1、教学目标教学重点教学难点学情分析学法指导教学过程module 8 story time unit 1 once upon a timeto understand the story about goldilocks told through the pictures and conversationto grasp the main theme of the storyretell the story brieflygrapes new words and phraseslet the students understand the story about goldilocks told th
2、rough the pictures and conversationgrapes new words and phrasesretell the story briefly现阶段,学生已经有一定的英语基础,他们喜欢直观形象思维,对影 像,图片特别感兴趣。需要激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。在设计 课堂教学活动时一定要根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来 吸引学生的注意。开口大声朗读,默读要求速度,能抓住文章大意,关键信息。注意阅 读策略和技巧的培养。教学内容step onewarming-up教师活动1.lead aconversation.do you like stories? wha
3、ts your favorite story?2.translate theirchinese storiesname into english ,and present some onthe screen3/lead out thestorys name:goldilocks and threebears1. useful words andphrases1) let the studentslearn the newwords by学生活动free talking:talk about theirfavorite stories.1)study the new wordsin groups
4、, help eachother效果预测(可能 出现的问题)some studentscan talk abouttheir favoritestories, maybethey will usechinese totalk, but i think its ok.补救措施修改意见1step twopresentationthemselves ingroups 2)pay attention to 2) check the the pronunciationpronunciation 3) read after the 3) read after the teacherteacher 4) m
5、ake notes about 4) explain some the important wordsimportant words and phrasesand phrases 5) read together5) read together 6) do a small quiz 6) have a small quiz:a)read the wordsand phrases accordingto theirpronunciationsb)march thechinese andenglish2、guess gamegive them threepictures about thestor
6、y, and let themguess, then choosethe correct answers.7) guess and choose3. listen and checkthe true 8) listen and check sentences.(activity the trueone) sentences. do it1)explain the individually.ssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttin understanding.2) play the recording2) check answers4. guess again
7、1)ask the students to 9) look at thelook at the pictures pictures inin activity 2 and try activity 2 and try1)、some wordsmay readincorrectly:basket、soon、lost、towards、bowl、hungry2)、somestudents needmore time toread the wordsand phrases3) they likethis step. theycan talkfreely,english orchinese4) its
8、easy for them tochoose thecorrectsentences2to decide what they to decide what think the order of the they think the story is. they can do order of the story it in pairs. is. they can do it 2)play the recording in pairs.3) check answers 10) listen to therecording5. describe the 11) checkpictures1)ask
9、 students tolook at the eightpictures of activity 12) look at the eight 2 on the screen, and pictures and finish the finish thesentences sentences. do it 2) ask them pay individually attention to the first and then tense. they can discuss give a general in groups. explain about simple5)there arediff
10、erentanswers and thestudents willhave moreinterest toread the story6)they preferthe discussionin groupspast tense.3) check answers13) check answers6. learn theconversation1) ask the students towatch the flash of theconversationcarefully.2) tell students toread the questions inactivity 4 and thinkabo
11、ut an appreciate 14) watch the flash of answer. some will use the conversation “was/wasnt”or“were/werent”andsome will use“did/didnt”3) ask them to answer 15) read the the questions questions in individually, and activity 4 and then check their think about an3answers in pairs byasking and answering.4
12、) check the answersin class.7. complete thepassage with thecorrect form of thewords from the box.(activity 5)1) tell students toread the passage andguess what wordsmight be missing. 2) read the words in the box with theclass. tell them tocomplete the passage using the words in the box and changing t
13、heappreciateanswer. some willuse“was/wasnt”o r“were/werent”and some willuse“did/didnt”16) answer thequestionsindividually, andthen check theiranswers in pairs byasking and answering.17) check theanswers in class.18)read the passageof activity 5 andguess what wordsmight be missing.7)answer thequestio
14、n is notdifficult, butthey need moretime tounderstand theconversationstep threeconsolidationverbs into the pastform whereappropriate.8)there will beso many faults3) ask them to check their answers withtheir partners4) ask them to read the passage.19) read the words in the box and completethe passage
15、 withcorrect verbs8.group work: retellthe story1) tell the students20) check the answerswith their partners4step fourpracticeto read theconversation again,and try to rememberthe story line.2) ask them to look at the picturescarefully on thescreen3)tell them to talkabout the story ingroups, try to re
16、tellthe storyencourage them togive the story anending.4) ask some groups to present their storyafter closing books.21) read the passage.22) read theconversation again,and try to rememberthe story line.23)ook at thepictures carefully onthe screen24) talk about thestory in groups, tryto retell the sto
17、rya) everyone in thegroup should have atalk,b)write down what youask the students toretell the story and give it an ending in your own words. writethe story on theexercise book.said25) present theirstory afterclosing books.26) retell the story and give it an ending in your own words. write the story on the exercise book.8)somestudents mayhave no wordsabout theretellingstep fivehomework5module 8unit 1 once upon a time一6板书设计般过去时态概 念: 表
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