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1、2012 Chi na In ternet In dustry Survey Report(Research papers Downl oad n ews) recalled the past in 2012, the scale of Chi na s In ternetin dustry steadily,applicati on services,inno vati onandcontinu ousdeepe ningof then ati onaleconomy and social lifein flue nee to further enhan ce, stimulate econ

2、o mic recovery con ti nues to be an active force.One, the In ternet in dustry has mai ntai ned steady growth, become a driving force of economic recovery highlights.2012, China s Internet as a whole to maintain a good momentumof steady growth. According to ChinaIn ternetNetwork In formatio n Cen ter

3、 statisticsshow thatas of the end of 2012, the number of Internet users in Chi na reached 564 millio n, Internet pen etrati on was 42.1%, comparedwith the end of 2011 and in creased3.8perce ntagepoin ts. IPv6 address nu mber 12535/32,represe nti ng a substa ntial in crease of 33.4% in the global ran

4、king from June 2011 to elevate the first 15 to 3. Domain total to 13.41 million, compared to growth rate reached 73.1% the previous year, of which. CN domainnames a total of 7.51 million, compared to the same period last year in creased by 112.8 perce nt, acco un ti ng for the total nu mber of Chin

5、ese doma in n ames ratio reached 56.0%, according to iResearch statistics, in 2012 the first three quarters of Chi na s In ternet economy as a whole scale, respectively, 840 millio n yua n, 94.34 billio n, 109.19 billi on yua n, respectively qoq in crease of 12.3% and 15.7%, maintaineda strong momen

6、tum, the scale of China sInternet economy to GDP ratio betwee n the first quarterof 2011 from 0.50% , the third quarter of 2012 rose to 0.86%, the network economy in China s economy in creas in gly prominent role in the ongoing finan cial crisis,the world economy sluggish growthenvironment,theIntern

7、et in dustry, reveali ng a rare developme nt activity, as slow econo mic crisis an importa nt force.Dyn amicgrowth of Chi na s In ternetin dustry,mainly reflected in two aspects: First, the infrastructureand the popularity of mobile Internet and broadband networks both force and become a new engine

8、for the development of the Internet industry of mobile users to quickly in crease the proporti onof mobile Internet hasproporti ontha n desktop computers on li ne, broadba ndpen etratio nspeed project was officially laun ched,broadbandprices further down, in order to lay a solidbasis for the prosper

9、ity of the applicatio n, the sec ond is in thebus in essmodelexplorati onandapplicati onpromoti on, e-commerce,on li nepayme nt,in sta ntmessag ing,social n etwork ing and otherthe rapiddevelopment of the field, to promote the Internet as informationconsumptionled China to expand domesticdema nd to

10、become the new engine.Second, the mobile In ternetin dustrystructurecha nge, cha nge user behavior, and further affect the social mode of operati on.2012, Chi na s mobile In ternetusers, applicati onlevel, the terminalspread, market size all showed rapidgrowth. In dustry and In formati onTech no log

11、yMin istrystatistics show that as of the end of November 2012, the nu mber of mobile users in China has more tha n 1.1 billio n, of which 3G users more than 220 million, 3G user pen etrati on rate of 20% to Qianyuan Ji smartph one as thereprese ntativeof the rapid spread of mobileInternettermi nal,2

12、012,millet,Huawei, ZTE,represe ntedby thedomesticsmartphoneshipments are expectedto morethan 100 milli on.Accord ingto Ai MediaCon suit ingstatistics, third quarter of 2012, China s smart phone market sales reached 49.8 million, growth of 31.1%, an in crease of 154.9 perce nt,China s smart phone use

13、rsreached 330 million. Ministry data, as of the end of November 2012, China s mobile Internet users reached 750 millio n (termi nal coun t), CNNIC survey report shows that as the end of December 2012, mobile phone users reached 420 million,accounting for the proportion ofInternet users rose to 69.3%

14、 from the previous year s 74.5 perce nt, the first major In ternet termi nal status is more secure mobile Internet subscribers over the Intern et, triggeri ng market structure cha nges.In an open platform and application store model under the guidanee of the mobile Internet in the music, electricity

15、 providers, games, search, locati on services, local com mun ity and other areas of in dustrial value highlighted.Sina open microbloggingplatform, Baidu, Sogou opensearch platform, Taobao, Jingdong ope nelectr onicbus in ess platform, Alipay, easy to ope n payme nt platform Alipay, 360 ope n tools p

16、latform, the three major telecom operatorscon ti nue to build their bus in ess and ability to ope n platform ope n platform, the in troducti on of part ners, based on win-win cooperati on platform into the mai nstream.2012, iPh on e, iPod Touch and iPad platformsfrommore than 730,000 lines of applic

17、ation on-line, Google Play nu mber of applicati ons reached 700,000, Microsoft in 2012 authorized and issued more tha n 75,000 models of new applicati ons and games, the domestic China MobileMM platform Applications close on 150,000, more than3.7 millio n registered developers, Tencent applicati on

18、Bao,91 mobile assistant, 360 mobile assistant, Tianyi space, such as ING Market applicati on store is also boo ming. AppStore has become a major market for mobile Internet applications become the development of a powerful booster of mobile In ternet.It should be no ted that the nu mber of households

19、in 2012 exceeded 200 millio n micro-credit, micro-cha nn el,m chat applicationssuch as OTT, is the traditional voiceand SMS services form the impact, the mobile Internet bus in ess challe nges to traditi onal com muni cati on services further.2012, to terminals,platforms and services for themai n co

20、mp onents of the mobile In ter net in dustry system has been the overall development of China s Internet industryis greatly changing the pattern of behavior ofInternet users and even dramatically change the way of life, and fromgover nmentto further affect socialorga ni zati on to all walks of life

21、runs.Third, the e-commerce into a newbus in essinf rastructure.Jingdong Mall, Suning Tesco, United States online store staged 8.15“electricity supplier Three killed, ” thetotal sales reached 19.1 billionyuan by the Lynx andTaobao launched a “double 11” shopping carnival, 110million users, 2.05 milli

22、on a “cargo sweepingsquad ”targeting “double 12 ”0:00 cargo sweeping,in 2012several typical events, stir the domestic retail industry patter n, highlight ing the power of e-commerce blowout, the consumer market,“ nibble ” amazing ability .2012, Alibaba s Taobao and Lynx total tradingvolumeexceeded1t

23、rillio nyua n.Accord ing totheNatio nalBureauof Statistics,China s2011GDPamoun tedto 47.2trillio nyua n.Con trast,turnoverofabout 1trillio n2per cent ofGDP, totalretailsalesnatio nwide.2011 18.39 trillio nyua n, equivale ntto $ 1trilli on of its total turno ver 5.4% of the tran sacti on amountsecond

24、onlytoGuangdong,Shandong,Jia ngsuandZhejia ngsretailsales of consumer goods,even morethan onthelistof Yunnan,Guizhou, Gan su, Xinjia ng,Hainan, Nin gxia and Qin ghai comb in ed.Behind the popular online shoppingmarket, thetraditionalretail industryhas eclipsed Retailing 38 listedcompa nies to publis

25、h third quarter results, 11 more tha n last year, operat ing in come decli ned,acco unting,refrainfrom net profit fell to a 16, acco unting for over 40% of the face of the competitive electricity supplier,traditionalcommercialenterprisesto actively “electric shock ” totake various measures to cha ng

26、e the mode of operati on, the establishment of online mall, the use of online and offli ne impleme nt competitive differe ntiati on, use microblogg ing,micro-cha nn el,APP and other In ternetmeans to change the marketing channels and means to stre ngthe n in teracti on with con sumers, enhance user

27、stick in ess, thus driv ing the market sales.E-commerce has become an emerg ing commercial infrastructure, online shopping has become China s newgrowth point of commercialcirculati on,stimulateecono mic developme nt in a huge space.Fourth, cloud computi ng to bus in ess applicati ons, internet bus i

28、n ess experie nee is worth lear ning.Ministryof Industry and actively carry out pilotdem on strati onof cloud computi ng, as at prese nt, theMi nistry of the NDRC and the Mi nistry of Finance join tly laun ched a total of 16 pilot projects .2012 years, various types of cloud computingsolutionsto fur

29、ther mature,cloud applicatio ns have started to promote the traditi onal in dustries of in formatio n tech no logy wave, while bringing a huge new market space, is expected to“ Twelve Five ”period, China s cloud computing industry chain to scale up to 750 billio n to 1 trilli on yua n.Internet compa

30、 ni es, IT compa nies and three major carriers, etc., have launched cloud computingsolutions,con stitutes a Chin ese cloud comput ing services of severalcamps. ChinaTelecom Tianyicloud,China Unicom sEn terprise Cloud, Ch ina Mobilehavelaun cheda greatcloud platformto Alibaba,Baidu,Qihoo360, asrepres

31、e ntedbythe grand Internet companiescomb inetheir operations,developme ntof various cloudplatform15that provides cloud hosti ng, cloud storage, cloud an tivirus,open databases and other resourcesand websites cloudservices, games, cloud, etc. stop host ingservices, anu mberof Internetcompa niesPaaS p

32、latform hasattractedhundredsof thousandsof developers whosettled way through into the developer to achieve awin-win situati onwith the In ternetcompanies will cloudcomputi ngto commercial applicati ons for cloudcomputi ng Otherfields of applicati on have accumulatedvaluable experienee for the next s

33、tage of development and marketi ng in dustry serv ing as a model.Cloud computi ngpromotes large data n etworksbased on the rapid developme nt of precisi on marketi ng,Internetcompaniesto seize the opportunitiesof large data, and actively explore the in ternet marketi ng. Many provinces of the countr

34、y will be big data as a strategic developme nt directi on of large-scale producti on, storage, shari ng, applicatio n data big data era has arrived. Taobao,Tencent, Baidu, etc. have in creased R & D in vestme nt, the in troducti on of large data-based precisi on marketi ngsupport servicesoluti o

35、ns,big data applicatio ns, which bega n to take shape.Fifth, the social and cultural life of the In ter net s in flue neeto furtherstre ngthe nand deepe n, asreprese nted by mieroblogg ing social media fun eti on has bee n further play.2012, as represe ntedby microblogg ingsocialmedia spread positiv

36、een ergymakes then etworkin creas in glybecome agatheri ngplace.Accord ingtoCNNIC statistics, as ofthe endof December2012,China s microbloggingusers scale of 309millio n,represe ntingan in creaseof 58.73million by theend of2011, I nternet users mieroblogg ing enhance the end userratio tha nsix perce

37、 ntage poi nts to 54.7%.mobilemicroblogg ing users reached 202 milli on, ie 65.6% of the micro-blogusers to use mobile termi nals to accessmicroblogg ing .2012 November, i n Sina ope ned a certified public serva nts and gover nment in stituti ons exceeded the nu mber 60000 microblogg ing, Tencentope

38、 nedongovernmentagencies and certified micro-Bardon 70,000civil serva nts, gover nment microblogg ing audie nee n early200 millionpeople micro- Bo opened on the platformparty in stitutio ns and public serva nts microblogg ing more than 10,000 (12,000) People s Daily, Xinhua, CCTV and other cen tral

39、n ews media have also ope ned a micro-blog, quickly attracted a nu mber of one millio n fans.From the “ best driver ” to “ the most beautiful teacher ” ,“ the most beautifulpeasantwoman ”“ beautiful police ” , “ beautiful ” This buzzwords, making 2012 the n etwork is full of positive en ergy. Microb

40、logg ing corruption,in order to provide an effectivecommunitysupervisionmeans of publicmicrobloggingusers getmore atte nti onand support,the main streammediaauthority issued in combatingrumors, attackingsocialevils, promote positive en ergy played an importa nt social in flue nee.Microblogg inghas b

41、ecome the gover nmentin formati on disclosure, liste n to voice of the people, show a good image of the new platform, show ing treme ndous impact on social life force.Six, complex network information security issues, Internet health, healthyen vir onmentgraduallyestablished.With the Internet on poli

42、tical, econo mic and sociallife and to penetratedeep into the integrationof otherin dustries, on the one hand for the in dustry to provide a favorable environmentfor further development,on theother hand, due to people s in creased depe ndence on the Internet, but also to raise Internet security a hi

43、gher dema nd. Accordi ng to CNNIC statistics, 84.8% of In ternet users come across in formatio n security in cide nts. In ter net in formati onsecurity issues are stilloutsta nding,in formati on security situati on is not optimistic, the various“ black chain, ” repeated the need to further regulate

44、developme nt of the Intern et,stre ngthe n the gover nanceof the Internet as well as the user informationand theprotecti on of pers onal privacy in formati on .2012 May, the State Council issued &It;&It;About vigorously promotethe developme nt of in formatio n tech no logy and effective information

45、security a number of opinions >> requirements, “ Twelve Five ” period, To ensure that critical in formatio n systems and basicin formatio nnetworksecurity, informationresources and strengthenthe protection of personal information, researchthedevelopme nt of n ati onal in formati on security st

46、rategy and pla nning,stre ngthe nthe n etworktrust system andpassword protecti on, to enhance n etwork and in formati on security regulatory capacity.December 28, the NPC passed the &It;&It;on thedecisi on tostre ngthe nthe n etworkin formatio nprotecti on& gt; >,from in dividualcitize ns to prot

47、ectelectronicinformationstarting on the governancejunkelectro nic in formatio n, n etwork ide ntity man ageme nt and networkservice providers and networkuser obligationsand responsibilitiesGovernmentdepartmentsand otherregulatory resp on sibilities made clear stipulati ons. < ;&It;>> release

48、 of the decision, you can better protect the network and information security, and safeguarding n atio nal security and public in terests.Cen tral propaga nda office, the Min istry of In dustry and In formatio nTech no logy,Mini stryof Public Security,State Administration for Industry and other netw

49、orks to carry out the clea n-up remediati on black market n etwork of water army, telecom muni cati onsfraud and otherspecialoperati ons,effectively purify then etworken vir onmentfor An droid, iOS and other mobile phoneoperating system has broke SMS fraud vulnerabilities, malware, adware code, stea

50、li ng traffic, i nvasio n of privacy and eve n steal user money and other issues, the Mini stry of In dustry and In formatio n Tech no logy to carry out special operati ons, speed up the establishme nt of mobileIn ternetwith malicious programs adverse reports,an alyz ingand disposalmecha ni sm.above

51、 to furthersta ndardize the developme nt of the Intern et, to carry out Internet gover nan ce, the establishme nt of Internet health, healthy en vir onment has played an importa nt role.2013 Trends judgme nt2013,n etize nscontinued steady growth, thenumber of mobile phone users hit a new high, IPv6 large-scale commercialapplicati onofn etworkinf rastructure support capabilities further enhan ced as a solidfoun dati onfor


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