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1、New econo mic era of en terprise inno vati on man ageme nt an alysis - AppleAbstract:Innovationis the soul of a nation sdevelopme nt, but also the esse ntial factors of the survival and developme nt of en terprises. Research through research on en terprise inno vati on man ageme nt in the new econo

2、micera, through thean alysisof en terpriseinno vati onman ageme nttools,in clud ingthe Carnotmodel, smiling curve, and quality functiondeployment,explore inno vative man ageme nt model. Mean while, Apple Case, comb ing theirhistorical evoluti on, summarizes thecharacteristics of the various stages o

3、f developme nt, and its products include mac, iphone, ipad, ipod and Apple retail stores, App store and other an alysis,profili nginnovation is unique of its management,including itsproduct inno vati on, tech ni cal inno vati on andsalescha nnel inno vati on. inno vati on man ageme nt modelslear nfr

4、om Apple s digital lifestyle hub centeredseizehigh-marg in products desig n and sales process both ends of the model, the successful transformationof China smanu facturi ngen terprises, thecreati onof corecompetitive value, build ing aninno vativelear ningorga ni zati on has a certa in in spirati on

5、.Keywords:inno vati onman ageme nt,en terpriseinno vati on, tech no logical inno vati on, Apple, and cha nnel inno vati on.With the continuousdevelopment of scienee andtech no logy,global competitio n is in creas ing,en terprisescan not succeed in the market place, and must require it to have a Ion

6、g-term and accurate strategic and strong core competitive ness, to create excit ing products, look for clear blue ocean, and constantlyupdate and consolidatethecompany s market share.In 2010, Apple laun ched the ipad and iph on e4, and in 2011 laun ched a to iph one4S product once released, to get a

7、 “ fruit powder ” of vigorously sought after, its selling the degree is evident. According to information issued by Apple official website, in 2011, 10 The first day of pre-sale, on 10 Janu ary, iph one4S exceeded one millio n in the first weeke ndof October 17, 2011 reached4,000,000, ipho ne4S beyo

8、 nd ipho ne4 best pho ne.The popularity of Apple products from its style offashi on as well astech no logyadva need, for itscompetitors, the gully and barriers in surm oun table the full competitive products reflects the foresight of Apple, its innovativemanagementmode as well as new productdevelopm

9、ent philosophy, achieved high sales and high profits for the stro ng support and protecti on.En terprise inno vati on man ageme nt tools overview.Inno vati onis the source of the survival anddevelopme nt of en terprises For en terprises, it is n ecessary to con ti nu ously develop new products or im

10、prove existi ng products. Productsbus in essoperati ons,productdevelopme nt,en terpriseinno vati onman ageme nt, youcan use the followi ng man ageme nt tools:Kano model (Ka no Model.Kano model was proposed in 1979 by the Tokyo University Professor Kano Noriaki product design model based on consumer

11、satisfaction categories according to the degree of consumer satisfaction, product design attributes into excitatory dema nd expectati ons type n eedsand basic n eeds of three categories.The excitatorydema ndfor the majority ofcustomers can not be foresee n, but once developed, willmake con sumers ex

12、tremely satisfied, which is the pursuitof stateen terprise, Apple productsthat meet the theexcitatoryn eeds of con sumers,the desiredtypeofdema ndmeans better performanee,if the productis toachievehigh customer satisfacti onwill bring,onthecon trary, it will reduce the customer satisfacti on, the ba

13、sic dema ndis the threshold of the products to en ter themarket if the new product does not meet this class n eeds will be con sidered in complete.Smile curve (Smili ng Curve.Smile curve in 1992 by the the Acer company s founder Stan Shih, he thinks a chain like a smile curve, n amelyresearch anddev

14、elopme ntand sales ofhigh-value-added in the both ends of the smile curve, low value-added in the smile curve the middle of that production.,enterpriseswant to get more profits, mustwork to shift the focus to R & D or sales, and partial outsourcingmanufacturingto lower-costcountriesandregi ons.M

15、anu facturi ng in R & D and sales in the end,they aresubjectto containcostsandprices, notonlywithoutanybarga ining power and1 morebroughtgreatpressuretothecountry ortheregi on,such ashighcon sumptio n of resources, en viro nmen tal destructi on and suppress workers labor.Quality Fun cti on Deplo

16、yme nt (QualityFun cti onDeployme nt.Quality Fun cti on Deployme nt orig in ated in Japa n inthe 1960s, is well-k nowncustomer-orie nted approach toproductdevelopme nt,which are widely used inmanu facturi ng and service in dustries, the purpose is the pursuit of high customer satisfaction. Among the

17、m, the House of Quality (House ofQuality quality functiontocarry out the core, it is a balaneed tool to determine customer n eeds and product or service performa nee.Second, Apple s innovative case studies.The life of Steve Jobs (Steve Paul Jobs is lege ndarylife, he not only foundedApple (Apple, In

18、c., more save Apple, Apple s products are well known, he changed the whole IT world, created the computer revoluti on.Apple can be said that a decade s fastest-growing, most inno vative compa ny of the most eye-catch ing, many Apple products have bee n recog ni zed by con sumers, such as iph one, ip

19、da, ipod, these products areno velappeara nee and ease of operati on to win market share.This part of the test by the in-depthanalysis ofApple s productinnovation,technicalinnovation,andcha nnel inno vati on,Explorati onexcit inginno vatio nman ageme nt mode.A digital life hub - Product Inno vati on

20、 occupy the lead ing positi on.In 2001, Steve Jobs (Steve Paul Jobs presented Apple s “digital lifestyle hub ” concept in developed coun tries, and eve n some develop ing coun tries, there are already a lot of people are accustomed to using a mobile phone, MP3, digital camera and a video recorder, S

21、teve Jobs (Steve Paul Jobs is targeti ng such a class of people that the Big Apple machinecan be developedinto acontrol and the integrateddigital lifestyle hub“ SteveJobs (Steve Paul Jobs, Apple s products seen as both the con trol software, but also to con trol the comb in ati onofhardware, this st

22、rategic visio n, the PC in dustry is sec ond to none.(1 orig inal tren dsett ing, compatible with in creasedadva ntages.Apple s products are based on innovation knownfor inno vati on is the soul of a n ati on, is a source of profitfor an enterprise.Almost become a symbol of thedirecti on of the in d

23、ustry in the electr onics in dustry, Apple products, Apple s new product is not and more, every year, only 2 to 3 of these products, however, has become the object imitated by other electro nics manu facturers, on behalf of the industry s most advaneed level.In the early days, the storage space of a

24、 traditi onalMP3 player is very small and can only accommodate one-hour song. First ipod, however, changed the limits, which canstoreup to more tha n 1,000 son gs,state-of-the-art ipod for Apple The compa ny has earned a lot of profit. latest ipod, itouch4 almost have all iphone functions, for a tim

25、e, occupied a large share of theelectro nicsmarket,in cludi ngMP4, MP3, andeve noccupati on of the game con sole market share, the other electro nics manu facturers compet ing to imitate.Ipad listed in 2010, instantlyattracted people sattention.Ipad is a product positioning between thelaptop and the

26、 smart phone is the first Apple product that can run in their own brand on the chip A4. A4 is the n eed low power con sumptio n and high process ing speed of the new gen eratio n of mobile devices specifically desig ned A4 en abled iPad can work con ti nu ouslyfor 10 hours.continu ous work of long t

27、ime, very high requireme nts for the mach ine, which also meet bus in ess people as well as games The fans dema nd, is the ipad yet ano ther key to success.Whether it is a product of Apple which, once listed, there will be a rush of imitators Apple as a pion eer of the new products, naturally occupy

28、 higher profits, enjoying the innovationas a “first ” , Apple brought results, andtheir inno vative ideas, lead ing the trend of the times.Innovativeat the same time, Apple also draw theless ons of the previous cooperati on with other compa ni es, enhan ced compatibility and versatility of the produ

29、ct, sothat it no Ion ger seemed so Ion ely.First, Apple started usi ng In tel CPU.2007 years, Apple s Big Apple machines are replaced by the Intel chip, and thus, the Big Apple is not only operate on windows operating system, but also the useof windowsapplicati on software, applicati on software, Ap

30、ple company attaches great importanee to cooperation and Microsoft.People can use their familiar office software in the Big Apple on, no Ion ger have to worry about the problem of software difficult to lear n to third, Apple ipod, iph one only n eed to in stall the iTunes software, you can connect w

31、ith ordinary computers, purchased from the In ter net or Free genuine softwareto the end of 2006, the iTunesMusic Store dow nl oadbus in ess once occupied by thelegal music downloadmarketin North America 82%.“ iPod + iTunes for digital music dow nl oads has become more simple.Apple s real innovation

32、is not limited to thehardware. Outside but that hardware accessory products, for example, users can dow nl oad a variety of software to meet their needs, as long as the user wants to find theappropriate software, can be put in the hands of Apple products cha nge as a game con sole, a music player or

33、 even a laptop wireless Internet the ipad an ad on Descripti on:“ Today, we can watch the n ewspapers, liste nto magaz in es, and movie n est together, as well as on the phone meet ing, we cancha ngethe classroom toany where, and eve n the stars can also be at your fin gertips, With ipad today.“In a

34、ccessories, Apple also con sider very comprehe nsive and uni fied appeara nee of Apple products, have a different chassis, colorful design, making the original Apple products become personalizedand lively,each The consumer has the right to design their own Apple products, desig n and gradually tur n

35、ed into a kind of enjoyme nt.These innovations,it is Apple s mosthumaneplace, it set an in dustry pion eer in the image, at the same time to open the gap between the brand, so that all fun cti ons are able to service for Apple products, but also makes consumersmore able to accept The new Appleproduc

36、ts.(2 high prices lead the high-endmarket, the PFPprice broade n the mass market.Loyal “ fruit powder ” were high prices and not block their love of Apple products and the purchase, they care more about the Apple productinno vati onandfashion, but for the average person, the high prices are prohibit

37、ive .Con sumer accepta nee of high prices from its brand loyalty For en terprises, the high price means high profits based onthefirst quarterresultsof2012, Appleannouncedthequarter (2011October -January 2012betwee ndoubli ng profits year- on -yearto $ 13.1 billi on,equivale nt to earnings per share

38、of $ 13.87, and reve nue rose 73% to $ 46.3 billion at the same time, Apple s thirdquarter 2011 net profit were 59.9 billio n, $ 7.31 billio n and $ 6.623 billio n, its high profit staggeri ng.Apple compa ny has become a veritable“ expe nsiveApple. ” However, with the development of scienee and tech

39、 no logy, con sta ntly updated, and elim in ati on of the market, Apple is bound is not possible to have a long period of high profits.of similar products,With the con ti nual emerge neeeon sumers can use a similar product gradually in stead of Apple products, Google (Google developed An droid syste

40、m has bee n in stalled in cludi ng HTC, Sams ung and other major mobile phone, its operation is simple, the price PFP is not a small challe nge for iph one for ipad, ipod, there are many alter native products on the market, these products are to compete on price, the differeneeinfun cti on ality,and

41、 Apple is not fun dame ntally,whichmakes Apple The compa ny must recon sider the n egative impact of high prices and high profits.Therefore, Apple in 2011 are startingto changetheir high-priced strategy, start to seek a breakthrough on the part of the product, to create the People First price, i n o

42、rder to wide n the mass con sumer market. Apple TV, for example, which is the main Apple to enter the digital home applia nee market However,con traryto theexpectations of the public, this apple TV gross profit of only $ 62, acco unts for only 20.7% of the price of this and the high-e nd price befor

43、e Apple is completely incon siste nt.Ano ther example comes from the Un ited States to12sell the iph one 4s, the best 2-year con tractfor $ 199Motorola Droid Bionic, and its competitive product available to Veriz on Wireless, the 2-year con tract price of $ 300, T-Mobile offered Galaxy S II a nd HTC

44、 Amaze 4G to $ 230. precisely because of this pric ing strategy makes the iphone 4s in the first week after the list ing sold 4 millio n un its, so that ordinary con sumers can easily have.In the eyes of most consumers, Apple is still represe ntative of the high-e nd and high prices. But now, Apple

45、is the gradual tran sformati on strategy, high prices tend not to have a high market share and a scie ntific and tech no logicalprogress era, no matter what kind ofproduct, after the baptism of the market can quickly find similar alter natives,eve n if the desig n and fun cti on alitydoes not like A

46、pple products, but savvy consumerscanalways find the most suitable products and the right price, in this way, these products may not Apple products.As San Fran cisco VC in vestors prec on cepti onsandthe practice prides itself on a broader range of cultural disciplines informing the studio output (S

47、tewart Alsop evaluati on of Apple products,“ they are not cheap, but isno Ion ger con sidered a high-priced products. ” In deed, 13Apple products have graduallybegan to focus on themass market, into the lives of ordinary consumers , its price and quality, more and more people to accept. posted in th

48、e free papers Downl oad Cen ter 2. grasp the desig n and sales links - tech no logical inno vati on and cha nnel inno vati on.Apple s strategy and the value of the smiling curvehas the same meaning as the one hand, Applehasdeveloped a variety ofno veltyproducts, so thatconsumers dizzying the other h

49、and, Apple s broad saleschannels, the full-featuredproducts to send to everycorner of the world. profitslower processing,Apple isoutsourc ing to China and other develop ing coun tries with lower labor prices in order to make a profit.(1 smili ng the curve front end - revoluti on ary desig n aspects.

50、Steve Jobs returned to Apple, attaches great importa nee to the cultivati on of inno vative tale nts. Apple outsta ndingtale nt to become the core competitive ness,far beyondits competitors in the design of the Appleproducts.Bold and inno vative in order to motivate employees, Apple created the Appl

51、e Fellows Program (the Apple Fellows, Program Apple Fellow is the highest honor gran tedto those who have madeoutsta ndingcontributions to Apple employees Apple to electronic scie ntists at the same time also means high salaries and stock opti on s.,“Apple Fellow and have the freedom to dothings rig

52、ht, which seems a Harvard Un iversity professor, you can do any of the things of interest. addition,ShidiCardiff Jobs has been Apple s core design team kept in a small number of employees under his direct leadership feel their value as well as the resp on sibility of Apple, has a very positive role

53、to in spire their creativity.Apple s design never pursuit of the range of the nu mber of Apple is develop ing more tha n 40 products of the project in 1997, had just retur ned to Apple, Steve Jobs took overasinterim CEO of thecompany,it willbereduced to four, even in today s , Apple s products are n

54、ot basedonthe number to winthe hugevarietyofproducts and can not be stated that this is an inno vative enterprise, on the contrary will distract the attentionofthe enterprise,companieswishingto cover everything, but all things to all loss.Apple is a desig n characteristics are reflected in the simpl

55、icity of its product desig n on their products n ever up and down too much effort in appearanee,uniformorwhite or black cab in et, eve n let con sumers are difficult to detect productreplaceme ntbrought aboutcha nges inappearanee,but precisely because of this simple andcasual look to become eter nal

56、 fashi on icons of the young people in the eyes, and also allow people to keep in mind in repeated con tact Apple products.(2 smile curve end - in teractive marketi ng link.Apple products to achieve success in the electro nic products on the market, not only because of its unique desig n, but also b

57、ecause of its in teractivesales model,con sumers actually receive the miraculous effect of Apple products, the experie ntialcon sumpti onhas becomeApple one of the most successful strategies.Apple retail is un doubtedly successful, which makes hundredsof thousands of ordinary consumers to touchApple products first Apple retail stores ope ned in the state of Virginia,in the United States, Since then, a growing number of Apple retail stores everywhere in the world, Apple s sales brought great achievements As of 2009, the


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