1、幻灯片1What is SOCIAL DIALOGUE?什么是社会对话?For the Intern ati onal Labour Orga ni zati on, social dialogue in eludes all types of n egotiati on, con sultatio n or simply excha nge of in formatio n betwee n, or among, represe ntatives of gover nmen ts, employers and workers on issues of com mon in terest re
2、lati ng to econo mic and social policy.对于国际劳工组织社会对话包括所有类型的谈判,协商或者干脆之间,或之间的信息交流, 政府,雇主和工人共同关心的有关经济和社会政策问题的代表。幻灯片2Social dialogue is the most suitable tool for promoti ng better livi ng and work ing con diti ons and greater social justice. It is an in strume nt through which gover nance can be enhance
3、d in many fields.社会对话是最合适的工具,促进更好的生活和工作条件和更大的社会正义。它是一种工具,通过它可以管理在许多领域得到加强。It is releva nt to any effort aiming to achieve more productive and effective en terprises and sectors and a fairer and more efficie nt economy. Social dialogue is an esse ntial tool for adva ncing gen der equality in the worl
4、d of work. It thus con tributes to a more stable and more equitable society. It also has particular releva nee to the globalizati on process.它是相关的任何努力,旨在实现更高效和有效的企业和部门以及更公平和更有效率的经 济。社会对话是推进劳动世界中的性别平等的重要工具。因此,它有助于建立一个更稳定和更公平的社会。它也有特别的全球化进程的相关性。幻灯片3What are the basic prerequisites for social dialogue?
5、 什么是基本的先决条件的社会对话?The explicit political will of all of the parties concerned to en gage in social dialogue;Strong, in depe ndent workers and employers orga ni zati ons with the appropriate tech nical capacities and access to the in formati on that en ables them to participate in social dialogue;Resp
6、ect for the fun dame ntal rights of freedom of associati on and collective barga ining (as set forth in ILO Co nve ntions 87 and 98);Appropriate in stitutio nal support;Mutual recog niti on and respect amon gst all social partner represe ntatives.所有有关各方的明确的政治意愿,参与社会对话;使他们能够参与社强大的,独立的工人组织和雇主组织提供相应的技术
7、能力和访问,会对话的信息;尊重结社和集体谈判的自由的基本权利(如国际劳工组织公约第87和98 列)适当的机构支持;相互承认和尊重在所有社会伙伴的代表。幻灯片4What are the DlffErE nt forms of social dialogue? 什么是社会对话的不同形式?The in stituti ons of social dialogue are ofte n defi ned by their compositi on; they can be bipartite or tripartite.The tripartite actors are gover nment rep
8、rese ntatives and employers and workers orga ni zati ons.Social dialogue can have various aspects. It can be a tripartite process - in which case the gover nment is an official party to the dialogue.It can also con sist of bipartite relati ons betwee n employers and workers represe ntatives or betwe
9、e n trade unions and employers orga ni zati ons, in which the gover nmen t is in volved either directly or in directly.This dialogue can be in formal or in stituti on alized, or a comb in ati on of both. It can be held at the n ati on al, regi onal or local level. It can also take place at the in te
10、r-sectoral, sectoral or en terprise level.社会对话的机构往往由他们组成来确定;他们可以是两方或三方。三方参与者是政府代表和雇主组织和工人组织。社会对话可以有不同的方面。它可以是一个三方的过程-在这种情况下,政府是要对话的正式宴会。它也可以由雇主和工人之间的代表或工会和雇主之间的组织,其中政府直接或间接地参与双边关系。这种对话可以是非正式的或制度化,或者是两者的结合。它可以在国家,区域或地方一级举行。它也可以发生在跨部门,部门或企业的水平。幻灯片5The activities most freque ntly in volved in social di
11、alogue:最经常参与社会对话的活动:in formati on-shari ngThis is one of the most fun dame ntal and esse ntial factors for any effective social dialogue. Although it does not itself in volve actually debati ng issues or tak ing action, it is n evertheless an esse ntial part of the process through which dialogue can
12、 be established and decisi ons can be take n.信息共享这是任何有效的社会对话的最根本,最重要的因素之一。虽然它本身并不涉及实际问题 的辩论或采取行动,但它仍然是通过对话可以建立和决定可以采取过程中的一个重要组成 部分。幻灯片6Con sultatio nThe parties en gage in an excha nge of views, which can lead to more in-depth dialogue. Some bipartite or tripartite orga ns have an advisory role, whe
13、reas others act more as bodies which provide in formati on.咨询当事人从事的看法,从而导致更深入的对话交流。一些两方或三方器官都有一个顾问的 角色,而另一些采取更因为它提供的信息机构。幻灯片7Negotiati onCollective barga ining is one of the most widespread forms of social dialogue. The parties can en gage in either bipartite or tripartite barga ining with a view to
14、 con cludi ng agreeme nts or collective labour agreeme nts, and the n egotiati ons can be held at the compa ny level or at the sectoral, dece ntralized, regi on al, n ati onal or even mult in ati on al level.谈判集体谈判是社会对话的最普遍的形式之一。当事人可以从事任何两方或三方谈判,以缔 结协定或集体劳动协议和谈判可以在公司层面或部门,分散,区域,国家甚至是跨国级举 行。幻灯片8What
15、role do the social part ners play in stre ngthe ning SOCIAL DIALOGUE?Workers and their orga ni zati ons play a crucial role in social dialogue. Alo ng with employers and gover nmen ts, workers put tripartism and social dialogue, the con stituti onal prin ciples of the ILO, into acti on. Certain fun
16、dame ntal con diti ons must be prese nt, however, if these prin ciples are to be impleme nted, n amely freedom of associati on and the right to collective barga ining.什么样的作用,社会伙伴在加强社会对话玩吗?工人及其组织在社会对话至关重要的作用。随着雇主和政府,工人把三方性和社会对话, 国际劳工组织的宪法原则,付诸行动。某些基本条件必须存在,但是,如果这些原则得以实施,即结社自由和集体谈判的权利。幻灯片9Social dialo
17、gue is a valuable tool, which is desig ned to protect and promote workers in terests by in troduci ng the prin ciples of democracy and huma n dig nity at the workplace.It is furthermore an in strume nt which has proved its worth in the man ageme nt of social and econo mic cha nge and which preserves
18、 both consen sus and stability with in society.Social dialogue, in clud ing collective barga ining, en ables workers and their orga ni zati ons to improve wages and work ing con diti ons. In many in sta nces they have exte nded the scope of collective bargai ning to in clude worker protecti on issue
19、s such as health and safety at work, social security systems, educati on and training for workers, and worker participati on in en terprise man ageme nt.社会对话是一个有价值的工具,其目的是通过引入民主和人类尊严的原则,在工作场所, 以保护和促进工人的权益。它是另外它已经证明了它的价值在社会和经济变革并保留社会中既共识,稳定的管理工 具。社会对话,包括集体谈判,使工人和他们的组织,提高工资和工作条件。在许多情况下, 他们已经扩展集体谈判的范围,
20、包括对工人的保护问题,如健康和工作安全,社会保障制度,教育和职工培训,企业管理工作者的参与。幻灯片10Whatever the level - local, dece ntralized, n ati on al, regi onal or intern ati onal - trade union orga ni zatio ns are effective in termediaries, through which workers can take part in social dialogue.These orga ni zati ons are thus regarded as ke
21、y in strume nts for improv ing workers quality of life and promot ing the fair and susta in able developme nt of society as a whole.无论是什么级别 -局部的,分散的,国家,区域或国际-工会组织是有效的中介机构,通过这些工人在社会对话参与。这些组织因此被视为主要手段来改善生活的劳动者素质,促进整个社会的公平和可持续发展。幻灯片11EmployersEmployers orga ni zati ons actively con tribute to help ing
22、coun tries to create the n ecessary con diti ons for achiev ing their objectives regard ing employme nt and living sta ndards, since they can convey corporate n eeds better tha n any other in stituti on or any of their affiliates. They help to stre ngthe n the good results which en terprises obta in
23、 by in flue ncing the environment in which they operate and providi ng services through which they can enhance their performa nee.雇主雇主组织作出积极的贡献,帮助国家创造实现有关就业和生活水平他们的目标的必要条 件,因为它们可以传达公司的需求比任何其他机构或任何联属公司好。它们有助于加强其企业获得通过影响其经营环境和提供服务,通过它们可以提高其性能的好成绩。幻灯片12They also improve corporate operati onal effective
24、 ness by providi ng firms with in formati on, advice and trai ning tools.As official part ners in tripartism and social dialogue, employers orga ni zati ons play an esse ntial role in stre ngthe ning employer-employee relati ons and buildi ng better un dersta nding - the prin ciples un derp inning t
25、he Dece nt Work Age nda.他们还通过为企业提供信息,咨询和培训工具,提高企业的运营效率。作为三方性和社会对话的官方合作伙伴,雇主组织在加强雇主和雇员的关系,并建立更好的了解至关重要的作用-支撑体面劳动议程的原则。幻灯片13GovernmentsLabour adm ini strati ons have two major roles to play in social dialogue, whether tripartite or bipartite, n amely:各国政府劳动行政管理部门有两个主要角色在社会对话发挥,无论是三方或两方,即:幻灯片14A promot
26、i onal roleAccord ing to intern atio nal labour sta ndards, the labour adm ini strati on is resp on sible for promot ing con sultati on with the social partners and tak ing any appropriate measures to en sure that con sultatio ns and n egotiatio ns take place in due form.宣传作用根据国际劳工标准,劳动行政部门负责推进协商与社会
27、伙伴和采取任何适当的措施,以确保协商和谈判应在适当的形式。幻灯片15An active roleLabour adm ini strati on provides in strume nts for en couragi ng dialogue betwee n the social part ners. It can play other roles in cludi ng that of the prin cipal employer in the public sector.Labour adm ini strati on can also take part in dialogue a
28、s a part ner in its own right with a view to en couragi ng an excha nge of views, further develop ing discussi ons and seek ing support for its own impleme ntati on policies.积极作用劳动行政管理提供工具以鼓励社会伙伴之间的对话。它可以播放其他角色包括的主要雇主在公共部门。劳动行政部门也可以在对话的参加为在自己的权利的合作伙伴,以鼓励交换意见,进一步发展的讨论和寻求自己的支持执行政策。幻灯片16Social dialogue
29、 covers a wide variety of fields in volvi ng the activities of labour adm ini strati on at the n ati on al level, i nclud ing that of: securi ng social peace and regard ing it as a prec on diti on for accelerat ing productivity in the world of work and a factor of econo mic and social developme nt.
30、Labour adm ini strati ons should en deavour to create con sultati on bodies at the n ati on al level attached to mini sterial structures and establish perma nent secretariats with a view to en suri ng that those bodies operate effectively and efficie ntly and that the services they provide are usefu
31、l and susta in able.社会对话,涵盖了各种涉及劳动行政管理在国家一级的活动,包括的领域:确保社会和平,把它作为一个先决条件,加快工作世界生产力和经济社会发展的一个因素。劳动行政管理部门应尽力在连接到部级结构国家层面建立咨询机构,建立常设秘书处,以确保这些机构有效和高效,并且操作他们提供的服务是有用的,可持续的。幻灯片17hoW does the ILO en courage its con stitue nts to stre ngthen SOCIAL DIALOGUE?By atte nding to a wide range of problems relati ng
32、to work and being prese nt in the most releva nt discussi ons on the concerns of work ing people.The importa nee of social dialogue is being in creas in gly recog ni zed at a time whe n the intern ati onal com mun ity is seek ing appropriate soluti ons to the problems and opport un ities created by
33、globalizati on. Give n the ILOs established experie nee and compete nee in the area of tripartism and social dialogue, the Orga ni zati on is well-placed to play a leadi ng role in the promoti on of dialogue, partn erships and participatory approaches in the policy-mak ing process.怎样鼓励国际劳工组织及其三方成员加强
34、社会对话?通过参加到各种各样的有关工作,存在于劳动人民的关注最相关的讨论问题。社会对话的重要性正在被越来越多的时候,国际社会正在寻求适当的解决方案,全球化带来的问题和机会的时间确认。鉴于国际劳工组织的建立经验和能力在三方性和社会 对话领域,本组织是占尽天时地利,在促进对话,伙伴关系和参与式方法在决策过程中发挥主导作用。幻灯片18It assists its con stitue nts by:Promoti ng intern ati onal sta ndards concerning social dialogue;Promot ing gen der equality in each o
35、f its programmes and activities;Elaborati ng social dialogue in dicators as part of the overall in dicators of dece nt work;Help ing to moder nize n ati on al labour legislati on and by stre ngthe ning labour adm ini stratio ns; Orga nizing bipartite and tripartite meeti ngs in many tech ni cal and sectoral fields.它协助其成分由:促进有关社会对话的国际标准;促进它的每一个项目和活动中的性别平等;作为体面工作的总体指标的一部分在阐述社会对
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