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1、动词按其动作发生的方式、发生过程的长短可分为延续性动词与非延续性动词。?|6l%T&z3?3y0 一.延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。dy6j B2KmNJ0 表示时间段的短语有:for+一段时间, for 2 years; since从句, since he came here; since+时间点名词,since last year, since 5 days ago

2、; how long;for a long time等。牛津英语教研博客QY:R%SN+R 二.非延续性动词也称终止性动词、瞬间动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。 如:open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy等。$N J;bE6aX:Tv*P0 推荐精选非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间点的状语连用,如:two years ago; at 5 oclock;6)jX W,Tk2R!c0 否定的终止性动词可以与表示时间段的时间状语连用。5+b#:CH0 三.延续性动词与非延续性动词之间的转换

3、:leave - be away, borrow - keep, buy - have, begin/start - be on, die - be dead, finish - be over, join - be in+组织机构, be a member of+组织机构, open sth - keep sth open, fall ill - be ill, get up-be up, catch a cold - have a cold, come here - be here, go there - be there, become - be, come back - be back

4、, fall asleep - be asleep, get to/ arrive/reach - be (in), leave - be away from, get to know - know, go (get) out be out, put on wear;catch a cold have a cold等。推荐精选 例:The old man died 4 years ago. -The old man has been dead for 4 years. - It is 4 years since the old man died. -Four years has passed

5、since the old man died.例: He joined the Party 2 years ago. He has been in the Party for 2 years. I bought the book 5 days ago. I have had the book for 5 days. rtPj a7#H1VDg0 补充练习:牛津英语教研博客?4x u+bRjfx1. When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus _ for 20 minutes.6 ijh!mA. has left B. had left C. has bee

6、n away D. had been away02. I _ the League for 5 years so far. 牛津英语教研博客)N#?|RFuA. joined B. have joined C. have been in$3. The factory _ since the February of 1988. 推荐精选9m*_;e8p s:yLx0 A . has been open B. has opened C. was open D. opened0b Jo4. Mary and Rose _friends since they met in 2000. +UU0A o

7、X;nPbw d%H MA. have made B. have been C. made D. have become牛津英语教研博客M baC9cz-H5.You mustnt _ until he comes back. 8G:A*z8V.D#XA. be away B. leave C. be leftuyRK36.The meeting _ for a week now. DzGz uYA. has finished B. has ended C. has been overo7.Miss Gao _ this school for nearly 5 years. 牛津英语教研博客2

8、yCmX!oA. has been in B. has come to C. has taught牛津英语教研博客Z9M*Y,+p8.Ben _ a teacher for 4 years . 牛津英语教研博客 o4ao&l M推荐精选A. has been B. has become C. was D. became牛津英语教研博客)GQolFa U nJ9. I _ home for a week. 牛津英语教研博客)aE:MJE8acA. have returned B. have been back C. returned牛津英语教研博客bDfw4s7d10. How long _ h

9、e _ ? 0n$)L.u(Nz5C0 A. died B. has, died C. has, been dead3PS%V&Acd0 11. He _ at eight yesterday afternoon.牛津英语教研博客5m#tZpi&YA. slept B. was sleeping C. has sleep D. had slept牛津英语教研博客g CN3k12.He _ the car for a week. 牛津英语教研博客+8yDBi7D%4vA. bought B. has bought C. has had 牛津英语教研博客#SiHa8S3h e US13.-How

10、long _ you _ ill ? -Two weeks. !A. did fall B. have, fell C. have, been牛津英语教研博客R dw%j5N1W4YTY?14.Since 2000, he _ his hometown. Rw*L5wh)l_6Fn0G_4X0 A. has left B. has moved away C. has been away fromj4b0g,f*X R0 推荐精选15.Ill lend you the book , but you can only _ it for 2 days. 牛津英语教研博客,y Ox9Y L lsA.

11、borrow B. keep C. take$SW$y#%o9g_?O0 16.The bus _ on the road for 2 hours so far. 牛津英语教研博客 ;Uw#D8ch,O 7NA. has stopped B. stopped C. has been牛津英语教研博客A4o#G)Q17.Are you _ the jacket these days? 牛津英语教研博客!? U2oBDA. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. on牛津英语教研博客m*D/|)s _ -PS18.He _ foe 2 hours. 牛津英语教研博客0f$lCc2k5o:y/eA. got up B. has got up C. has been up牛津英语教研博客5s4J c|0p19. Tom is ill in hospital. He _ a cold for several days. 2H5X.O:F3? qU1i0 A. is B. catches C. has caught D. has had0LG jPJ)Z3g0 20.- How long can I _ the book? - Two weeks.Z9w


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