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1、Applicati on An alysis of complia nee risksembedded in the commercial bankman ageme ntAbstract:commercial banks sig ni fica ntviolati onsare ofte ncaused by the abse nee of atte nti onandimpleme nteffective complia nee risk man ageme nt ofcommercial banks to consciously strengthencomplianeerisks emb

2、edded management, improve complianee risk managementof commercial banks quality and level, inorder to create favorable eon diti onsfor the susta in abledevelopme nt of the commercial ban ks.Keywords:commercial banks; complia nee risks;embedded man ageme ntIn recent years, China s banking industry ex

3、posed major violatio ns abo und, serious banking finan cial and reputatio n loss. Main reas on of the banking sector is not regarded as an important risk managementcomplianee,complianeerisk is not Banking focus of risk. now theemerge nee of a large nu mber of bank complia neeriskin sta nces, complia

4、 nee risk caused the focus of the banking sector of China s banking industrymust be a carefulianalysis and research itself facing complianeerisks, andefforts to solve them .An accurate grasp of the meaning and sig nifica nee of the complia nee risk man ageme ntComplianee, ordered commercial banks op

5、erating activities consistentwith the laws, rules and guidelines.Complianeerisk refers to the bank for failing to followcomplia neelaws, rules and guideli nes,which may besubject to legal san cti ons or regulatory pen alties, the risk of significantfinancial loss or loss of reputation.Task ofcomplia

6、 nee risk man ageme nt is the timely detecti on and to stop the risk as well as result ing destructi on sometimes, complia nee risk refers to the in tegrity of the risk, because the bank s goodwill sometimes its eonsistently adhered to the prin ciple of hon esty and in tegrity and fair deali ng prin

7、 ciple closely related. in order to meet theregulatoryrequireme nts of the regulatory authorities, the bank must take effective the policies and procedures of the complia neerequireme nts toen surethat the bankman agers to take appropriate measures to remedy in case of violati on of the laws, rules

8、and sta ndards.Complianee is a core of banking and related finan cial in stituti ons risk man ageme nt activities, improve the effective complia nee risk man ageme nt mecha nism is the basis for theimpleme ntati onof a risk-basedregulatory complia nee risk throughout the whole process of the banking

9、 bus in ess, in volv ing all employees of the Bank level, at any time, any where may produce complia nee risk, the only banks man age their complia nee risk, regulatorycomplianeeregulatory agencies may beeffective. banks, irregular operations, the risk of moral hazard is long been plagued by restric

10、ting banks to the healthy developme nt of the main factors, the root cause lies in the country s banking sector has not been complia neeas a riskman ageme ntactivities, morecomplia nee as an importa nt source of risk to man age, for a long time complia nee Therefore, the bank is n ecessaryto changet

11、heirideashas notbeen a bank focusedonareas ofrisk.Ba nkin itiativeto avoid offendingthein cide nt,takethein itiativetoide ntifyandtakeappropriatemeasuresto correct the violatio nshaveoccurred,theirjob manual isa system and practiceseon ti nu ousrevisi oncyclecycle. Complia neeriskman ageme nt proces

12、s is to build the bank foun dati on and the core of the core eleme nts of the complia nee with the Bank s cost and risk control,returnon capital andoperating effective internal control mechanisms have a positive relati on ship, complia nee can create value for the bank.Second, the existing compliane

13、e risk management of commercial banks in China(A) complia neerisk man ageme ntdid not paysufficie nt atte nti on. First, most banks are re-expa nd, and light alloys complianeemanagement is importantafterthe management,light advanee preventionis importantto perform the layer operation personnel manag

14、ement, light man ageme nt pers onnel eon stra in ts.(B) complianeerisk managementmechanismshould be further improved. Complia nee man ageme nt is not perfect, the the vertical complia nee risk man ageme nt system has not fully formed and some banks, especially small and medium-sizedbanks, has not es

15、tablished anin depe ndent complia nee risk man ageme nt departme nt to co-ordinationof the complianeerisk management,have not formed tran sverse to the edge, vertical in the end of afull and comprehe nsivecomplia nee risk man ageme ntframework. complia nee risk man ageme nt resp on sibilities disper

16、sed. complia nee man ageme nt and some small and medium-sized banks by acco un ti ng credit bus in ess sectorself-regulatio n,this live on their own, their own way ofcomplia neeman ageme ntmode,making complia nee riskman ageme ntcan not beeffectivelyindependentof theoperat ingfun cti ons,un ifiedorg

17、a ni zati onandcoord in ati onat the same timedue to the lack of adedicated man ageme ntdepartme nt,makes complia neerisk management and some overlap and repetitionandman ageme nt, some un clear, a man ageme nt vacuum.(C) complianee risk managementregulationsand systems operability is not strong. Cu

18、rre ntly, complia nee risk man ageme nt can not fully meet the n eed to guard aga inst and defuse finan cial risks, can not meet the the banks prude nt bus in ess and banking supervisi on n eeds. Lack of some of the bank s in ter nal a uniform set of complete,comprehensive scientific complianee risk

19、managementrules and regulations and operating rules,many systems provide a rough, roughly of the fuzzy phenomenon, the lack of maneuverability.incentiveandrestra int mecha ni sms for complia nee risk man ageme nt is not perfect, reward efforts to smaller, lighterpunitivemeasures.Links to free papers

20、 Downl oad Cen ter three, the implementation of the complianee risks embedded man ageme nt, improve the banking sector an ti-risk capabilityThrough the in troductio n of a comprehe nsive complia nee risk embedded man ageme nt mode, and strive to improve the timeli nessand effective nessof riskman ag

21、eme nt, complia nee man ageme nt Kon g, resp on sible for the match to promote the in ternal checks and bala nces mechanismto play an effective role of the commercialban ks, so that the en tire line risk man ageme nt capabilities and bus in essdevelopme ntto achieve the overallcoord in ati on and ma

22、tch ing,thecon structi on of the“ Green Bank ” to providemore effectiveprotectioncomplia nee. complia nee risks embedded man ageme nt, is based on processes and job resp on sibilities,bus in essprocesses related links in the implementationof the requireme nts and provisi ons of the releva nt laws, r

23、ules, guidelines and the Bank s rules and regulations, the impleme ntatio n of in ternal con trol with the process,improveprocesseon trolcapabilitiesandpers onnelexecuti onsystemto enhance the effectiveness of themanagementsystem of complianeerisk, inorder toeffectivelyaddressand correct in thebus i

24、n essin followestablishedrulesthecomplia neefailureslead toin effective impleme ntatio n of internal man ageme nt rules and operat ing procedures.(A) to be in complia nee risk man ageme nt embedded in the culture of complia nee if the bank up and dow n strict complia nee with the high sta ndards of

25、ethical con duct, the n the bank s complia nee risk man ageme nt is the most effective board and senior man ageme nt should take series of measures to promote the con structi on of the bank s organizationalculture, engage all employees(in clud ing senior man ageme nt) can comply with the laws, rules

26、 and sta ndards of con duct banking bus in ess. banks in the formation of the internalcomplianee departmentsshould follow the Basel Committee on BankingSupervisi on accorda nee withthe prin ciples andcomplia needepartme ntsshouldsupport man ageme ntdepartme nts to promote the professi onal con duct

27、based con structi onvigorousvibra ntculture of complia nee,therebycon tributi ngto theformatio nofefficie ntcorporategovernanceenvironment.establish a set ofeffectiveman ageme ntof the various types of riskoccupati onal norms of behavior and ways of doing thin gs;and within the bank, to form a stron

28、g complia nee culture,so that every oneComplia nee All employees must haveadequate professi onal care, i ntegrity of pers onal eon ductand good risk aware ness and behavioral norms ; with in the bank to have a clear resp on sibility and acco un tability,as well as the appropriateincentiveand restrai

29、ntmechanisms,the formation of all employees of courseresponsiblefor his occupation and the positions wherethe work atmosphere, and gradually formed a culture of complia nee,which for banks to effectively man agecomplia nee risks, i nclud ing risks is esse ntial.(B) To be implemented in complianee ri

30、skman ageme ntprocess procedural embedd ing process con structi on work, the releva nt requireme nts of the laws, rules, guideli nes and the Bank regulati ons syn chro ni zati onembedded in the corresp ondingpart of the bus in essprocess, i n order to further clarify job resp on sibilities, andstre

31、ngthe njob con stra ints establishedpositi onsofauthority and the seriousness of the process operation guide,con ti nu ouslyimprove risk man ageme ntandcontrol capacity constraintsat all levels of managementpersonnel,vigorously improve the operation of every employee on the specific bus in ess proce

32、sses complia neesense of discipli ne, sta ndardize operati ons resp on sibilitiesand levels, therebystre ngthe ningthe process fullmonitoring and management of risks.Institutions at alllevels, i n all bus in ess lines and a full li ne of work, to en sureeffective complia nee with laws, rules, guidel

33、i nes, and Bank regulations,so that we avoid legal sanctions, regulatorypen alties and loss of reputatio n; con crete work, not only preve nt in sura nee, check in sura nee for the task, but also to payatte nti ontoprofessi onal director for riskperspective, although there are hazards or defects but

34、 has a higher potentialformarketingvalue ofa specificbus in ess,made and gave a positive recomme ndati on,con sulta ncyandassista nee.especiallycomplia neeman ageme nt and bus in ess developme nt n eeds con flict to be dealt with in accorda nee with the prin ciple of“ the riskis con trollable, and w

35、hether the ben efits can be measured to help the bus in ess sector to actively preve nt risks, optimizati on and in tegrati on process be improved.(C) to build an in tegrated man ageme nt systemto improve the level of complia nee con structi on build ingbus in ess complia neesystem, the system of pers onalresp on sibility and complia nee supervisi on and evaluati on system Trinity managementsystem, clear risk of majoroperati onallinks bus in ess processes prompt accesseon diti onsrestricti ons cut into eon diti ons, the basicrequirements of the


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