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1、首件样品检验报告购货商(客户)/ buyer (customer)首件样品检验原因reas on for in itial sample in specti on _新供应商new supplier新零件n ew part_ 规格更改changed specifications_ 产品加工过程更改changed production process_ 新的制造地new manufacturing location产品长期停产1 年exten ded in terrupti on of production 1year 由供应商和客户共同核准的首件样品检验的规范,存放在以下文档中in spect

2、i on are con tai ned in the follow ing docume nts:第1张共sheet 1 of sheet供应商编号supplier id :名称name 填写公司的英文或中文名及相应中文拼音write “company name or in chinese pinyi地址address 填写公司地址接收人recipienw rite“company adress“ -部门dept:填写“相关接收样品的部门”write a recipient department name “姓名name:填写“接收样品的人员姓名”write a recipient name

3、 “首件样品检验报告in itial sample in specti onreport外观批准报告(由品质部批准)appeara nce approval report (aar byquality)尺寸检验报告材料检验报告dime nsion report material report性能检验报告function report零件编号.part no. 填写“图号write “ part签发日期date issued 填写报告日期write report date 零件名称desig nati on write“ . ”part n ame报告编号report no. 填写内部报告编号w

4、rite report no图纸版本in dex:参考refere ncewrite last fsr no零件编号.part no.签发日期date issued零件名称desig nation报告编号.report no.模具编号填写模具编号模腔数目填写模腔数tool no. write “ mould no no. of cavities write “ cavity no 样品数量quan tity of samples备注remark图纸版本in dex参考refere nce检验结果见附表实际尺寸见样品检验单不合格的在“ at ”栏中注明违禁物质声明/declaration of

5、substances:是/yes 否/noreach 禁用物质清单reach candidate list(svhc): no svhc substances in a concentration0.1%, reference 参见:_ 是/yes | 否/no* - * 签名/ signature for in specti on results, refer to attached sheets:the actual measureme nts are give n in order of the samples. non-conformingspecificati ons are in

6、dicated in the colum n at.备注(供应商remarks (supplier):填写:此样品第几次送样;2.所附加其它报告(如材质报告),或其它报告见哪份fsrwrite: 1. sample delivery times; 2. attached report name备注/remarks (cen):1. initial samples must be taken from 18 hours production with a minimum 300 consecutive parts, unless otherwise specified by cen qualit

7、y re除.非斯易安品质代表特别同意,首件样品必须18小时的量产,且规定的生产数量至少为300件连续生产的零件。条件conditions我们供应商在此声明,1. 所提交的样品是完全采用正常生产的原材料,按照正常批量生产的方法生产的;2. 样品检验准确结果如报告(偏差见附表) ,3. 首件样品批准并不免除供应商按适用的图纸和规格交付产品的责任we hereby certify,1. that samples submitted are completely made with regular production resources following regular series produc

8、tion methods.2. the correct inspections of the samples and their listing in this report (deviations are shown separately).3. that a sample approval does not relieve the supplier of his responsibility to deliver material according to the applicable drawings and specifications.结论/decision: 1=接收approv

9、ed;2. 一定条件下接收approved with concession;3 拒收,交重新送样new sample neededi | 是yes日期date: . . . 部门dept:供应商/ supplierthe specifications jointly approved by the buyer and supplier for the initial sample 名字/电话号码(如有疑问以便联系) name / teleph one no. (in case of queries ) 日期:填写日期date 责任人签名:签字sig nature date acco un ta

10、ble sign ature分发:品质 / 采购/ 物流/ 研发/ 工艺工程师 distribution: qa/purchasing/r&d/logistic/process engineering备注(供应商remarks (supplier):-正楷填写plain writ ing责任人签字 acco un table sign ature a =必须修改/correction b =允许使用数量/limited use allowed for 单位/unitsc =考虑修改图纸偏差/deviations will be considered in the drawingd = 可接收的

11、偏差/acceptable deviation 备注(供应商remarks (supplier):备注(客户remarks (customer):aar verifies the capability of tool and manu facturer to fulfill kan 082.030 requireme nts in adva nee from quality side. 外观批准目的是对模具及制造者满足凯驰外观标准能力的验证及先期管制。日期责任人签名aar结论/ aar deeision:date accountable signature 口接收approv ed 一定条件下接收approved with eon cess ion拒收,交新样品rejected new samples required;日期品质部代表签名date qual


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