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1、An alysis of in come tax expe nse un der thenew in come tax acco un ti ng sta ndardsSummary:Mi nistry of Finance issued newguideli nes, the in come tax acco un ti ng theory and method has un derg one a fun dame ntal cha nge from the tax payable method, the tax effectacco untingmethodcha nge in the b

2、ala nee sheet liability method in acco un ti ng for assets to be con firmed, book value of liabilities and the tax basis for calculati ng the taxable temporary differe nces and deductible temporary differe nces, deferredin cometax assets and deferred tax liabilities and eventuallyfellout of curre nt

3、 in come tax expe nse tie.Keywords:in come tax, temporarydiffere nee,the bala nee sheet liability method, i ncome tax expe nseMinistryof Finance issued a <<AccountingStan dards for En terprises No. 18 - In come tax> > The criteria for new ideas, using the internationallyacceptedsta ndard

4、 bala nee sheet liability method, in come tax acco unting, new bus in ess acco un ti ng system with the exist ing guideli nes on in come tax acco unting recog niti oniand measurement of the concept is entirelydifferent.In come tax expe nse is acco un ted for on the an alysis of theissues in order to

5、 better understand and implement the new guideli nes, accurate acco un ti ngof in come taxexpense.First, on in come tax acco un ti ng Finan cial acco un ti ngand tax, respectively, follow a differe ntprinciple,serve different purposes. Financialaccountingmust follow gen erally accepted acco unting p

6、rin ciples, its purpose is to truly and completely reflect the financial con diti on, results of operati ons. Tax is assessable for thepurpose of Accord ing to econo mic ratio nality, fair taxati on, pro-competiti on prin ciples, to determ inethe taxpayershould pay the tax from the tax point of view

7、, mainly to determ ine the compa ny s taxable in come to the operati on of en terprises and other in come for in come tax, therefore, i n accorda nee with finan cial acco un ti ng profits calculated in accorda nee with the tax law with the taxable in come results are not n ecessarily the vis

8、i onsonSecond, the orig inal system, thein come tax acco un ti ngPrior to the en actme nt of thenewin cometax guideli nes, the main in come taxacco unting and tax impact of the tax payable method of accountingmethod. To meet the tax law is the currentpre-taxacco un ti ngprofit and taxablein comethed

9、iffere nee betwee n in come tax expe nse recog ni zed in the period were its features, the curre nt in come tax expe nse and taxable in come in accorda nee with curre nt applicable rate of tax payable. the impact of timi ng differe nces in the amountof the proceeds are recog ni zed as in come taxexp

10、e nse in the curre nt period, or decreas ing in the curre nt periodin cometax expe nse. tim ing the impact ofdiffere ncesin the amount of in come tax in the finan cialstateme nts are not reflected as a liability or asset tax effect accountingmethod, is the issue of timing differencesinin come affect

11、 the amount deferred and allocated to future periods. the tax effect acco un ti ng,in cometax isconsidered a cost, and in conjunctionwith the relatedin come and expe nses in cluded in the same period, in order to achieve the ratio of in come and expe nses in the tax rate un cha nged,the in come tax

12、expe nse of taxablein come * Applicable= timi ng differe nces in tax rates +deferred tax credits arising from (- reversal of timing differences resultingdebitin tax rate changes, if thedeferral method, i ncome tax expe nse = taxable in come * Applicable tax rate + curre nt occurred tim ing differe n

13、ces aris ing from the amount of deferred tax credits - this issue of tim ing differe nces aris ing from the amount of deferred tax assets + current reversal of previously recognized deferredtax assets amount -thephasereversalofpreviously recog ni zed deferred tax credit amoun t. liability method,in

14、come tax expe nse=taxable in come*Applicable tax rate + current timingdifferencesarisingfrom the deferred in come tax liabilities - curre nt period of time differe nces aris ing from the deferred in come tax assets + curre ntreversal of previously recog ni zeddeferred in come tax assets - curre nt r

15、eversal of previously recog ni zed deferred in come tax liabilities, curre nt tax rate cha nges as the in troducti on of new taxes or reducti on of the deferred in creas ing in come tax assets or deferred tax liabilityadjustment- change in current tax rate asadjusted by the in troducti on of new tax

16、es or the reducti on of deferred in come tax assets or deferred tax liabilities.Third, the new sta ndard on in come tax acco un ti ng un der the provisi ons ofNew guideli nes forthe use of in come tax bala nee sheet liability method, in come tax, by compari ng the assets on the bala nee sheet of ass

17、ets and liabilities shall be determ ined in accorda nee with acco untingsta ndards,the bookvalue and inaccordanee withtax law to determinethe tax base,respectively, for the differeneebetween the two taxabletemporarydiffere ncesand deductible temporarydifferences, recognition of deferred tax liabilit

18、ies and related deferred in come tax assets, and on this basis, the in come stateme nt in each acco unting period the in come tax expe nse. the core of the new in come tax acco un ti ng report ing sta ndards shift from the in come stateme nt bala nee sheet. tax basis of assets is book value of asset

19、s of an enterpriseto recover the process, when calculatingtaxable in come un der tax rules can be deducted from the taxable amount of econo mic in terests, that the assets in the future use or final disposal, costs or expe nses allowed as deducti ons in the tax amoun t. liabilities of the tax base,

20、is the book value of debt mi nus the future taxable in come duri ng the calculati on of the amount may be deductibleunder tax rules the amount usually the case, assets are in itially recog ni zed, its recorded value and tax basis is the same, but in the subseque nt measureme nt process due to accoun

21、ting rules and tax law, there may be cause of its book value and tax base differences recognition and repayme ntof debt is gen erally not affect the profit andloss, it will not affect their taxable in come, the tax base is the book value, but, i n some cases, liability may affect the recog niti on o

22、f gains and losses. book value and tax basis is the differeneebetween the temporary differences aretemporary differe nces that may arise may be mai nly in the followi ng situati ons: First, the depreciatio n of fixed assets, depreciati on methods and differe nt. Second, the shari ng of intan gible a

23、ssets marketi ng methods and the differe nt amortizati on periods.Third, the cost of amortizati on ofintan gibleassets create their owndiffere ntassets,impairme nt losses Fourth, differe nt. Fifth, equity method in vestme nt earnings on Ion g-term equity in vestme nts and other related project ident

24、ification and measurement of different Sixth fair value through profit or loss financial assets, finan cial liabilities, fair value measureme nt model of the differentreal estate investment.Seventh, or amatter of the formati on of non-realizati on of the differe ntliabilities. eight is certa in in a

25、dva nee, payables, in come the cost to gen erate recog niti onand measureme ntdiffere nces. Temporary differe nces are due to assets, book valueof liabilitiesand theirtax basisdiffereneeinwhenthebook valueof assetsis greaterthan thetaxbase,taxliability is less tha n book value basis for taxable temp

26、orary differencesin determining thefuture ofthediffereneerecovery ofassets orliquidationof liabilities duringthetaxable in come, thetaxable amountwill result intemporary differencesreverse in future periods, it willin crease back to taxable in come duri ng the period and the amount of tax payable, s

27、o the result ing the curre nt period should be recog ni zedas deferred in come tax liabilitiesand when the book value of less than the tax basis of assets, liabilities, book value is greater tha n the tax basecan begen eratedwhe n the deductibletemporarythe futurerecovery of assets or liquidationof

28、liabilitiesduri ng thediffere nces.thediffere neein determ ining13amount will result intaxable in come,the deductibleiden tifiedprojects can produce temporarydiffere nces(such as: constructioncost and losses and tax creditsdeductibletemporary differe nces,after the confirmationtemporary differences

29、will reverse in future periods to reduce back to taxable in come duri ng the period, to reduce future taxable in come duri ng the period, so in the period should be recog ni zedas deferredin come taxas assets, liabilities,assets. In additi on to the above, not of the temporary differe nces , can be

30、the cost of corporatein come tax acco un ti ng.accord ingto the bala nee sheetliability method of in come tax cases, i ncome tax expe nsecon sists of two parts. In come tax expe nse = In come tax + deferred in come taxOf which: Curre nt tax = acco unting profit + (- TaxAdjustme nt * applicable tax r

31、ate, deferred in come tax =(end of deferred in come tax assets, liabilities - deferred tax liabilities, beg inning of period) - (end of deferred in come tax assets - beg inning of deferred in come tax assets Deferred in come tax liabilities = taxable temporary differences * applicable tax rate, defe

32、rred tax assets for deductible temporary differe nces = * applicable tax rate.Fourth, the comprehe nsive exampleEstablished in January in 2009, using the balanee sheet liability method,in come tax expe nse, in come taxrate applicable to 25% profit in 2009 amounted6000millio n tran sacti ons or eve n

33、ts occurred that year, there are differe nces betwee n acco un ti ng and tax law project(12009 of December 31, the company accounts receivable bala nee of $ 500 milli on, 200 milli on provisi on for bad debts, tax law, corporate end acco unts receivable bala nee by 5%o provisi on for bad debts.(A-2

34、is committed to selling products sold five-year free service .2009 A product is expected to occur during the after-sales service costs $ 3 million has been in cluded in the in come stateme nt. Theact provides thatwhe n the actual tax deducti on allowed, the n no .(32009 of December 31, the company b

35、ook balaneeof the product Y $ 40 million provision fordimi nutio n in value of $ 5 millio n in profit or loss, tax law, the occurrenee of substantiallosses to allow pre-taxdeducti on.(420091 000 millio n was made to in vest ingover nmentbon ds, acco unting for as held-to-maturityin vestme nts.Recog

36、ni zedin terestin come of $ 800,000in cludedin the held-to-maturityin vestme nts,thein vestme nthold ingperiod does not occur in theimpairme nt of the tax law , i nterest in come tax-free bon ds.(52,009 in July, the Fund acquired as trading financial assets, the cost is $ 12.0 million In 2009 31 Dec

37、ember 1600 the fair value of the Fund million, fair value cha nges relative to book value through profit or loss has bee n hold ing period of funds have not bee n allocated.The act provides that the period of such assets held at fair value not in cluded in taxable in come.(6 A l2 company in 2009 rec

38、eived an upfront paymenton 20 January, the amount of $ 6 million,because they do not meet the reve nue recog niti on criteria are acco un ted for as adva nces from customers, accord ing to tax law, the amount should be included to obtain curre nt taxable in come tax calculati ons in come tax.Assume that expected future in come tax rat


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