Unit20 Archaeology reading and language points_第1页
Unit20 Archaeology reading and language points_第2页
Unit20 Archaeology reading and language points_第3页
Unit20 Archaeology reading and language points_第4页
Unit20 Archaeology reading and language points_第5页
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1、Unit 20 Do you know the following archaeological discoveries? Do you know the following archaeological discoveries? Do you know the following archaeological discoveries? Discuss: What kinds of objects were buried with kings or emperors in China? orice oclothing osilk ojewellery omoney otools oweapon

2、s oarticles for daily life ojade articles opottery ochina oanimals oslaves owarriors owives of emperors Why were dead kings given these objects after they died? orice oclothing osilk ojewellery omoney otools oweapons oarticles for daily life ojade articles opottery ochina oanimals oslaves owarriors

3、owives of emperors oStonehenge was begun around 3000 BC. In about 2300 BC the huge stone circles were built. The biggest stones weigh approximately 20 tons and came from a place not very far. oIt is not yet known how these stones were conveyed over a distance of 380 kilometres. It is also a mystery

4、how early man was able to construct Stonehenge without the use of modern construction machines and lorries. archergrave Listening (Para1-5) What objects were found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge? objects a bone pin two gold earrings a cushion stone copper knives tools arrows a bow clay pots

5、Unit 20 Archaeology o1. How old was the man when he died? o2. How do archaeologists know that he spent his youth in central Europe? o3. What made the archaeologists believe that he was a man of distinction? o4. Why was everything found in the grave given to him for his use in the next life? The disc

6、overy is important for variety of reasons: His grave is the richest. This man was buried with two gold earrings which are the oldest gold ever found in Britain. He was buried three miles from Stonehenge. He was a member of a powerful class that may well have organised the construction of Stonehenge.

7、 1. 2. 3. 4. Language Points o1, On May 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to around 2300 BC. (Para1) date (back) to 追溯到追溯到(= date from) e.g This church dates back to 1173. The custom dates from the time when men wore swords. Language Points o2, The most amazing fi

8、nd was two gold earrings. That would have made him a man of distinction. (Para 2) o最惊奇的最惊奇的发现发现是两个金耳环。这能显示出他是当时一位显耀是两个金耳环。这能显示出他是当时一位显耀 的人物的人物 find (n.)发现,发现物发现,发现物 e.g an important archaeological find The little restaurant is quite a find. Language Points o3, The discovery is important for a variet

9、y of reasons. (Para 4) a variety of 各种各样的,多种多样的各种各样的,多种多样的 e.g Everyone arrived late at the party, for a variety of reasons. The shirt is available in a wide variety of colours. Language Points o4, Archaeologists tend to believe that this man was a member of a powerful class that may well have organ

10、ised the construction of Stonehenge. (Para 5) o考古学家倾向于认为这个人是考古学家倾向于认为这个人是有权阶级有权阶级的一员,他们很可能就的一员,他们很可能就 是建造这项巨石阵工程的组织者。是建造这项巨石阵工程的组织者。 tend to 趋向于,有趋向于,有的习惯的习惯 e.g Janet tends to get very angry if you disagree with her. It tends to rain a lot here in spring. Inversion(倒装句倒装句) oOnly a few centimetres f

11、rom his head were two pots made of clay, oNext to them lay a cushion stone, upon witch the man could work metal. nBuried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior. The tools of a hunter of warrior were buried with him. True or False oOn March 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of

12、a man dating back to around 3000 BC. oPeople got to know where the man was from by testing his bones. oFrom what were found in the grave people had a clear idea of the dressing of the King of Stonehenge when he was buried. oAll the relics found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge were buried with

13、 him for his future use in the next life because of the belief that a dead man would come back to life. oThe discovery of the King of Stonehenge was far from important. oThe two earrings are not only the oldest gold ever found in England, but also a proof that the ancient British were clever enough

14、to make gold even in around 2500 BC. oBecause of his power and his successful organization of the construction of Stonehenge, the man got his title as the King of Stonehenge. True or False Useful phrases o追溯到追溯到 o一件皮衣一件皮衣 o一把铜刀一把铜刀 o一对金耳环一对金耳环 o显耀的人物显耀的人物 o一打(十二个)一打(十二个) o来生来生 o备用材料备用材料 o有多方面原因有多方面原

15、因 o趋向于趋向于 o有权阶级有权阶级 odate back to oa leather coat oa copper knife oa pair of gold earrings oa man of distinction oa dozen oin the next life ospare materials ofor a variety of reasons otend to oa powerful class A man was found_in a grave with a long_.He was believed to_at the age of 40. He lay on his left side_northwards. _with him there were a lot of precious_, made of different_,such as clay,copper, stone He was_on as the king of Stonehenge. The construction remained_.


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