1、受弯钢框架结点在变化轴向 荷载和侧向位移的作用下的周期性行为 摘要 :这篇论文讨论的是在变化的轴向荷载和侧向位移的作用下, 接受测试的四 种受弯钢结点的周期性行为。梁的试样由变截面梁,翼缘以及纵向的加劲肋组 成。受测试样加载轴向荷载和侧向位移用以模拟侧向荷载对组合梁抗弯系统的 影响。实验结果表明试样在旋转角度超过 0.03 弧度后经历了从塑性到延性的变 化。纵向加劲肋的存在帮助传递轴向荷载以及延缓腹板的局部弯曲。1、引言为了评价变截面梁(RBS)结点在轴向荷载和侧向位移下的结构性能,对 四个全尺寸的样品进行了测试。这些测试打算评价为旧金山展览中心扩建设计 的受弯结点在满足设计基本地震等级(DB
2、E)和最大可能地震等级(MCE )下 的性能。基于上述而做的对 RBS 受弯结点的研究指出 RBS 形式的结点能够获 得超过 0.03弧度的旋转角度。 然而,有人对于这些结点在轴向和侧向荷载作用 下的抗震性能质量提出了怀疑。旧金山展览中心扩建工程是一个 3 层构造,并以钢受弯框架作为基本的侧向力抵抗系统。Fig.1是一幅三维透视图。建筑的总标高为展览厅屋顶的最高点, 大致是35.36m( 116ft)。展览厅天花板的高度是 8.23m(27ft),层高为11.43m (37.5ft)。建筑物按照1997统一建筑规范设计。框架系统由以下几部分组成: 四个东西走向的受弯框架, 每个电梯塔边各一个;
3、 四个南北走向的受弯框架,在每个楼梯和电梯井各一个的;整体分布在建筑物 的东西两侧。考虑到层高的影响,提出了双梁抗弯框架系统的观念。通过连接大梁, 受弯框架系统的抵抗荷载的行为转化为结构倾覆力矩部 分地被梁系统的轴向压缩 -拉伸分担, 而不是仅仅通过梁的弯曲。 结果,达到了 一个刚性侧向荷载抵抗系统。竖向部分与梁以联结杆的形式连接。联结杆在结 构中模拟偏心刚性构架并起到与其相同的作用。通常地联结杆都很短,并有很 大的剪弯比。在地震类荷载的作用下, CGMRFS 梁的最终弯矩将考虑到可变轴向力的影 响。梁中的轴向力是切向力连续积累的结果。2CGMRF 的解析模型非线性静力推出器模型是以典型的单间
4、 CGMRF 模板为指导。图 2 展示了 模型的尺寸规格和多个部分。翼缘板尺寸为 28.5mm 254mm( 1 1/8in 10in),腹 板尺寸为9.5mm 476mm(3/8in 18 3/4in)。推进器模型中运用了 SAP 2000计算 机程序。框架的特色是全约束(FR)。FR受弯框架是一种由结点应变引起的挠 度不超过侧向挠度的 5%的框架。这个 5%仅与梁-柱应变有关,而与柱底板区应变引起的框架应变无关。模型通过屈服应力和匹配强度的期望值来运行。这些值各自为372Mpa (54ksi)和518Mpa (75ksi)。Fig.3显示了塑性铰的荷载- 应变行为是通过建筑物地震恢复的 N
5、EHRP 指标以广义曲线的形式逼近的。 y 以Eps5.1和5.2为基底运算,如下:P-M铰合线荷载-应变模型上的点C,D和E的取值如表5.4y以O.OIrad为幅度取值见表5.8。切变铰合线荷载-应变模型点C,D和E 取值见表 5.8。对于连续梁,假定两个模型点 B 和 C 之间的形变硬化比有 3% 的弹性比。Fig.4 定性的给出了侧向荷载下的 CGMRF 中的弯矩,切应力和正应力的分 布。其中切应力和正应力对梁的影响要小于弯矩的作用, 尽管他们必须在设计中 加以考虑。内力分布图解见 Fig.5,可见,弹性范围和非弹性范围的内力行为基 本相同。内力的比值将随框架的屈服和内力的重分布的变化而
6、变化。 基本内力图 见Fig.5,然而,仍然是一样的。非静力推进器模型的运行通过柱子顶部的侧向位移的单调增加来实现,如Fig.5所示。在四个RBS同时屈服后,发生在腹板与翼缘端部的竖向的统一屈服 将开始形成。这是框架的屈服中心, 在柱子被固定后将在柱底部形成塑性铰。 Fig.7 给出了基本切应力偏移角。 图中还给出了框架中非弹性活动的次序。 对于一个弹 性组成,推进器将有一个特有的很长的过渡 (同时形成塑性铰) 和一个很短的屈 服平稳阶段。塑性旋转能力,被定义为:结点强度从开始递减到低于80%的总的塑性旋转角。 这个定义不同于第9段(附录)AISC地震条款的描述。使用Eq源于RBS塑性 旋转能
7、力被定在 0.037弧度。被 替代, 用来计算理论屈服强度与实际屈服强度 的区别(标号 是 50 钢)。3实践规划如图 6 所示,实验布置是为了研究基于典型的 CGMRF 结构下的结点在动力 学中的能量耗散。 用图中所给的塑性位移, 塑性转角,塑性偏移角, 由几何结构, 有如下:这里的S和丫包括了弹性组合。上述近似值用于大型的非弹性梁的变形 破坏。图6a表明用图6b所示的位移控制下的替代组合能够表示 CGMRF结构中 的典型梁的非弹性行为。图8所示,建立这个实验装置来发展图6a和图6b所示 的机构学。轴心装置附以 3个2438mr 1219m/ 1219mm (8ft Mft 4ft) RC块
8、。 并用24个32mm径的杆与实验室的地板固定。这种装置允许在每次测验后换实 验样品。根据实验布置的动力学要求,随着侧面的元件放置,轴向的元件,元件1和元件2,将钉到B和C中去,如图8所示。因此,轴向元件提供的轴向力 P 可以被分解为相互正交的力的组合, 和 ,由于轴向力的倾斜角度不超过 ,因 此 近似等于P。然而,侧向力分量,引起了一个在梁柱交接处的附加弯矩。 如果轴向元件压试样的话, 那么将会加到侧向力中, 若轴向是拉力, 对于侧向元 件来说则是个反向力。当轴向元件有个侧向位移 ,他们将在梁柱交接处引起一 个附加弯矩,因此,梁柱交接处的弯矩等于: M=HL+P 其中H是侧向力,L是力臂,P
9、是轴向力,是侧向位移。四个梁柱结点全尺寸实验做完了。拉伸试样检测的结果和构件尺寸见表 2。 所有柱和梁的钢筋为A572标号50钢(=344.5Mpa)。经测定的梁翼缘屈服应力 值等于372Mpa( 54ksi),整体的强度范围是从 502Mpa( 72.8ksi)到543Mpa(78.7ksi)。表 3 列出了各个试样的全截面和 RBS 中间变截面处的塑性弯矩值(受拉应力下 的数据)。本文所指的试样专指试样 1到4。被检试样细部图见图 9到图12。在设计梁 柱结点时用到了以下数据:梁翼缘部分采用RBS结构。配备环形掏槽,如图11和图12所示。对于所有的 试样,切除 30%翼缘宽度。 切除工作做
10、的十分精细, 并打磨光滑且与梁翼缘保持 平行以尽量见效切口。应用全焊接腹板结点。梁腹板与柱翼缘之间的结点采用全焊缝焊接(CJP)。所有 CJP 焊接严格依照 AWS D1.1 结构焊接规范。采用双侧板加CJP形式连接梁翼缘的顶部和底部和柱表面到变截面开始处, 如图11和图12。侧板尾部打磨光滑以便同 RBS连接。侧板采用CJP形式与柱 边缘相连接。 侧板的作用是增加受弯单元的承受能力, 平稳过渡是为了减少应力 集中而导致的破裂。两根纵向的加劲肋,95mm 35mm (3 3/4in 1 3/8 in),以12.7mm的角焊缝 焊接到腹板的中间高度,如图9和10。加劲肋采用CJP的形式焊接到柱的
11、边缘。 切除梁翼缘顶部和低部的坡口焊缝处的多余焊接部分。 以便消除坡口焊接断口处 可能产生的断裂。 除去翼缘低部的衬垫板条。 以便消除衬垫板条带来的断口效应 并增加安全性。使用与梁翼缘厚度近似相同的连续板。 所有试样板厚均为一英寸。 由于 RBS 是受检试样最容易区分的特征,纵向的加劲肋在延缓局部弯曲和提高 结点可靠性方面扮演着重要的角色。4荷载历史试样被加以周期性交替的荷载,其末端的位移厶 y的增加如图4所示。梁的 末端位移受伺服控制装置 3 和 4的影响。当作用轴向力时, 制动器 1 和 2是活动 的,以此用它的受力来模拟从连接处传到梁上的剪力。可变的轴向荷载在+0.5Ay 处增加到280
12、0KN。在那以后,通过最大的侧向位移,这个荷载保持恒定。在试 样被推回时,轴向力维持恒定直至0.5y,然后减小到零,此时的试样通过中和 轴。根据本文第 2 部分有关轴向力受以上约束的论述,可以推断出以 P=2800KN 来研究 RBS 负载是合理的。测试将会继续,直至试样损坏,或者到实验预期的 限制。5. 实验结果每个试样的滞后反应见图 13和图 16。这些图表显示了梁弯矩相对的的塑性 旋度。梁的弯矩在 RBS 试样的中间测量,并通过取一个等价的梁端力乘以制动 器侧向中心线到RBS中间的距离来计算。(试样1和2为1792mm,试样3和4 为23972mm)。用来计算附加弯矩的等价侧向力由于 P
13、-厶。旋转角是这样定义的, 用制动器的侧向位移除以制动器侧向中心线到 RBS 中间的距离。塑性旋度计算 如下:其中 V 是剪力, K 是弹性在范围内 的比。在测试期间的测量和观察表明, 试样 1 和 4 的所有塑性旋度均在梁的内部发展。板的连接区域和柱子保持弹性, 如设计预期的一样。表 5 列出了每个试样在测试最后的塑性旋度。 塑性旋度合格性能的目标级被 定在).03rad,依AISC钢结构建筑抗震条例而定。所有试样均达到了合格的性 能标准。所有试样均有良好的塑性变形和能量耗散。当负载周期为1y时,底部首先屈服,然后随着负载周期逐渐扩散增加。5.1 试样 1 和 2试样1和2的变化见图13。在
14、第7和第8个周期以及y,最初屈服发生 在底缘处。 对于所有的受测试的试样, 最初的屈服均发生在这个部位, 这是由试 样底部的弯矩引起的。随着荷载作用的继续,屈服开始沿着 RBS 底缘传递。从 3.5Ay开始,发生腹板弯曲并且相邻的底缘开始屈服。屈服开始沿RBS上边缘传递,一些次要的屈服传递到中间的加劲肋。在5y开始,轴向压力增大到3115KN,一个剧烈的腹板的翘曲产生并伴随着局部弯曲。腹板和翼缘的局部弯 曲随着荷载的累次 加载而逐渐明显。这里要说明的是,在滞后回线中,腹板和 翼缘的局部弯曲并没附有重要的损坏。当作用到5.75Ay时,在RBS的尾部和衬板连接处,试样1的底缘产生一个裂缝。随着荷载
15、周期的增加到7y时,裂缝迅速扩大并穿过了整个底缘。 一旦底缘完全断裂, 腹板将开始断裂。 这个断裂 首先在 RBS 的末端出现,然后沿剪切槽的净截面传播,通过加劲肋的中间并通 过另一边的加劲肋的净截面。 在实验中, 试样 1 的最大作用弯矩是梁的塑性承载 力的1.56倍。在作用到6.5Ay时,试样2也在底缘处出现一个裂缝,是在 RBS 末端与翼板的交接处。随着荷载周期的增加,第15y时,裂缝缓慢的发展穿过 了底缘。试样 2 的测试到此结束,因为已经到了实验装置加载的极限。加给试样1和试样2的最大荷载是890KN。从正的象限中看到的弯折是由 于施加的变化的轴向拉力导致。力 -位移曲线的正斜率证明
16、了这个区域的负载容 量并没有减弱。 然而,由于腹板和翼缘的局部弯曲的影响, 负的区域的负载容量 有轻微的削弱。试样 1 的照片如图 14 和图 15。由图 14 可以看到,底缘处发生 严重的局部弯曲,并可以看到与底缘相连的腹板部分。弯曲沿展到整个 RBS 的 长度方向。 RBS 中形成塑性胶,并伴随着梁的腹板和翼缘的大规模的屈服。由 图 15 可见,裂缝由 RBS 的连接传递到了侧面的翼板。 在底缘的一个断裂导致了 试样 1 的最终断裂。这个断裂导致梁几乎失去承载能力。图 15 还说明了试样 1 产成了 0.05rad 的塑性旋度,并且在柱子表面没有疲劳损伤。5.2 试样 3和试样 4试样 3
17、和试样 4的变化曲线如图 16。最初的屈服发生在荷载周期第 7到第 8 周之间,底缘的重要屈服发生在y处。随着荷载周期的发展,屈服开始沿RBS 的底缘传播。在1.5Ay时,腹板弯曲发生并明显伴随着底缘的屈服。屈服开始 沿着 RBS 的顶部传播,一些次要的屈服沿着加劲肋中部传播。在荷载周期到 3.5Ay时,一个剧烈的腹板翘曲产生并伴随着翼缘的局部弯曲。腹板和翼缘的局部弯曲随着累次加载变得逐渐明显。当加载到4.5A y时,轴向荷载增大到3115KN,并导致屈服传播到中间横向加强构件。随着荷载周期的增加,腹板和 翼缘的局部弯曲变得更加剧烈。 对于 2个试样,受实验装置的约束测试到此结束。 在试样 3
18、和试样 4中没有破坏产生。 然而, 在将试样 3移动到实验室之外时, 却 发现在底缘与柱子的焊接处有一个微小的裂缝。 加给试样 3和试样 4的最大荷载 分别是890KN和912KN。试样的负载容量在实验后削弱了 20%,这是由腹板和 翼缘的局部弯曲引起的。 这个慢性的恢复在大概塑性旋度产生 0.015到 0.02后开 始。如图 17所示,试样 3在正的象限中的负载容量没有减弱(轴向的拉伸作用 在梁上),由力-位移的包络图可见。图 18 是试样 3的测试前的照片。图 19是试 样 4 在 0.014的位移作用周期后的照片,显示了铰合区域的屈服和局部弯曲。梁 的腹板的屈服沿着其整个深度方向。 最强
19、的屈服发生在腹板的底部, 底缘和中间 加劲肋之间。 腹板的顶部也发生了屈服, 虽然其剧烈程度不如底部。 纵向的加劲 肋也发生了屈服。 柱子的连接板部分没有发生屈服。 在接近柱子表面的梁的未经 削弱的部分也没有显示发生屈服。最大位移是 174mm,最大弯矩发生在RBS中 部,为梁的塑性弯矩值的1.51倍。塑性铰的旋度达到了 0.032rad (铰接点设置在 距离柱子表面0.54d处,其中d是梁的长度)。5.2.1 结点处的应变分布试样 3的外表面边缘的应变分布见图 20和 21。试样 1、2、4的应变记录和 分状态呈现了相似的趋势。 同样的, 这些试样的屈服次序也同试样 3的相似。 在负 周期时
20、,离柱子 51mm 的顶部外表面处的应变低于 0.2%。位于顶部同一位置的 翼缘,仅在受压时屈服。 图22和图 23显示了沿着底缘外表面中心线的纵向应变, 其中取 22是正向周期下的,图 23 是负向周期下的。从图 23我们可以看出,在 周期在-1.5Ay以后,RBS上的应变比附近的柱子上的应变要大好几倍;这是由 翼缘的局部弯曲造成的。 底缘局部弯曲发生在整个板的平均应变达到形变硬化值 时,板的变截面部分在纵向力下完全屈服,从而导致一个十分弯曲的波纹。5.2.2 累计能量的消散试样的累计能量消散见图 24。累计能量消散是以封入区域的横向荷载的滞 后回线之和表示的。能量消散在加载到 12周以后在
21、2.5Ay处开始增加。对于飘 移电平,点平的很小变化会带来很大的能量耗散。 试样 2比试样 1 消耗更多的能 量,它是在RBS过度部分断裂的。然而,对于 2个试样来说,在9 =0.04rad寸, 其周期是相似的。 总的来说, 在试样 1 和试样 2中,负的周期下的能量消散比正 的周期下能量消散大 1.55倍。对于试样 3和试样 4 来说,负的能量消散是正负 平均水平的120%。在底缘RBS屈服后,屈服的组合现象,应变硬化,面内形变 和面外形变,局部弯曲均很快发生。6结论 基于由实验而得的数据,以及应用于仪器的解析法,得出如下结论:1、对于所有的试样,塑性旋度均超出 0.3%。2、RBS的塑性过
22、程是平稳发展的。3、试样超出抗弯强度的比率,试样 1 等于 1.56,试样 4 等于 1.51。抗弯 强度承载能力取决于标定的屈服强度和 FEMA-273 梁-柱等式。4、底缘和腹板的塑性局部弯曲对其荷载承受能力没有重大的削弱。5、尽管翼缘的局部弯曲不使强度立即产生削弱,但是它确实导致腹板的局部弯 曲。6、设置在梁的腹板中部的纵向加劲肋,能够帮助传递轴向力,还能延缓腹板的 局部弯曲。然而,它却产生如此大的一个超过强度的比率,从而使焊接结点、板 条区域以及柱子的承载能力在设计时大打折扣。7、在负载周期时,塑性旋度为0.015到0.02rad时将会产生一个逐渐的强度的减 弱。在正向周期时也没有。8
23、、轴想压缩荷载在小于0.0325Py时,对结点应变能力影响不大。9、CGMRFS 技术与适当的设计以及详细的 RBS 连接,是一个可靠的抗震系统。Cyclic behavior of steel moment frameconnections under varying axial load and lateral displacementsAbstract: This paper discusses the cyclic behavior of four steel moment connections tested under variable axial load and lateral
24、 displacements. The beam specim- ens consisted of a reducedbeam section, wing plates and longitudinal stiffeners. The test specimens were subjected to varying axial forces and lateral displace- ments to simulate the effects on beams in a Coupled-Girder Moment-Resisting Framing system under lateral l
25、oading. The test results showed that the specim- ens responded in a ductile manner since the plastic rotations exceeded 0.03 rad without significant drop in the lateral capacity. The presence of the longitudin- al stiffener assisted in transferring the axial forces and delayed the formation of web l
26、ocal buckling.1. IntroductionAimed at evaluating the structural performance of reduced-beam section,(RBS) connections under alternated axial loading and lateral displacement, four full-scale specimens were tested. These tests were intended to assessthe performance of the moment connection design for
27、 the Moscone Center Exp- ansion under the Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) and the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE). Previous research conducted on RBS moment connections 1,2 showed that connections with RBS profiles can achieve rotations in excess of 0.03 rad. However, doubts have been cast on the
28、quality of the seismic performance of these connections under combined axial and lateral loading.The Moscone Center Expansion is a three-story, 71,814 m2 (773,000 ft2) structure with steel moment frames as its primary lateral force-resisting system. Athree dimensional perspective illustration is sho
29、wn in Fig. 1. The overall height of the build ing, at the highest point of the exhibiti on roof, is approxima- tely 35.36 m (116ft) above ground level. The ceiling height at the exhibition hall is 8.23 m (27 ft) , and the typical floor-to-floor height in the building is 11.43 m (37.5 ft). The buildi
30、ng was desig ned as type I accordi ng to the requi- reme nts of the 1997 Un iform Buildi ng Code.The frami ng system con sists of four mome nt frames in the EasWest direct -ion, one on either side of the stair towers, and four frames in the North -South directi on, one on either side of the stair an
31、d elevator cores in the east end and two at the west end of the structure 4. Because of the story height, the con- cept of the Coupled-Girder Mome nt-Resisti ng Frami ng System (CGMRFS) was utilized.By coupling the girders, the lateral load-resisting behavior of the moment frami ng system cha nges t
32、o one where structural overtur ning mome nts are resisted partially by an axial compression -ension couple across the girder system, rather than only by the in dividual flexural acti on of the girders. As a result, a stiffer lateral load resisti ng system is achieved. The vertical eleme nt that conn
33、 ects the girders is referred to as a coupli ng link. Coupli ng links are an alogous to and serve the same structural role as link beams in ecce ntrically braced frames. Coupli ng links are gen erally quite short, hav ing a large shear- to-mome nt ratio.Un der earthquake-type load ing, the CGMRFS su
34、bjects its girders to wariab- ble axial forces in addition to their end moments. The axial forces in the Fig. 1. Mosc one Cen ter Expa nsion Project in San Fran cisco, CA girders result from the accumulated shear in the link. Fig 2. Analytical model of CGMRF. Nonlinear static pushover an alysis was
35、con ducted on a typical on e-bay model of the CGMRF. Fig. 2 shows the dime nsions and the various sect ions of the model. The link flange plates were 28.5 mm 254 mm (1 1/8 in 10 in) and the web plate was 9.5 mm 476 mm (3 /8 in 18 3/4 in). The SAP 2000 computer program was utilized in the pushover an
36、 alysis 5. The frame was characterized as fully restra in ed(FR). FR mome nt frames are those frames for 1170which no more than 5% of the lateral deflections arise from connection deformation 6. The 5% value refers only to deflection due to beam-colu mn deformati on and not to frame deflect ions tha
37、t result from colu mn panel zone deformati on 6, 9.The analysis was performed using an expected value of the yield stress and ultimate strength. These values were equal to 372 MPa (54 ksi) and 518 MPa (75 ksi), respectively. The plastic hin ges def6rmoad n behavior was approximated by the generalize
38、d curve suggested by NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation ofBuildings 6 as shown in.Fig. 3. y was calcu- lated based on Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2) from 6, as follows:P-M hinge load -deformation model points C, D and E are based on Table 5.4 from 6 for y was taken as 0.01 rad per Note 3 in 6, Ta
39、ble 5.8. Shear hinge loadload-deformation model points C, D and E are based on Table 5.8 6, Link Beam, Item a. A strain hardening slope between points B and C of 3% of the elastic slope was assumed for both models.The following relationship was used to account for moment-axial load interaction 6: wh
40、ere MCE is the expected moment strength, ZRBS is the RBS plastic section modulus (in3), is the expected yield strength of the material (ksi), P is the axial force in the girder (kips) and is the expected axial yield force of the RBS, equal to (kips). The ultimate flexural capacities of the beam and
41、the link of the model are shown in Table 1.Fig. 4 shows qualitatively the distribution of the bending moment, shear force, and axial force in the CGMRF under lateral load. The shear and axial force in the beams are less significant to the response of the beams as compared with the bending moment, al
42、though they must be considered in design. The qualita- tive distribution of internal forces illustrated in Fig. 5 is fundamentally the same for both elastic and inelastic ranges of behavior. The specific values of the internal forces will change as elements of the frame yield and internal for- ces a
43、re redistributed. The basic patterns illustrated in Fig. 5, however, remain the same.Inelastic static pushover analysis was carried out by applying monotonically,increasing lateral displacements, at the top of both columns, as shown in Fig. 6. After the four RBS have yielded simultaneously, a unifor
44、m yielding in the web and at the ends of the flanges of the vertical link will form. This is the yield mechanism for the frame , with plastic hinges also forming at the base of the columns if they are fixed. The base shear versus drift angle of the model is shown in Fig. 7 . The sequenceof inelastic
45、 activity in the frame is shown on the figure. An elastic component, a long transition (consequence of the beam plastic hinges being formed simultaneously) and a narrow yield plateau characterize the pushover curve.The plastic rotation capacity, qp, is defined as the total plastic rotation beyond wh
46、ich the connection strength starts to degrade below 80% 7. This definition is different from that outlined in Section 9 (Appendix S) of the AISC Seismic Provisions 8, 10. Using Eq. (2) derived by Uang and Fan 7, an estimate of the RBS plastic rotatio n capacity was found to be 0.037 rad:Fyf was subs
47、tituted for Ry?Fy 8, where Ry is used to account for the differ - ence betwee n the nominal and the expected yield stre ngths (Grade 50 steel, Fy=345 MPa and Ry =1.1 are used).3. Experime ntal programThe experime ntal set-up for study ing the behavior of a conn ecti on was based on Fig. 6(a). Using
48、the plastic displacement dp, plastic rotation gp, and plastic story drift angle qp shown in the figure, from geometry, it follows that:And: in which d and g in clude the elastic comp onen ts. Approximatio ns as above are usedfor large in elastic beam deformati ons. The diagram in Fig. 6(a) suggest t
49、hat a sub assemblagewith displaceme nts con trolled in the manner show n in Fig. 6(b) can represe nt the in elastic behavior of a typical beam in a CGMRF.The test set-up show n in Fig. 8 was con structed to develop the mecha nism show n in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The axial actuators were attached to thre
50、e 2438 mm x 1219 mm X1219 mm (8 ft 4X 4Xt) RC blocks. These blocks were ten sio ned to the laboratory floor by means of twenty-four 32 mm diameter dywidag rods. This arra ngeme nt permitted replaceme nt of the specime n after each test.Therefore, the force applied by the axial actuator, P, can be re
51、solved into two or thogonal components, Paxial and Plateral. Since the inclination angle of the axial actuator does not exceed 3.0 , therefore Paxial is approximately equal to P 4. However, the lateral component, Plateral, causes an additional moment at the beam-to column joint. If the axial actuato
52、rs compress the specimen, then the lateral components will be adding to the lateral actuator forces, while if the axial actuators pull the specimen, the Plateral will be an opposing force to the lateral actuators. When the axial actuators un dergoaxial actuators undergo a lateral displacement _, the
53、y cause an additional moment at the beam-to-column joint (P-A effect). Therefore, the moment at the beam-to colu mn joi nt is equal to:where H is the lateral forces, L is the arm, P is the axial force and _ is the lateral displaceme nt.Four full-scale experime nts of beam colu mn connections were co
54、n ducted.The member sizes and the results of ten sile coup on tests are listed in Table 2All of the colu mns and beams were of A572 Grade 50 steel (Fy 344.5 MPa). The actual measured beam flange yield stress value was equal to 372 MPa (54 ksi), while the ultimate strength ranged from 502 MPa (72.8 k
55、si) to 543 MPa (78.7 ksi).Table 3 shows the values of the plastic moment for each specimen (based on measured tensile coupon data) at the full cross-section and at the reduced section at mid-length of the RBS cutout.The specimens were designated as specimen 1 through specimen 4. Test specimens detai
56、ls are shown in Fig. 9 through Fig. 12. The following features were utilized in the desig n of the beamo lumn conn ecti on:The use of RBS in beam flanges. A circular cutout was provided, as illustr- ated in Figs. 11 and 12. For all specimens, 30% of the beam flange width was removed.The cuts were ma
57、de carefully, and then ground smooth in a direct- tion parallel to the beam flange to minimize notches.Use of a fully welded web connection. The connection between the beam web and the column flange was made with a complete joint penetration groove weld (CJP). All CJP welds were performed according
58、to AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code.Use of two side plates welded with CJP to exterior sides of top and bottom beam flan- ges, from the face of the column flange to the beginning of the RBS, as shown in Figs. 11 and 12. The end of the side plate was smoothed to meet the beginning of the RBS. The sid
59、e plates were welded with CJP with the column flanges. The side plate was added to increase the flexural capacity at the joint location, while the smooth transition was to reduce the stress raisers, which may initiate fracture.Two Ion gitudi nal stiffe ners, 95 mm 35 mm (3 3/4 in 1 3/8 in), were welded with 12.7 mm (1/2 in) fillet weld at the middle
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