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1、家电分类及英语词汇小家电一型号种类一厨房小家电 Small kitchen appliance1.吸油烟机 Range Hood2.燃气灶 Hotplate, Gas Cooker3.砂锅 Casserole4.电灶具 Electric cooker5.电磁炉 Electromagnetic Oven, induction cooker6.电饭煲 Electric (rice) Cooker7.电压力锅 Electric pressure Cooker8.电火锅 Electric chafing dish10.光波炉 The Convection Oven11.电炸锅 Electric fry

2、ing pan12.电蒸锅 Electric steamer13.粥汤煲 The soup pot14.电炖锅 Electric Cooker二厨房辅助小家电 assistant small kitchen appliance1.搅拌机 agitator, amalgamator2.料理机 cooking machine3.洗碗机 Dish-washing machine4.食物垃圾处理器 Food waste processor5.消毒柜 disinfection cabinet6.微波炉 Microwave oven7.电烤箱 electric oven8.早餐吧 Breakfast9.芝

3、士炉 Cheese furnace10.煎药器、煎药壶 decoction vessel11.刨冰机,block shaving machine 碎冰机, ice crusher 炒冰机 Fry ice machine三家居小家电Home furnishing small household electrical appliances脱水机 spin drier, dehydrator di:haidreit; 干衣机 clothes drier洗衣机 washer电水壶 (electric) Kettle, 电热壶 electric kettle电热杯 electric cup电冰箱 ref

4、rigerator, fridge 电烫斗 electric iron干鞋器 shoes dryer擦鞋器 shoe polisher干手器 Hand dryer电子温度计 electronic thermometer电子定时器 Electronic timer,提醒器 Reminder毛球修剪器 Hair ball trim四家居辅助小家电Home furnishing aid of small household electrical appliances面包机 Bread machine,多士炉 toaster煮蛋器 egg boiler、蒸蛋器 steamed egg三明治机 Sand

5、wich machine电饼铛 electric baking pan,烤饼机 Bread machine豆浆机 soybean milk machine 冰激凌机 Ice cream machine咖啡机 Coffee machine饮水机 water dispenser爆米花机、Popcorn machine榨汁机 mill, winepress, juicer果蔬清洗机 Fruit and vegetable cleaning machine五净化类 Purification空气净化器 air cleaner净水机 water purifying machine吸尘器 Vacuum cl

6、eaner,扫地机 Sweeping machine氧气机 Oxygen machine,氧吧 Oxygen bar加湿器 humidifier、抽湿器 moisture extractor,湿度调节器 humidity regulator加香机 perfuming machine,加香器 perfuming device蒸汽清洁机 steam clean machine电子垃圾桶 electronic trash六个人生活小家电Personal life small household electrical appliances剃须刀 shaver电风吹 Hair dryer 足浴器 Foo

7、t bath洁耳器 ear cleaner焗油帽 Hair cap辫子机电动按摩器 electric massager理发器 Barber脂肪测量仪 the fat meter助听器 deaf-aid血压计 hemomanometer, sphygmomanometer 计步器 pedometer七美容小家电The beauty of small household electrical appliances除毛器 Hair removal device,脱毛器,depilator剃毛器 shaving device电动修眉器 electric eyebrow shaving device,电

8、动睫毛器 electric eyelash curler美容器 beauty device卷发器,crimping iron, curler直发器 straighener毛孔清洁器,pore cleaner鼻毛修剪器 nose hair trimmer电动美甲器,电动指甲修 electric manicure,睫毛笔 eyelash pen八取暖类 Heating取暖器,Heating apparatus电暖器 electric heater电热毯 electric blanket暖风扇 warm fan暖手器 Hand warmer,暖宝宝,暖手宝保温碟 heat insulation pl

9、ate,保温垫 Insulating pad,保温箱 Insulation chests, incubator九驱虫类 Anthelmintic灭蚊器 mosquito killer灭蚊拍,电蚊拍 electric mosquito swatter 电热驱蚊器 electric mosquito repellent 电热蚊香 electro-thermal mosquito-repellent incense 十。热水器类 Water Heater燃气热水器 gas water heater电热水器 electric water heater太阳能热水器 Solar heater空气源热碽热水

10、器 Air source heat Gong water heater其它热水器 other water heater十一。电风扇类 electric fan台式风扇 bracker fan, desk fan 落地风扇 Floor fan吊扇 Ceiling fan壁扇 Wall Fan空调扇 Air conditioning fan其它电风扇 other electric fan十二。卫浴小家电Small household electrical appliances, sanitary ware干手机 Do mobile phone电动牙刷 electric toothbrush浴霸 b

11、ath heater皂液机,皂液器 Soap dispenser(电视机 television set,电冰箱 refrigerator,洗衣机 washer,投影仪projector,空调 air-condition)十三。数码产品 Digital production电脑 computer台式机 desktop computer台式一体机 All-in-one desktops工作站 workstation笔记本 jotter, notebook上网本 netbooks平板电脑 (IPHONE) Panel computer电脑配件 computer components鼠标 Mouse液

12、晶显示器 liquid crystal display音响,音箱 loudspeaker box, voice box手机 cell phone, mobile phoneGPS对讲机 walkie-talkie, intercom电话机 telephone电话会议 teleconference, dial conference, conference call. 数码 DigitalCD掌上电脑PDA相机 camera 数码摄像机 Digital Video (DV)镜头 camera lensMP3MP4U盘 U disk电子书 E-book, electric book录音笔 digit

13、al voice recorder耳机 earphone电子词典 electric dictionary数码相框 digital phone frameUsb复读机 repeater点读机 point reading machine多媒体硬盘录放 Multimedia hard disk recoding 移动电源 portable source数码伴侣 Digital companion摄像头 Camera, pick-up head汽车电子产品 Automobile electric products教育电子产品 the education electric products办公打印 Of

14、fice printing激光打印机 Laser printer喷墨打印机 Bubble jet printer多功能一体机 Multifunctional integrated machine 大幅面打印机 Large format printer扫描仪 Scanner传真机 The fax machine复印机 copier, copying machine热升华打印机 Dye sublimation printer投影显示 Projected display投影机 projector投影灯泡 Projection lamp投影展台 Projection booth投影幕布 Project

15、ion screen电子白板 Electronic whiteboard商用显示 Commercial display 大屏幕拼接 Large screen splicing 专业显示器 professional display 工业显示器 Industry display 等离子显示器 Plasma panel display 数字标牌 Digital signage LED显示屏 LED display 触控一体机 Touch one machine 触摸屏 Touch screen游戏机 Recreational machine掌上游戏机 psp nds Handheld game ma

16、chine游戏机 recreational machine白色家电, white Household electrical appliance黑色家电, Black Household electrical appliance米色家电, Beige Household electrical appliance绿色加电, Green home appliance1. Brisk market sales were concentrated in food, household electrical appliances, beverage and clothing.市场销售旺点主要集中在食品、家

17、电、饮料和服装类。2. Household electrical appliances, kitchen equipment, coffee pot, electric heating device.家用电器、厨房设备、咖啡壶、电暖器。3. Hair dryer is one of small household electrical appliances.电吹风是小家电产品之一。4. Component: cell phone casing and related products, mp3, mp4 envelope, computer peripheral products, the g


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