



1、6Home buildi ng materials marketi ngtran sformati on: cha nge from electric shockmoldi ng to watchlistResearch papers Download news: the state of the real estate industry in recent years has taken a series of control measures, as part of its downstream industry of home building materials industry, h

2、as been no smallimpact,accord ingto theMin istryof CommerceCirculati onDivisio n,theChi naBuildi ngMaterialsCirculati onAssociati onjoi ntlyissuedthe National homebuildi ngmaterials,nu mericaldisplay,January2012-November-scalehomebuild ingmaterials storesn ati on wide sales amoun ted to 1.1461 trill

3、i on yua n, dow n4.46%, home buildi ng in dustry in the econo mic policy andn atio nal macro-c on trol of the en vir onment difficult, homeFord, Best Buy have bee n withdraw ing from theChin esemarket, B & Q successive losses, the events that traditi onal stores are un derg oing a major reshuffl

4、e brutal moveme nt to reverse the curre nt predicame nt, and create a new situati on in the domestic in dustry sales is imminent.electricityDomestic en terprises have touchLine of home build ing materials, see ne is the“ yearafter year ” , stores deserted, stores closed un com mon, the drawbacks of

5、traditi onalheavy homebuild ingmaterials market: prices opaque, market con fusi on, etc., so that con sumershave lost con fide neeand eve n a lack oftrust. 2006 Ford home build ing materials supermarket collapse, giving the industryan enormousimpact. thenBest Buy is also tur ned off the last one sho

6、p in Shan ghai from leav ing China, while B & Q as capital support of the stron gest, eve n the loss of six years, operati ng bleak Today local en terprises Orien tal home build ing materials supermarket has bee n in volved in the closed shop storm.As the bus in ess line of the “ dow n and out ”

7、 , the entity home building industry in the doldrums, for the home build ing in dustry strong regi onal role-players and other features, a growingnumberof homebuildingmaterialsstorestryhydroproviders,such as redMeikailo ng U.S.mallOrie ntal Orie ntallivable homenetwork, hippocampus,Home Value electr

8、icity supplierrelated bus in esses, etc., are tran sferred to the mercha nt sperspective somewhat.although little successful, but inthe visio n, strategy has bee n to grow in line for In teractiveon-line comb in atio n played a guid ing role forthe homebuildingindustry,onlinepromotioncan be consider

9、edben efits, such as improved sales performa nee can in duce help bus in esses and related products in the popularity has made the promoti on of proliferatio n.Online marketi ng coun terattack traditi onal storesJanuary 10, 2012, there is n ews that family n etworkhas sig ned with Easter n homela nd

10、 & It ;&It; family n etworkcooperati on frameworkagreeme ntwithOrient Home& gt; >, family network want to set up in 2015, 100 linestore experienee. Was achieve this goal, will be taken directly to the acquisiti on and leas ing of other ways to getOrien tal home buildi ng materials supermarket sto

11、res.Family n etwork sites as home buildi ng materials buy activities, has bee n adopted through Saturday and Sun day will be held in the form of buy barga in allows users to dealwiththe bus in ess,currently only in Shanghai,Suzhou,Wuxi,there arethree store experie nee,familyn etworkhopesThroughthisa

12、greeme nt reachedconsensus oncooperati on, setupunder the fixed-linestores,you canoperate from Mon day to Sun day, and its bus in ess model from O2O (from on li ne to offline and back on li ne) mode into 02020 (from on li ne to the line and the n back on li ne) mode, so that con sumers will li ne ex

13、perie nee and the n fed back into the line.Thereafter for Orie ntalhome buildi ng materialssupermarket reported opinions, some say are actually home and met with the East Meikailonghome buildingmaterialssupermarket executivestalk abouttheacquisitionof the problem, some say in regulatingthefamily net

14、work to enhance the brand reputation as a gimmick hype. home improveme nt bus in ess started to buy homes in the East of the family networkacquiredsome stores, you can solve it without physical stores and consumerscan not be offlineexperienee the problem,which un doubtedlycompete for market share, i

15、n creasesales played a positive role .But for the familyn etworkacquisiti on Orie ntalhome buildingmaterials supermarket such transfer linefrom the on li ne bus in ess model, a lot of people in the in dustry are not good. Although family n etwork operati ng con diti ons these years can be, but this

16、is mainly because the home buildingindustrydownturn, especially thetraditi onal storesoperati ng costs, high productn aturallyslightly higher selli ng price, just let itself lightweight slim home buy site profitable. face of “ housekeepingof theRoad, ” the new adjustment, increase capital investment

17、, focusing on sites without There are stores management experie nee family n etwork whether go smooth all the way?online mode counterattack traditional stores road if it works?Concerned about the cha nge dow n compleme ntaryAs the networkera, the domestic industry in thechannel expansion has also re

18、fused to yield, but due to the particularity of home buildi ng materials, products, and services such as customization strong color, makingitdiffere nt from the sta ndard electro nicbus in ess servicesfor the domestic in dustry e-commerce model, i n resp onse to its own characteristics of its produc

19、ts, the value of the product can not completely solve in dustry service system, so the online and offlinemix-rundevelopment of theindustryhas become the focus of many comprehensiveclass though electricity suppliers will be home channel onto the cha nn el, but 020 mode does not really large and towards the lives of con sumers,electricity providersreform is still in the ongoing marketi ng model.Accord ing to in complete statistics, in 2010, home buildi ng materials in dustry


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