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1、the role and function of teacher in english class communicationi. introductionin our daily life, we usually use english and english becomes more common. english is the most widely used language in the world, english is very important now. as an english teacher, it is very important to teach english

2、very well, and to make students learn english effectively. english teachers should have more abilities and skills.in english teaching, teachers are not only to teach students but also guide them. they create an effective communication environment. they create an environment where the student can exp

3、ress their thoughts, providing opportunities for students to interact in english. a teacher should make the colorful language activities, engaging and holding the attention of the students through the whole teaching. in this process, teachers play many roles. so my thesis is to focus on the roles of

4、 an english teacher in classroom communication. designing the lesson plan to stimulate the students' motivation is very important. at the same time, teachers should correct students' mistakes and pay attention to their responses. the most important thing in the management is to organize the

5、classroom activities. during the teaching process, teachers can learn a lot of things themselves, increase their knowledge, and improve self-development. teachers are people who are good at learning continually. the author wrote it from these aspects respectively.the process of english teaching is c

6、omplicated. a qualified teacher should prepare to take different roles at different stages of teaching. how does a teacher make the teaching materials easier for the students to understand? how does a teacher make an english class more active, and what motivates do the students have to cooperate wit

7、h the teacher well in class? all these are closely related with a teacher. the teacher, as a core of the classroom, is always in an active role. designer2.1the benefits for planningsome teachers with experience seem to have an ability to think on what they do while teaching, which allow them to beli

8、eve that they do not need to plan their career, even if the plan are very informal.for students, evidence of a plan shows them that the teacher has devoted time to thinking about the class. for the teacher, a plan- however informalgives the lesson a framework, an overall shape. it is true that the t

9、eacher may end up departing from it at stages of the lesson. of course, good teachers are flexible and respond creatively to what happens in the classroom, but they also to have though ahead, have a destination they want their students to teach, and know how they are going to get there.planning help

10、s, then, because it allow teachers to think about where theyre going and give them time to have ideas for tomorrow s and next week s lessons. in the classroom, a plan helps to remind teachers what they intended to doespecially if they get momentarily forget what they intended. finally, planning help

11、s because it gives students confidence: they know immediately whether a teacher has thought about the lesson, and they respond positively to those that have. on the contrary, the plan is just thata plan, in other words, we will happy if things go according to plan; but they often dont. thats when th

12、e teacher has to be flexible. sometimes, the plan has to be abandoned and it is only after the lesson that the teacher can look at it again and see if some parts of it are recoverable for future lessons.there is one particular situation in which planning is especially important, and that is when a t

13、eacher is to be observed. the observer needs to have a clear idea of what the teacher intends in order to judge the success of the class.2.2 the strategy of teachers in planning a sequence of lesson the most important thing in a sequence lesson is the form that we should take, some teachers highligh

14、ts parts of their plan with colored pens, and some teachers write down exactly what they are going to say and note down each sentence that the students are going to say, others just write pair work or whole class. the principles apply to a sequence of lesson, for example, over two weeks or a month w

15、hen we design the lesson. we should take four procedures; they are warm up, presentation, practice and closure. what should we do in warm up? the aim of warm up is to make students actively and participate in class immediately. we should review some old vocabulary and grammar point, or the things we

16、 have learned. in the second, how do we present new lessons? we can use simple english, or find plastic staff or acting to present, and repetition, pair work, and substitution drill to practice we just learned. in closure, we can adapt some interesting thing of play games in the end of class. of cou

17、rse, at the same time, make the students thing about the new knowledge white play game, because the games concluding the new when students playing, they can remember it, and it also make the class exciting and interesting.2.3 the importance of following a pre-arranged plan we have a balance that bet

18、ween teachers set out to achieve and responding to what students are saying or doing. suppose that the teacher has planned that the students should prepare a dialogue and act it out, the teacher has allowed twenty minutes for preparation and act out. but when the students start working on this activ

19、ity, it is obvious that they need more time, they would like to spend at least half the lesson. at this moment, the teachers have decided whether to abandon the original plan, and agree with the students wishes. another situation is also possible: all the students are still working on a dialogue pre

20、paration except for two pairs who have finished. the teacher has to decide whether to tell them to wait for the others or stop the other students to prevent this. then the other students did not have a chance to finish. . prompter3.1 stimulate of students motivation it is necessary for teacher to en

21、courage students to participate in some activities, or give them proper advisement when students keep silent, in order to keep on the activities successfully. it is also a very important roleprompter. as the role of a prompter, the teachers should flexible in action, not too fixed, and provide a fra

22、me that the students must do, or not must do. teachers should make some ideal methods to stimulate students and make some students keep enthusiasm in activities, in order to keep on the activities orderly. as we know, a language should be acquired rather than taught. a teacher can feel sure that he

23、is teaching, but it is different for him to make sure that learning does take place. that means learns stand in a subjective position in the process of english teaching and learning. so it is important to find out ways in motivating students, since motivation is subject to change and can be influenc

24、e and guided. in particular, the teacher in the classroom is in a position to generate, increase and maintain the motivation of his students in teaching.3.2 the importance of motivating the studentsthe desire to learn can from many causes. perhaps the students love the subject or are simply interest

25、ed to see what it is like. on the other hand, they may have a practical reason for their study: they want to learn an instrument so they can play in an orchestra, learn english so they can watch american tv or work with english people, study tai chi so that they can become fitter and more relaxed, o

26、r go to cookery classes so that they can prepare better meals.if good learners are those that have a positive attitude towards their subject, what can we do if we get students who arent like that? will students whose motivation is only skindeep be bad learners? will people who are not extremely keen

27、 to learn automatically fail? one of the main tasks for teachers is to provide interest and involvement in the subject even when students are not interested in it initially. the activities and linguistic content can keep the class busy. it can influence students by their attitude to class participat

28、ion, their responsibility, their humor and their seriousness. it can encourage students by their own behavior and enthusiasm. however, teachers are not responsible for their students motivation. they can only encourage by word or action. real motivation comes from which each individual.3.3 examplefo

29、r example, in teaching the different use of the simple past and the present perfect in english, the teacher may generate the students motivation in learning to express themselves on the students own experience.example: teacher: have you ever visited wu tai mountain, lily? student: yes, i have. teach

30、er: how many times have you visited it? student: once. teacher: when did you go there? student: i went there in 1989. in such a way, the activity is made relevant and purposeful, because they were talking about their own experience in a communicative way, which reinforces the teaching point directly

31、. or the teacher may always try to give the students the opportunity to experience the pleasure of themselves in english. it is advisable to introduce some cultural information; they hope that they will gain closer contact with the people and the culture. psychologically speaking, to create a light,

32、 the study environment helps to sustain or increase the students motivation. otherwise, they may feel shy and become withdrawn which has a negative effect on students sustaining motivation. of course, motivation also has close relation with the teachers methods.in conclusion, a wide of positive atti

33、tudes may contribute to developing a learners motivation. obviously, encouragement of attitude is an important aspect, but unfortunately, there are teachers and parents who have made little efforts to help the students to hold positive attitude. in consequence, the students negative may lead to decr

34、eased motivation. what advantage mention is the fact that motivation does not only promote success, but that success in turn may stimulate motivation?assessorinstruction assessment(教学评估) is the most important process of teaching. the assessment on students linguistic knowledge, skills, attitude, the

35、 performance in class. in order to adjust the process of learning, change teaching methods; get the responsethat is continuously assessed.4.1correct students mistakes4.11 the reason why students make mistakes all students make mistakes at various stages of their language learning. it is part of the

36、natural process they are going through for many reasons. in the first place, the students own language may get in the way. this is most obviously the case with false friends those words that sound or look the same but mean something different. interference from the students owns language is not the

37、only reason for making mistakes. these are the result of conscious processing, for example, when a student, having learning to say things like i have to go , then starts saying i must to go , not realizing that the use of to is not permitted with must. there are examples of errors. others seem to be

38、 more like skip made while students are simultaneously processing, information and they are therefore easier to correct quickly.4.12 the manners in correcting students mistakes correction helps students to clarity understanding of the meaning of language. it is a vital part of the teachers role, bec

39、ause it involves pointing out peoples mistakes. we have to be careful when correcting, if we do it in an insensitive way, we can upset our students and reduce their confidence. in general, the teachers job is to point out when something has gone wrongand see the student can correct herself or himsel

40、f. maybe what they said or wrote was just a slip and they are able to put it right.sometimes, however, students cant put mistakes right on their own, so we have to help them we can do this by asking if one of their classrooms can help out. sometimes, students like that prefer gentle correction from

41、the teacher. on the other hand, the students enjoy helping each other. teachers should organize some practice, teachers need to listen out for mistakes, identify the problem and put it right in most efficient way. teachers can show through the use of expression, encouraging words (good, well done, f

42、antastic) that students are doing really well.4.2 organizing response organize response is also very important in assessment of learning. teachers should have safety assessment, and then students know themselves right or wrong. what is right? what is wrong? we have two forms.4.2.1 response of conten

43、t the response of content focuses on the activities itself, but not on the angle of language training to assess teaching. for example, students do the multiple choice, teachers and students discuss the reason of one choice. they dont do action on using language exactly, but do action on the result o

44、f communication. on other hand, the response of content attached on the content and subject. although students practice language, teachers do not stop on the expression of language. they should discuss the activity itself, and omit the mistake in language that students may do.4.2.2 response of form

45、it is the work that access students of using language exactly. it corrects students activities on language, grammar and sentence. teachers should take a note of students language problems when they observe their students, and praise the right, correct the wrong. it is point that, response of form mu

46、st after the response of content, and the response of form decides on the situation, if the time is suitable or not. it need the teachers have plenty of psychological teaching knowledge, teaching experience, and very sensitive on students. but over it will lead to a bad result. in fact, we should us

47、e some communicable teaching skills. manager as a teacher, the first thing we should be a person who can manage classes effectively. as an english teacher, she or he is not only what students do but also when students say and what students say. of course, as a manager, first, english introduction is

48、 a process of reeducation.5.1 the definition of classroom management classroom management refers to the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom. as the most powerful person in the classroom, the teacher has the authority to influence the kind of interaction that goes on in the class, and

49、 this interaction is created from a combination of many related factors, it includes such factors and how much the teacher talks and what the teacher says; the teachers questioning behaviors; and how the teacher gives instructions, keeps students on task, and makes language comprehensible to the stu

50、dents. the successful management is to create a classroom atmosphere conductive to interesting in english in meaningful ways. it is through meaningful interaction that students can make progress in learning english. the successful management depends on teachers adjustment, that good discipline and a

51、tmosphere stimulate the students initiative, creation.5.2 the ways that english teacher create opportunities for students to interact in english this section is to discuss how teachers manage classroom teaching so that students have opportunities to interact in english in meaningful way.5.2.1 teache

52、rs talk when asked to tape-record their teaching, listen to the tape, and add up the amount of time they talk, teachers are generally surprised to discover they spend much more time talking than they had imagined. some teachers will react by saying that too much talk is bad and should be avoid. but

53、this is not necessarily true. when it comes down to it, it not how much time we spend talking but rather than the way we use to talk to promote meaningful interaction that is significant. certain uses of teacher talk seem to lack this purpose and not productive. other uses seem purposeful and potent

54、ially productive.some english teachers talk aloud in the classroom. although some might gain something positive from this language experience, it can confuse students, and some might stop listening, even when the teacher has something important to say. likewise, if the teacher gives long explanation

55、 about language or long speeches on ideal ideas, some students will sit back and shift into a passive temperament. however, we can elect to use english selectively to answer students question, give introduction, explain homework assignments that students can understand, participate in daily interper

56、sonal communications with students in english, and we teacher talk as part of the students planned listening comprehension experience. 5.2.2 the teachers questions teachers ask a lot of question. the knowledge about questioning behavior can benefit. teachers who want to provide chances for students

57、to interact english in meaningful way. one way to focus on questioning behaviors is to consider the purpose of question. one purpose is to ask student to display their knowledge. display questions offer a way to practice language; sometimes most students both like and need. when a teacher holds up a

58、 large they know how to tell time in english. what time is it? the teacher is asking students to show they know how to tell time in english. the question which the teachers already knew the answer and want students to display knowledge. for example, what color is your shirt? another purpose for aski

59、ng questions is to learn about the students to discover things about them and their knowledge through referential question. for example, what is your favorite color? it means the teacher does not know the answer, and provide a mean through what to bring “real question”. they can be engaging for students because the que


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