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1、Major points Globalization is a double-edged sword. The daunting question of the 21st. century is to see which will prevail.第1页/共102页Minor points It raises economic growth, spreads new technology and raises living standards. It assaults national sovereignty, erodes local culture and tradition and th

2、reatens economic and social instability.第2页/共102页Minor point (1) In some respects, globalization is merely a trendy word for an old process.第3页/共102页Minor point (2) Globalization is different from traditional market expansion in that in the condition of globalization, companies and financial markets

3、 disregard national borders.第4页/共102页Facts supporting it A. Private capital flows increase enormously. (Comp. 1990) B. International acquisitions and mergers increase develops quickly. C. More and more people believe that many markets have become global. D. Companies increasingly organize production

4、 globally. E. Governments also seek bigger sales and profits.第5页/共102页Minor point (3) Global economy is more prone to instability. Example: Asian financial crisis 第6页/共102页Minor point (4) Globalization will cause political, cultural and social problems. Example: protesters at the Seattle meeting of

5、WTO in Dec., 1999 第7页/共102页Linguistic Analysis short paragraphs, professional analysis The article is illustrated through: contrast examples data (for professional analysis) parallelism第8页/共102页dual adj. dual role/purpose/function dual nationality/citizenship a dual-purpose (adj.) vehicle duality: t

6、he state of having two parts or aspects dualism: philosophy the theory that there are two opposite principles in everything 二元论 Com: pluralism 第9页/共102页at the edge of =on the edge of, on the verge of close to the point at which something different, especially something bad, will happen on the edge o

7、f collapse on the edge of despair on the edge of despair on the edge of the bed第10页/共102页edge n. =advantage Companies are employing more research teams to get an edge. to have the edge over sb. The next version of the software will have the edge over its competitors.第11页/共102页vehicle n.fml. somethin

8、g you use to express and spread your ideas, opinions etc =medium 第12页/共102页alike adv. 1. used to emphasize that you mean both the people, groups, or things that you have just mentioned 2. in a similar way第13页/共102页controversy n. a serious argument about something that involves many people and contin

9、ues for a long time a political controversy the controversy surrounding Skinners theories cause/provoke/arouse controversy The judges decision provoked controversy. controversy over/about Controversy arose (=began) over the use of the chemicals on fruit and vegetables.第14页/共102页to assault to attack

10、someone in a violent way Two men assaulted him after he left the bar. It seems as though we have conquered the traditional infectious diseases only to be assaulted by new ones.第15页/共102页to erode to gradually reduce something such as someones power or confidence Our personal freedom is being graduall

11、y eroded away. Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.第16页/共102页instability n.instability stabilitystable unstable第17页/共102页daunting adj. frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident; intimidating; disheartening; discouraging The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl. I wa

12、s faced with the daunting task of learning the whole script in 24 hours.第18页/共102页dauntless adj. confident and not easily frightened dauntless optimism / courage第19页/共102页upheaval n. a very big change that often causes problems Moving to a different school can be a big upheaval for young children. T

13、he company managed to survive the economic upheavals of the last 20 years.第20页/共102页trendy adj. influenced by the most fashionable styles and ideas -trend (n.) a trendy Bay Area restaurant Delgado predicts that blonde hair will become trendy this summer. She only talks like that because she wants to

14、 sound trendy.第21页/共102页to retard fml. to delay the development of something, or to make something happen more slowly than expected =slow down Cold weather retards the growth of many plants. Even in small amounts, lead can retard development in children. 第22页/共102页 retard (n.): (spoken not polite) a

15、n offensive word for a stupid person retarded: less mentally developed than other people of the same age. ( rude and offensive) To even the most politically retarded this is a nonsense.第23页/共102页to champion written to publicly fight for and defend an aim or principle, such as the rights of a group o

16、f people; to support (the cause); to defend violently to champion the cause of religious freedom to passionately champion the poor to champion the cause of gay rights第24页/共102页to combat to fight against combat inflation/crime/racism/pollution第25页/共102页a succession of a number of people or things of

17、the same kind following, coming or happening one after the other A succession of visitors came to the door. He has been hit by a succession of injuries since he joined the team第26页/共102页in succession happening one after the other without anything different happening in between She won the championsh

18、ip four times in succession. in quick/rapid/close succession (=quickly one after the other) He fired two shots in quick succession.第27页/共102页antidote n. a substance that stops the effects of a poison There is no known antidote to a bite from this snake. something that makes an unpleasant situation b

19、etter Just now work seemed the best antidote to the frustration that was boiling inside her.第28页/共102页deadly adj. deadly poison; deadly weapon; deadly disease/virus deadly serious/dull/boring 第29页/共102页dead adj. in dead silence a dead stop the dead centre 第30页/共102页dead adv. dead right/wrong; dead q

20、uiet/calm/still =completely He was dead good-looking. It sounded dead boring. dead tired (=very tired) =very第31页/共102页to complement to add to sth. in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive to make a good combination with someone or something else 第32页/共102页to depart to start to use new i

21、deas or do something in a different way Its revolutionary music; it departs from the old form and structures. In his speech, the President departed from his text only once.第33页/共102页distinct adj. two entirely distinct languages; distinct types/groups/categories clearly different or belonging to a di

22、fferent type The learning needs of the two groups are quite distinct from each other.第34页/共102页distinctive adj. having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize a rock band with a distinctive sound The most distinctive feature of the building is its enormous

23、 dome-shaped roof. Whatever you think of Larkins poetry, its certainly distinctive.第35页/共102页entity n.fml. something that exists as a single and complete unit The mind exists as a separate entity. Good design brings a house and garden together as a single entity. separate entity single entity第36页/共1

24、02页to disregard to ignore something or treat it as unimportant He ordered the jury to disregard the witnesss last statement. Mark totally disregarded my advice.第37页/共102页disregard n. You have shown a total disregard for (of) the law. He said the bombing was in complete disregard of the Geneva Conven

25、tion.第38页/共102页credit n. an amount of money placed by a bank at the disposal of a client, against which he may draw 第39页/共102页to dwarf to be so big that other things are made to seem very small The cathedral is dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers. The ship came slowly into the harbour, dwarfing a

26、ll the surrounding boats. The present trouble dwarfed the other matter. n. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.adj. A dwarf plant, animal, etc. 第40页/共102页bond n. an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest 第41页/共102页equity n.

27、(technical) shares in a company from which the owner of the shares receives some of the companys profits rather than a fixed regular payment Comp: stock = share, shares第42页/共102页to total vt. to reach a particular total The number of people included in the study totaled 170. total something up At the

28、 end of the game, total up everyones score to see who has won. to find the total number or total amount of something by adding 第43页/共102页binge n. to go on a binge infml. to do too much of sth. such as eating, drinking, shopping a week-end binge, a crying binge, the import binge, a shopping binge, a

29、buying binge第44页/共102页spree n. to go on a spending spree, a shopping spree, a buying spree a drinking spree a short period of time when you do a lot of one activity, especially spending money or drinking alcohol Then, against the background of bitter, violent parental quarrels, Chester began a spree

30、 of delinquency.第45页/共102页to acquire to obtain by buying to acquire a taste for sth. She had acquired a taste for European beer. an acquired taste something that people only begin to like after they have tried it a few times Curry is an acquired taste 第46页/共102页to merge The bank announced that it wa

31、s to merge with another of the high street banks. the merger of/between, with They proposed a merger between/of two of the largest software companies There has been a lot of talk about a merger with another leading bank.第47页/共102页to pass to go beyond the limit of; to become more than a particular nu

32、mber or amount to pass belief, to pass ones comprehension第48页/共102页to pass for if something passes for another thing, it is so similar to that thing that people think that is what it is With my hair cut short, I could have passed for a boy.第49页/共102页boom n. to go from boom to bust第50页/共102页corporate

33、 adj. belonging to or relating to a corporation corporate headquarters = main offices the corporate culture 第51页/共102页convict vt. to prove or officially announce that someone is guiltyl of a crime after a tril in a law court be convicted of Buxton was convicted of rape. This is a convicted murderer.

34、 acquit to give a decision in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime She was acquitted of murder. 第52页/共102页to keep/stay abreast of something to make sure that you know all the most recent facts or information about a particular subject or situation Its important to keep abreast of the

35、 latest developments in computers. to walk/ride etc abreast: to walk, ride etc next to each other, all facing the same way The planes were flying four abreast.第53页/共102页relentless adj. strict, cruel, or determined, without ever stopping =remorseless relentless persecution relentless criticism Her su

36、ccess is due to a relentless pursuit of perfection.第54页/共102页indicator n. something that can be regarded as a sign of something else All the main economic indicators suggest that trade is improving. High levels of cholesterol may be an important indicator of heart disease risk.第55页/共102页to be hard-p

37、ressed to be heavily burdened; to have serious difficulties doingYoud be hard pressed to find anyone better for the job. 第56页/共102页to hamstring to make someone unable to take the action they want or need to take, especially by restricting them; to cripple; to destroy or hinder the efficiency of The

38、President feels he is hamstrung by Congress. The company is hamstrung by its poor management.第57页/共102页第58页/共102页sub- 1) below or under sub-Sahara; submarine; subway 2) almost or nearly subtropical; subhuman; subconscious 3) less important or lower in rank subordinate; substandard 4) a smaller part

39、of a whole subcontinent; subcommittee; subculture第59页/共102页embrace n. acceptance of new idea, opinion, religion etc. Most people showed ready embrace of the new doctrine. to embrace fml. We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms. 第60页/共102页to fareslightly outdated to get along; to turn o

40、ut How did you fare in your exams? to fare badly 第61页/共102页to be prone to sth. likely to do something or suffer from something, especially something bad or harmful The fierce competition makes students more prone to nervous breakdown. She is prone to asking stupid questions on such occasions. He is

41、accident-prone.第62页/共102页lopsided adj. unbalanced, unequal or uneven, especially in an unfair way lopsided economic development a lopsided victory The lopsided final score,8-0, may suggest an easy victory.第63页/共102页 on all/several/both etc counts in every way, in several ways etc I find this unconvi

42、ncing on several counts. He was convicted by a jury on all counts and sentenced to 41 months in prison. He had failed on both counts.第64页/共102页ensuing adj. happening after a particular action or event, especially as a result of it the ensuing battle/conflict/debate the ensuing days/months/years etc

43、to ensue fml. to happen after or as a result of something These problems ensue from food and medical shortages.第65页/共102页 .crony (n.): one of a group of people who spend a lot of time with each other - used to show disapproval cronyism (n.): the practice of unfairly giving the best jobs to your frie

44、nds when you are in a position of power 第66页/共102页Crony capitalism A type of capitalism in which business success is heavily dependent upon ones connections.第67页/共102页inept adj. not good at doing something inept leadership He was criticized for his inept handling of the problem. Blake was intellectu

45、ally able but politically inept.第68页/共102页excess adj. more than necessary or reasonable Excess enthusiasm can impede our calm reasoning. Excess luggage/baggage excess n. Little boys seem to have an excess of energy. a larger amount of something than is allowed or needed 第69页/共102页downturn n. a reduc

46、tion in the amount or success of sth, such as a countrys economic activity There is evidence of a downturn in the building trade. upturn, downpour, downfall, uproar, input, output, outcome, outlook, onrush It was clear right from the outset that there were going to be problems.第70页/共102页Compound adv

47、. + v.=n. v. + n. n.: cut-throat, breakwatern. + -ed participle adj.: homemade, book-learnedadj. + -ed participle adj.: newborn, deep-laid第71页/共102页Business terms current-account: a account of credits, debits, receipts, and expenditures between two countries 经常项目帐目 deficit: The value of a nations im

48、ports exceed the value of its exports. balance of payment: the difference between a countrys imports and export 国际收支第72页/共102页 balance of payments deficit : 国际收支逆差/亏损 balance of payments surplus: 国际收支顺差/赢余第73页/共102页 to snowball into to grow into; to escalate into; to develop into with escalating Soo

49、n, the project snowballed into a nationwide campaign. This project will have a snowball (adj.) effect in creating a lot of new possibilities for the company. 第74页/共102页 Roughly in the order of seriousness, poor economic performance is usually described as economic stagnation, a slowdown, a slackenin

50、g, a downturn, a decline, a setback, a recession, a depression, a slump, or a crisis, roughly in this order of seriousness. 第75页/共102页projection n. a statement or calculation about what something will be in the future or was in the past, based on information available now projections of declining na

51、tural gas production population projections for the next 25 years He declined to make projections about fourth quarter earnings. 第76页/共102页to materialize to happen or appear in the way that you expected; to come true Problems were expected, but they never materialized. The money we had been promised

52、 failed to materialize.第77页/共102页 surge n. a sudden increase in amount or number Her books enjoyed a huge surge in popularity in the mid-1980s. Last year there was a surge in the companys profits to $122m. a sudden, large increase in a feeling a surge of excitement / anger / interest第78页/共102页alien

53、adj.very different from what you are used to, esp. in a way that is difficult to understand or accept =strange the alien environment of the city The way of life in the tribe is totally alien to us.第79页/共102页 belonging to another country or race = foreign alien cultures an alien multiracial society第8

54、0页/共102页be foreign to fml. to seem strange to someone as the result of not being known or understood = be alien to somebody The language of finance and economics is quite foreign to me.第81页/共102页 to be not typical of someones usual character Aggression completely foreign to his nature . be alien to

55、第82页/共102页 alien n. vs. foreigner第83页/共102页agenda n. a list of problems or subjects that a government, organization etc is planning to deal with be high on agenda/be top of agenda Measures to combat terrorism will be high on agenda. be one of the most important problems to deal with to set agenda fo

56、r sth.第84页/共102页coherent adj. (of ideas, thoughts, arguments, etc.) logical and well organized and easy to understand and clear (of a person) able to talk and express yourself clearly incoherent第85页/共102页cohesive adj.fml. forming a united whole (of an article between two parts of a sentence or a lar

57、ger piece of writing) having a close relationship, based on grammar or meaning, 紧凑 cohesion n.第86页/共102页case n. reason a case in point a strong case put forward a case第87页/共102页spontaneous adj. not planned spontaneity第88页/共102页to propel to move, drive, or push something forward The boat is propelled

58、 by a small motor He is propelled by both guilt and the need to avenge his father. The change is propelled by the new economic upsurge.第89页/共102页backlash n. a strong negative reaction by a number of people against recent events, especially against political or social developments support The 1970s s

59、aw the first backlash against the emerging womens movement. The management feared a backlash from angry fans over the teams recent poor performances. 第90页/共102页plausible adj. reasonable and likely to be true or successful implausible I need to think of a plausible excuse for not going to the meeting. plausibility n.第91页/共102页presumption n. something that you think is true because it is very likely the presumption that their wealth is the result of crime On the presumption that the doctor knows best, I


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