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1、中考交际句型及练习 33中王立瑶 1.社会交往(社会交往(Social Communications) (1) 问候(Greetings) Hi /Hello! Good morning / afternoon / evening. How are you? / How are you doing? /How is everything going?/How do you do? Fine,thanks,and you? Very well,thank you. 1. 你怎么样? _ are you? _ are you _? _ is _ _? How _ you _? 2. 很好,谢谢。你

2、呢? Fine, _, and you? 3. 非常好,你呢? Very _ , and you? (2) 介绍(Introduction) My name is. Im a student. Im from England. This is Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms. Brown. Id like you to meet . What do you do ? / What does she/he do?Whats your job? Im a teacher / doctor / worker / farmer / businessman / manager. Where

3、 do you work? I work on the farm/ in the office/ in a hospital Nice / Glad / Pleased to meet (see) you. (2) 介绍(介绍(Introduction) 4. 我来自英国。 _ _ England. 5. 这是. _ _ Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms.Brown. 6. 我想让你见见 _ _ you to meet . 7. 你是做什么工作的? _ do you do ? / What _ she/he do? / _ your job? 8. 我是一名 _ a teacher

4、 / doctor / worker / farmer / businessman / manager. 9. 你在哪工作? _ do you work? 10. 我在农场/ 办公室/ 医院工作。 I work _ the farm / in the _ / in a _. (3) 告别(Farewells) Good-bye / Bye / Bye-bye. Good night. See you later / then / tomorrow / soon. Im sorry I have to go now. (3)告别()告别(Farewells) 11. 稍后/明天/那时/很快见 S

5、ee you _ / _ / _ / _. 12. 很遗憾我现在必须走了。 _ _ I have to go _. (4) 感谢(Thanks) Thank you (very much). Thanks a lot. Thank you for your help. Its very kind / nice of you,but I can. Youre welcome. Thats OK / all right. I really appreciate your help! / It is my honor. / My pleasure. (4) 感谢(感谢(Thanks) 13. 非常感

6、谢。 Thank you _ _. / Thanks _. 14. 谢谢你的帮助。 Thank you _your_. 15. 你真是太好了,但是我能 _ very kind / nice _ you, but I can 16. 不客气 _ welcome. / _ OK. / Thats all_. 17. 我真的很感激你的帮助。 I really _ your _! 18. 这是我的荣幸。 It is my _. My _. (5) 道歉(Apologizes) Im sorry. / I apologize for that. Thats OK. Never mind. Dont me

7、ntion it. (5) 道歉(道歉(Apologizes) 19. 对不起 _ sorry. 20. 我对那个道歉。 I _ _ that. 21. 没关系 _ OK. / _ mind. Dont _ it. (6) 邀请(Invitation) Would you like to go for a walk? What / How about swimming? Yes,Id love to. Id love to, but Im afraid . (6) 邀请(邀请(Invitation) 22. 你想去散步么? _ you like to go _ a _? 23. 去游泳怎么样?

8、 _/_ _ swimming? 24. 好的,我很想去。 Yes, _ love to. 25. 我很想去,但我恐怕 _ love to, but _ afraid (7)请求允许(Asking for permission) May I come in ? Can / Could I use your telephone? Would / Do you mind if I open the window? Yes,please. Sure. / Certainly. / Of course. You bet. Im afraid not. Youd better not. (7) 请求允许

9、(请求允许(Asking for permission) 26. 我可以进来么? _ I come in? 27. 我可以用一下你的电话么? Can / Could I _ your_? 28. 如果我打开窗子,你介意么? _ / _ you _ _ I open the window? 29. 可以,请便。 Yes, _. 30. 当然 _ / _ / _ _ /_ _ . 31. 我恐怕不行。 _ afraid _. 32. 最好不要。 _ better _. (8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulation) Have a good day /

10、 time / journey / trip! Good luck!/ Best wishes! Enjoy yourself! Happy New Year!/ The same to you. Happy birthday to you! Congratulations! 33. 祝你开心/旅途愉快。 _ a good day / _ /_/ _! 34. 祝你好运。 Good _! / Best _. 35. 玩的开心。 _ yourself! 36. 新年快乐! 给你同样的祝福。 Happy New Year! The _ to you. 37. 祝你生日快乐。 _ _ to you!

11、 38. 祝贺你。 _! (9) 请求与提供帮助 (Asking for and offering help) May / Can I help you ? Would you like me to help you? Will you please do me a favor? No,thanks. (9) 提供帮助(提供帮助(Offering help) 39. 我能帮助你么? May / Can I _ you ? 40. 你想我帮助你么? _ you _ me to help you? 41. 你能帮我一个忙么? Will you _ _ me a _? 42. 不用,谢谢。 No,

12、_. (10)约会(Making appointments) Will you be free tomorrow? Do you have time this afternoon? When / Where shall we meet ? Lets make it 4:30. That would be fine! (10)约会()约会(Making appointments) 43. 你明天有空么? _ you _ free tomorrow? / _ you _ time tomorrow? 44. 我们什么时间见面? When / Where shall we _? 45. 让我们定在4

13、:30吧 _ _ it 4:30. 46. 那很好。 That would _ fine! (11)打电话()打电话(Making telephone calls) Hello! May I speak to .? Is that . speaking? Who is speaking? Hello!This is . speaking. Just a moment / second,please. / Hold on. Sorry,I cant hear you. The line is bad. (11) 打电话(Making telephone calls) 46. 你好!我想找一下 H

14、ello! May I _ to ? 47. 你是讲话么? Is _ _? 48请问谁打来的电话? _ is speaking? 49. 我是 Hello! _ is _. 50. 稍等。 _ a _ / second, please. _ on. 51. 抱歉,我听不清你的话。 Sorry, I cant _ you. 52. 线路不好。 The _ is bad. (12) 就餐(Having meals) May I take your order,please? What would you like to eat? Here is the menu. Would you like s

15、omething to eat / drink? Help yourself to some fish. What kind of juice would you like? It tastes delicious. I will pay for the bill. (12) 就餐(Having meals) 53. 可以点餐么? May I _ your _, please? 54. 你想吃什么? What would you _ to eat? 55. 这是菜单。 _ the menu. 56. 你想点些吃的/喝的么? Would you like _ to eat / drink? 57

16、. 请随便吃些鱼。 Help _ _ some fish. 58. 你想要那种果汁? What _ _ juice would you like? 59. 他尝起来很美味。 It _ delicious. 60. 我来埋单。 I will _ _ the _. (13) 就医(Seeing the doctor) 61. 你怎么了? _ the _ _you? 62. 你发烧了么? Do you _ a fever? 63. 你这样多久了? How _ have you _ _ this? 64每天吃三次这个药。 _ this medicine three _ a day. 65. 我头疼/咳

17、嗽/发烧。 I _ a _ / _ / fever. 66. 我脖子疼。 I have a _ _ my neck. 67. 我腿疼。 My leg _. (13) 就医(Seeing the doctor) Whats the matter with you? Do you have a fever? How long have you been like this? Take this medicine three times a day. I have a headache / cough / fever. I have a pain in my neck. My leg hurts.

18、(14) 购物(Shopping) What can I do for you ? I am looking for. What colour / size / kind would you like? May I try it on? I t looks nice on you. What size do you need? I want Size S. Thats fine. Ill take it. (14) 购物(Shopping) 68. 我能帮你做些什么? _ can I do _ you ? 69. 我想买. Im _ _ 70. 你想要什么颜色/尺寸/种类? What _ /

19、_ / _ would you _? 71. 我可以试穿它么? May I _ it _? 72. 它穿在你身上很漂亮。 It _ nice _ you. 73. 你需要什么尺码? _ size do you _? 74. 我想要S码的。 I want _ S. 75. 那很好。我就买它了 _ fine. _ _it. (15) 问路(Asking the way) Excuse me. Where is.? Could you tell me the way to.,please? Which is the way to.? Its about 400 meters from here. T

20、urn right / left at the first / second crossing. You cant miss it. Sorry,I dont know. Im a stranger here. (15) 问路(Asking the way) 76. 打扰一下。请问哪有? Excuse me. _ is? 77. 你能告诉我去的路么? Could you _ me the _ to, please? 78. 那是通向的路? _ is the _ to? 79. 它离这大约400米。 _ about 400 _ _ here. 80. 在第一个十字路口向左/右转。 _ right

21、 / left _ the first / second crossing. 81. 你不会错过它。 You _ _ it. 82. 对不起,我不知道。我也是新来的 Sorry, I _ know. Im a _ here. (16) 谈论天气(Talking about the weather) Whats the weather like today? How is the weather in . ? What nice weather it is! Here is the weather report for . . The high/low temperature will be .

22、 . Its sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy / foggy. The temperature will be below / under / above . (16) 谈论天气(Talking about the weather) 83. 今天天气怎么样?_ the weather _ today?/ _ _the weather in ? 84. 多么好的天气呀! _ nice weather _ _ ! 85. 这是的天气预报。 _ the weather report _. 86. 最高/低气温将会是 The _ / _ _ will be

23、 87. 今天是晴天/多云/有风/有雨/有雪/ 有雾。 Its sunny / _ / _ /_ /_ / _. 88. 气温将会在之下/之下/之上。 The _ will be _/ under / _ (17) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication) Pardon? I beg your pardon? Could you speak more slowly,please? I dont know the word in English. I cant follow / catch you (17) 语言交际困难(语言交际困难(Lang

24、uage difficulties in communication ) 89. 请再说一遍。 _ ? / I _ your _. 90. 你能说得再慢点么? Could you speak _ slowly, please? 91. 我不知道这个单词用英语怎么说? I _ know the word _ English. 92. 我跟不上你。 I _ _ you. (18) 提醒注意(Reminding and warning) Dont forget to . Remember to . Look / watch out! Be careful! (18) 提醒注意(Reminding a

25、nd warning) 93. 别忘记 _ forget to . 94. 记得去 _ to . 95. 小心 _ _ ! _ _! _ _! (19) 劝告(Advice) Youd better go to see the doctor. You should listen to and read English every day. You are supposed to wash your hands first. (19) 劝告(Advice) 96. 你最好去看看医生。 _ _ go to _ the doctor. 97. 你应该每天听和读英语。 You should _ _ a

26、nd _ English every day. 98. 你应该先洗手。 You are _ to _ your hands _. (20) 建议(建议(Suggestions) Lets go and have a look. Why dont you play with me? Why not go there yourself? What / How about having lunch with me? (20) 建议(建议(Suggestions) 99. 让我们去看一看。 _ go and have a _. 100. 为什么不和我一起玩? Why _ you play _ me?

27、101. 为什么不自已去那? Why _ go there yourself? 102. 和我一起吃午饭怎么样? What / How _ having lunch _ me? 2. 态度(Attitudes) (21) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement) All right. No problem. Thats a good idea. Yes,I think so. I dont think so. I cant agree with you more. (21) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement) 103. 好吧。行。

28、_ _ . / _. 104. 没问题。 No _. 105. 那是一个好主意。 _ a good idea. 106. 是的,我想是这样的。 Yes, I think _. 107. 我认为不是这样的。 I _ _ _. 108. 我非常同意你。 I _ agree _ you _. (22) 喜欢和不喜欢(喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes) Hes interested in table tennis. I like / love / enjoy swimming, too. Im fond of music. It is my favorite. She doesnt

29、like it at all. (22) 喜欢和不喜欢(喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes) 109. 他对乒乓球感兴趣。 _ interested _ table tennis. 110. 我也喜欢游泳。 I like / love / enjoy swimming, _. 111. 我喜欢音乐。 _ _ of music. 112. 它是我最喜欢的。 _ my _. 113. 他根本不喜欢它。 She _ like it _ _. (23) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty) Im sure. Youre sure of that. Shes

30、 sure that shell join us. Im not sure whether / if she can come. Maybe / Perhaps youre right. Its hard to say. (23) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty) 114. 我确定。 Im _. 115. 你确定是那样 _ sure _that. 116. 她确定要和我们一起。 _ sure that shell _ us. 117. 我不确定她是否会来。 _ not sure _/_ she can come. 118. 也许你是对的。 _ / _ _rig

31、ht. 119. 很难说。 _ hard to _. (24) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility) He can / may come today. She may not come so early. You cant be in the office now. Maybe he is at home. It is possible that . . (24) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility) 120. 他今天可能来。 He can / may come today. 121. 她也许不会来得那么早。 She

32、_ not come so early. 122. 你现在不可能在办公室。 You _ be in the office now. 123. 也许他在家。 Maybe he is _ home. 124. 是有可能的。 It is _ that (25) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability) He can / cant ride a bike. He is / isnt able to pass the exam. He is / isnt good at football. (25) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability) 125他(不)会骑自行车。

33、 He can / cant _ a bike. 126. 他(不)能通过考试。 He is / isnt _ to _ the exam. 127. 他(不)擅长足球。 He is / isnt _ at football. (26)偏爱和爱好()偏爱和爱好(Preference and hobbies) I prefer the old way. I would stay here rather than go home. Which do you prefer , tea or coffee? I like English better / best. My favorite subje

34、ct is physics. (26)偏爱和爱好()偏爱和爱好(Preference and hobbies) 128. 我更喜欢老的方式。 I _ the old way. 129. 比起回家我宁愿呆在这儿。 I _ stay here _ _ go home. 130. 你更喜欢哪一个,茶还是咖啡? _ do you _, tea or coffee? 131. 我更/最喜欢英语。 I like English _ / _. 132. 我最喜欢的学科是物理。 My _ subject is physics. (27) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans) Ill go w

35、ith you. Im going to visit my uncle this afternoon. He plans to go hiking. I want / would like to make a telephone call to her after class. (27) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans) 133. 我要和你一起去。 _go _ you. 134. 我要今天下午去看望我叔叔。 _ going _ visit my uncle this afternoon. 135. 他计划去徒步旅行。 He _to _ hiking. 136. 我想放学后

36、给她打个电话。 I want/would like to _ a telephone _ to her after class. (28) 希望和愿望(Hope and wish) I wish / hope to become a doctor I hope so. I hope not. (29) 表扬和鼓励 (Praise and encouragement) Very good! Wonderful! Excellent! Well done! Good job! (28)希望和愿望()希望和愿望(Hope and wish) 137. 我希望成为一名医生 I wish / hope

37、_ become a doctor. 138. 我希望如此。/ 我不希望这样。 I hope _. / I hope _. (29)表扬和鼓励)表扬和鼓励 (Praise and encouragement) 139. 做得很好! Well _! Good _! 3.情感(情感(Emotions) (30) 高兴高兴(Happiness and pleasure) Im pleased / happy / glad / to know / hear that. (31) 惊奇惊奇(Surprise) Really? Im surprised to hear that. To my surpri

38、se,he failed this time. . in amazement (32) 安慰安慰(Reassurance) Dont worry. You will be fine! Dont be afraid. (30) 高兴(高兴(Happiness and pleasure) 140. 很高兴知道/听到那个。 _ pleased/ happy/ glad to know / hear that. (31) 惊奇(惊奇(Surprise) 141. 真的么? _? 142. 听到那个我很惊讶。 Im _ to hear that. 143. 令我惊讶的是,他这次又失败了。 _ my su

39、rprise, he _ this time. 144. 惊异地。 _ amazement. (32) 安慰(安慰(Reassurance) 145. 别担心,你很快就会好的。 _ worry, _ be fine! 146别害怕。 _ be afraid. (33) 满意(Satisfaction) Good! / Perfect! I am satisfied with your work. (34) 遗憾(Regret) Im so sorry! Im sorry to hear that. What a pity! Thats too bad! (35) 恐惧(Fear) Im afr

40、aid of that dog. The snake is so scary. (33) 满意(满意(Satisfaction) 147. 很好/ 完美极了! Good / Perfect! 148. 我对你的工作很满意。 I am _ _ your work. (34) 遗憾(遗憾(Regret) 149. 我很抱歉。 _ so sorry! 150. 听到那个我很遗憾。 Im _ to _ that. 151. 真遗憾! What a _! 152. 那太糟糕了。 _ too bad. (35) 恐惧(恐惧(Fear) 153. 我害怕那条狗。 _ afraid _that dog. 15

41、4. 那条蛇太吓人了。 The snake is so _. 4. 时间(Time) (36) 时刻(Point of time) Whats the time? What time is it? What time do you get up every day? When did you come to China? It is half past ten. It is a quarter past / to one oclock. (36)时刻()时刻(Point of time ) 155. 几点了? _ the time? / What _ is it? 156. 你每天几点起床?

42、What _ do you get up every day? 157. 你什么时候来中国的? When _ you come to China? 158. 现在是十点半/ 1点15/ 12点45. It is _ _ _. / It is a _ _ one. / It is a _ _ one. (37) 时段(Duration) How long have you been in this school? I have been here for three years / since three years ago. It takes me twenty minutes by bike

43、. Ive been ill since last month / I came back . (37) 时段(时段(Duration) 159. 你在这个学校多长时间了? How _ have you _ in this school? 160. 我已经在这3年了/自从3年前。 I _ _ here _ 3 years/ _ 3 years _. 161. 我花20分钟骑自行车。 It _ me twenty minutes _ bike/ _ _ bike 162. 从上个月/我回来 就生病了。 _ been ill _ last month / I came _ . (38) 频度(Fr

44、equency) How often do you go shopping? Once a week. Every four days. Always. / Usually. / Often. / Sometimes. / Seldom. / Never. (38) 频度(频度(Frequency) 163. 你多久去购物? How_ do you _ shopping? 164. 一周一次。 _ a week. 165. 每四天._ four days. 166. 一直/总是/经常/有时/几乎不/从不 Always / Usually / Often / Sometimes / _ / Ne

45、ver. 5空间(空间(Space) (39) 位置(Position) Where is the picture? Its on / above / over / in / at / under / beside / near / behind / next to / opposite /across from the table. Its on your left / right. Hainan is in the south of China. It lies in the east / west / northeast . 167. 这幅图在哪? _ the picture? 168.

46、 他在 的旁边/ 相反/对面 _ on / above / in / at / under /_ / near / behind /_ to / _ / _ _ the table. 169. 它在你的左边 / 右边。 Its _ your left / right. 170. 海南在中国的南部。 Hainan is _ the south _ China. 171. 它位于东方/西方/东北 It _ in the east / west / southeast (40) 距离(Distance) How far is your school from here? Its about 40 m

47、inutes by bike. It is about a 40-minute walk / ride / drive / flight. Its about 6 kilometers / miles away (from here). 172. 你的学校离着多远? How _ is your school _ here? 173. 骑自行车大约40分钟。 Its _ 40 minutes _ bike. 174. 那大约是40分钟的路程/车程/航程。 _ is about a _ walk/ ride/ drive/ _. 175. 离这大约6公里/里远。 Its about 6 kilom

48、eters / miles _ (from here). 6存在(Existence) (41) 存在和不存在(Existence and non-existence) Look! There is / isnt a bird in the tree. There are / arent many birds in the tree. 176. 看!树上(没)有一只鸟。 Look! _ is / isnt a bird _ the tree. 177 树上(没)有许多鸟。 _are / arent _ birds _ the tree. 7特征(Features) (42) 形状(Shape)

49、 What does it look like? Its round / long / tall / short. (43) 颜色(Colour) What colour is the bag? Its red / yellow / orange / blue / green / black / brown / purple / white. (42)形状()形状(Shape) 178 它什么样? What _ it look _? 179. 它是圆的/长的/高的/矮的。 _ round / long / tall / short. (43)颜色()颜色(Color) 180. 这个包什么颜色

50、? What _ is the bag? 181. 它是 _ red / yellow / orange / blue / green / black / brown / purple / white. (44) 材料(Material) What is the table made of? What is the paper made from? The table is made of wood. The paper is made from wood. 182. 这个桌子是有什么制成的? What is the table _ _? 183. 桌子是由木头制成的。 The table i

51、s _ _ wood. 184. 纸是由什么制成的? What is the paper _ _? 185. 纸是由木头制成的。 The paper is _ _ wood. (45) 价格(Price) How much is the dictionary? How much are they? The book costs me 100 yuan. Its expensive / cheap. What is the price of this dress? How much did you pay for the book? How much did you spend on your

52、bike? (46) 年龄(Age) How old are you? Im 16 (years old). My brother joined the army at the age of 18. I am three years older than my younger sister. 193. 你多大了? _ _ are you? 194我16岁。 _ 16 (years old). 195. 我哥哥在18岁时参军了。 My brother _ the army _ the _ of 18. 196. 我比我妹妹大3岁。 I am three years _ than my young

53、er sister. 8计量(Measurement) (47) 长度(Length) How long is the bridge? Its 430 meters / feet long. (48) 宽度(Width) How wide is the river? Its about 200 meters wide. (49) 高度 (Height) How tall is your sister? She is 1.60 meters tall. How high is the mountain? (47)长度()长度(Length) 197. 这座桥多长? _ _ is the brid

54、ge? 198. 它430米/英尺长 _ 430 meters / feet _. (48)宽度()宽度(Width) 199. 这条河多宽? _ _ is the river? 200. 它大约200米宽 Its about 200 meters _. (49)高度()高度(Height) 201. 你姐姐多高? _ _ is your sister? 202. 她1.60米高。 She is 1.60 _ _. 203. 这座山多高? _ _ is the mountain? (50) 数量(Number) How many students are there in your class? How much water do you drink every day? (51) 重量(Weight) How heavy is your school bag? How much does your school bag weigh? What is the weight of your school bag? It is about 2 kg heavy. It weighs about 2 kg. (50)数量()数量(Number) 204. 你们班级里有多少个学生? How _ students


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