已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 复合名词A 这些例子有:1 名词+名词:LondonTransport伦敦公交公司Fleet Street舰队街(伦敦的报馆街)TowerBridge(伦敦泰晤士河上的)塔楼桥hall door大厅的门traffic warden交通管理员petrol tank汽油桶,汽油罐hitch-hiker沿路搭便车的人,搭顺风车的人skyjacker劫机者river bank河岸,江岸kitchentable厨房用的桌子winterclothes冬季服装 2 名词+动名词:fruit picking摘水果lorry driving开运货汽车coalmining采煤weight-lifting举重bi

2、rd-watching观察研究鸟类surf-riding冲浪运动 3 动名词+名词:waiting list等候者名单divingboard跳板driving licence驾驶执照landing card登陆卡diningroom餐厅,食堂swimming pool游泳池 B 这些组合可用在:1. 当第二个名词属于第一个名词或是它的一部分时:shopwindow商店橱窗picture frame镜框college library大学图书馆church bell教堂的钟gardengate花园的大门gear lever变速杆 但是一些表示数量的名词不能这样用,如lump(块),part(部分)

3、,piece(块),slice(薄片)等:a piece of cake一块蛋糕a slice of bread一片面包2.第一个名词能表明第二个名词的地点时:citystreet城市街道corner shop拐角处的商店countrylane乡间小路street market街市 3.第一个名词能表明第二个名词的时间时:summerholiday暑假Sundaypaper星期日报纸Novemberfogs 11月的雾季springflowers春天的花dawnchorus黎明的合唱 4.第一个名词能够说明第二个名词是由什么物质制成的时:steeldoor钢门ropeladder绳梯goldm

4、edal金质奖章stonewall石砌的墙silkshirt丝绸衬衫Wool(羊毛)和Wood(木材)在这种组合中并不这样使用,而是用它们的形容词形式woolen和wooden。gold(金子)的形容词形式是golden,但这种形式只用于象征或比喻的意义:a golden handshake一次性退休金退役金,(大笔的)解雇金a golden opportunity绝好的机会,良机golden hair金发 第一个名词可以说明向第二个名词提供能量的燃料时:gasfire煤气暖炉petrol engine汽油发动机oilstove煤油炉5.第一个名词能表示第二个名词的目的或用途时:coffee

5、cup咖啡杯escape hatch(危急时逃生用的)安全门chess board棋盘reading lamp台灯skating rink滑冰场tin opener启罐头器golf club高尔夫球棒notice board布告牌football ground足球场 6.可将所生产的产品名放在工作场所如工厂、农场、矿山等前面时:fish-farm养鱼场goldmine金矿oil-rig石油钻塔 或是可以把工作模式放在前面时:inspection pit检修坑assembly plant装配厂decompression chamber降压室舱7.常常用来表示职业、运动、业余爱好以及从事这些活动的

6、人们时:sheep farming养羊sheep farmer牧羊人pop singer流行歌手wind surfing帆板运动water skier滑水者disc jockey听众点播歌曲节目主持人 表示竞争性的活动时也可这样使用:football match足球赛tennis tournament网球锦标赛beauty contest选美会car rally汽车拉力赛,公路赛车8.第一个名词能表明第二个名词是关于什么的时也可这样使用。一本小说可以是adetectivemurdermysteryghosthorrorspy story(一本侦探谋杀案神秘鬼怪恐怖间谍小说)。人们可能买bust

7、rainplane tickets(公共汽车火车飞机票)。人们可以付fuellaundrymilktelephone bills(燃料洗衣牛奶电话费),entry fees(入场费),income tax(所得税),carinsurance(汽车保险费),water rates(自来水费),parkingfines(违章停车罚款)。带committees,departments,talks,conferences等的复合名词也是这样:housing comittee住房委员会education department教育部peace talks和谈 9.这些分类在某种程度上是互相重叠的。这样分类

8、的目的不是表示它们互相抵触,而目的在于给学生一些有关这些组合用法的概念,并帮助他们掌握好重读(有号的音节或词在组合中重读)。 C从上面所标的重音符号可以看出:1.当存在目的这一概念时,如B5、B7和B8类型的名词+动名词和动名词+名词结构中第一个词要重读。 2.在上面A1、B13类型的组合中,通常两个词都要重读。当然也有例外情况。 3.在地名的组合中,两个词通常都要重读:Kings Road(伦敦)英皇道Waterloo Bridge(伦敦泰晤士河上的)滑铁卢大桥Leicester Square(伦敦)莱切斯特广场 但有一个重要的例外,如组合中后面一个词是street(街道)时street这个

9、词不重读:Bond Street(伦敦)邦德大街Oxford Street(伦敦)牛津大街【词语】复合名词【英语】compound nouns【解释】复合名词是指两个名词直接连在一起构成的复合词,用法简洁,可以被看作一种固定形式。有些中间带连字符,有些没有。 编辑本段常见复合名词blood type 血型 winter clothes冬装 dinner table餐桌 looker-on旁观者 sister-in-law嫂子 news reporter新闻记者 编辑本段复合名词构成-英语复合名词构成的方法有多种。以下所涉及的复合名词是有“动词+副词”(短语动词的一种)的若干变化形式而构成的。方

10、法颇为有趣,且所构成的复合名词与短语动词的意义多有相近。例如短语动词 break out (指战争、疾病等突然发生,爆发),可构成复合名词 breakout (爆发、突围)和 outbreak (瘟疫等突然蔓延)。现将各种变化形式所构成的复合名词例举如下:1. 动词、副词直接相连。如:blowup 爆炸 comeback 复原、复辟breakdown 损坏,故障cutoff 近路,切下的东西falloff 下降lookout 注意,监视哨makeup 组成,补充 runaway 逃跑,逃亡 runout 逃开,避开 setup 机构,体制2. 动词、副词用连字符连接。如:come-up 诱惑物

11、,骗子 get-out 脱身,逃跑get-together 联欢会 put-off 推迟,搪塞put-on 假装,欺骗 run-through 浏览,概要stand-by 靠山,支持者 take-in 欺骗take-off 起飞,出发点 work-up 病情的检查3. 动词、副词颠倒位置并直接相连。如:income 收入,收益 intake 吸入,摄入onset 攻击,袭击 outcome 结果,成果outlook 观点,前景 output 产量overthrow 推翻,打倒 overlook 眺望,观察upkeep 维修,保养 upset 混乱,心烦意乱4. 副词与动词用连字符连接。如:by

12、-pass 旁道,支流5. 动词 -ing 形式与副词分开。如:coming in 进入,开始 comings in (常用复数)收入6.动词 -ing 形式与副词由连字符连接。如:bringing-up 养育,抚养 goings-on (复)举动,行为 going-over 痛打,痛骂 setting-up (无线电)调定7. 副词与动词 -ing 形式直接相连。如:incoming 进来,(复)收入 ingoing 进入onlooking (袖手)旁观 outfighting 远距离作战 outgiving 公开声明,公开发言 outgoing 外出,(复)支出,开销 outpouring

13、 倾泻 upbringing 抚育,养育8. 副词与动词 -ing 形式用连字符连接。如:on-goings (复)(常指古怪的)事件,行为out-clearing 票据交换额9. (不规则)动词的过去分词与副词直接相连。如:leftover 剩余物,吃剩的饭10. (不规则)动词的过去分词与副词用连字符相连。如:grown-up 成年人11. 副词与(不规则)动词的过去分词直接相连。如:ingot 锭 upshot 结果,结局12. 副词与(不规则)动词的过去分词用连字符连接。如:by-gone 过去的事情,往事 编辑本段复合名词构成-德语(一) 复后名词是由两个以上的词连起来写而形成的,有

14、如下三种方式: I - 名词 + 名词 Der Wald + die Blume = die Waldblume Das Tier + der Arzt = der Tierarzt II - 形容词 + 名词 alt + das Papier = das Altpapier III- 动词 + 名词 schreiben + das Papier = das Schreibpapier 在语法中,前面的词称为“限定词”,后面的为“基本词”。 (二) I - 许多复合词都是词的直接组合。 II - 但在词的复合过程中,有时词与词之间要加一或两个字母。如:s, es, en, er等等 1) 加s

15、 : Lebenszeichen 2) 加es: Sinneszelle 3) 加en: Nervenzeichen 4) 加n : Sonnenstrahl 5) 加er: Kinderstimme III- 有时前面的限定词还需要去掉词尾的字母,如:去掉字母e, Die Erde + das Gas = Erdgas IV- 有时前面的限定词还需要去掉词尾的字母再加一个字母,如:去掉字母e,加s Hilfe + das Mittel = Hilfsmittel (三) 两个以上词组合的例子: Wochen + Arbeit + Zeit = die Wochenarbeitszeit 每周

16、工作时间 Auto + bahn + parken + Platz = der Autobahnparkplatz 高速公路存车场 (四) 组合成的复合名词的涵义,基本上可以凭每个词的涵义推出。但也有例外,尤其是科技名词。如: Mass (量度) + Stab (杆,把) = der Massstab (规模,标准) 编辑本段复合名词构成-法语法语中复合名词的形式有几种不同的情况。1.名词+名词例如, bon + jour = bonjour.此类复合名词的复数形式一般是在后面加-s。例外:bonhomme - bonshommesmonsieur - messieursmadame - me

17、sdames2.当构成复合名词的两个名词之间有连字符时, 变成复数时两部分都要变:un chef-lieu - des chefs-lieux3.同样地当复合名词是由名词加形容词构成时,变复数时两部分都要变:un coffre-fort - des coffres-forts4.Whe当复合名词由动词加宾语构成时,变复数时只变,例如:un abat-jour(灯罩)des abat-jour5.但少数词变复数时,只变宾语部分,如;un couvre-feu - des couvre-feux6.由多个连字符构成的复合名词,变复数时只变,例如:le quen-dira-t-on , un va-

18、et-vient7.由不变词类(如介词等)+名词构成的复合名词,只须将名词变成复数形式,如:un avant-poste -des avant-postesun en-tte(印花) -des en-ttes8.由形容词 grand+名词构成的复合名词,如指男性,则grand应变复数,如un grand-pre -des grands-pres相反,如指女性,则grand不变,如:une grand-mre - des grand-mres其中,有一个复合名词例外,是:une grande-duchesse(大公爵夫人) -des grandes-duchesses 编辑本段复合名词复数变化一

19、般地,可数名词有复数形式。那么,复合名词的复数该怎么变呢 ?主要有以下情况:1.以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式。如:homework, newspaper等。2.以man或woman为前缀的名词变复数时,前后两个名词都变成复数。如:woman doctorwomen doctors, man waitermen waiters。3. 以两个名词构成的复合名词(前面的名词为man或woman除外),一般把后面的名词变复数。如:boy friendboy friends, paper bagpaper bags。4. 以“可数名词+介词(短语)”构成的复合名词变复数时,把前面名词变复数。如:

20、father-in-lawfathers-in-law。5. 以“动词 / 过去分词+副词”构成的复合名词变复数时,在词尾加s。如:grown-upgrown-ups, stand-bystand-bys。Hehe完形填空训练(四)The worst thing is the headlines. I use the underground almost every day and watch the people travel, their heads 1 in ther newspapers. The headlines today 2 suicide (自杀) bombers and o

21、f horrific attacks that they say 3 by members of our community.Something on the journey is 4 . I am not 5 anything that would indicate I am a Muslim. I normally do not 6 it is Friday and I am on my way to prayers. 7 I sense an uneasiness in the carriage. People are 8 . No one is speaking and it must

22、 be said that no one is being 9 unfriendly towards me. But I think the 10 I get are different. I am being checked out, sized up. It is all a bit uncomfortable.People are looking around for things and people 11 look suspicious (可疑的). I am doing it a bit 12 and in the coming days, as more claims are m

23、ade about the people who did this and their aims, that feeling is likely to get 13 . As you look around the 14 , it is difficult to know what people are thinking. Some are 15 thinking “those Muslims come here and look what they do but they 16 understand we condemn (谴责) this like everyone else.Whoeve

24、r did this didnt 17 about who was killed or whether they were Christian or Muslim. They just had no respect 18 human life at all. We all travel around London and we use public transport. We have as much fear as anyone else about 19 in something. But in the coming days, everyone is going to have to w

25、ork together and keep calm. We will look out for each other and thats how we. will 20 this difficulty. 1. A. buried B. hung C. hiddenD. sunk2. A. tell about B. talk over C. think out D. Speak of3. A. to carry on B. were carried out C. to carry out D. were carried on4. A. different B. difficult C. ea

26、sy D. interesting5. A. putting on B. dressing C.wearing D. having on6. A. unless B. until C.before D. after7. A. However B. Thus C. But D. And8. A. calm B. noisy C.quiet D. cheerful9. A. in a way B. in one way C. in no way D. in any way10. A. looks B. opinions C.ideas D. experiences11. A. which B. t

27、hat C. who D. whom12. A. itself B. himself C. myselfD. oneself13. A. better B. worse C. more D. less14. A. carriage B. bus C. train D. taxi15. A. surely B. certainly C. probably D. hopefully16. A. have to B. might C. are able to D. may17. A. ask B. hear C. know D. care18. A. with B. of C. for D. to1

28、9. A. keeping up B. being caught upC. catching up D. being kept up with20. A. get away B. get off C. get out D. get through完形填空训练(五)The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good 1 in Chicago and he wondered if, by any chance, I 2 to know him . For a moment, I th

29、ought he might be 3 ,but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was 4 . I felt like saying that it was ridiculous (可笑的) to 5 that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped into his friend. But, 6 , I just smiled and reminded him that Chi

30、cago was a very 7 city. He nodded, and I thought he was going to be content to drop the subject and talk about something else. But I was wrong. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he 8 to tell me all about his friend.His friends main 9 in life seemed to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis pl

31、ayer , and he 10 had his own tennis court. There were a lot of people with swimming 11 , yet there were only two people with private tennis court; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several 12 like that, including my brother, who was doctor in California. He 13 that maybe

32、there were more private courts in the country, than he 14 but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me 15 my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence 16 his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year and he lived next door to a 17 who ha

33、d a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence (巧合) because my next-door neighbour had gone to Sacramento last summer and had 18 the house next to my brothers house. For a moment, we stared at each other, but we did not say anything.“Would your friends name happen to b

34、e Roland Kirkwood?” I asked finally. He 19 and said, “Yes. Would your brothers name happen to be Dr Rey Hunter?” It was my 20 to laugh. “Yes,” I replied.1. A. brother B. teacher C. neighbourD. friend 2. A. managedB. happened C. tried D. wanted 3. A. expecting B. lying C. joking D. talking 4. A. funn

35、y B. serious C. careful D. disappointed 5. A. think B. find C. realize D. see 6. A. indeed B. actually C. instead D. exactly 7. A. famous B. interesting C. noisy D. big8. A. began B. stopped C. refused D. failed 9. A. problemB. interest C. choice D. work 10. A. just B. ever C. even D. surely 11. A.

36、suit B. habit C. pools D. river 12. A. peopleB. players C. strangers D. friends 13. A. advised B. argued C. admitted D. announced 14. A. recognized B. realized C. visited D. found 15. A. how B. whether C. when D. where 16. A. because B. if C. then D. though 17. A. doctor B. friend C. neighbour D. pl

37、ayer 18. A. hired B. visited C. designed D. sold 19. A. smiled B. laughed C. cried D. nodded20. A. chance B. pleasure C. time D. turn 完形填空训练(六)It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering seniors gathered, discussing

38、 the exam due to begin in a few 1 . On their faces was confidence (自信). This was their last exam then on to 2 and jobs.Some talked of jobs they already had; others talked of jobs they 3 get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt ready and able to take 4 of the world. The coming exam

39、, they knew, would be a(n) 5 task. The professor had said they could bring 6 books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not 7 each other, during the test. 8 they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles 9 on the students faces as they noted there were onl

40、y five essay-type questions. Three hours had passed 10 the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Papers in hand, no one spoke as the professor faced the class. He looked at the 11 faces before him, and then asked,

41、“How many completed all five questions?” 12 a hand was raised. “How many answered four?” Still no hands. “Three? Two?” The students moved restlessly in their seats. “One, then? Certainly somebody finished 13 .”But the class remained silent. The professor put down the papers. “That is exactly what I

42、14 ,” he said. “I just want to impress upon you that, 15 you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the 61 you dont know. These questions you couldnt answer are relatively 17 in everyday practice. ” Then smiling, he added, “You will all 18 this course, but rememb

43、er even though you are now college graduates, your education has just 19 .”The years have 20 the name of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.1. A. secondsB. minutesC. hoursD. days2. A. interviewB. discussionC. educationD. graduation3. A. wouldB. mustC. have toD. used to4. A. holdB. controlC

44、. chargeD. place5. A. interestingB. necessaryC. easyD. unusual6. A. noB. eitherC. anyD. all7. A. listen toB. look atC. refer toD. talk to8. A. NervouslyB. JoyfullyC. QuicklyD. Curiously9. A. appearedB. changedC. frozeD. stopped10. A. thenB. asC. beforeD. after11. A. pleasedB. worriedC. surprisedD. m

45、oved12. A. NotB. OnceC. OnlyD. Even13. A. allB. noneC. oneD. it14. A. wonderedB. enjoyedC. hatedD. expected15. A. right nowB. as thoughC. now thatD. even though16. A. examB. subjectC. questionD. college17. A. valuableB. difficultC. commonD. strange18. A. passB. failC. takeD. start19. A. begunB. completedC. failedD. succeeded20. A. forgotB. rememberedC. strengthenedD. weakened4.On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xian wit


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