 sb be injured 受伤,injure 指意外事故受伤或感情,名誉上的伤害,sb be wounded 受伤,在战场上受伤,刀伤,枪伤,剑

44、伤。Hurt 肉体上的伤害,精神感情上的伤害12 破坏 destroy 完全损坏, damage 部分损坏,可以修复。Ruin 彻底损坏,in ruins13 be shocked (感到震惊的), be shocking (令人震惊的)。The news is a shock to us.(一件震惊的事,可数)14 rescue 名词,拯救,the rescue workers 援救工人们, 动词,援救,sb be rescued.某人被拯救。15 trap 名词,陷阱,动词,是陷入困境,sb be trapped.16 All hope was not lost., 半否定,all/som

45、e/everyone/everything/both.not= not. all/some/everyone/everything/both. 三者以上的全否,none of.两者的全否,neither of.17 digdugdug 挖掘,dig out 挖掘出18 bury 埋葬, bury oneself in sth/doing 专心做某事, be buried in thought 沉思19 a number of 许多,修饰可数名词复数,动词用复数;the number of 什么的数量,动词用单数。A great amount of 和a great deal of 许多,修饰不

46、可数名词。A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of 即可修饰可数又可修饰不可数名词。 Many a +单名,动词用单数(许多)。More than one +单名,动词用单数(不止一个)。20 frightening 令人害怕的,frightened 感到害怕的, 情感动词,加ed 感到。,加ing 令人怎么样21 congratulations to sb on sth= congratulate sb on sth 因某事祝贺某人22 judge 名词,法官,裁判员。动词,判断,判决。Judging from / by 依据什么而判断,动词作状语23 invite sb t

47、o do sth ,invite sb for sth, invite sb to sw. 邀请24 give a talk=give a speech做演讲25 special 特殊的,专门的语法 定语从句定语从句是个句子,句中动词作谓语,有时态和语态,定语从句可省略。定语从句存在的前提,定语从句前必有先行词(名词或代词),定语从句由关系代词或关系副词引导如何把两个句子合并成含有定语从句的句子,首先找到两个句子的共同词,把其中的一个共同词作为先行词,再把含有另外一共同词的句子作为定语从句出现,定语从句中的共同词要省略,用关系代词代替,并把关系代词放在定语从句的前面。例如I like the

48、dictionary. You bought the dictionary for me.-I like the dictionary which you bought for me.含有关系代词的定语从句如何验证正确呢?把关系代词省略,把先行词带入定语从句中,如果定语从句完整,该定语从句成立,记住,关系代词等于先行词。先行词是事物,关系代词可为that, which.关系代词作宾语时,可省略。先行词是人时,关系代词可为that, who,whom(只作宾语),关系代词作宾语时,可省略。在定语从句中动词后面的介词可以提到关系代词前面,只有两种形式,介词+which, 介词+ whom, 没有介

49、词+that的形式,take care of, look for, look after,depend on 不能拆开。Whose 某人的或某物的,等于先行词加s, whose +sth=the sth of which ,whose 后面必需有名词This is my teacher. His name is known to us.This is my teacher, whose name is known to us.定语从句中只能用that 的情况1 先行词有不定代词修饰(anything, everything, nothing, few, all, none, little, e

50、very, any, all, some,no, little, few, much)eg, There is little that I can do for you.2 先行词有序数词或最高级修饰时,eg ,This is the best film that I have seen.3 先行词有the very, the only 修饰时 eg, This is the very dictionary that I want to buy.4 先行词有who, which 等特殊疑问词时 eg, Who is the man that is standing there?5 先行词既有人

51、又有物时,eg, Can you remember the scientist and his theory that we often talked about?当one of +名词复数做先行词时,定语从句中动词用复数。当the only one of +名词复数做先行词时, 定语从句中动词用单数。特殊事例:Is this research center(主语) the one that(少先行词和关系代词) you visited last year?- Is this (主语) the research center(先行词) that(少关系代词) you visited last

52、year?第五单元1 quality 质量,不可数;品质,可数名词, one of his great qualities 他的美德之一A quantity of 和quantities of 即可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。quantities of。作主语时,动词用复数, of high quality (of 后面是名词),高品质的,高质量的2 active 积极的,be active in= take an active part in 积极参加3 devote oneself/ time/money.to sth/ doing =sb be devoted to sth/ doi

53、ng 献身于,专心于4 period 一段时期,a long period of time 很长一段时间5 是否-whether / if , 介词后面只能用whether, be worried about 担心6 失业,out of work (介词),lose ones work(动词)7 This year sees the tercentenary of the great poet birth. 今年是这位伟人的诞辰三百周年。8 right 正确的,权利(名词),have no rights 9 reach a stage 到达一个舞台或阶段10 vote for sth 投票赞成

54、,vote against sth 投票反对11 attack 攻击,袭击,under attack 遭到袭击12 only + 介词词组(in this way, 两个词以上)/ 副词(一个词,then)/ 状语从句(连词加句子),主句半倒装(did she notice, can you finish).only +主语位于句首,句子不到装。Only here can you find this kind of flower.Only after Mary read her composition the second time did she notice the spelling mistake.Only five people turned up.13 事实上。As a matter of fact= actually=in fact=in reality14 m


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