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1、Unit 5 The silver screenUnit 5 The silver screen基础落实基础落实.重点单词思忆重点单词思忆1.China has given birth to many national 1.China has given birth to many national (英雄)(英雄)in history.in history.2.With the failure of his company,his2.With the failure of his company,his (事业)(事业) is ended now.is ended now.3.The Oly

2、mpic winner received a gold medal as 3.The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an an (奖品)(奖品). .4.He got his doctors 4.He got his doctors (学位)(学位)in a in a famous university. famous university.5.A 5.A (生物)(生物)is anything that is is anything that is alive. alive.heroesheroescareercareerawardaward

3、degreedegreecreaturecreature.考纲词汇拓展考纲词汇拓展1.1. n n. .男演员;行动者男演员;行动者 n n. .女演员女演员 v v. .行动;表演行动;表演 n n. .行动行动 adjadj. .活跃的;积极的活跃的;积极的2.2. n n. .领导者;指挥者领导者;指挥者 v v. .领导;带领领导;带领 adjadj. .最重要的;最成功的最重要的;最成功的 n n. .领导地位领导地位/ /才能才能3.3. n n. .选择;抉择;精选品选择;抉择;精选品 v v. .选择选择 ( (过去分词过去分词) )4.4. n n. .残忍,残酷残忍,残酷

4、adjadj. .残忍的,残残忍的,残 酷的酷的 advadv. .残忍地残忍地actoractoractressactressactactactionactionactiveactiveleaderleaderleadleadleadingleadingleadershipleadershipchoicechoicechoosechoosechosenchosencrueltycrueltycruelcruelcruellycruelly5.5. n n. .和平;和睦;安宁和平;和睦;安宁 adjadj. .和和平平 的;和睦的的;和睦的 advadv. .和平地和平地6.6. vtvt.

5、 .接受;认可;接受;认可;vivi. .同意;承认同意;承认 adjadj. n n. .7.7. vivi. .决定决定; ;决心决心 adjadj. .坚坚决决 的;坚定的的;坚定的 n n. .决定;决心;果决定;决心;果 断断peacepeacepeacefulpeacefulpeacefullypeacefullyacceptacceptacceptableacceptableacceptanceacceptancedeterminedeterminedetermineddetermineddeterminationdetermination1.take 1.take 成功;(飞机

6、)起飞;脱掉(衣服)成功;(飞机)起飞;脱掉(衣服)2.2. wrong wrong走错路;误入歧途;出毛病走错路;误入歧途;出毛病3.3. sth sth. to sb. to sb.把把归功于某人归功于某人4.4. all all总共总共5.stay 5.stay 外出外出6.lock sb.6.lock sb. 把某人锁起来把某人锁起来7.7. after after追赶追赶8.8. the air the air正在播出的正在播出的offoffgogooweoweininawayawayupuprunrunonon.重要短语识记重要短语识记9.9. highly of highly o

7、f对对高度评价高度评价10.10. a role in a role in在在中扮演角色;在中扮演角色;在中中 起重要作用起重要作用11.work 11.work a short film a short film进行电影的拍摄工作进行电影的拍摄工作12.be afraid 12.be afraid sth sth. .害怕做某事害怕做某事13.13. different kinds of dinosaurs different kinds of dinosaurs养了不同养了不同 种类的恐龙种类的恐龙14.win 14.win 战胜战胜15.win a 15.win a forfor赢得赢得

8、奖奖thinkthinkplayplayononto doto dokeepkeepoveroverprizeprize1.1. (还是学生时)(还是学生时),she ,she played roles in many plays. played roles in many plays.2.This was a film 2.This was a film (SpielbergSpielberg在里在里 面用真正的演员而不再用玩具)面用真正的演员而不再用玩具). .3.3. ( (他为什么不能去那里的原因是因为)他为什么不能去那里的原因是因为)his his grades were too l

9、ow. grades were too low.4.This was the moment 4.This was the moment (SpielbergSpielberg的事业真的事业真 正腾飞的契机)正腾飞的契机). .While still a studentWhile still a studentin which Spielberg usedin which Spielberg usedreal actors instead of toysreal actors instead of toysThe reason why he couldnt go there wasThe rea

10、son why he couldnt go there wasthatthatwhen Spielbergswhen Spielbergscareer really took offcareer really took off经典句式再现经典句式再现5.In his war films,he5.In his war films,he has shown that has shown that ( (爱与和爱与和 平终将赢取战争平终将赢取战争).).6.She gets the job because 6.She gets the job because ( (村里没有其他人村里没有其他人)wh

11、o )who can take it. can take it.7.Minzhi wants to go to town,but7.Minzhi wants to go to town,but she she ( (买不起汽车票买不起汽车票).).8.She wants them to let her appear live on 8.She wants them to let her appear live on the air, the air, ( (希希 望望HuikeHuike能看见她能看见她).).love andlove andpeace will win over war in

12、 the endpeace will win over war in the endthere is nobodythere is nobodyelse in the villageelse in the villagecantcantafford to buy a bus ticketafford to buy a bus tickethoping that Huikehoping that Huike will see her will see her导练互动导练互动1.award1.award .,where she started working as an actress .,whe

13、re she started working as an actress and won the Theatre World and won the Theatre World for her for her role in a play. role in a play. ( (回归课本回归课本P P3030) )观察思考观察思考 His horse was given the highest award at His horse was given the highest award at the show. the show. 他的马在展会上得到最高奖。他的马在展会上得到最高奖。 The

14、school awarded the best students The school awarded the best students special scholarships. special scholarships. 学校奖给最好的学生特别奖学金。学校奖给最好的学生特别奖学金。AwardAward归纳拓展归纳拓展awardaward词性:词性: & & 意思:意思:award sb.sth./award sth.toaward sb.sth./award sth.to sb. sb.授予某人某物授予某人某物win/receive/get an awardwin/rec

15、eive/get an award获奖获奖present an awardpresent an award颁奖颁奖n.n.vtvt. .奖,奖品,奖金;奖奖,奖品,奖金;奖给,授予(奖品)等给,授予(奖品)等拓展辨析拓展辨析award,prize,rewardaward,prize,reward(1)award(1)award是为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出的要是为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。(2 2)prizeprize多指在各类比赛、竞赛或抽奖中所

16、得的多指在各类比赛、竞赛或抽奖中所得的奖,有的是凭能力获得,有的是凭运气获得。奖,有的是凭能力获得,有的是凭运气获得。(3 3)rewardreward指对某人的服务或工作给予报酬,也可指对某人的服务或工作给予报酬,也可指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到赏金、酬金。赏金、酬金。能力转化能力转化用恰当的词填空用恰当的词填空(1)(1) the Nobel Prize for Peace of 1964 the Nobel Prize for Peace of 1964 for advocating non for advocating non

17、violenceviolence policy in the policy in the movement for civil rights,Martin movement for civil rights,Martin Luther Luther King felt very happy about that. King felt very happy about that.(2)It is unfair that he gets little in (2)It is unfair that he gets little in for his hard work. for his hard

18、work.(3)The (3)The for the years best actor went for the years best actor went to Jack Chen. to Jack Chen.(4)World Peace is the greatest (4)World Peace is the greatest of all. of all.AwardedAwardedrewardrewardawardawardprizeprize2.choice2.choice .while acting in famous films such as .while acting in

19、 famous films such as ,. (,. (回归课本回归课本P P3030) )观察思考观察思考 To go or not to go,itsTo go or not to go,its a difficult choice a difficult choice to make. to make. 去还是不去,很难作出选择。去还是不去,很难作出选择。 In fact,thisIn fact,this is the only choice they could is the only choice they could make. make. 事实上,这是他们能作出的唯一的选择。

20、事实上,这是他们能作出的唯一的选择。Sophies Choice归纳拓展归纳拓展choicechoice词性:词性: 意思:意思:(1 1)make a choicemake a choice作出选择作出选择have no choice but to do sthhave no choice but to do sth. .除除之外别无选之外别无选择择without choicewithout choice无选择余地;不分好歹地无选择余地;不分好歹地(2 2)choose choose v v. .挑选,选择;决定;情愿;宁愿挑选,选择;决定;情愿;宁愿cannot choose butcan

21、not choose but不得不,只好不得不,只好choose fromchoose from从从中选择中选择choose to do sthchoose to do sth. .决定做某事;宁愿做某事决定做某事;宁愿做某事n.n.选择;抉择;选择机会;选择;抉择;选择机会;选择权选择权能力转化能力转化(1)(1)有四个答案可供选择。有四个答案可供选择。 There are four answers There are four answers . .(2)(2)他只得服从。他只得服从。 He has He has . .(3)(3)我决定不去参加他的婚礼。我决定不去参加他的婚礼。 I I

22、attend his wedding. attend his wedding.to choose fromto choose fromno choice but to obeyno choice but to obeychose not tochose not to3.owe3.owe .,Steven Spielberg said that he .,Steven Spielberg said that he much much of his success and happiness to his wife of his success and happiness to his wife

23、and children. ( and children. (回归课本回归课本P P3232) )观察思考观察思考 I owe him $100./I owe $100 to him.I owe him $100./I owe $100 to him. 我欠他我欠他100100美元。美元。 I owe thanks to him for his help.(=I owe I owe thanks to him for his help.(=I owe him thanks for his help.) him thanks for his help.) 我很感谢他的帮助。我很感谢他的帮助。ow

24、esowes归纳拓展归纳拓展oweowe词性:词性: 意思:意思:owe sb. sth./owe sthowe sb. sth./owe sth. to sb. to sb.欠某人某物欠某人某物(owe(owe指指“欠钱;欠债欠钱;欠债”) )owe sb. sth./owe sthowe sb. sth./owe sth. to sb. to sb.把把归功于;感归功于;感恩于某人恩于某人(owe(owe指指“欠情;感恩;感激;归功于欠情;感恩;感激;归功于”) )owing to(=because of/on account of/due to)owing to(=because of/

25、on account of/due to)因因为;由于为;由于( (放在句首,而放在句首,而due todue to表表“由于由于”不用于句不用于句首首) )v.v.欠(债等);归功于欠(债等);归功于能力转化能力转化(1)I (1)I you thanks for what you did when I you thanks for what you did when I was sick. was sick. A.pay B.cost C.spend D.owe A.pay B.cost C.spend D.owe(2)(2) your assistance,he your assista

26、nce,he finished the job finished the job in only two hours. in only two hours. A.Owing to A.Owing to B.Apart B.Apart from from C.In spite of D.On C.In spite of D.On behalf of behalf ofDA4.determine4.determine .,she becomes very worried and .,she becomes very worried and to bring Huike to bring Huike

27、 back safely. ( back safely. (回归课本回归课本P P3434) )观察思考观察思考 He determined to leave as soon as possible.He determined to leave as soon as possible. 他决定尽早离开。他决定尽早离开。 We were determined to start early.=We were We were determined to start early.=We were determined on starting early.=We were determined on s

28、tarting early.=We were determined that we start early. determined that we start early. 我们决定早动身。我们决定早动身。determinesdetermines归纳拓展归纳拓展determine determine 词性:词性: & & 意思:意思:(1)determine sth(1)determine sth. .决定某事决定某事determine to do sthdetermine to do sth. .决心做某事决心做某事determine that.determine that.

29、决定决定be determined that.be determined that.决心,决定决心,决定determine sb. to do sthdetermine sb. to do sth. .使某人决定做某事使某人决定做某事determine on/upondetermine on/upon决定决定determine sb. against sthdetermine sb. against sth. .使某人决定不做某事使某人决定不做某事be determined to do sthbe determined to do sth. .决心做某事决心做某事(2)determinatio

30、n (2)determination n n. . 决心;果断决心;果断vtvt. .vi.vi.决定,确定;决定,确定;使决定;决心使决定;决心能力转化能力转化(1)(1)我们已经决定在星期五前完成这项任务了。我们已经决定在星期五前完成这项任务了。 We We the task done the task done before Friday. before Friday.(2)(2)研究表明遗传和环境决定一个人的性格。研究表明遗传和环境决定一个人的性格。 Studies show that heredity and environment Studies show that heredit

31、y and environment . .(3)(3)他的劝告使我决定不再抽烟喝酒了。他的劝告使我决定不再抽烟喝酒了。 His advice His advice drink and drink and smoke no more. smoke no more.(4)(4)那女孩子决心很大,我肯定她会做好的。那女孩子决心很大,我肯定她会做好的。 That girl That girl ;I am ;I am sure she will do well. sure she will do well.have determined to gethave determined to getdeter

32、mine ones characterdetermine ones characterdetermined me todetermined me tohas great determinationhas great determination5.live5.live She wants them to let her appear She wants them to let her appear on on the air,hoping that Huike the air,hoping that Huike will see her. will see her.( (回归课本回归课本P P3

33、434) )观察思考观察思考 It wasnt a recorded show;itIt wasnt a recorded show;it was live. was live. 那不是表演的录像,而是现场的转播。那不是表演的录像,而是现场的转播。 The cat was playing with a live mouse.The cat was playing with a live mouse. 这只猫在跟一只活老鼠玩。这只猫在跟一只活老鼠玩。归纳拓展归纳拓展 livelive词性:词性: & & advadv. .意思:意思: a live fisha live fish

34、一条活鱼一条活鱼 a live concerta live concert现场直播的音乐会现场直播的音乐会livelive活的;生动的;活的;生动的;adj.adj.现场直播的;现场地现场直播的;现场地拓展辨析拓展辨析alive,living,live,livelyalive,living,live,lively(1)alive (1)alive adjadj. .作表语、后置定语、宾(主)语补足作表语、后置定语、宾(主)语补足语,表示语,表示“活着的活着的”。(2 2)living living adjadj. .作定语(多前置)、表语,可以作定语(多前置)、表语,可以指人、物指人、物“活着

35、的活着的”;the livingthe living活着的人。活着的人。(3 3)live live adjadj. .只用作前置定语,多说明(动)物,只用作前置定语,多说明(动)物,此外还可表示此外还可表示“现场直播的,实况的现场直播的,实况的”。(4 4)lively lively adjadj. .表示表示“有生气的;生动的;活泼有生气的;生动的;活泼的的”,与生死无关,可作定语、表语、补语。,与生死无关,可作定语、表语、补语。能力转化能力转化用恰当的词填空用恰当的词填空(1)Who is the greatest man (1)Who is the greatest man ? ?(2

36、)We watched a (2)We watched a television show. television show.(3)She has no (3)She has no relatives. relatives.(4)My first teacher who is still(4)My first teacher who is still always makes his classes always makes his classes and and interesting. interesting.alivealivelivelivelivinglivinglivinglivi

37、nglivelylively重点短语与句型重点短语与句型6.take off6.take off This was the moment when Spielbergs This was the moment when Spielbergs career really career really took offtook off. . ( (回归课本回归课本P P3131) )观察思考观察思考 When did your business begin to take off?When did your business begin to take off? 你的生意是从什么时候开始红火起来的?

38、你的生意是从什么时候开始红火起来的? Take off your clothes;theyreTake off your clothes;theyre soaked in soaked in the rain. the rain. 脱掉你的衣服,它们都被雨湿透了。脱掉你的衣服,它们都被雨湿透了。I am taking three days off because I am I am taking three days off because I am moving to my new flat.moving to my new flat.我想请三天的假,我要搬到新家去。我想请三天的假,我要搬到

39、新家去。They are taking 50% off the prices of all the They are taking 50% off the prices of all the goods in the shop.goods in the shop.他们把店里所有的商品都打五折。他们把店里所有的商品都打五折。归纳拓展归纳拓展take offtake offtake aftertake after与与相像相像take.astake.as把把理解为;把理解为;把当作当作take awaytake away拿走,夺去;使离去;减去拿走,夺去;使离去;减去take downtake do

40、wn取下;记下;拆卸取下;记下;拆卸take fortake for认为,以为;误认为认为,以为;误认为o o account把把考虑进去考虑进去take uptake up拿起;着手处理;占去拿起;着手处理;占去take overtake over占据;接任(职位)占据;接任(职位)成功,成名;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起成功,成名;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;在(某一时间)休息;减价飞;在(某一时间)休息;减价take backtake back收回(说错的话);使回忆起收回(说错的话);使回忆起take effecttake effect生效生效

41、take turnstake turns轮流轮流take outtake out拿出;去掉;扣除;(通过申请等)取拿出;去掉;扣除;(通过申请等)取得,办理;(得,办理;(on)on)对对发泄发泄take totake to开始;对开始;对产生好感;形成产生好感;形成习惯习惯take intake in接受,接纳,吸收;包括;领会,理解;欺接受,接纳,吸收;包括;领会,理解;欺骗骗take ontake on接受;包含;领会;承担,从事;呈现,具接受;包含;领会;承担,从事;呈现,具有;开始雇用有;开始雇用能力转化能力转化(1)(1)(20082008江西,江西,2525)I I it as

42、a basic it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price raw materials should be given a fair price for their products. for their products. A.make A.make B.look B.look C.take C.take D.think D.think 解析解析 tak

43、e.as.take.as.把把当作、认为当作、认为;另;另 外外,look on.as.,look on.as.和和think of.as.think of.as.也有此也有此 意。若用意。若用A A项项, ,需要把后面的需要把后面的asas去掉。去掉。C(2)(2)(20082008全国全国,3434)After studying in a After studying in a medical college for five years medical college for five years,JaneJane her job as a doctor in the countrysi

44、de. her job as a doctor in the countryside. A.set out B.took A.set out B.took over over C.took up D.set C.took up D.set up up 解析解析 考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。take uptake up为为“从事,从事, 做做”的意思。的意思。C7.think highly of7.think highly of If you If you of the film you may of the film you may encourage other people to

45、go and see it. encourage other people to go and see it.( (回归课本回归课本P P3535) )观察思考观察思考 Jacques Rogge,President of IOC,thoughtJacques Rogge,President of IOC,thought highly of the 2008 Beijing Olympic highly of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,saying Games,saying that it was the best ever in that it was t

46、he best ever in history. history. 国际奥委会主席雅克国际奥委会主席雅克罗格高度评价罗格高度评价20082008年北京年北京 奥运会,说本次奥运会是有史以来最好的奥运会。奥运会,说本次奥运会是有史以来最好的奥运会。 His work is highly thought of by the His work is highly thought of by the critics. critics. 他的作品深受评论家推崇。他的作品深受评论家推崇。think highlythink highly归纳拓展归纳拓展think highly ofthink highly

47、ofthink well/much of.(=have a good opinion think well/much of.(=have a good opinion of.)of.)对对评价很高评价很高( (被动结构被动结构)be well/highly/much thought of)be well/highly/much thought ofthink badly/poorly/little of.(=have a bad think badly/poorly/little of.(=have a bad opinion of.)opinion of.)对对评价很低评价很低think o

48、fthink of考虑考虑(=think about);(=think about);想到想到think of.asthink of.as把把看作;以为看作;以为是是think nothing of itthink nothing of it别在意;没什么;别客气别在意;没什么;别客气对对评价很高评价很高think sth.outthink sth.out认真考虑,仔细盘算认真考虑,仔细盘算think sththink sth. over. over仔细考虑,慎重思考仔细考虑,慎重思考speak highly/well/badly ofspeak highly/well/badly of对对高

49、度评价高度评价( (评价评价低低) )sing high praise.forsing high praise.for高度赞扬高度赞扬What do you think of.What do you think of.?你认为?你认为怎么样?怎么样?How do you like/find.?How do you like/find.?你认为你认为怎么样?怎么样?能力转化能力转化(1)He always (1)He always ( (先先 想到别人想到别人).).(2)I (2)I ( (一直在仔细思考一直在仔细思考) ) what you said. what you said.(3)Th

50、e plan (3)The plan ( (考虑得很周考虑得很周 到到).).(4)Thank you ever so much for your help.(4)Thank you ever so much for your help. ( (不用谢不用谢).).thinks of other people firstthinks of other people firsthave been thinking overhave been thinking overis well thought outis well thought outThink nothing of itThink no

51、thing of it8.8. still a student,she still a student,she played roles played roles in many plays. in many plays.还在上学的时候,她就在很多还在上学的时候,她就在很多 戏里扮演过角色。戏里扮演过角色。典例体验典例体验 asked,heasked,he gave good advice. gave good advice. 只要问他,他就提供好的建议。只要问他,他就提供好的建议。 necessary,wellnecessary,well have a meeting. have a mee

52、ting. 如果有必要的话,我们就开个会。如果有必要的话,我们就开个会。 printed,theprinted,the book will be well book will be well received. received. 一旦印刷,这本书将会大受欢迎。一旦印刷,这本书将会大受欢迎。When (he was)When (he was)If (it is)If (it is)Once (it is)Once (it is)WhileWhile归纳拓展归纳拓展在英语中,在一些表示时间在英语中,在一些表示时间(when,while,once,until,wheneverwhen,while,

53、once,until,whenever等引导)、条等引导)、条件(件(ifif和和unlessunless等引导)、方式(等引导)、方式(as,asas,as if if等引等引导)、让步(导)、让步(though,althoughthough,although等引导)、比较等引导)、比较(thanthan等引导)的状语从句中,当从句的主语和主等引导)的状语从句中,当从句的主语和主句的主语句的主语 或从句的主语是或从句的主语是 ,且从句谓语中又,且从句谓语中又包含包含 时,可省略从句的主语和时,可省略从句的主语和bebe动词。动词。一致一致ititbebe能力转化能力转化标出下列各句中可以省略

54、的成分标出下列各句中可以省略的成分(1)Dont talk while (1)Dont talk while eating something. eating something.(2)When (2)When asked how he gained first asked how he gained first place,he place,he suddenly became cheerful. suddenly became cheerful.(3)Although (3)Although sold by a German company sold by a German company

55、 for the first time in 1899,aspirin has for the first time in 1899,aspirin has been around much longer than that. been around much longer than that.(4)They looked around the room as if (4)They looked around the room as if looking for something. looking for something.you areyou arehe washe wasit wasi

56、t wastheytheywerewere(5)The boys will go out to play football (5)The boys will go out to play football whenever whenever possible. possible.(6)It is a good,strong ship,though(6)It is a good,strong ship,though not not very fast. very fast.(7)Dont do it until (7)Dont do it until told to. told to.it is

57、it isit isit isyou areyou are9.9. he could not go there was he could not go there was that his grades were too low. that his grades were too low.他无法去那他无法去那 里的原因是成绩太差。里的原因是成绩太差。典例体验典例体验 he was driving so fast was he was driving so fast was that he was late for an important meeting. that he was late f

58、or an important meeting. 他车开得那么快的原因是,他要参加一个重要会他车开得那么快的原因是,他要参加一个重要会 议,时间已经晚了。议,时间已经晚了。 You must tell himYou must tell him you wont accept his offer. you wont accept his offer. 你必须告诉他你不接受他报价的原因。你必须告诉他你不接受他报价的原因。The reason whyThe reason whyThe reason whyThe reason whythe reason why/for whichthe reason

59、 why/for which归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)(1)解释解释reasonreason的内容要用的内容要用 引导的表语从句,如引导的表语从句,如果说明某事是因为什么,则用果说明某事是因为什么,则用 引导的表语从引导的表语从句。句。The reason was that he was ill.The reason was that he was ill.原因是他病了。原因是他病了。That was because he was ill.That was because he was ill.那是因为他病了。那是因为他病了。(2)reason(2)reason后接定语从句时,若引导词在从句中作后

60、接定语从句时,若引导词在从句中作 ,则用,则用whywhy或或for which;for which;若引导词在从句中作若引导词在从句中作 ,则用,则用thatthat或或whichwhich。becausebecausethatthat状状语语主主语或宾语语或宾语能力转化能力转化(1)(1)他失踪的原因还不知道。他失踪的原因还不知道。 The reason The reason he is missing is still he is missing is still unknown. unknown.(2)(2)他给出的理由不太充分。他给出的理由不太充分。 The reason The reason he gave is not h


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