1、目录目录1一、工程概况1二、编制依据2三、适用范围及施工难度31、适用范围32、施工难度3四、施工部署4五、施工准备51、技术准备52、施工机械53、劳动力配备64、周转材料计划表75、进度计划7六、主要施工方法及技术措施71、主体及二次结构墙体拆除及剔凿72、模板工程103、钢筋工程124、混凝土工程145、砌筑工程156、抹灰工程177、粘贴碳纤维布工程198、脚手架工程209、配套工程22七、安全及环境保护措施22一、工程概况专业资料relationship, establishe d equivalent relationship 14, a nd subject: applicati
2、onproblem (4) -scores and percentage a ppli cation problem reviewcontent overview answersscores, and perce ntage application problem of key is: according t o meaning, (1) determinestandard volume (units 1) (2) findassociate volume rate corresponds to relationship, T hen in-line solution.Category fra
3、ction multiplicati on word problem score Division applications engineeringproblem problemXV, a subject: review of the measureme nt of the amountof capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and theirsignificance in rate 1,currency, le ngth, area, volume, unit size,
4、 v olume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonlyuse d time units and their relationships. (Slightly) witha measurement units Zhijian ofof poly 1, and of method 2, and poly met hod 3, and of method a ndpoly met hod of relationship measurementdistance of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimate
5、s16, aangle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge (2)-plane graphics reviewcontent triangle, and edgessha ped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphicsperimeter and area combination graphi cs of area subject : Preliminary knowledge (3)-review of solid content
6、category 1-dsha pes are divided into: cylinder and cone2, column is divided into: cuboid,square 3, conecone of the featuresof cuboids and cubes relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone is slightly solidsurface area and volume 1, size 2, table. 和哈尔滨华美太古广场项目一期A 、B 地块启动区()施工(二标段)工程项目主体、二次
7、结构、室内装饰、水暖电气、消防均已达到竣工验收标准,为了满足业主对工程使用功能及消防的要求,我单位配合甲方对本工程做出新的施工部署。二、编制依据甲方后期下发的梁板加固、楼梯增加施工蓝图混凝土结构加固设计规范GB50367-2006混凝土结构加固构造13G311-1建筑结构加固施工图建筑工程施工验收统一标准GB50300-2001工程测量规范 GB50026-2007混凝土质量控制标准GB50164-2011混凝土外加剂应用技术规范GB50119-2013建筑工程冬季施工技术规程JGJ104-2011建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-2001施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-2005建筑
8、施工安全检查标准JGJ59-2011建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范JGJ80-2011建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范JGJ130-2011民用建筑工程室内外环境污染控制规范 GB50325-2010黑龙江省建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准DB23/ 711- 2003黑龙江省建筑混凝土工程施工质量验收标准DB23/ 716- 2003黑龙江省建筑砌体工程施工质量验收标准DB23/ 717- 2003.黑龙江省建筑地面工程施工质量验收标准DB23/ 718- 2003三、适用范围及施工难度1、适用范围本方案只适用于 哈尔滨华美太古广场项目一期A 、B 地块启动区()施工(二标段)工程新增楼梯、新
9、增板及梁板加固工程。2、施工难度关于梁、板加固,量小且临界外侧安全有隐患,根据现场实际情况及施工程序来计算,复杂而艰巨,现场实际情况随着整个院门的安装和工程已经完工,材料运输不可能一次性到位,存在 24 次二次倒运,所有材料运输只能卸到院门外, 雇佣电动三轮车 +人力搬运到车库顶,再次倒运至各栋号内,目前电梯不允许使用,只能靠人工搬运或抬运至各层施工部位,到达楼层后使用人力 +拖车等运输。垃圾下运及外运过程同前。为尊重市场规律,稳定现场施工人员,我部特恳请贵司针对此项施工单价给予施工前价格确认(现场实际困难、人工降效、难度及市场价格)。(1)此楼梯属于工程完工后改建,首先要拆除原主体现浇梁、板
10、;其次楼梯相交的二次结构墙体同时需要拆除;新增板部位需要剔凿原主体梁。(2)拆除现浇楼梁板 ,框架梁边的混凝土剔凿、钢筋切除、垃圾清理工程量大。(3)已完工程与新增楼梯重叠部位填充墙需要拆除,拆除体量庞大。部分拆除墙体为建筑外墙,必然大面积破坏建筑外立面装饰层及保温层,后期维修工序多,施工量大。(4)新增楼梯的支模体系超高,所以不能按正常支模体系施工,施工中务必会增加施工难度;楼梯结构形式为梁式楼梯,施工工序繁琐。(5)新增楼梯的梁、楼梯平台板以、梯步及LB1 中的钢筋根据图纸设计要求采用后植筋的方式施工,施工难度大和工程造价高。Word 资料relationship, establishe
11、d equivalent relationship 14, a nd subject: applicationproblem (4) -scores and percentage a ppli cation problem reviewcontent overview answersscores, and perce ntage application problem of key is: according t o meaning, (1) determinestandard volume (units 1) (2) findassociate volume rate corresponds
12、 to relationship, T hen in-line solution.Category fraction multiplicati on word problem score Division applications engineeringproblem problemXV, a subject: review of the measureme nt of the amountof capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and theirsignificance
13、in rate 1,currency, le ngth, area, volume, unit size, v olume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonlyuse d time units and their relationships. (Slightly) witha measurement units Zhijian ofof poly 1, and of method 2, and poly met hod 3, and of method a ndpoly met hod of relationship measurementdistan
14、ce of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimates16, aangle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge (2)-plane graphics reviewcontent triangle, and edgessha ped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphicsperimeter and area combination graphi cs of area subject
15、 : Preliminary knowledge (3)-review of solid content category 1-dsha pes are divided into: cylinder and cone2, column is divided into: cuboid,square 3, conecone of the featuresof cuboids and cubes relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone is slightly solidsurface area and volume 1, size
16、 2, table. 和(6)目前处于冬季时间段,哈尔滨地区仅有一家商品混凝土公司仍在生产中,但是由于改造工程的单体楼混凝土体量相对较小,且施工周期长,商品混凝土运输费用将高于平时。(7)业主对于工程的施工周期要求严格,工期短,同时该工程为加固及后期增加工程,所有结构强度均要达到100%后方可进行支撑体系拆除,进而增加了施工材料的投入。(8)为了满足施工质量的要求,施工过程中室内气温必须达到18 。(9)我标段十栋单体位于地下室车库上部,在车库顶屋面施工完成以后,后续施工单位,未能及时进行种植土方的回填,因此所有运输材料的机械不可能在车库上进行重载运输,防止对已经完成的工程造成破坏,所有建筑材
17、料均只能运至三标段围挡外围。(10 )对于以上要施工的分项工程,如拆除主体梁板及二次结构墙体、运输建筑垃圾、运输建筑施工材料,在无垂直运输及水平运输的情况下只能通过人工进行,这时候不能参照平时施工阶段来安排劳动力,务必多耗人力,造成人材机降效。(11 )因哈尔滨特殊原因及室外零下30 度的情况,人工工资为平时工资的3 倍以上。(12 )施工现场已经停水, 施工人员无法在施工现场居住, 每天需要外雇客车运输施工工人。(13 )工程已完成,在改造施工过程中对于已经完成的要做好成品保护工作。四、施工部署根据施工蓝图,对与改造工程做以下初步部署。1、由于工程量庞大,施工作业面充分,施工准备过程中充分考
18、虑现场实际情况,将整个改造工程划分为三个施工段,八个施工过程,以形成流水施工。三个施工段分别是S33-S34-S35-S36、 S37-S38-S44-S45、S46-S47-S48-S49-S50;八个施工过程分别是剔凿、支模板、钢筋绑扎(植筋)、混凝土浇筑、砌筑、装饰修补(抹灰、外保温、真石漆),粘贴碳纤维布及粘钢板,水电改造。2、针对改造工程的特殊情况,所有施工机械设备配置三套以上,所有周转材料(模板、钢.管、扣件等)均不考虑周转,减少机械及材料进场后二次倒运,确保改造工程施工工期。3、施工现场内水平运输优及垂直运输只能通过人工加推车的方式进行施工。五、施工准备1、技术准备(1)熟悉蓝图
19、摸清设计意图和了解设计要求,结合现场施工条件和工程的实际情况,对工程项目做有针对性的研究 ,落实设计存在的问题和未解决问题的解决办法,解决时间。(2)准备施工过程中涉及到的图集与规范。(3)测量工具 DS3 水准仪 2 台、 5m 钢卷尺 5 把;混凝土试模8 套。2、施工机械本工程施工工期紧张,所用到的各类小型建筑机械数量相应较多。根据本工程总体施工部署并结合单项工程施工顺序,拟定施工机械进场计划,按计划要求安排精良的机械设备进场,进行保养和调试。对于小型施工机械设备,根据工程实际需要合理配置。所有机械设备进场后均事先按规划适当的位置停放,小型设备则规划房间集中储存备用。施工过程中钢筋、模板
20、等材料统一运输至围挡外,人工运输到个个施工楼栋,室内采用人工运输到个个楼栋施工作业面;由于施工的局限性所有施工材料在室内施工过程中均由人工完成运输。表一土建施工主要机具序号名称数量备注1搅拌机42钢筋切断机33钢筋弯曲机3Word 资料relationship, establishe d equivalent relationship 14, a nd subject: applicationproblem (4) -scores and percentage a ppli cation problem reviewcontent overview answersscores, and per
21、ce ntage application problem of key is: according t o meaning, (1) determinestandard volume (units 1) (2) findassociate volume rate corresponds to relationship, T hen in-line solution.Category fraction multiplicati on word problem score Division applications engineeringproblem problemXV, a subject:
22、review of the measureme nt of the amountof capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and theirsignificance in rate 1,currency, le ngth, area, volume, unit size, v olume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonlyuse d time units and their relationships. (Slightly) wit
23、ha measurement units Zhijian ofof poly 1, and of method 2, and poly met hod 3, and of method a ndpoly met hod of relationship measurementdistance of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimates16, aangle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge (2)-plane graph
24、ics reviewcontent triangle, and edgessha ped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphicsperimeter and area combination graphi cs of area subject : Preliminary knowledge (3)-review of solid content category 1-dsha pes are divided into: cylinder and cone2, column is divided into: cuboid,square 3, conec
25、one of the featuresof cuboids and cubes relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone is slightly solidsurface area and volume 1, size 2, table. 和4钢筋调直机35电搞76切割机47圆盘据38振捣棒43、劳动力配备我们根据本程建筑结构特点,拟组建瓦工、木工、砼工、钢筋工、抹灰工、架子工、机修组,在项目部统一领导下,实行相互配合、协调作战,杜绝因劳动力衔接不合理或配合不协调而出现停工、误工现象表二主要劳动力计划表砌筑及装修序号工种拆除/
26、改造改造加固1木工2040202钢筋工2030203瓦工00204砼工030105力工2040206抹灰工00207架子工1010108机修工1119电工11110电焊工222.11后勤33312合计771571274、周转材料计划表表三主要周转材料计划表序号名称规 格单 位数量进场时间1钢管48 3.5吨250根据需要进场2扣件万个4根据需要进场3十五夹板1830 915张2000根据需要进场4木材80 厚立方40根据需要进场5油托万个1根据需要进场5、进度计划表四(见附页)六、主要施工方法及技术措施1、主体及二次结构墙体拆除及剔凿1.1 、施工准备1.1.1 、施工技术准备编制拆除施工方案
27、及安全技术交底,并且向项目经理责任工程师及施工人员进行交底。1.1.2 、主要机具机械:电锯、切割机、垃圾清运卡车手动工具:大锤、铁锹、铁钳、垃圾袋、手动推车、扫帚、拖布、墨汁、毛刷。1.1.3 、作业条件A. 主体结构完成;装饰工程完成,并清理现场。Word 资料relationship, establishe d equivalent relationship 14, a nd subject: applicationproblem (4) -scores and percentage a ppli cation problem reviewcontent overview answers
28、scores, and perce ntage application problem of key is: according t o meaning, (1) determinestandard volume (units 1) (2) findassociate volume rate corresponds to relationship, T hen in-line solution.Category fraction multiplicati on word problem score Division applications engineeringproblem problem
29、XV, a subject: review of the measureme nt of the amountof capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and theirsignificance in rate 1,currency, le ngth, area, volume, unit size, v olume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonlyuse d time units and their relationships.
30、 (Slightly) witha measurement units Zhijian ofof poly 1, and of method 2, and poly met hod 3, and of method a ndpoly met hod of relationship measurementdistance of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimates16, aangle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge
31、(2)-plane graphics reviewcontent triangle, and edgessha ped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphicsperimeter and area combination graphi cs of area subject : Preliminary knowledge (3)-review of solid content category 1-dsha pes are divided into: cylinder and cone2, column is divided into: cuboid,
32、square 3, conecone of the featuresof cuboids and cubes relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone is slightly solidsurface area and volume 1, size 2, table. 和B.需要进行拆除的部分已经标识完成。C. 拆除进行前应请监理单位确认。D.进场作业工人安全设施准备齐全,使用工具检查完成,符合施工要求。E.拆除区域和涉及的管线,必须切断水源、电源等,排除一切不安全因素,保证施工安全。F.拆除前在作业区设置安全防护,搭设脚手架
33、设置防护安全网。1.1.4 、作业范围拆除范围:1 后增加楼梯处一层及二层顶梁板拆除2 楼梯墙梁柱与主楼二次结构重叠部位墙体拆除3 后增加楼板处主体梁剔凿4 当拆除墙体为主体外墙时,会破坏外墙外保温及外墙真石漆。1.2 、关键质量要点1.2.1 、质量关键要求拆除过程,必须保证主体结构的完好,严格按设计图纸部位及要点进行拆除。1.2.2 、职业健康安全要求A. 用电应符合施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-2005B.施工过程中防止粉尘污染应采取相应防护措施。1.2.3 、环境关键要求A. 在施工过程中应符合民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规定GB50325 2010B.在施工过程中应防止噪音
34、污染,在施工现场噪音敏感区域宜选用低噪音的设备,也可以采取其他降低噪音的措施。1.3 、施工工艺1.3.1 、工艺流程标识拆除部分成品保护搭设脚手架梁、板、墙面及外保温拆除、框梁边剔凿垃圾.装袋整理垃圾清运1.3.2 、操作工艺(1)标识拆除部分:按照设计图纸要求,上报拆除施工作业内容,得到业主、监理确认后,项目经理部对施工现场需拆除的部分用墨汁进行标识。(2)保护成品:1 由于拆除工程在工程完工后进行,在进行拆除施工前,先对门窗等进行成品保护工作。2 拆除施工过程中,对现场临电二级箱设施注意保护。(3)搭设脚手架:在拆除区域搭设临时脚手架,便于施工;同时设置安全防护网。(4)框架梁、现浇板拆
36、拆除完成后,将大块的垃圾用大锤敲碎,将所有的垃圾用垃圾袋装运成袋,人工运至每栋楼边。保持拆除墙体范围内无垃圾,并用扫帚将施工现场清理干净,用拖布清理地面。(9)垃圾清运:将所有的垃圾用垃圾清运卡车,定期运至垃圾场。1.4 、质量标准1.4.1 、主控项目Word 资料relationship, establishe d equivalent relationship 14, a nd subject: applicationproblem (4) -scores and percentage a ppli cation problem reviewcontent overview answer
37、sscores, and perce ntage application problem of key is: according t o meaning, (1) determinestandard volume (units 1) (2) findassociate volume rate corresponds to relationship, T hen in-line solution.Category fraction multiplicati on word problem score Division applications engineeringproblem proble
38、mXV, a subject: review of the measureme nt of the amountof capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and theirsignificance in rate 1,currency, le ngth, area, volume, unit size, v olume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonlyuse d time units and their relationships
39、. (Slightly) witha measurement units Zhijian ofof poly 1, and of method 2, and poly met hod 3, and of method a ndpoly met hod of relationship measurementdistance of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimates16, aangle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge
40、 (2)-plane graphics reviewcontent triangle, and edgessha ped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphicsperimeter and area combination graphi cs of area subject : Preliminary knowledge (3)-review of solid content category 1-dsha pes are divided into: cylinder and cone2, column is divided into: cuboid
41、,square 3, conecone of the featuresof cuboids and cubes relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone is slightly solidsurface area and volume 1, size 2, table. 和(1)拆除内容必须是业主、监理确认的部分(2)施工现场成品必须保持完好2、模板工程2.1 、施工准备2.1.1 、施工技术准备编制模板工程施工方案及安全技术交底,并且向项目经理责任工程师及施工人员进行交底。2.1.2 、主要机具机械:圆盘据手动工具:手锤、手
42、电锯、吹风机。2.1.3 、作业条件A. 拆除工程完成,并清理现场。B.模板清理干净,引测标高线、楼梯定位轴线。2.1.4 、作业范围模板支设范围:1 后增加楼梯一层及二层2一层及二层顶板空洞处支设顶板模板2.2 、关键质量要点2.2.1 、质量关键要求模板支设过程,必须保证后增加楼梯、现浇板与原结构主体标高相吻合。2.2.2 、职业健康安全要求A. 用电应符合施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-2005B.施工过程中采取相应安全防护措施。2.3 、施工工艺.2.3.1 、工艺流程抄平放线设置支撑体系安放龙骨铺设梁、板模板及梁底起拱钢筋绑扎及混凝土浇筑模板拆除清理2.3.2 、操作工艺(1
43、)抄平放线:按照设计图纸要求,引测标高水准线,楼梯定位轴线。( 2)设置支撑体系 :以每跨 ,每 部 楼梯 为单位立支 撑杆,安 装拉杆,立杆间距 为800800mm ,上下层立杆垂直对齐。 立杆底部垫 10 10cm 木方,长度不得小于 500mm 。立杆双向加水平拉杆,第一道距楼板 300mm ,以上每隔 1500mm 设一道。(3)安放龙骨:以每层标高为依据,以50cm 水平标高线为基准调整支撑立杆高度,并在支托上沿短向安放、固定主龙骨10 10cm 木方,间距 800mm ;在 10 10cm 木方上铺设 8 10cm 木方,作为顶板模板的次龙骨,木方间距200mm ,接头相互错开。(
44、4)铺设模板:在次龙骨上按已排好的拼模顺序依次从四周向中央铺设木胶板,8 10cm次龙骨上独立铺设木胶板,铺设时模板的接头要平整,无高低差。在与顶板接触的梁上上贴10mm 厚、 50mm 宽海绵条,防止漏浆,保证顶板与框架梁阴角处观感效果。(5)模板检查:标高校正完后,支柱之间加水平拉杆,间距1500mm ,水平杆双向设置,同时安装斜拉杆,防止倾倒。(6)模板拆除:遵循先支后拆,自上而下,先拆非承重部位后拆承重部位的原则。拆除时先拆除水平拉杆,后拆除支柱,拆去支撑之前,在次龙骨处增加临时支撑,以确保主龙骨拆完时不至全面脱落。拆模时,操作人员站在已拆除的空隙中,拆去近旁的支柱,使龙骨自由坠落,由
45、近及远,用钩子将模板钩下。(7)清理:模板拆除后及时将板面上砼浆块、灰尘清理干净,同时清理走现场钢管扣件及室内垃圾。2.4 、质量标准Word 资料relationship, establishe d equivalent relationship 14, a nd subject: applicationproblem (4) -scores and percentage a ppli cation problem reviewcontent overview answersscores, and perce ntage application problem of key is: acco
46、rding t o meaning, (1) determinestandard volume (units 1) (2) findassociate volume rate corresponds to relationship, T hen in-line solution.Category fraction multiplicati on word problem score Division applications engineeringproblem problemXV, a subject: review of the measureme nt of the amountof c
47、apacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and theirsignificance in rate 1,currency, le ngth, area, volume, unit size, v olume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonlyuse d time units and their relationships. (Slightly) witha measurement units Zhijian ofof poly 1, an
48、d of method 2, and poly met hod 3, and of method a ndpoly met hod of relationship measurementdistance of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimates16, aangle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge (2)-plane graphics reviewcontent triangle, and edgessha ped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphicsperimeter and area combination graphi cs of area subject : Prelimina
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