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1、Acti on-orie nted pedagogy in vocati onalsec on dary educati on teach ing an alysisAbstract econo mic and tech no logicaldevelopme ntof vocati onal educati on raised new challe nges that require the goal of vocati onal educati on, professi onal curriculum, skills-based tra ining model and other appr

2、opriate reforms.Actio n-orie ntedteach ingprin ciples and practice ofteaching from both the research work in vocationalandtechnicaleducation can improvestudents innovativeability, creativity, professi onal activity, with curriculum and teachingmaterials, teaching building, teaching staff andteaching

3、 resources to providenew educational buildingstrategies for vocatio nal high school stude nts professi onal compete nee, social skills and other requireme nts of the corresp ondingin crease in the degree of in tegratio n,agood grasp of skills and be able to update, compleme nt and exte nd their kno

4、wledge and skills, and have the flexibility to adapt to market cha nges and inno vati on.Keywordscon structivistlear ningself-evaluati on of acti on-orie nted teach ing a wide ran ge.iAn alysis of moder n vocati onal educatio n from vocati onal educationin the historical period in which the point of

5、view, the high overall temperature in gen eral, the impact of various types of high school en rollme nt, and a variety of factors,the status and role of vocational education isbeing un fairlytreatme nt,vocatio nal schools, in creas ingsurvivalby in recent years the theoryof our schoolfreshme n level

6、, skill level and ability to acquire kno wledge of the comparative an alysis of the gen erally poor quality of today s students, the overall quality of the year by year, stude nts gen erally lack positive spirit, motivati on to learn, self-aware ness is poor. traditi onal teach ing methods ofte n ma

7、ke vocationaleducation courses teaching the theoryand practice operati ng out of touch, differe nt professi ons and different courses of horizontal penetration is not eno develop high-quality tech ni cal vocati onalschools workers are difficult to achieve the goal, so we only reform teach ing

8、 methods and teach ing methods and the associated test methods and materials process ing to reform, to cha nge the curre nt status of the low quality of stude nts, improve their overall quality to meet the bus in ess dema ndfor tale nt. vocati onal educati on havenew life, and vocationalschools in o

9、rder to survive and develop.2.Acti on-orie nted pedagogy features.Action-oriented(Handlung-sorientierung is a form ofteach ing methods, teach ing programs, teach ing methods, teach ingmethods, teach ing system,acti on-orie ntedpedagogy course evaluatio n is a new con cept, a complete model of vocati

10、onal education, A new trend, whichemphasizes the cen ter of the lear ning process of stude nts,teachers,orga ni zersof thelear ningprocess andcoord in ati on of people, teachers follow the con sultati on,pla nning,decisi on-mak ing,impleme ntatio n,mon itori ng,evaluation, the complete action proces

11、s sequenee(Germa n Federal In stitute for Vocati onal Educati on, 1991,in teaching and studentinteraction,studentsin their hands on practice, job skills, knowledge acquisition, learning to know, learning to do, learn to live, learn to survive four capacity. to foster and develop students powersofobs

12、ervatio n,problem-solv ingskills andstude ntsandeve nmoralimag in ati on, creativity, practical han ds-on ability, values. thecon ceptoflearnin g-orie nted teach ing for lear ningThe teach ingguidelines,emphasizingthe studentsmotivati on andin terest in lear ning the glow of the trai ning.3.Actio n-

13、orie ntedpedagogy in the teachingoutli ne.Actio n-orie ntedteach ingto helpstude ntsaccess to in formati on, skills, values, ways of thinking whe n, to teach them how to lear n, so that stude nts can improvein the future easier and more effective ability to learn, stude nts not on ly gained kno wled

14、ge and skills, but also tomaster thelear ningthe process.acti on-orie nteds critical abilities.pedagogy emphasis is on people3.1 clear teach ing objectives of vocati onal educatio n is to train stude nts in key compete ncies, focus on professionaleducationat the same time, ability andquality of trai

15、 ning can not be ignored because it is the lay stude nts as well as professi onal kno wledge n ecessary for life longlear ning,the com monfoun dati onof basickno wledge .3.2 in tegrati on of teach ing content accord ing tothe characteristics of vocational school studentsmustbreak the shackles of mat

16、erial frame secti on, the cohere nt integrationof knowledgetogether, the book knowledgeand in tegrate the reality of the situati on and establish new fields of study. All the bus in ess n eeds, orie ntati on training to adjust the teaching content of the reading,listeningand speak ing ability, abili

17、ty to judge, an alytical ability into teaching, teaching students the content closer to the reality of life, more practical.3.3 the use of diversity of teach ing methods for stude nts to become true masters of the classroom, create a harm onio us, lively, vibra nt atmosphere of teach ing the teacher

18、 to guide,in spire, adjust based, flexible andeffective teaching methods and a variety of teaching methods, optimizethe structure of the classroom toimprove lear ning efficie ncy.3.4 ope nteach ingevaluatio n.Change the final word type of evaluation methods, students usually pay more attention to th

19、e ability of expression, there are writte n tests, oral in terviews are also inno vative,comprehe nsive assessme nt of the ability of stude nts.4. Action-orientedpedagogy in the teachinglearning strategies. To constructivistpsychology-basedbehavior-orie nted desig n lies in teach ing stude nts how t

20、o desig nbetterlear ningcon structivist lear ning theoryemphasizes the role of the learner s cognitive subject, without losing sight of teachers the guidingrole of theteacher is to help the con structi on of meaning, facilitator, rathertha nimpart ingkno wledgeandin stilli ngthestude nt is the mai n

21、 body of in formati on process in g, is the active con structi on of meaning, rather tha n passive recipients of external stimuli, and were taught object through its theoretical an alysis can be see n, is con ducive to teach ingstude ntsself-studyin clude the followi ngcomp onen ts:self-exam in atio

22、 n,the teacher talks, thecreati on ofproblemsituati on,to stimulate in tri nsicmotivatio n,in depe ndentresults of evaluati on.lear ning,groupdiscussi on,the5.Work inteach ingtheapplicatio nofacti on-orie ntedteach ingin action-orientedlear ning,the behavior is to achieve a given set their own learn

23、ing goals or learner s conscious behavior, studentschoosefrom a variety of possibilitiesof action. Action,he canpossible to predict the consequencesof action, through action plan , learners can consciously, targeted impact on the en viro nment.acti on-orie ntedlear ningcorepurpose is to expa nd and

24、improve the in dividual mode of operation, the key is thestudent s initiative andself-responsibility,emphasizingstudents learningprocess of criticism and feedback will be acti on-orie nted learning theory, cog nitive lear ning process comb ined with professi onalacti ons, in dividualacti ons and the

25、 stude ntslearning process and requireme nts for the outside world actionspace together,expandedspace for studentbehavior and improve the in dividual acti on, the role ofcapacity for innovationand problem-solvingskills todevelop and promote the developme nt of a great role to thetraditi onaldiscipli

26、 nes in the releva nt content(professi on al-based,professi onaltheory, specializedcourses and practical classes are combinedto form oneoverall lear ning areas for stude nts to lear n, it will not only improvelear ningefficie ncy, more importa ntly, for stude nts in the teach ing of kno wledge into

27、the ability toaccelerate the process. Cen ter 5.1 emphasis on lear ning in the field of teach ing is the teach ing of vocati onal trai ning, a complete breakdow n of discipli ne-based teach ing system, thekno wledgerequired by area of ?activity of the comb in ati on,todevelop a teaching plan learnin

28、gareas, learning areasaccord ing to the requireme nts of the appropriate teach ing learning. Therefore, the fieldorga ni zati onin theapplicationof teachinglearning to pay attentionto theteach ingfield to prepare professi onal activities,activity-orie nted,and in accorda nee with learni ngunits to t

29、he specific design of learning content. So that theoreticalkno wledgecomb ined with practicalapplicationsand learningareas of the framework of thepla n provides for specific Applied behavior-orie nted approach to teach ing stude nt-ce ntered, stude nt ability is improved as a sta ndard for evaluatio

30、 n and assessme nt, toestablish a scientificand effective classroom teachingevaluati on system. the purpose of exam in ati on , method,content of teaching activities and teachinggoals with astrong guidi ng role.scie ntificexam in ati onof theestablishmentof new teachingideas and abilities ofstude nt

31、s and assessme nt, it may impact on the traditi onal test methods, for vocatio nal schools should be based on professi on al,curriculum specific circumsta nces,the testmethods should be to make the n ecessary reforms.5.2 Applicatio n of pluralistic evaluati on mechanismin the traditionalteaching met

32、hodsunderevaluation,the student s role is passive. Most of theevaluati on of teachers to stude nts is to look at the results, so the developme nt of vocati onal educati on stude nts can use a more accurate evaluation of measurement The method is very important. Herman ?阿斯科贝克 and Win ter by the study

33、 reflects the curre nt trend of progressin educationalevaluati on: lear ningandassessme ntpoint of viewshifted fromthe cog nitivebehavioralperspective.from pen andpaper test toevaluate theauthe nticity.成长记录袋. evaluationof multiplein tellige nces. only emphasizes pers onalevaluati onfrom evaluati ont

34、o the group.Applicationdiversifiedteach ing and assessme nt to mobilize stude nts to activelyparticipate and promote their lear ning and developme nt, studentdevelopmentneeds of the external drive, willevaluatethroughoutthe whole process of stude ntlearning, en courag ing stude nts to develop the in

35、 tegrati on of qualitativeevaluatio nof qua ntitativeevaluati on,impleme ntati on and operati on of all theteach ingcon diti ons are in cluded in the scope of the evaluati on, the evaluators with specific emphasis on evaluationof thein teracti on con text in the evaluati on of the authe nticity of p

36、ractice, you can use 成长记录袋,small group activities and consultationstandardsand other auxiliary methodsto evaluate stude nts in dividualdiffere nces,to adopt apluralisticevaluati onmecha ni sm-basedevaluati onprocess, different from the traditional written exam ination of a variety of evaluatio n met

37、hods of in tegrati on, do not say that is not a wise move.Con text-richlear ningen vir onment5.3 Brow n(JSBrow n and so onsituati on al lear ningcon cept, i n areal sce nariobyallow ingstude ntstocompletetheoperati ontocarry out the task ofteach ingtheauthe nticity oftheEducati on (Authe nticE-durat

38、io nandbased on their own to overcome the victory, treatment project in the difficulties and problems in order to stimulate the en thusiasm of stude nts, orga nizing stude nts to participatein the real content of thedesig n,impleme ntati onandman ageme nt,and fullimplementationof the project to comp

39、letethe task ofteach ing process. It is a moder n en terprise of professi onal con duct as the goal, emphasiz ingthe comprehe nsiveability of students to develop a comprehensive teaching method is employed to achieve zero distanee posts of vocational school studentsin a good way to learn.acti on-ori

40、e nted teach ing approach focuses on the field of teaching,and students a comprehensiveknowledgeofcomprehe nsiveability, in specificteach ingof theimpleme ntati on process, relying on school resources through the establishme nt of the small bus in ess sector, the use of corporate wealth of project o

41、bjectives and technical resources to achieve objectives related to the establishment of teaching to the teachingtask-drivenmain orga ni zati on process to achieve teach ing objectives, is that each teacher must seriouslycon siderandissues. based onstude ntcontinu ousimproveme ntachieveme nt,kno wled

42、ge structure, lear ning ability,personalitycharacteristics, with other men and women,which is complementary to the main form of the main results with good and poor performa nee, i ntroverted and extroverted with other, fully mobilize the in itiative of stude nts. carried out by a team of social surv

43、eys to collect data, search ing for their own projects, en thusiasm for the studentsto enable students to enter a new levels ofemoti on, un dersta nding the realm of the teacher to teach subjects for mastery, ready to answer all kinds of issues raised by stude nts,for stude nts to createlear ningsit

44、uati ons, to develop collaborative lear ning atmosphere, learning to play thein itiative,to enhance theirprofessi onal aware ness, to develop their lear ning ability.5.4 teachers new ideas to improve the professi onal quality of teachers. Since the impleme ntati on of action-orientedpedagogy, teache

45、rs graduallychangethe traditi onal teach ing of the old con cept, to establish a people-ce nteredteach ingphilosophy, to developstudents competency-based,teachers from the teaching shift to guide the main emphasis onguida neeand coun seli ng,bus in ess skills of in dividualteachers dema nding.Teache

46、rs can not only orga nize andman ageconven ti onalteach ing, with a more solidacademicfoun datio nof kno wledgeandin formati onprocessingcapabilities, but also with projectplanning,projectmanagementand projectevaluationand otheraspects of kno wledge and ability, which un doubtedly is a full-Teacher

47、newchalle nges,teachers should bestrengthenedto carry out research activities to enhanceteachers teaching and research. Social developmentof the technical requirementsof diverse tale nts, the reform of vocati onal educatio n are beingcon ductedin teach ing theapplicati onofaction-orientedteaching,depending on the object ofteach ing,teach ingcontent,teach ingandlear ningen vir onment and other specific circumsta nces. Any kind of teachingmethods are not independent,si


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