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1、Unit 4 Grammar and usageUnit 4 Grammar and usage Emphasis Emphasis Malala She is known for her activism for rights to education and for women, especially in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. On 12 July 2013, Malalas 16th birthday, she spoke at the UN

2、 to call for worldwide access to education. The UN declared that day Malala Day. “I am just one of them. So here I stand, one girl among many. I speak not for myself, but so those without a voice can be heard. Those who have fought for their rights.” We are really tired of these wars. Women and chil

3、dren are suffering in many ways in many parts of the world. Malala says Summary1: We can use certain words such as really and just to show emphasis. Any other words? very,only, such, so, indeed, etc. Practice: 马拉拉认为:教育是马拉拉认为:教育是唯一唯一能够能够促进促进科技发展科技发展 和和世界和平世界和平的方式!的方式! Malala thinks that the world pea

4、ce onlypromote Malala says Do remember one thing: Malala Day is not my day. Today is the day of every woman, every boy and every girl who have raised their voice for their rights. Summary2: add the auxiliary do, does or did before the verb. do/ does/ did +V Practice: 在马拉拉看来,教育在马拉拉看来,教育的确的确能够使人们通过能够使

5、人们通过 呼吁呼吁更多的平等权来改变世界!更多的平等权来改变世界! In Malalas view, education_enable people to change the world by _ more equal rights. does calling for/ appealing for Malala says Thank you to the children , its your innocent words that encouraged me. Thank you to my elders, its your prayers that strengthened me. I

6、would like to thank all of you , its you who have helped me to get better and recover my strength. Summary3: Summary3: ItIt + + bebe + the part to be emphasized + the part to be emphasized + + thatthat clause. clause. Practice: 马拉拉认为,马拉拉认为,正是正是知识,为我们提供了开知识,为我们提供了开 拓眼界,提升自我的机会!拓眼界,提升自我的机会! As far as

7、Malala is concerned, _ knowledge _ it is that Practice: It is _ that should be responsible for the accident. 究竟究竟是谁应该为这起事故负责? Who is it that should be responsible for the accident? Malaysia airlines Malaysia airlines will hold a press conference in the hall tomorrow. 提问主语 Who is it that will hold a

8、press conference in the hall tomorrow? 提问时间状语 When is it that Malaysia airlines will hold a press conference? 提问地点状语 Where is it that Malaysia airlines will hold a press conference? 提问宾语 What is it that Malaysia airlines will hold in the hall tomorrow? Summary 4: 特殊问句:特殊问句: 疑问词疑问词+is/was +it +that+-

9、 Malala looks sad. Could you please tell me _ that prevents her from being as happy as before? A. what it is B. it is what C. how it is D. it is how ( ) It is _that prevents her from being happy as before. What is it that prevents her from being as happy as before? lack of education Malala says It w

10、as not until women and children were suffering the most that we realized the importance of rights and education. We call upon all governments to ensure free, compulsory education(义务教育)(义务教育) all over the world for every child. Summary5: We can use the pattern “it was not until that” to emphasize tim

11、e expressions. Sad news It was _seven hours after the accident _ fears have grown that many of those could be trapped inside the sunken ship and died. _ seven hours after the accident _that many of those could be trapped inside the sunken ship and died. Fears _ grown that many of those could be trap

12、ped inside the sunken ship and died _ seven hours after the accident not until that Not until have fears grown havent until We can also use on earth and in the world in questions to show emphasis. What on earth can we do to prevent the unexpected accidents from happening? raise the awareness of safe

13、ty; Improve the rescue measures Malalas appeal We must not forget that millions of people are suffering from poverty and injustice and ignorance. We must not forget that millions of children are out of their schools. We must not forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a bright, peaceful

14、 future. Malalas appeal So let us struggle against illiteracy(无 知), poverty and terrorism, let us pick up our books and our pens, they are the most powerful weapons. v 1. 称赞马拉拉的勇气和坚持称赞马拉拉的勇气和坚持,并并感谢感谢她对维护世她对维护世 界儿童受教育权利做出的界儿童受教育权利做出的贡献贡献。 v 2. 根据自己的根据自己的学习经历学习经历阐述阐述知识和教育知识和教育的重要的重要 性。性。 v 3.表明自己在了解马

15、拉拉演讲后将如何表明自己在了解马拉拉演讲后将如何改进改进自己自己 的学习的学习态度态度。 v 作为一名来自南京的普通高中生,请你写一封信给作为一名来自南京的普通高中生,请你写一封信给 马拉拉,回应并支持马拉拉关于马拉拉,回应并支持马拉拉关于“教育为先教育为先”的倡的倡 议!议! Remember to use some emphasis forms! just, very,only, such, so, indeed, on earth, in the world, etc. do/ does/ did +V It + be + the part to be emphasized + that

16、 clause. it was not until that repetition Dear Malala, I really appreciate your courage and persistence. _. Living under such a better education circumstance than you are, I do realize that _ _ _ _. Encouraged by your speech, I feel its high time that I should improve my attitude towards study . _ _

17、 _. v称赞马拉拉的勇气和坚持称赞马拉拉的勇气和坚持,并感谢她对维护并感谢她对维护 世界儿童受教育权利做出的贡献世界儿童受教育权利做出的贡献。 I really appreciate your courage and persis tence._ _. Thank you for the great contributions you have made to childrens obtaining education rights. Living under such a better education circumstance than you are, I do realize th

18、at _ _ _ _. 教育是教育是唯一唯一能够能够促进促进科技发展和科技发展和世界和平世界和平的方式!的方式! 正是正是知识,为我们提供了开拓眼界,提升自我的机会!知识,为我们提供了开拓眼界,提升自我的机会! Encouraged by your speech, I feel its high time that I should improve my attitude towards study . _ _. I will I will I really appreciate your courage and persistence. Thank you for the great contributions you have made to childrens obtaining education rights. Im under a much better education circ


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