1、开放英语 4 作业答案【篇一: 2013 秋开放英语 (4)形成性考核册参考答案 (包含学前记录卡 )】t在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单 (1 -2 页)学前记录卡 (第 3 页)学习资源 : 学生按照实际情况进行选项 ,在是 否处画 “”回顾与终结学习内容:1. 学习过多少时态 ? 一般现在时一般过去时现在完成时过去完成时现在进行时过去进行时一般将来时 i often get up early. he went to the cinema last evening. they are waiting for a bus. the children will have a ra
2、cetomorrow. the arctic subrise will be visiting the philippines and thailand . will chinese become the predominant internet language by2025 ? the government has been suffering from problemscaused by the envirnment.2. 你现在的词汇量 : 18003. 英语 i 中最难学习的 :新的词汇太多记单词最困难4. 还有那些没有掌握 :虚拟条件句 , 进行时的被动语态5. 你认为 ?哪些是优
3、势 哪些有待改进自己在阅读方面还可以 ,但是挺立和口语需要提高学习方法:1.每周 57 小时 不足2.有计划 不能坚持工作原因3.一部分4. 网上学习资源 (教材 磁带 上网 教材)5.问老师,自己查资料本学期学习目标和计划学习目标:1.听力方面 : 听懂日常会话2.口语方面 : 用简单的词汇表达3.阅读方面 : 读懂课文4.写作方面 :按照老师的要求写短文学习计划:(略)学习记录卡 1(units 19 24)学习过程:1. a bc2. a bc3. a bc4. a bc 学习内容:1,被动句;真实条件句;现在完成时和现在完成进行时;结果状语;将来进行时;将来完成时;直接引语和间接引语;
4、现在分词和过去分词的用法;情态动词:不定式; 2,部分语动词的用法;现在分词和过去分词的用法;情态动词;不定式; 3,the problem of waste and solutions for dealing withit.现代社会的消费观及废物利用问题。4,transformations taking place throughtout the world in urban and rural envirnments. 城乡发展与变化。阶段性学习体会:总结:开学初期老师给我们讲了什么是开放教育,如何学习开放教育课程。我们对开放教育和开放教育课程有了基本的了解 .也对开放英语课程有了比较全面
5、的认识。特别是通过上英语课程,我们不仅仅学习了英语语法知识,也学习到了学习方法。还体会到了开放教育的 “自我学习、教师辅导、网络资源、师生互动 ”的新的学习模式。由于自己的英语底子薄,基础差,所以还不能够完全掌握老师讲的内容。在老师的精心辅导下,我的英语知识有了很快的进步。自己感觉到有重新拾起了英语。心中有了成就感。目前的问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是因为自己的电脑知识不够好,因此不能够和老师、和同学即使地进行网上交流。形考册 (4)第一次作业答案第一部分 : 1-5 小题:交际用语 (共计 10 分,每小题 2 分) 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b第二部分: 6-15
6、 小题: 词汇与结构 (共计 20 分, 每小题 2 分)6.b 7.c 8. a 9. d 10. c11. a 12. b 13. b 14. c 15. d第三部分 完形填空 (共计 20 分, 每小题 2 分) 16. a 17. b 18. c 19. a 20. d21. b 22. c 23. a 24. d 25. b第四部分 阅读理解(共计 30 分, 每小题 2 分) 26. a 27. d 28. b 29. c 30. a 31. c 32. a 33. d 34. b 35.c 36. f 37. f 38. t 39. ng 40. t 第五部分 写作 共计 20
7、分sample:dear mr. burns, . im sorry to say that i cannot attend this afternoons meeting. ijust received a phone call from my wife. she told me our childhas a fever and is coughing all the time. he has refused to eator drink anything since this morning, so i will have to go backhome now and drive them
8、 to hospital. i will phone you thisevening to discuss my new business plan. sorry for theinconvenience.bob学习记录卡 2(units 25-31 )学习过程:1. a bc2. a bc3. a bc4. a bc学习内容:表因果关系;表示与过去事实相反的虚以条件句;过去时态的用法;被动语态;描述技术问题和建议解决办法;委婉提问和礼貌体温;动名词和现在分词的用法;情态动词;议论文的结构;2.各种时态的区别;议论文的结构;部分词语和句子结构运用3, the impact of the int
9、ernet on daily life. 互联网对人们日常生活的影响。4, the impact of telecommunications on personal life 电信技术对人们日常生活产生的影响。阶段性学习体会:总结: 自己通过两个月的英语课程学习,明显感觉到自己在英语语法知识和英语词汇上有了很大的进步,另外还学习到了学习方法。还体会到了如何才能够成为一个合格的开放教育的学员。 辅导老师精心辅导,课堂上深入浅出,让每个学员都能够学习到知识,我的英语很快的进步。这使我在学习上有了很大的信心。 目前的问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是因为自己的电脑知识不够好,没有真正地适应开放教育
10、的新模式。在学习上主要还是靠辅导老师的面授,而不能够和老师、和同学即使地进行网上交流。 形考册 (4)第二次作业答案1-5a b d a c 6-10 c c c b d11-15 d d b c a16-20 b d a c b21-25 a c b c a26-30 c a d b b31- 35 b a a c d36-40 tngfft书面表达: 因特网与现代社会,因特网对生活的影响,你对英特网的看法 by searching on the internet,we can find all the info that wewant,no matter what subject.we c
11、an download learning filesand watching the on-line videos conducted by some famousprofessors, the function that we used most often with theinternet is making friends.nowadays,a lot of chatting softwareare available,such as qq,msn or skype etc.we can use themfor keeping contact with old friends while
12、 making new ones. inconclusion,with the use of internet, life has become more andmore full and colorfulor the internet has become a symbol of modern society. forexample, via the internet, we can send a message to a friend ora relative in a distant place within seconds; we can talk to eachother or ev
13、en see each other; we can do shopping withoutgoing out; we can stay home and do business with foreigncompanies. in fact, we can do many things more easily andmore cheaply using the internet. so, i cannot imagine whatsociety would be like without the internet学习记录卡 3(units32-36 )学习过程: 1. a bc2. a bc3.
14、 a bc4. a bc学习内容:1,提出看法和建议;与过去事实相反的虚以条件句;写投诉信;过去完成时特殊问句;旅游简介的写法;级别形容词和极限形容词;过去分词和现在分词作形容 ;间接引语和直接引语;构词法;2,级别形容词和极限形容词;间接引语和直接引语;构词法;3,holidays and the impact they have on the envirnment.less usual ways of travelling the world withoutleaving 4, air travels glamorous past ,present reality and uncertai
15、nfuture 阶段性学习体会:总结:自己以前的英语基础不好,通过这几个月的英语课程学习,自己又一次巩固和强化了英语知识。明显感觉到自己在英语语法知识和英语词汇上有了很大的进步,明确了主要的知识点。按照自己的学习计划认真实施,做到课前预习,课后认真复习,完成辅导师布置的学习任务。自己在英语学习方面上有了进步,主要表现在语法、词汇和语言表达方面。自己通过一段时间的远程网络,掌握了一定的学习方法,但是也有一定的困难。主要体现在,基础差,底子薄,不能在短时间内掌握老师讲授的知识。另外一个是自己的工作忙,不能及时地完成老师不止的学习任务。作业 3作业题目: the advantages and dis
16、advantages of spacetravel it is now over 30 years since men first walk on the moon. manhasnot yet reached mars, although unmanned spacecraftshave beensent there the case for more research into space travel and moreflightsto other planets is a complicated one.there are several advantages of space tra
17、vel ,first of all, youcan choose a place , such as the moon, the space station,etc. youmust be sure youhave gotten everything needed ready. you canfollow a skilledspaceman there this travel will meet you withgreat interestsand adventures. in addition to this ,you can have anexperience others dont ha
18、ve. also it can practice yourbravenessand teamwork with others however, space travel also has some disadvantages. althoughyouhave gotten everything ready, you still need somethingunknown.for example, your spirit, boldness, or patience etc while you aretraveling, you will stay in a spacecraft for a l
19、ongtime ,can you bear the quietness ?. they are all your problems what is more, whatcan you do with your illness or danger? in conclusion, personally, despite the disadvantages, ipreferspace travel to staying at home safely, because it may bemy onlychance to adventure in a spacecraft in my life it i
20、s also anopportunity to go much farther from the earth, myhome, whenthinking of that, i am always excited.学期总结1,在学习开放英语 4之后,我在很大程度上提高了自己的英语水平和能力。听力的提高通过教材和练习磁带以及课外辅导。说的目的性和敢于开口方面有了提高。阅读能力和词汇量大大提高了。写作哟了外更扎实的基础和写作经验。【篇二:电大 开放英语 4 形考答案】第一部分 : 1. b2. d3. a4. c5. b第二部分:6.b 7.c 8. a9. d10. c11. a 12. b 13
21、. b 14. c 15. d 第三部分16. a 17. b 18. c 19. a 20. d21. b 22. c 23. a 24. d 25. b 第四部分26. a 27. d 28. b 29. c 30. a31. c32. a33. d 34. b 35.c36. f 37. f 38. t 39. ng 40. t第五部分dear mr. burns, i m sorry to say that i cannot attend this afternoon s meeting. ijust received a phone call from my wife. she to
22、ld me our childhas a fever and is coughing all the time. he has refused to eator drink anything since this morning, so i will have to go backhome now and drive them to hospital. i will phone you thisevening to discuss my new business plan. sorry for theinconvenience.bob形考册第二次作业答案第一部分 : 1. a2. b3. d4
23、. a5. c第二部分: 6.c 7.c 8. c 9. b10. d 11. d 12. d13.b 14. c 15. a第三部分16. b 17. d 18. a 9. c 20. b21. a 22. c 23. b 24.c 25. a 第四部分26.c27. a 28.d29. b 30. d31. c 32. b 33. d 34. d 35.a36. t37. ng 38. f39. t40. f 第五部分 by searching on the internet ,we can find all the informationthat we want ,no matter w
24、hat subject.we can downloadlearning files and watching the on-line videos conducted bysome famous professors ,the function that we used mostoften with the internet is making friends.nowadays ,a lot of chatting software are available ,such as qq,msn or skype ect we can use them for keepingcontact wit
25、h old friends while making new ones.in conclusion ,with the use of internet ,life has become more and more full and colourful.【篇三:开放英语i 作业及答案电子版本】t(unit 16 )第一部分 交际用语( 10 分) 15题:阅读下面的小对话,判断稚是否恰当,恰当的选a(right ),不恰当的选b(wrong ),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2 分,共 10 分)(a) 1. how old is the manager? - he is 35 year o
26、ld.a. rightb. wrong(a) 2. what do they do ?- they work in a bank.a rightb. wrong(b) 3. would you like some crisps?- no, i m sorry.a. rightb. wrong(b) 4. how much does the flat cost a month?- it s on the tenth floor.a. right b. wrong(a) 5. could you sign the register, please? - of course.a. right b.
27、wrong第二部分 词汇与结构 (40 分) 625 小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题 2 分,共 40 分)(b)6. he _ for an it company. a. work b. worksc. working(a) 7. i have coffee _ breakfast timea. atb. in c. on(c) 8. _ name is wanghua.a. he b. he s c. his(c) 9. she is _ only accountant in my son s company. a. a b. anc.
28、the (c) 10. maria often has a walk with _ parents in themorning.a. she b. theirc. her(b) 11. _ you got any family ?a. do b. have c has(b) 12. he s responsible _ the central computer system. a. in b. forc. of(c) 13. the business banking department is on _ floor.a. second b. the two c. the second (c)
29、14. wang li is _ a new market campaign at themoment.a. plan b. planingc. planning(c) 15. polly enjoys _ the guitar in a band in her freetime.a. playb. to play c. playing(b) 16. there _ three plants in the corners of the room.a. is b. arec. have(a) 17 i work in _ it department of _ large bank.a. the,
30、 a b. a, the c. a, a(b) 18. what _ mean? a. is b. doesc. do(b) 19. i sometimes go to the pub _ friday.a, inb. on c. at(a) 20. _ people are my friends. _ people are my husband s friends. a. these , thoseb. this , thatc. here, there (b) 21. he _ in beijing, but his parents _ inhangzhou.a. live , lives
31、 b. lives, livec. live, live (a). 22. my husband doesn t _, but i like it very much.a. like shopping b. likes shopping c. likes to shop(c) 23. - _ are you from?- i m from nanjing.a. what b. when c. where(c) 24. he _ lunch in the canteen right now.a. has b. havec. is having(a ) 25. _ children has his
32、 brother got?a. how many b. how much c. how about 第三部分 句型变换 (15 分)2630 小题:将下列句子改写为一般疑问句。(共计 15 分,每小题3 分)26. he is a manager. is he a manager ?27. she usually goes to work by bus.does she usually go to work by bus ?28. there are fifty students in the class.are there fifty students in the class ?29. t
33、hey have a large house. do they have a large house ? 30. he s currently working on tv advertisements.is he currently working on tv advertisements ? 第四部分 阅读理解 (20 分)3135 小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(right ),还是错误( wrong ),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题 2 分,共 10 分) hi rob!you want to know about my new boyfriend. his
34、 name is david manning. he lives in london and he s british.his parents are from london, but they live in oxford. he is 34years old. he s an it manager and he works for abhk bank. hes lovely, of course.see you on thursday.love, polly(b ) 31. rob is polly s new boyfriend. a. rightb. wrong(a.) 32. dav
35、id is british. a. right b. wrong(a ) 33. david s parents are british. a. rightb. wrong(b ) 34. david parents live in london. a. right b. wrong(b ) 35. david works at a university.a. rightb. wrong 3640 小题:阅读下列短文,从 a.,b,c 三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题 2 分,共 10 分) xiaoyan tells david about the people
36、 she works with. david: so who do you usually work with in shanghai ? xiaoyan: i work in an office with three other people, jung, leeand liu they are the marketing department and i am their itexpert.david: do you like it there ? xiaoyan : yes, they are great people. lee is the sales manager.he is re
37、sponsible for 25 sales people in china. he s planning asales campaign for c ompanies at the moment, but he s visitingthe new york office right now.daivd: what about the others ? xiaoyan: liu is the advertising manager. he is responsible forthe advertising. he is currently working on tv advertisement
38、s.actually, he s on holiday in bali right now. david: so the officeis empty at the moment?(b) 36. how many people does xiaoyan work with in shanghai?a. two b. threec. four. (b) 37. what does xiaoyan do in the marketing department inshanghai?a. she is a secretary. b. she is an it expert.c. she is the
39、 sales manager.(b) 38. what is lee responsible for?a. the advertising.b. the sales manager c. the office.(a) 39. what is liu doing right now?a. he is on holiday b. he is working on tv advertisements c. he is visiting the new york office. (c) 40. what is jung s current project ?a. a sales campaign.b.
40、 tv advertisements c. new databases.第五部分 翻译 (15 分)4145 小题: 将下列句子翻译成汉语。(每题 3 分,共 15 分) 41. the meeting rooms are on the ground floor.会议室在一楼。42. he s talking to a customer right now.他现在正在与顾客交谈。43. david usually has a sandwich in his office at lunchtime. 大卫通常在午餐时间在他的办公室吃三明治。44. i have a reservation for
41、 a single room. 我订了间单人房。 45. i m waiting for an important telephone call from my boss inshanghai. 我正在等一个来自上海老板的重要电话。开放英语( 1)作业 22010 年 07 月 11 日 星期日 8:10(unit 7 12)第一部分 交际用语( 10 分) 15 题: 阅读下面的小对话,判断稚是否恰当,恰当的选 a(right ),不恰当的选 b(wrong ),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题 2 分,共 10 分)(a) 1. how do i get to the bus stati
42、on?- you take the number 38 bus.a. rightb. wrong(b) 2. what does he look like? - he looks sad. a rightb. wrong(b) 3. whats t eh weather like in shanghai?- that s all right.a. rightb. wrong(a) 4. what do you think of your new job? - i think it is very difficult.a. right b. wrong(a) 5. excuse me, where is the bus stop, please?- it s outside the greengrocer s.a. right b. wrong第二部分 词汇与结构 (40 分) 625 小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题 2 分,共 40 分) (b)6. _ singapore like?- it s small and well-organized.a. what doesb. what is
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