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1、top picksholddeutsche bankmarkets researchglobal emerging marketsbraziloil & gasindustrybrazil oil and gasdate26 november 2012breaking newsmarcus sequeirahrt farms out; ogx farms inhrt farms down 3 namibian licenses, ogx farms in bs-4hrt divested 14% of three licenses in namibia while ogx announ

2、ced theacquisition of 40% of bs-4. we see the news as more positive for hrt than forogx. the two companies have a challenging financial condition: ogx haslimited cash flow generation and a growing net debt position, while hrt hascurrently no cash flow generation and a limited cash position versus it

3、sexploration program. qgep remains our favorite way to gain exposure to thespace, although we see the farm in of ogx in bs-4 as concerning for qgep.ogx adds 40% stake in bs-4 to its portfoliothe company announced the acquisition of petrobras 40% stake in bs-4 forusd270mn, a premium of 29% versus the

4、 price paid by qgep in august 11.the bs-4 project comprises the ultra-deep heavy oil atlanta and oliva fields.research analyst(+1) 212 250-luiz fonsecaresearch analyst(+55) 11 2113-queiroz galvao e&p (,brl13.58 buycompanies featuredhrt participacoes (,brl5.312011a 2012e 2013eth

5、e fields contain 2.1bn bbls of oil in place, of which 15-19% is believed to beeps (brl)-1.32 -0.88 -0.43recoverable. the development of the block is planned for 2h13 and the first oilp/e (x)for 2014. the block has also pre-salt potential, being located close to the largediscoveries of libra and fran

6、co. during the 3q12 earnings conference call, theblocks operator qgep declined to comment on annual capex planned for thefull development of the area.ev/ebitda (x)ogx (,brl4.87 sell2011a 2012e 2013eeps (brl) -0.15 -0.32 -0.07net/net for ogx is negative: balance sheet constraints and impact

7、on portfoliop/e (x)on the positive side, the transaction adds an asset with lower monetizationrisk. however, the acquisition raises the following questions: (1) given thecompanys consistently positive speech on its campos basin portfolio, why isogx venturing into more expensive deep offshore product

8、ion? (2) is bs-4 pre-salt potential big enough to justify this move? (3) given the companys balancesheet (current net debt of usd1.5bn and rising), is it worth for ogx to commitmore capital? (4) what does this acquisition mean for the remainder of ogxsportfolio (santos, espirito santo, para-maranhao

9、, colombia (and to a lesserextent, parnaiba)? finally, we are concerned about the entrance of a partnerwith limited financial resources for the group and operator qgep.hrt farms down 14% of three licenses (six blocks) in namibiathe company announced an agreement with galp (galp-lis, hold,ev/ebitda (

10、x)queiroz galvao e&p (,brl13.58 buy2011a 2012e 2013eeps (brl) 0.35 0.32 0.84p/e (x) 51.9 42.1 16.2ev/ebitda (x) 41.3 22.2 9.6petrobras (pbr.n),usd18.78 hold2011a 2012e 2013eeps (usd) 2.94 1.62 2.32p/e (x) 10.9 11.6 8.1ev/ebitda (x) 7.5 6.9 6.3eur12.22) for the farm down of a 14% stake i

11、n three licenses in namibia. hrtwill remain the operator of the pels, planning to start the drilling campaign in1q13. galp will carry part of hrts costs, limited by a cap (not disclosed)associated with the drilling of three wildcat wells in transaction is positive for hrt but big chall

12、enges remainthe transaction is positive for hrt as it reduces the capex for the explorationof these blocks. however, with usd580mn in cash (expectation of capex +opex of usd360mn in 2013, net of divestitures), no cash flow generation anddim perspectives of getting external financing, hrt needs to fa

13、rm down moreassets and cut costs to adjust to the challenging time until the company is ableto monetize its gas discoveries and/or find commercial oil.valuation and risksour valuation is dcf based. main upside risks: improvement in economicactivity, lower government interference. main downside risks

14、: weakercommodity prices, unfavorable exploration results. please see details on pg 5._deutsche bank securities inc.deutsche bank does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. thus, investors shouldbe aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affe

15、ct the objectivity of this report. investors shouldconsider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. disclosures and analystcertifications are located in appendix 1. mica(p) 072/04/2012.26 november 2012oil & gasbrazil oil and gasbrazilian e&phrt farms down 3 n

16、amibian blocks, ogx farms in bs-4busy day for the brazilian e&ps, with both hrt and ogx announcing m&atransactions: hrt divested 14% of three exploration licenses in namibia while ogxannounced the acquisition of 40% of bs-4. we see the announcements as morepositive for hrt than for ogx. in c

17、ommon, the two companies have a challengingfinancial condition: ogx has limited cash flow generation and a growing net debtposition, while hrt has no cash flow generation and a limited cash position versus itsexploration program. qgep remains our favorite way to gain exposure to the space,although w

18、e see the farm in of ogx in bs-4 as concerning for qgep.ogx farms in bs-4 from petrobrasthe transaction: ogx announced the acquisition of petrobras 40% stake in the bs-4block, located in the santos basin. the block is operated by queiroz galvao e&p (30%stake), with partner barra energia (30% sta

19、ke).financial consideration: ogx will pay petrobras usd270mn for the stake. in august 24,2011, qgep paid usd157.5mn for a 30% stake, valuing the whole block at usd525mn.the price paid by ogx values the whole block at usd675mn, or a 29% premium to theprice paid by qgep. since the acquisition by qgep

20、and barra energia, no drilling hasbeen performed in the block, so the price uptick should indicate a higher scarcitypremium attributed to brazilian e&p assets, given the absence of anps round sales.we note that since aug11, brent prices remained essentially unchanged.the asset: the bs-4 project

21、comprises the joint development of the atlanta and olivafields, which are located in the ultra-deep water of the northern part of the santosbasin. the fields contain 2.1bn bbls of oil in place, of which 80% is located in theatlanta field. the oil is heavy, of 14-16 api. according to the development

22、plansubmitted to the anp, the recovery factor of the fields is between 15-19%, translatinginto recoverable oil of 315 to 399mn bbls. as such, ogx paid usd2.14-1.69/bbl.according to the blocks operator, qgep, the development plan includes a system forearly production for a period of 3 years with the

23、drilling of 2 horizontal wells. the finaldevelopment of the field, planned for 2017/2018 calls for a fpso with a capacity of 80-100tbpd connected to ten additional horizontal wells. the start of the development ofthe block is planned for 2h13 and the first oil expected for 2014. qgep is currently in

24、negotiations for the acquisition of the equipment and materials needed for the start ofdevelopment. the block has also pre-salt potential, being located close to the largediscoveries of libra and franco. the company plans to start drilling the pre-saltprospect piapara late 2013. the pre-salt well is

25、 expected to cost usd80mn (net forqgep). during the 3q12 earnings conference call, qgep declined to comment on theannual capex planned for the full development of the bs-4 block until the developmentplan is approved by the regulator.our view for ogx is mostly negative: on the positive side, the tran

26、saction adds anasset with lower monetization risk. however, the acquisition raises the followingquestions: (1) given the companys consistently positive speech on its campos basinportfolio, why is ogx venturing into more expensive deep offshore production? (2) isthe pre-salt potential big enough to j

27、ustify this move? (3) given the companys balancepage 2deutsche bank securities inc.26 november 2012oil & gasbrazil oil and gassheet (current net debt of usd1.5bn and rising), is it worth for ogx to commit morecapital for the development of bs-4? (4) what does this acquisition mean for theremaind

28、er of ogxs portfolio (santos, espirito santo, para-maranhao and colombia -where ogx acquired one additional field in the ronda 2012)? we are less concernedabout parnaiba. during the 3q12 earnings conference call, management stressed thelimited financial commitment for the exploration of the new fiel

29、d in colombia.impact for partners qgep and barra energia: we are concerned with the entrance of apartner with limited financial resources to the group, replacing petrobras.figure 1: bs-4 and adjacent blocks in the santos basinsource: deutsche bank and wood mackenzie.figure 2: details of the bs-4 blo

30、cksource: deutsche bank and wood mackenzie.hrt farms down 14% stake in three exploration licenses (sixblocks) in namibiathe transaction: hrt announced an agreement with galp (galp-lis, hold, eur12.22)for the farm down of a 14% stake in three petroleum exploration licenses (pel) innamibia, one in the

31、 walvis basin: pel 23, comprised by the 2112b and 2212a blocksand two in the orange basin: pel 24, comprised by the 2713a block and pel 28(2813a, 2814b and 2914a blocks). hrt will remain the operator of the pels and plansto start the drilling campaign in consideration: galp will carry

32、 part of hrts costs, limited by a cap (notdisclosed) associated with the drilling of three wildcat wells in 2013 in areas alreadyidentified and with defined prospects (two prospects in pel23 likely murombe andwingat and one prospect in pel24). the agreement does not call for the reimbursementof seis

33、mic acquired by hrt.the assets are shown on figure 3 and figure 4. the main targets of these prospectshave a combined estimated gross recoverable resource of almost 8 billion bbl (unriskedmean estimate) with a probability of success between 20-30%, resulting in 1.6-2.4bnbbl of risked resources). we

34、note the frontier nature of namibia, with only oneproducing asset: the natural gas kudu field.our view for hrt is positive on the transaction but very cautious on the story: thefarm down of part of the namibian assets is positive for hrt as it reduces the capitalexpenditure for the exploration of th

35、ese blocks. however, with usd580mn in cash (andexpectation of capex + opex of usd360mn in 2013), no cash flow generation and dimperspectives of getting external financing, hrt needs to continue to farm down assets.deutsche bank securities 326 november 2012oil & gasbrazil oil and gasthe

36、company has recently announced the intention to divest part of its solimoes basinportfolio and noncore assets (transportation assets in the amazons). moreover, hrt hasembarked on an aggressive (but welcomed) cost reduction program with personnelcuts and a considerable slow down on exploration activi

37、ty in the solimoes basin versusinitial expectations.considering that the company concluded its ipo not too long ago (late 2010), wequestion the company managements decision to originally dimension its operations forthe best case scenario (quick monetization of oil in the solimoes, which has not been

38、found yet).figure 3: details of pel 23source: deutsche bank and wood 4figure 4: details of pels 24 and 28source: deutsche bank and wood mackenzie.deutsche bank securities inc.26 november 2012oil & gasbrazil oil and gasvaluation and risks:ogx: we have performed a detailed nav calcu

39、lation for ogx, on a project-by-projectbasis in the campos basin and parnaiba basins (for the gas that has been contracted).we use dbs oil curve for 2012, 2013 and a long-term oil price for pre-operational ogxof $80/bbl.the main upside risks are: better-than-expected flow rates, lower production cos

40、ts(mainly the need for fewer wells), early monetization from to asset sales (which we findhighly unlikely given unfavorable indication from the campos basin fields and earlyexploratory stage of fields in the other basins).qgep: we have performed a detailed nav calculation for qgep, on a project-by-p

41、rojectbasis, for all of qgep prospects mapped by gaffney, cline and associates (gca). webelieve that this is the best way to value qgep at this point, given that the areas arepre-operational. individual prospect analysis also enables us to respond to the positiveand negative news flow regarding the

42、exploratory results of each prospect. we havealso used a dcf model for qgeps producing asset manati.the main risks are: higher concentration of risk versus peers - qgep has currently 7blocks on its portfolio, well below its peers. more gassy portfolio versus peers, butthat could change: qgeps resour

43、ce estimate is comprised of 75% natural gas and only25% oil, while the portfolio of its peers is more balance and mostly oil based.exploration risk - qgeps story is based on the companys ability to successfullydevelop and monetize its blocks. however, its oil and gas resources are estimates.those es

44、timates are the base of our valuation for the stock. if estimates are provedwrong, there will be a negative impact on our valuation. e&p companies are subject toproduction delays and cost overruns. partnership with petrobras and local content risk -petrobras is, in most cases, the operator of th

45、e blocks. therefore, the speed at whicheach project is developed could suffer delays as they compete with other projects thatare part of petrobras vast portfolio.hrt : we use the $/boe nav of each prospect based on assumptions from the d&mreport which provides estimates for volumes, costs and ca

46、pital expenditure (adjustedfor the probability of geological success or pg). our price target incorporates dbs crudeoil prices estimate of $110/bbl. we are conservatively using a discount rate of 13%. weassign a zero value for gas in solimoes and zero for the namibian portfolio.main downside risks:

47、hrt is a pre-operational company. as such, valuation is based onthird party resource estimate, which could not materialize. exposure to new frontiernamibia and environmentally sensitive solimoes basin could prove challenging areasfor oil production. main upside risks: discovery of commercially viabl

48、e oil in solimoesand namibia, ability to monetize both provinces profitably.petrobras our pt is derived using dcf analysis. our dcf assumptions include aus$110/barrel long term oil price forecast. we use the dcf methodology because weconsider it a superior indicator of value to multiples, as it reli

49、es on free cash flowsgenerated over a longer period of time rather than the profitability of a single year. ourwacc of 10.1% is based on 30% leverage and 9.2% after-tax cost of debt. we alsoassume 10.4% cost of equity based on a 1.9% sovereign risk premium that reflectsbrazils risk improvement over

50、the past year, a 3.0% risk free rate and a 5.5% equity riskpremium (historical average), along with a 1.0 beta to the local market and a 3.0%terminal growth rate (which is below long term inflation expectations for brazil).deutsche bank securities 526 november 2012oil & gasbrazil oil an

51、d gasupside risks to our hold recommendation include: 1) sooner-than-expected recovery inoil prices and 2) increased flows into emerging markets, which tend to benefitpetrobras due to its high liquidity. downside risks include: 1) lower-than-expected oilprices, 2) delays in petrobras execution of th

52、e production schedule, 3) interference frompetrobras main shareholder, the brazilian government, and 4) brazilian 6deutsche bank securities inc.nana11.1.26 november 2012oil & gasbrazil oil and gasappendix 1important disclosuresadditional information available upon reque

53、stdisclosure checklistcompanyhrt participacoesogxqueiroz galvao e&ppetrobrastickerhrtp3.saogxp3.saqgep3.sapbr.nrecent price*5.31 (brl) 23 nov 124.87 (brl) 23 nov 1213.58 (brl) 23 nov 1218.78 (usd) 23 nov 12disclosurena*prices are sourced from local exchanges via reuters, bloomberg and other vend

54、ors. data is sourced from deutsche bank and subject companiesimportant disclosures required by u.s. regulatorsdisclosures marked with an asterisk may also be required by at least one jurisdiction in addition to the united states.see important disclosures required by non-us regulators and explanatory

55、 notes.within the past year, deutsche bank and/or its affiliate(s) has managed or co-managed a public or private offeringfor this company, for which it received fees.important disclosures required by non-u.s. regulatorsplease also refer to disclosures in the important disclosures required by us regu

56、lators and the explanatory notes.within the past year, deutsche bank and/or its affiliate(s) has managed or co-managed a public or private offeringfor this company, for which it received fees.for disclosures pertaining to recommendations or estimates made on securities other than the primary subject

57、 of thisresearch, please see the most recently published company report or visit our global disclosure look-up page on ourwebsite at http:/ certificationthe views expressed in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the undersigned lead analyst about thesubject issuers and the securitie

58、s of those issuers. in addition, the undersigned lead analyst has not and will not receiveany compensation for providing a specific recommendation or view in this report. marcus sequeiradeutsche bank securities 7securitypricesecurityprice...5.3.26 november 2012oil &

59、; gasbrazil oil and gashistorical recommendations and target price: hrt participacoes ( of 11/23/2012)2,500.00previous recommendationsstrong buybuy2,000.0012market performunderperformnot rated1,500.003suspended ratingcurrent recommendationsbuy1,000.00500.004holdsellnot ratedsuspended rat

60、ing*new recommendation structureas of september 9,20020.0067 89nov 10feb 11may 11aug 11nov 11datefeb 12may 12aug 1226/01/2011:25/02/2011:18/09/2011:31/10/2011:23/01/2012:upgrade to buy, target price change brl2,140.00downgrade to hold, brl2,140.00upgrade to buy, brl2,140.00buy, target price change brl1,530.00buy, target price change brl1,300.0001/06/2012:02/07/2012:26/0


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