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1、research2guidance 2011 | powered by androidpitandroid marketinsightsapril 2011published 4th of may 2011created by:powered by:androidmarketinsights|april2011android market insightsapril 2011aprils headlinesthe android market continued its growth in april 2011. it will overtake the appleapp store and

2、become the biggest distribution platform for smartphoneapplications worldwide (in terms of app numbers) by august 2011. read thismonthly insight report to stay up-to-date with the latest news from the androidmarket.key insights in april are:app numbers reached almost 295,000in april 28,000 new apps

3、were added to the market, which means that itgrew 2.5 times faster than apple app storepaid app share remained constant at 36%.amongst the major app platforms android market is still the one with thehighest share of free apps, but new adds show a slight increase in paidapp share (40%).average sellin

4、g price grew by 2% to us$ 3.23 in april.top 5 categories comprise 55% of all android market apps.games was the fastest growing category. given the same growth rates,games will become the no.1 category in july 2011.research2guidance 2011 | powered by androidpit2androidmarketinsights|april2011a look b

5、ackandroid market is the fastest growing app store today. the android market had aslow start when it was launched. since october 2010 it overtook apple in termsof new application uploads. currently it shows growth rates twice as high asapples app store.figure 1: app number dynamics (june 2009 april

6、2011)350,000300,000250,000200,000150,000100,00050,000045%40%35%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%freepaidshare of paidsources: research2guidance, androidpit.given the same growth rates as in april, android market would overtake applesapp store within next 3-4 months.research2guidance 2011 | powered by androidpit3a

7、ndroidmarketinsights|april2011current snapshotas of the end of april, android market features 294,738 apps.in april 28,000 new applications were added to the android market, compared to11,000 apps added to the apple app store. both market leaders add more appsto their stores every month as other pla

8、tforms have in total.figure 2: app number dynamics in last four weeks350,000300,000266,273273,140280,447287,703294,738250,000+2,843+3,2092,8872,765200,000150,000100,00050,000+4,024+4,098+4,369+4,270001/0408/0415/0422/0429/04freepaidsources: research2guidance, androidpit.android offers 188,000 free a

9、pps, which makes it the biggest platform for freecontent worldwide. only 36% of its content is paid, whereas most of other appstores tend to have more than 60% paid content.the share of paid apps varies greatly among categories. while paid apps accountfor only 11% in news & magazines, personaliz

10、ation content features over 77%paid apps.the “paid content” trend, which has been visible over the last few months,continued in april. this month the share of paid apps amongst total addsaveraged 40%.in addition, the average selling price increased by 2% to us$ 3.23. pricingdifference between catego

11、ries remained high. apps in the personalizationcategory are being offered at us$1.31, whereas the average selling price ofmedical apps reached us$ 19.00 in april.research2guidance 2011 | powered by androidpit4androidmarketinsights|april2011top categoriesinitially android market had 33 categories (an

12、d 7 games subcategories). injanuary 2011 it then restructured the app store, and apps are now divided into25 categories; for comparison, apples app store offers a selection of 20categories (19 games subcategories).top five categories comprise 55% of all android market apps, the largest onesbeing ent

13、ertainment, games and personalization content.unlike in apple, the books category did not receive much attention fromdevelopers in android market initially. it has only recently begun to grow interms of numbers, since january 2011, and since then it has become a top 5 appcategory. in parallel there

14、has been a slow-down of new adds in the bookcategory in apples app store.figure 3: top 5 categories in android market by number of apps45%17%9%16%entertainmentgamespersonalizationtoolsbooks & referenceother6%7%sources: research2guidance, androidpit.games is a leading category in terms of number

15、of apps added during april 2011.if it continues to grow at this rate it will overtake entertainment and becomeno.1 category within next 13 weeks.research2guidance 2011 | powered by androidpit5androidmarketinsights|april2011figure 4: top 5 categories in android market by new adds in april6,0005,0004,

16、0003,0002,0001,0000gamespersonalizationbooks &entertainmenttoolsreferencesources: research2guidance, androidpit.research2guidance 2011 | powered by androidpit6androidmarketinsights|april2011about research2guidanceresearch2guidance is a market intelligence and consultancy company specializingin t

17、he mobile apps market.our service offeringsreports and powerpoint slide-sets: market insights on selected topicsbespoke research: custom-made research for your individual needsknowledge center: a subscription to a wealth of data, analysis, profiles,and daily news and opinionconsulting services: proj

18、ects tailored to assist you in developing yourmobile strategycontact us fora one-on-one expert call with a android market analyst for a personal 15-30 min. consultation questions and answers about our research matching your needs with our research servicescontact our senior analyst egle mikalajunait

19、eemail:phone:+49 30 609893366service and press inquiries support for articles background information on reports custom made services and bespoke projectscontact our research director ralf-gordon jahnsemail:phone:+49 30 609893366direct web-shop access to our reports and ppts browse our research produ

20、cts download immediately easy payment (visa; master card; paypal)visit 2011 | powered by androidpit7androidmarketinsights|april2011about androidpitandroidpit is one of the leading websites for everything android, with more than3 million monthly unique visitors worldwide. android users, experts, enth

21、usiastsand developers get together at androidpit for the latest news from the androidworld, to communicate, discuss and support each other.the androidpit app center, which is already installed on more than 2 milliondevices, offers several thousands of free and paid applications for directdownload. every week different top applications are featured with up to 70%discount.the androidpit app center (native store app) runs on every android comp


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