



1、劳动合同范本(中英文)Employment Contract劳动雇佣合同BetweenAnd与-年月日Con tract part ners 合同双方Compa nyFluer CoatinLtd., (here in after referred to as “ The Company ” In ter nati onal Trade Buildi ng, No. 1 Ji Long Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shan ghai, represe nted in this con tract by Mr. Henrik Larsen甲方业。法定地址:

2、。在本合同中以 先生为公司代表Employee(here in afterreferred to as “ TheEmployee” ), ID Number:乙方(以下称作“乙方”身份证号码:2 Employment雇佣关系2.1 The Company hereby offers formal employment to the Employee, and the Employee hereby agrees to be employed by the Company, with the work area of tech ni cal support, i n accorda nee w

3、ith the terms and conditions set forth in this Con tract, the Job Descripti on and the Remuneration Scheme annexed to this Con tract and the Employee Han dbook. A clea n release from the Employees previous employer is required; otherwise the Company holds the right to revoke this offer.依照本合同及其附属的工作描

4、述与报酬 表以及公司员工手册中所列的条款和要 求,甲方正式雇佣乙方,乙方同意接受雇 佣。乙方的工作范围属于技术服务相关的 各种事务。乙方必须与前雇主完全脱离雇 佣关系,否则甲方有权撤回要约。3 Duration and probation period 合同期禾和式用期3.1 This Con tract, sig ned by the Compa nyand the Employee, shall continue from , for a period ofyears(here in after referred to as “ The Term ” ), uni ess the Con

5、tract is earlier termi nated in accorda nee with its provisi ons.本合同由甲方和乙方共同签订。除非其因 合同相关条款的规定而提前终止,合同有 效期(以下称为“合同期”)将从 年 月日起持续至年 月 日,为期年。3. 2 The Employee shall be required to undergo a period of probation of 3 mon ths. (Employees who renew con tracts are exceptions if agreed to by the Compa ny).乙方应

6、当履行为期三个月的试用期。(乙方经甲方同意续签合同的情况除外)3.3The Company may dismiss theEmployee at any time duri ng, or at the end of, the probationary period if the Company con sidersthat the Employeesperforma neecannot satisfy therecruitme ntcon diti onsor the standardsin the job descripti on duri ng the probationary perio

7、d. If the Company con sidersthat the Employeesperforma nee has bee n satisfactory duri ng the probationary period, the Employee shall become a regular employee of the Compa ny in accorda nee with the terms of this Con tract, and the probati on period will be within the con tract term.在试用期中的任何时间或试用期末

8、,甲方如果认为乙方的表现没有达到雇佣的 条件或工作描述的标准,可以随时解雇乙方。如果甲方对乙方在试用期间的表现 满意,则根据合同条款乙方将成为甲方的 正式员工,并将试用期计入合同期内。3.4Executi on of this Labor Con tract shall terminate at its expiration. At least 30 days prior to the scheduled expirati on of the Term, the Company shall offer the Employee a ren ewal of the Con tract if th

9、e Compa ny intends to renew the Con tract. If the Company offers to renew the Con tract, the Employee shall accept or refuse the ren ewal prior to the expirati on of the Term. In the eve nt that the Employee fails to respond prior to the expiration of the Term, the Employee shall be deemed to have r

10、efused to renewthe Con tract.合同期满后本合同将终止。如果甲方打算 续签合同,应当在本合同期满之日至少 30天前向乙方发出续签的要约。在甲方 发出续签合同的要约后,乙方应当在合同 期满前接受或拒绝该要约。如果乙方在本 合同期满前没有表态,视为放弃续约。4 Work scope and work time 工作范围与工作时间4.1 The scope of the Employee duties shall be determ ined from time to time in accordanee with the needs of the Compa ny by

11、the deputy gen eral man ager or a man ager of the Compa ny desig nated by the deputy general manager. The Company has the right, after consulting with the Employee, to adjust the scope of the Employee duties in terms of the Compa nys admi nistrative requireme nts, and the Employee s professional cap

12、ability and work ing performa nee. The Employee shall dilige ntly perform his/her duties to the best of his/her ability in accorda nee with the in structi onsofhis/her supervisors, work in co-operation with his/her supervisors and colleagues, and observe the term of this Con tract and the work rules

13、 of the Compa ny contained in the Employee Han dbook of the Company or otherwise issued by the Compa ny.乙方的职责范围由甲方的副总经理或指 定的管理人员根据甲方的需要随时进行 规定。在与乙方商议后,甲方有权根据甲方的管理需要、乙方的专业能力与工作 表现调整乙方的职责范围。乙方应当按照 上级的指示勤勉地履行职责并发挥最大 能力,与上级和同事通力合作,遵守本合 同的条款以及包括在甲方员工手册或甲 方发布的其他文件中的工作规章。4.2 The Employee shall be entitled

14、tolegal holidays, annual leave, and other paid leaves of abse nee in accorda nee with applicable law and the Company work rules, which are in force from time to time. The terms of leaves of abse nee at the date of commencement of the Term is described in the Remuneration Scheme attached to this con

15、tract .乙方有权享受法定节假日、年假和其他不时生效的相关法律及甲方工作规章所规 定的带薪假期。有关合同生效日起假期的 条款请参照本合同所附的报酬表。Remuneration劳动报酬5.1The mon thly salary of the Employee during his/her probationary period shall be as set forth in the RemunerationScheme. After the satisfactory completi on of the probati onary period, the Compa ny willcon

16、 duct an assessme nt of theEmployee technical level, work attitude and efficie ncy etc. Thereafter the Company may change the wage of the Employee from time to time based on the performa nee of the Employee.乙方在试用期内的月薪将在报酬表中列明。如果乙方在试用期的表现令甲方满 意,甲方将对其技术水平、工作态度、效 率水平等进行评估。此后,甲方可根据乙 方的表现适时对其工资进行调整。5.2 I

17、t is stipulated that duri ng period oflegal holidays and Marriage or Bereaveme nt Leaves and legalparticipati onin social activities, theCompa ny shall pay the wage.乙方在法定休假日和婚丧假期间以及依 法参加社会活动期间,甲方依法支付工 资。5.3 own remun erati on system.乙方的其它津贴、补贴等待遇,甲方按国 家和本单位有关规定执行。5.4The Compa ny will pay allrem un e

18、rati on directly to the Employee in cash, less any amount required to be withheld by the Compa ny as in dividual in come tax. The Employee shall, however, have sole resp on sibility for any in dividual in come tax and any other charges or taxes imposed on the Employee remun erati on.甲方将所有报酬在扣除依法由甲方代

19、扣 的诸如个人所得税等费用后以现金形式 直接支付给乙方。乙方将对缴纳个人所得 税以及与报酬相关的其他任何费税义务承担全部责任6 Social in sura nee and welfare 社会保障和福禾U6.1甲方按国家规定为乙方缴纳社会保险金, 乙方按规定缴纳个人应当承担的部分。6.2 In ease the Employee is ill or injured for non -work reas ons, the Compa ny shall offer the Employee a period of medieal treatment aeeording to the patien

20、t 乙方患病或非因工负伤,甲方按其病情及 在本单位工作时间长短,给予一定的医疗 期。医疗期间的生活费用和医疗费用,按 国家有关规定执行。6.3乙方的其他保险和福利待遇,甲方应将按 国家有关规定执行。7 Work conditi on and labor protection 劳动条件与 劳动保护7.1 The Company shall strictly observe甲方严格执行国家劳动安全卫生规程和 标准、工作时间和休息、休假制度及女职 工特殊保护规定, 为乙方提供符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生条件和必要的劳动 保护用品,保障乙方在工作( 生产)过 程的安全和健康。如安排乙方从事职业危 害的作

21、业,需对乙方定期进行健康检查。7.2 The Employee must strictly abide by rules of safe operati ons duri ng work ing process, and has the right to refuse pecca nt comma nd.乙方在生产过程中必须严格遵守安全操作规程,并有权拒绝违章指扌车。8 Labor discipline 劳动纪律8.1 The Employee shall comply with allaspects of the Company s rules relating to labordiscip

22、line and other work rules and procedures of the Company contained inthe Employee Handbook or otherwise issued by the Compa ny from time to time.乙方应遵守甲方包括在员工手册或甲方 不时发布的其他文件中的所有有关劳动 纪律、工作制度与程序的规定8.2 The Employee is required to devote his/her full working power and ability tothe Company, and is not all

23、owed to perform work in his/her leisure time for other employers or him/herself duri ng the term of this Con tract.乙方应向甲方贡献他全部的工作能力和 才干,在合同期内不得利用工作时间为 其他雇主或自己本人服务。8.3 The Employee is not allowed toaccept gifts or loans from any person or orga ni zati oncommercially related or in other ways related t

24、o the Compa ny.乙方不得从与甲方有商业或其他往来的任何个人或组织处接受礼物或贷款8.4 The Employee shall not accept gifts, loa ns or other ben efits from other company or persons because of his/her work in the Company either directly or in directly,8.5乙方不得利用其在甲方的工作关系直接 或间接从其他任何组织或个人处接受礼 物、贷款或其他好处。The Employee shall not behaveexceedin

25、g the Employee s authority or abuse theEmployee power, obey arrangements and orders from the Employee good ssupervisor,andmaintainrelati on shipwiththe Employeecolleagues.乙方不得越权行事和滥用职权。乙方应遵 循上级的安排和指示行事,并与同事保持 良好的工作关系。8.6 The Employee shall protect the assets of the Company. The Employee sha never us

26、e the assets of the Company fo the purpose except for the Employee work.乙方应当保护甲方资产,不得将甲方的资 产用于工作以外的其他目的。II8.7 Any violati on of the above men ti oned articles shall constitute a serious violation ofdiscipli nes and cause the term in ati on of this Con tractby theCompa nyi如果乙方违背了以上任何一条都将视为 严重违纪,甲方将以此

27、根据本合同条和条之规定终止合同9 Termin ati on of Con tract by the Compa ny 甲方单 方面解除合同9.1 The Company may dismiss theEmployee at any time without further no tice if the Employee:乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以不发出通知而随时直接解雇乙方:9.1.1 Is prove n to be in compete nt for the employing requirement during his/her period ofprobati on;在试用期内被

28、证明不符合录用条件的;9.1.2 Seriously breach labor disciplines or regulati ons as stipulated by the Compa ny;严重违反劳动纪律或甲方依法制定的规 章制度的;9.1.3 Seriously neglects his duty and en gages in malpractices for selfish en ds, thuscausing significant harm to the interests of the Compa ny; or严重失职、营私舞弊,对甲方利益造成重大损害的;9.1.4 is

29、found guilty according to the laws of P.RC被依法追究刑事责任的9.2The Company may dismiss theEmployee with 30 days prior written notice if:乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方应提前30天以书面形式通知乙方解除合同:9.2.1 the Employee suffers from a disease or has sustained an injury that is not work related, and is unable to resume his/her original wor

30、k upon the expiration of the medical treatment period, and continues to be in capable of achiev ing an adequate level of performa neeaftertran sfer to a differe nt positi on;乙方患病或非因工负伤,经治疗不能复工或调整工作岗位后仍不能从事正常工 作的;9.2.2 the Employee is in capable ofperforming the duties of his/her position and continu

31、es to be in capable of achiev ing an adequate level of performa nee after trai ning or tran sfer to a differe nt positi on;乙方不能胜任本职工作,经培训或调整工 作岗位仍不胜任工作的;9.2.3 a major change in the objective circumsta nces pursua nt to which this Con tract wasen tered in to has ren dered the Con tract in capable of

32、being carried out and theCompany and the Employee have failed to reach agreeme nt on the ame ndme nt of the Con tract; or合同订立时所依照的客观环境发生重大 改变使合同无法正常履行,并且甲方和乙 方对合同的修改无法达成一致的;9.2.4 the Company needs to reduce the number of its personnel in order to avoid seriouseconomic problems or as a result of the

33、occurre nee of major producti on or operational problems, and has consulted with the Company s trade union or theEmployee.为避免严重的经济问题或作为甲方生产、 运行上出现重大问题的结果,甲方经与工会或乙方本人协商后需要裁员的;9.3 If the Company dismisses the Employee pursuant to Article 9.2, the Company shall pay compensation to the Employee in accor

34、danee with applicable law.如果甲方依照9.2条解雇乙方, 甲方将根 据相关法律向乙方支付补偿金。9.4 The Compa ny can not take Article 9.2 as basis to termi nate the Con tract, if one of thefollowi ng cases occurs to the Employee:乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方不得依据本合同9.2条解除合同:9.4.1 the Employee suffers fromoccupati onal disease or is injured from work,

35、 and loseshis labor capacity or part of the labor capacity, the fact of which is approved by thereleva nt gover nment orga ni zati on;乙方患职业病或因工负伤,经相关政府机构确认丧失或部分丧失劳动能力的;9.4.2 the Employee is ill or injured and is within the stipulated medical treatment period; 乙方患病或者负伤,在规定的医疗期内 的;9.4.3 female staff d

36、uring her pregnancy, puerperium or breast-feedi ng period; or乙方在孕期、产期、哺乳期内;9.4.4 under other conditions stipulated by laws and regulati on s.法律、行政法规规定的其他情形;10 Termin ati on of the con tract by the Employee 乙 方单方面解除合同10.1 The Employee may at any time resign from employment with the Company with 30 da

37、ys written notice. If the Employee does so resign, the Company shall have no obligati on to pay any compe nsati on to the Employee in respect of the term in ati on of the Con tract.乙方可以在任何时间辞退工作,但应提前30天以书面形式通知甲方。如果乙方主动辞 职,甲方将对合同的解除不承担任何赔偿义 务。10.2 If an Employee who has receivedtrainingfrom the Compa

38、nyresig nspursuant to Article 10.1 before the end of the term of the Con tract, the Employee shall, on resig nati on, repay to the Compa ny training expe nses accord ing to the releva nt Compa ny rules.如果乙方在合同期满前依照10.1条辞退工 作时已经接受了甲方培训,则乙方必须依照甲方相关规定向甲方偿还该培训费用。10.3 Notwithstandingthe provision ofArtic

39、le 10.1, the Employee may resign at any time without no tice:尽管合同10.1条有所规定,但存在下列情 形之一的,乙方可以随时解除劳动合同:10.3.1 duri ng his/her period of probati on;在乙方试用期内;10.3.2 if the Compa ny fails to payremun erati onor provideworki ngconditions in accordanee with the terms of this Con tract;甲方没有按照合同规定向乙方支付报酬或提供工作环

40、境的10.3.3 other cases governed by applicable laws or regulati ons of P.RC中华人民共和国的相关法律或法规列明 的其他情形。11 Con fide ntiality 保密11.1 The Employee agrees to maintain the con fide ntiality of this Labor Con tract and all in formati on which may be disclosed to the Employee concerning manu facturi ng and man ag

41、eme nt processes and tech no logy, marketing or financial information of the Compa ny or any bus in ess en tity affiliated with the Company, information relating to the products, procedures, bus in ess and services of the Company, in the strictest con fide nee and agrees not to disclose, directly or

42、 in directly, i n any manner, any such in formati on to any pers on in side or outside the Company without the prior written consent of the Company or for any purpose other than the Employee s performa nee of his/her duties and obligati ons un der this Con tract. TheEmployee specifically agrees that

43、 this obligati on will survive the term in ati on of the Con tract.乙方应允诺对本合同以及所有可能向乙 方披露的有关甲方的生产和管理程序与 技术,甲方或甲方的关联经济实体的营 销或财务信息,甲方的产品、工艺、经 营、服务信息等进行严格保密。事先未经 甲方书面允许或出于履行合同规定的职 责或义务之外的任何其他目的,乙方均不得直接或间接以任何方式向甲方的内 部或外部的任何人员透露相关信息。乙方 同意上述义务在合同终止后仍然有效。11.2 Upon term in ati on of the Con tract, the Employ

44、ee shall promptly return to the Compa nyalldraw in gs,bluepri nts,memora nda, clie nt lists, bus in ess cards both pers onal and those collected duri ng the time of employment, keys, computer disks, cloth ing, formulae,finan cialstateme nts and marketi ng in formati on of the Company in the possessi

45、on of the Compa ny.在合同终止时,乙方应当立刻向甲方归还工作中占用或掌握的所有图纸、蓝图、备忘录、客户名单、个人名片和在工作期 间收集的名片、钥匙、计算机磁盘、制服、 配方设计及甲方的财务报表和市场营销 信息。II11.3 In the eve nt of violati on of duties of con fide ntiality, the Employee shall pay penalty to the Company for breach of con tract equali ng to the Employee on e-year in come from

46、the Compa ny. If the pen alty for breach of con tract cannot cover the losses of the Company caused by the Employee, the Employee sha compe nsate all losses of the Compa ny. 如果乙方违背了保密职责,其应当向甲方支付相当于其在甲方一年收入数额的 罚款。如果该罚款不足以弥补乙方给甲方 带来的损失,乙方应当赔偿支付甲方的全部损失。2 Inventions 发明创造12.1 If, duri ng the term of the

47、Con tract, the Employee performs work that results in the developme nt of any inven ti ons relat ing to processes, products or formulations (the“Inventions ” ), such Inventions shall be the exclusive property of the Company, and the Employee shall promptly disclose the Inven ti ons to the Compa ny,

48、and shall take all necessary steps, including the execution of documents, to vest title and own ership of the Inven ti ons in the Compa ny. Notwithsta nding the forego ing, the Employee shall have the right to retain ownership of all patents obtained on any Inven ti ons made by the Employee duri ng

49、his/her non -work ing hours, and without use of or referenee to the Company facilities,informationormaterials.在合同期内,乙方如果在工作过程中创造了任何与生产工艺、产品或配方设计有 关的发明(以下称为“发明”),则 这些发明应归甲方独有。乙方应当迅速把 发明透露给甲方并采取必要步骤( 包括 文件制作)使甲方获得专利的所有权。除如前所述外,乙方对其在非工作时间不借助甲方设备或参考甲方信息材料所 创造的任何发明,均拥有全部专利所有权。13 Training 培训13.1 It is the policy of the Company to provide continuous on-the-site training.The Company may also require the Employee to un dertake an off-site trai ning program if the Compa ny con siders it appropriate.甲方有向乙方提供在职培训的政策。如果 甲方认为合适也会要求乙方接受离职培 训计划。14 Settlement of labor disputes 劳动争议


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