



1、商务谈判第二步-开局1有业务往来的客户谈判Dialogue 1Yang 举行会议禾口 William 准备进行贸易谈判Yan g:Good moring, Mr. William. It ' s nice to see you again.William :It' s nice to see you, too, Mr.Wang.Yan g:How do you feel our Export Commodities Fair, Mr.William?William:There is no doubt that you ' ve made great proress in

2、 your arts and crafts and do you do businrss more actively and more flexibly.Yan g:Y es. It' s just in this way that we have achieved a totalsales volume of one hun dred milli on U.S. dollars a year.William:I thi nk you will ben efit from the expa nding market ifyou have close cooperati on with

3、us in the future.Yan g:I hope so. Now let' s get dus in ess.Dialogue 2Richard和 Chen在牛意上合作一直会很愉快,他这次来中国 是为了签订独家代理协议。Richard: Nice to meet you aga in, Mr. Che n.Che n :Nice to meet you, too, What brought you to Chi na thistime?Richard: I' ve come for discussint an exclusive agency.Chen:Oh, we&

4、#39;ve bee n doing bus in ess for sixyears, havert we ?Richard: Yes, ' m very glad we have had very pleasant coperation in the past years. Through our joint efforts, your products have enjoyed fast sales.Chen:We very much appriciate your effort in promoting thesale of our products.Richad:To expa

5、 nd our bus inss scope, I hope that we can sig n anexclusive agency agreement. If so, you II secure a stable sales volume, and for me, without competitors we' ll control the market more easily. Thaf s benifical to both parties, isn t it?Dialogue 3Liu 与Bill会面; 准备与他商讨建立合资企业一事。Liu: It' s a grea

6、t peasure to see you again.Bill: Me, too. Our two companies have had tade relations for tenyears.Liu: Yes. In the past ten years, our cooperation has been quite pleasa nt.Bill:Yes, and very fruitful too. We ' ve never had any difficultieswith our Chinese partners, and we d like to make as many n

7、ew products as we can.Liu:Certainly. Shall we talk about the reason why ' m here? Inview of the rapid developme nt of our bus in ess in your compa ny, we th ink it's n ecessary to esta nlish a joi nt ven ture.Bill:Excellent! That' s exactly what I think. We have beenworking on expanding

8、our scope of cooperation with your compa ny.Liu:OK. Now let' s talk about the details.2.新客户谈判Dialogue 1Mr. Osman第一次来至U Wang的公司谈判。Wang:Welcome to our compa ny. Sit dow n, please.Osma n: Thank you. I' m glad to have the opport unity of visit ingyour corporati on. I hope we can tra nsact bus in

9、 ess together.Wang:It' s also our hope to trade with bus in essme nfrom alcoun tries.Osma n:I' m told you speciize in textiles. What can you offer in this line?Wang:It would be better for you to tell us what specifc types youwant to buy, as we have too many varities to offer.Osma n:Well, we

10、are main ly in terested in bed-sheets and bla nkets.Dialogue 2Mr. Zhou正在向Mr. David 介绍其公司的情况Zhou:I have long heard of your great mane, and I' m very pleased to see you, Mr. David.David:I' m very pleased to see you, too, Mr. Zhou. This is my first visit to Chin a. I ' d appreciate your con

11、 siderati on in the coming n egotiati on.Zhou:Let' s hope for good cooperation. Next may I give you a brief account of our company ' s activities? I beliee that you have a brochure outlining our company and our products. Here' s our company' s most recent annual report.David:I see yo

12、ur sales volume have bee n grow ing quite steadily over the past ten years.Zhou:Yes, we have built up bus in ess relati ons with more tha n3C coun tries in the world and our products have become the best sell ing lines in intern ati onal markets.David: That' s fine.Zhou:I' d like to make a p

13、resentation on our factory. It covers anarea of 60,000 square meters. We have about 300design engin eers and producti on engin eers. Now we have 1200 employees worki ng on three shifts.David: I think I' ve got a general picture about your company.Thank you very much for your acco unt.Zhou:It'

14、; s my pleasure.Dialogue 3Alice 与 Wang 洽谈,希望建立贸易关系。Alice: You have won graet success on textile industry, I here.Specializng in the line of textiles and texiles machinary, we pay close attention to your taxtile products, especially your cott on cloth and cott on fabrics.Wang: I' m glad to hear t

15、hat.Alice: I' d like to take this opport unity to esta nlish trade relati ons with you.Wang: This happe ns to coin cide with our desire .In order to giveyou a gen eral idea of the various kinds of our products now available for export. I' d like to give you our latest catalogues and price li

16、srs.Alice: That' s good, thank you. I feel that we can do a lot of bus in ess in textile line. We could push the sales of your products. Mean while you could con sider impot ing some equipme nt from us.Wang: Sounds good. I hope we can srike a quick deal.Alice:I hope so, too. We believe this deal

17、 con forms to ourmutual benefot and to the principle of satisfying each other' s n eeds.Dialogue 4Richad 向 Mr. Sun 询问外贸政策事宜。Richard: You know, this is my first time to visit China, so I'd like to know something about the new policy in your foreign trade.Sun:Our foreign trade policy has alway

18、s been based on equalith and mutual benifit and exchange of needed goods. We still insist on this principle, but we have adopted much more flexible policies in our foreign trade work, such as payment by installments, prossing trade with client' smaterials, joint ven ture and so on.Richard: You have made some readjustments in your import and export business, haven' t you?Sun:Yes. It mainly means importing some complete equitment,advanced technology and


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