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1、Explorati on mathematics teachi ng skillstrai ningPapers n etwork:the traditi onalteach ing practiceactivities, the cultivationof studentslanguage skillsoften are consideredthe Language teacher and mathteacher very easy to overlook the cultivati on of stude ntsIan guage skills in the classroom teach

2、 ing, the stude nts in the class to an swer or com mun icate with classmates ofte n due to lack of oral and writte n com muni cati on skills, lack of integrity,shouldat least be rational and contentaccuracy can not be properly elaborated to express their own point of view. then how to train students

3、 in the teach ingof mathematicsIan guageskills? ability ofstude ntsto express my opinion,from the followi ngaspects:,Concerns the expressionof the students mathematicalkno wledgeStude nts should un dersta ndand accept some form from the in sights and perspectives of others, or oral or writte n expre

4、ssi on or body posture, the use of a com mon Ianguage or mathematical language to express their thoughts andun dersta ndingofknowledge, so you want to focus on students mathematical kno wledge full activity of the stude nts, the experienee, based on understanding, teachers guide the studentswith a m

5、ore intuitive expressionincludingafocus on studentexpressionof concepts, laws, rules,formulas such as lear ning area un its of un dersta nding of this part of the kno wledge, more vivid expressi on in the form instructions.ask students to say 1 m2 how somestudents stretched out his arms, and said: T

6、his is about one meter, four sides so long surro un ded the square area of about one square meters, so have stude nts speak: I would like to ask three stude nts to come to the front, Let four people with ope n arms, surroun ded by a square, the area of & #8203;the square is one square meter. several

7、 stude nts surroun ded the square size and give stude nts left a deep impressi on on the stude nts un der the guida nee of teachers, through a form of visualexpressi on area un itsa”ma deeper un dersta nding andform a consensus:“ sidelen gth 1m square area of& #8203;1squaremeter.“ stude ntsn eedexpe

8、rie nee with fullownexperie neeof Ianguagetoexpress mathematical kno wledge, accurate mathematicalIan guageexpress mathematical kno wledgeformati onprocess. Therefore, stude nts should be allowed to capture the esse nee of property with a differe nt Ian guage and way express the same kno wledge, arg

9、ue, in teractive, group excha nges and gradually formed a consen sus.Second, concern about the expression of the students problem-solving processTeachersconcerned about the expression of the students problem-solv ing process, it is n ecessary to pay atte nti on to the followi ng two questio ns. Teac

10、hers have raised the issue of the brokendismembermentstudents overallexpressi on of ideas, but to n urture the stude nts to express comprehensiveand logical one to prevent, for examplestudenthas masteredadditionand subtraction mixedoperator operator man ageme nt, the title of this practice can be ar

11、ranged “ There are 15 people on board, the stati on and the n out, the n the nu mber of people on board, there will be several could it be? ” problem situations to provide students with such open space for thinking and expressionproblems:“ When on the train than get offpeople for a long timeand whe

12、n the car came from aman than get off . when on the train and get off the nu mber“ Second Note also that the ability to trainstude ntsto use the associated expressi ons mathexpressionmore accurate,rigorousin this part of theknowledgeof the teachingbalanee games (a equationnature (a, for example, stu

13、dentsby operatingsegmentanalysis generalizethe equationon both sides plus (orminus the same number, the natureof the equation stillholds the stude nts to tell their own un dersta nding of thetalk on the plus (or minus the “ understanding,but arenot Say the n ature of the problem to this point, teach

14、erscite coun ter-examples, such as: 50 = 50,50-20 and 50 +20is equal to this? students immediately realized that the“ plus (or minus the ” esse nee of the meaning of Links tofree paper dow nl oad Cen ter same n eed in our daily mathteach ingstude ntsassociated words to express their own ideas, such

15、as“so, but also becauseso ” .Third, concerns the expressi on of the students mathematical experienee Teaching Case pieces: with the rema in der of the divisio n.Presented a problem:“ 21 people went by boat,each boat limit by 4 people need at least a few boat? ” Report with 21/4 = 5 (stude nts try to

16、 do . (pers on to solve this problem. 21 stude nts to rent at least several boats? on how to answer this question, the students engaged in a fierce debate. A is representedby the studentsthinkshould rent five ships, represe nted by B stude nts thi nk we should rent 6 boats so I tried to please every

17、 party represe nted prove their own ideas. C stude nts, said:“ 21divided by 4 is not equal to more tha n 5 1? Therefore, I think that five ships. ” the D students immediately retorted:“ not one person left it? If five ships that 1person how to do? “ that 5 boats, a classmate once said: ” Let this ma

18、n and the other children on board he squeezed it! “ E students immediately said:” It is too risky,easy to capsize F said:“I would like to add that to the E,the kids read ing, the book is not writte n on the limit by 4?such a boat is 5 personal friends! “ F, then immediately drew most of the students

19、recognizedWhile I secretlycheer (admire so bold exchange students have courage, with self-c on fide nee, and admire the stude nts have such a uniqueexchangeperspective, has a personalitywhenstude nt excha nges, A stude nts forced not to be to sta nd up and say: “ Not 1 person left? Let s find a lear

20、ning differe nee, the bad discipli ne the stude nts do not let him on board!, five ships not eno ugh?” A the n as if a swordpierced the quiet atmosphere, but also shocked me, as a teacher, I really did not think a ten -year-old child tur ned this idea to treat students such a cold and almost cruel h

21、eartless especially mentioned“bad learning, disciplineand poor ” , are temporary learning difficulties, became not let him participate in the activities of the reason? However, I d like to hear how the students in the class immediately lively, stude nts thirty-two flocks, about, I do not stop them,

22、but to indicate the students to express their own point of view. stood up and loudly replied:“Ifyou do that the students, you are willing to do? the” G ,then get the class consistent with enthusiasticapplause.At this poin t, I asked a timely manner whether Stude nt A recog niti on of every one s poi

23、nt of view, the A stood upand said: “ That or rent 6 boats! ” clap to en courage me to take the lead for him. classroom situati on un der review : stude nts more tha n how to solve a few problems through cooperati on and excha nge, which is of course importa nt,but I thinkthat the acquisitionof know

24、ledgeis moreimporta ntthan thestudents is themani festatio nof thestudents affectiveun ity,fraternitystude nts,teachersmust respect eachstude nts,whichwe usuallyalwaysmen ti on ed,but let the students maybe very difficult toun dersta ndthroughthis less on,stude nts excha ngeamong remind each other, help each other, to reach un ity,frien dship, mutual respect and consen sus, teachers respect and care of students is reflected in the nuances, really can be said spring rains moisten things silently In short, the pu


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