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1、【人教版】五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案【人教版】五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(【人教版】五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为【人教版】五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案的全部内容。ainy晴五年级上册英语期末测试卷listening part

2、(听力部分)一、listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到单词) ( ) 1. a. helpful b. healthy c。 hungry ( ) 2。 a。 monday b。 friday c。 sunday ( ) 3。 a. sandwich b. salad c。 sweet ( ) 4。 a。 sing b. song c. strict ( ) 5。 a. cartoon b. clever c。 clock ( ) 6. a. behind b. between c。 bike( ) 7。 a. forest b. front c。 fresh( ) 8。 a

3、. play b. polite c. plant( ) 9。 a。 like b。 live c。 lake( )10. a。 wash b。 watch c. weekend二、listen and choose.(听音,选择正确图片。)( )1、a。 b. ( )2、a. b. ( )3、a. b. ( )4、a. b。 ( )5、a。 b. 三、listenandchoose. (听录音,选出你所听到句子。)( )1。a. is he young? b。 is he funny?( )2。a。is there a river in the forest? b。 is there a l

4、ake in the forest?( )3.a。 whats he like? b. whats your favourite food?( )4.a。 are there any animals? b。 are there any tall buildings?( )5.a.i can sing english songs b. i can draw cartoons. ( )6。a。 there is a big bed in my room。 b。 there is a photo in my room.( )7。a. what would you like to eat? b。 wh

5、at would you like to drink?( )8。a. id like some water。 b。 id like a sandwich.( )9.a。 can you dance? b. can you cook?( )10。a。 do you often read books? b。 do you often play football? 四、 listen and choose.(听问句,选择恰当答语。)( ) 1. a. no, i dont. b. no, i cant. ( ) 2。 a。 he is kind. b。 he is our teacher。 ( )

6、3. a。 here you are. b。 a sandwich, please。 ( ) 4。 a。 i can play the pipa。 b。 id like some water. ( ) 5。 a. yes, there is。 b。 yes, there are。 writingpart(笔试部分)五、choose。(选出划线字母组合读音。把它序号写到前面括号里。) ( )1 window a。 / b。 /a/( )2 tea a. /e / b。 /i: /( )3 book a。 /: / b。 / /( )4 monday a。 / e/ b。 /e /( )5 hou

7、se a。 /a / b。 /u: /六、choose.(找出下面单词中意思不同类一个,把序号写到前面括号里。)( )1. a. old b。 funny c. fish ( )2。 a. watch tv b. read books c. water bottle( )3. a。 weekend b。 behind c。 in front of ( )4. a。 fresh b. salad c. healthy ( )5。 a. river b。 swim c. lake 七、choose。(找朋友,把序号写到前面括号里。) 1( ) hard-working a。说英语 2.( )del

8、icious a。 做体育运动( )speak english b.辛勤 ( )draw cartoons b。 外祖父(母)( ) play football c。洗衣服 ( )ice cream c。 冰激凌( ) wash my clothes d.踢足球 ( )grandparent d。画漫画 ( ) go boating e。去划船 ( )play sports e.美味八、read, choose and write(读句子,看图,选择恰当词语填空) hamburger old sandwich lake read books young river dance 1. 2。 3.

9、 4。 5. 1.my math teacher is _。 2。 do you often _ in the park? 3. id like a _ ,please。 4.we can _ for the party. 5. there is a _ in the park。九、choose.(选出正确答句,把序号填到问句前括号里。) ( )1。whats your favourite food? a. yes, i can。( )2。whats he like ? b. beef. its healthy. ( )3。what do you have on mondays? c. i h

10、ave chinese and math.( )4。can you swim? d。 yes, there is. ( )5.is there a lake in the park? e。 hes tall and strong十、choose。(单项选择。) ( )1. _ your father like? a. whats b。 whos c。 what ( )2. is he young? a. yes, she is b。 yes, he isnt. c。 yes, he is。( )3。 he_ funny。 a。 is b。 am c。 are( )4。 what _ you _

11、 on mondays? a. do ,has b。 are ,have c. do, have( )5。 can you play_ pipa? a. / b。 the c。 a( )6。 do you often read books on the weekend? a。 yes, i do. b. no, i do。 c. yes, i dont.( )7. there _ a hill in front of the house. a。 is b. are c. has( )8。 wed like some _。a. pears and potatoes b。 pears and po

12、tatos c。 pear and potato( )9。 are there any _ there? a。 buildings b. building c。 a building( )10.what _ you like _? a. do, eat b. would, to eat c。 would, eat十一、rearrange.(连词成句)1. like, whats ,she (?)2。thursdays, what, you, have, do, on (?)3。drink, what, you, like, to, would (?)4.english, can, i, son

13、gs, sing (.)5. there, a river, is, forest, the, in (?) 十二read and finish(读短文,完成文后练习) dear jack, my name is tom。 i like english very much. my favourite food is beef, noodles and fish。 im very helpful. i can do kung fu, play the pipa and play pingpong。 today is saturday。 i often read books, do my home

14、work and watch tv on saturdays. my house is beside a hill。 there is a river behind my house。 there is a road in front of my house。 you can see two bridges over the river 。welcome to my home 。 what about you? please tell me?your friend,tom(一) read and tick.(读短文判断正误。对打,错打)( ) 1. tom likes beef ,salad

15、and fish. ( ) 2. tom can do kung fu. ( ) 3。 tom often reads books on saturdays. ( ) 4。 there is a river beside toms house. ( ) 5。 there is a bridge over the river.(二) now youre jack, write a letter to tom (现在你是jack,根据图片提示给tom回信。) dear tom,my name is jack. i like chinese very much. my favourite food

16、is beef and _ . my favourite day is _ 。 i can _ . my house is near a nature park。 there is a _ in front of my house. my room is small. there is a_ and a photo in my room。 its nice. i like it. your friend,jack祝贺你完成了测试,请仔细检查一遍!愿你取得好成绩!五年级英语听力材料同学们:听力测试马上开始,请同学们集中精力认真听录音,并选出正确答案。每题读两遍。一listenandchoose。

17、(听音,选择你所听到单词)1.helpful 2。friday 3。sweet 4.sing 5。 clever 6。bike 7.forest 8。polite 9。lake 10.wash二、listen and choose。(听音,选择正确图片。) 1.old 2。friday 3.hambuger 4.bike 5.play kung fu三、listenandchoose. (听录音,选出你所听到句子。)1。is he young? 2。is there a river in the forest?3。whats your favourite food? 4。are there any tall buildings?5.i can sing english songs6.there is a big bed in my room。7。what would you like to drink?8。id like a sandwich。9。can you cook?10.do you often play football?四、 listen and choose.(听问句,选择恰当答语。) 1。 do you often watch tv? 2. whats he like? 3。 what would you li


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