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1、Topic 3 The world has changed for the better. Section D Unit 1 The Changing World She has been a high school student for two years. My teacher has worked in the school since 2010 . for + 时间段时间段 since + 时间点时间点 Present Perfect (III) You_ (be) in New York for a long time. The city _(improve) a lot sinc

2、e I _(come) here a few years ago. Since it _(start) , it _ (help) hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life . Grammar have been has improved came startedhas helped Functions 1. Oh, you will _ it very soon if you come. 2. _, its a wonderful place to live. 3. You must _. 4. Well, once t

3、hey find people _, they decide on suitable ways to help them. 5. The program also _ them _job training so that they can find jobs again. providewith; in need, come for a visit, as matter of fact, get used to get used to As matter of fact come for a visit in need provides with organizations World Hea

4、lth Organization(WHO) China Children and Teenagers Fund International Committee Of the Red Cross Chinese Young Volunteers Association Project Hope prdekt 项目、方案项目、方案 Project Hope has made important contributions to the education. kntr bjun make contributions to make a contribution to 为为作贡献作贡献 贡献贡献 Th

5、e primary school encourages students to do more sports. pramer 小学教育的;主要的小学教育的;主要的 nkrd 鼓励鼓励 encourage sb to do sth: 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 The book tells us the importance of childrens moral development. mp:(r)tns 重要性重要性 m:rl 道德上的道德上的 dvelpmnt 发展发展 We should respect the aged and love the young. rspekt 尊敬尊敬

6、With the help of the government, he continued his studies in the college. kntnju 持续持续 kld 大学大学 continue to do sth: continue doing 继续做某事继续做某事 Pre-reading questions 1.What do you know about Project Hope? 2.What can you do for it? Project Hope is an education program to help students. It builds schools

7、 in the poorest parts of China and it helps poor families afford an education for their children. Project Hope In 1989 By 2012 8.73 billion yuan 4.5 million children 18 002 Hope Primary Schools 1. it has aided 4.5 million children to go to schools aid sb to do sth 帮某人做某事帮某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth 他帮

8、助那个老人过马路。他帮助那个老人过马路。 He aids the old man to cross the road. make a contribution/contributions to+名词/代词/doing sth. 为为作贡献作贡献 encourage encourage sb. to do sth. development n.发展,开发发展,开发 develop v.发展,开发发展,开发 2. Project Hope has made important contributions to both the education and the health of childre

9、n.希希 望工程为儿童的教育和健康都做出了重大贡献。望工程为儿童的教育和健康都做出了重大贡献。 3. For more than 20 years, Project Hope has encouraged the moral development and modern thinking of students. 20多年来,希望工程鼓励了孩子的道德发展和现代意识。多年来,希望工程鼓励了孩子的道德发展和现代意识。 4. Without Project Hope, there is a risk that many children would have an unhappy future. 如

10、果没有希望工程,就会有一种危险:许多如果没有希望工程,就会有一种危险:许多 孩子将没有一个幸福的未来。孩子将没有一个幸福的未来。 without: 1.表示条件,如果没有表示条件,如果没有 如果没有水,我们就活不了。 Without water, we cannot live. 2. 没有没有 We cant go to school without breakfast. there is a risk that many children would have an unhappy future. that引导的句子解释前面名词引导的句子解释前面名词risk的内容,是同的内容,是同 位语从句

11、。位语从句。 Project Hope is an education program to help students. It offers education program to the poorest parts of China, and helps poor families afford an education for their children. 1.What is Project Hope? Project Hope had raised 8.73 billion yuan and has built 18 002 Hope Primary Schools since i

12、t started in 1989. 2.What has Project Hope done? 1b Read 1a again and answer the questions. Project Hope has made important contributions to both the education and the health of children. It has also encouraged the moral development and modern thinking of students. 3.Whats the importance of Project

13、Hope? What can you do for Project Hope? Minmin comes from a poor family. She has received help from Project Hope. Without the help of Project Hope, she couldnt continue her studies. Project Hope _her life. She _ a college student for two years. After _ the college, she will _ for Project Hope. Proje

14、ct Hope _ for the education of millions of poor students like Minmin since it _. Are there any children like her around you? What difficulties do they have? Project Hope can help them. be start change work pay leave has changed has been 2 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the given word

15、s . leavingwork has paid started Fill in the blanks. 1.A. They came to our school in 1980. B. They _ _ _ our school since 1980. 2. A. The man died five years ago. B. The man _ _ _ for five years. 3. A. The meeting began two minutes ago. B. The meeting _ _ _ for two minutes. 4. A. We borrowed two boo

16、ks last week. B. We _ _ the two books for a week. have been in has been dead has been on have kept 1.Work in groups and collect information about one of the organizations : What it is , what it has done , what the effects of it are and so on。 Making a Speech About an Organization World Health Organization China Children and Teenagers Fund International Committee of the Red Cross Chinese Young Volunteers Association 2. Make a short speech about the organization you have discussed. 1.Summarize the Present Perfect Tense with for and since. 2.Talk about Project Hope. We


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