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1、THANKSGIVING EVENTTHANKSGIVING EVENT房 地 产 感 恩 节 活 动 策 划 案 答 谢 会熊-猫-地-产which works better. Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited, set up as needed;策划:小XXTHANKSGIVING EVENTTHANKSGIVING EVENTCONTENTS010201Icons and pic

2、tures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited, set up as needed;Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited, set up as needed;Icons and pictures can be repla

3、ced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited, set up as needed;THANKSGIVING EVENTTHANKSGIVING EVENT房 地 产 感 恩 节 活 动 策 划 案 答 谢 会which works better. Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be repl

4、aced and edited, set up as needed;01活动形式Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited“声”动XX 为爱而来 某某地产感恩节主题活动1. 活动时间:2021.11.22-252. 活动地点:项目营销中心3. 参与对象:业主及自然到访客户线上互动&告白有礼&火鸡浓情盛宴线上宣传 深度覆盖 全民参与 分享有礼Icons and pictures can be re

5、placed with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited12活动前期编辑活动相关软文,制造噱头话题吸引客户参与。与声音邮局全面结合,以感恩为主题,进行线上互动参与。活动期间,凡到现场参与声音邮局录制,并将自己想对项目说的话上传至微信公众号,即可在现场领取一份感恩小礼包。线下体验 全民互动Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data c

6、harts can be replaced and edited活动结合线上宣传,并在营销中心组织趣味活动提升客户参与感。设立奖品兑换区,现场客户通过扫一扫关注项目公众号获得参与活动的资格。以此互动形式进行项目潜在宣传。活动环节设置主题手工体验和美食品鉴等内容通过氛围布置,营造节日的温馨美好,提升客户停驻欲望,促进后续销售工作。微信推文 话题造势Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited示例一:

7、#花young告白,语音也可以玩打印?示例二:#嗨翻感恩季,请你来玩!THANKSGIVING EVENTTHANKSGIVING EVENT房 地 产 感 恩 节 活 动 策 划 案 答 谢 会which works better. Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited, set up as needed;02Icons and pictures can be replaced with

8、 one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited活动前期,安排工作人员为客户派发礼品在寒冷的冬季送上一份温暖的关怀,彰显项目的服务精神,提升客户对项目的好感度,树立口碑。(派发礼品)爱心全民总动员Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited推荐指数:推荐理由:“苹果”二字代表着平安

9、顺遂,充满美好祝福。“杯子”的谐音是“一辈子”意味着情谊长远,深厚而永恒。(苹果变色杯)定制版暖心礼品以此形式表达项目对客户的祝福之情。Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited推荐指数:推荐理由:内置微电脑感应,自动调节水温。不管倒入的是100度的热水,还是0度冷水,倒出时不冷不冷,永远都是55度!正如中海地产对客户们恒久的关怀般,令人舒适而倍感贴心,一切都是那么刚好!(55恒温杯)其他礼品推

10、荐Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited推荐指数:推荐理由:外观小巧而精致,适合各种场合携带。天气转眼入冬愈渐寒冷的温度难免会冻手冻脚。一款mini版的暖手宝定能打破天气的寒冷,为你送上一丝温暖关怀,不管走到哪里,不论天气多冷,中海一直陪伴你左右.给你温暖呵护。(暖手宝)其他礼品推荐Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click accor

11、ding to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited推荐指数:推荐理由:正是疫情流行期间,一套完善的防疫包对体验者来说也是温暖人心又不失的好物(防疫安全包)其他礼品推荐Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited活动现场设立一面爱心告白墙,以爱心便利贴的形式呈现温馨画面,来宾可将自己的告白语附着便利贴并贴在告白墙上,

12、表达自己的感恩祝福,感受节日的温馨瞬间。(爱心告白墙)爱要大声说出来Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited1、活动期间项目嫁接项目语音祝福道具“声音邮局”通过声音传播祝福,感受温馨;2、来宾参与项目参观,即可通过声音邮局,制作语音明信片,现场记录对项目的语音祝福;3、客户关注项目微信公众号,把祝福语音生成的二维码发至公众号,凭截图领取一份礼品。(声音邮局体验)会发声的告白信走进声音邮局,用录

13、音设备录下对项目的祝福,生成一张附有二维码的声音明信片客户关注项目公众号,并把明信片上的二维码发至公众号,凭借截图领取礼品。Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited智能加湿器礼品推荐精油皂礼盒声控小台灯Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts c

14、an be replaced and edited暖心情结与你同在(纽扣花束DIY)一颗颗色彩斑斓,亦或是奇形怪状的纽扣,加上奇思妙想,就能把它们变成一朵朵堪比真正的鲜花却永不会凋落的纽扣花。在这个特别的日子里,将它送给生命中最重要的人吧!Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited浓情时刻美味不打烊(火鸡盛宴)感恩节当然少不了火鸡的陪伴,活动当天准备喷香的火鸡食材,美食师傅现场为来宾切片调味,同

15、时邀请客户品尝这份节日的美味,满足味蕾。Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited甜蜜时光 伴你左右(自助茶歇)茶歇区准备精致可口的甜点、新鲜水果及各类饮品供客户自由品尝。配备服务员在此热情接待客户,保证茶歇不间断供应(服务人员需统一着装)Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal ne

16、eds. Data charts can be replaced and edited见证奇迹 幸运发声(有奖砸金蛋)现场设立砸金蛋抽奖区域,凡活动当天成功认购的客户均可获得砸金蛋的抽奖机会,每个金蛋中内附不同的奖品,幸运时刻与你共同见证。THANKSGIVING EVENTTHANKSGIVING EVENT房 地 产 感 恩 节 活 动 策 划 案 答 谢 会which works better. Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts c

17、an be replaced and edited, set up as needed;03Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited(主题活动背景板)现场氛围布置外场设立大型主题活动背景板营造仪式感,吸引客户入场参与活动。Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Dat

18、a charts can be replaced and edited(爱心许愿墙)现场氛围布置营销中心内场设立爱心告白墙,用便利贴汇集成爱心的形状,凸显节日的温馨氛围。(体验设备&堆头)现场氛围布置营销中心外场设立声音邮局设备,摆放纸箱堆头和指示牌(内容为项目二维码和活动规则)指引客户参与,营造活动仪式感Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs. Data charts can be replaced and edited(落地热气球)现场氛围布置营销中心入口处放置大型落地热气球营造节日温馨氛围,内场也零散布置大小各异的落地热气球点缀气氛,来宾可在此拍照留念,感受节日欢乐气息。(桌椅&成品摆件)现场氛围布置营销中心内设立手工体验区,


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