PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit3 Is this your skirt 》精品教案_第1页
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1、pep小学英语四年级下册unit3 is this your skirt ?精品教案part b lets learn good morning! ladies and gentlemen , im number im going to talk about book4 unit3 b lets learn.this lesson discusses about clothes and colour.一、 teaching aims1、 students can listen、say、and read the key words :pants、socks、jeans、shoe

2、s、shorts.2、 students can sing the song “my clothes”.3、 to train ss ability of co-operation and proper competition, ss can wear suitable clothes in different cases.二、 teaching key points and difficult pointsthe use of plural nouns : pants , socks ,jeans, shoes, shorts .三、 teaching methodsill use task

3、-based method、discovery teaching method 、siuational teaching method in this lesson.四、 teaching design ill finish this lesson in five steps.step1 preparation(1) sing the song “my clothes”(2) lets chant :my jacket is brown, brown ,brown. my sweater is white ,white ,white . my shirt is red , red, red .

4、、设计意图:通过演唱歌曲,创设英语氛围,激发学生学习兴趣。创编tpr活动,复习学过的衣服及颜色,温故知新,为新课学习做铺垫。step 2 presention(1)t: amy has a big closet .there are many clothes in it .let see : (课件呈现一个大壁橱,里面有好多衣服)。what are they ? (课件呈现一牛仔裤让学生看),待学生说出牛仔裤后,出示单词卡领读,小组读,个人读。在黑板上画蓝色牛仔裤的简笔画,用手比划是两条腿,然后板书单词jeans。“s”用红色粉笔写。再次领读,强调复数形式“s”的发音。问生:what colo

5、ur?并板书。通过课件,用同样的方式呈现 pants 、shorts shoes。go on to say: amy is going to a party .but she cant find her socks . look at the ppt: (课件呈现amy 找袜子的画面,amy : where are my socks ? )板书句型。出示socks图并词卡领读,个人读,画袜子简笔画,板书单词。lets help amy , 再次呈现amy 找袜子的画面,师生一起问amy : what colour ? amy say : white. 师生一起搜索屏幕:look,they ar

6、e in the shoes.让学生观察板书,找出这几个单词的共同点,都是复数形式。师生一起看板书,创编歌谣:my jeans are blue ,blue ,blue . my pants are pink ,pink,pink. my shorts are yellow ,yellow,yellow. my shoes are green ,green ,green. my socks are white ,white ,white.设计意图:通过创设简单明了的情景,在情景中呈现本节课所要学习的主要内容,以及通过简笔画和创编歌谣,增加学生学习的兴趣。(2)listen to the tap

7、e and repeat .通过先听后跟读的方式,让学生听得准,模仿的准。 (3)practice in groups. one point ,others read .pay attition to the pronunciation and intonation.通过小组合作的方式让学生认读和检查单词,以达到相互促进、共同发展的目的。step 3 pratice(3) 快速记忆单词。老师举单词卡片,迅速的在同学们的面前一闪而过,让学生猜单词。这样一方面可以让学生集中注意力,又可以训练学生眼疾口快的能力。(4) whats missing?游戏。通过课件呈现不同衣服的图片,学生看过一遍后,老

8、师点击任一件衣服,让学生猜哪件衣服消失了。(5) 课本p31 lets chant .通过听听说说活动,进一步巩固所学内容。step4 productiont: amy is going to the party , me too. i design the clothes for myself. i like my clothes. 向学生展示自己的服装。t: my sweater is pants are blue .my socks are shoes are pink. do you want to go to the party ? design the clothes for yourself ,then talk about your clothes with your partner . at last ,show your clothes .强调在不同的场合要穿不同的衣服,要得体穿衣,不穿尴尬衣服。设计意图:继续完善自己创设的大话题,通过设计简单的任务性活动,培养学生交流与合作的能力。step5 progress(1) do the exercises.(2) homework: listen to the tape and read the new words to yo


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