五年级下册英语试题 Unit 6 Work quietly! 单元知识梳理卷人教PEP 有答案_第1页
五年级下册英语试题 Unit 6 Work quietly! 单元知识梳理卷人教PEP 有答案_第2页
五年级下册英语试题 Unit 6 Work quietly! 单元知识梳理卷人教PEP 有答案_第3页
五年级下册英语试题 Unit 6 Work quietly! 单元知识梳理卷人教PEP 有答案_第4页
五年级下册英语试题 Unit 6 Work quietly! 单元知识梳理卷人教PEP 有答案_第5页
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1、基础知识梳理一、重点单词。(英汉互译)(12 分)1. 顺序_3. bamboo_ 5. show_7. say_9. teach_11. canadian_二、重点短语。(英汉互译)(11 分)2. keep_4. its_6. exhibition_8. sushi_10. sure_12. spanish_1. (正在)做早操 2. (正在)上课 3. (正在)吃午饭_4. (正在)看书_5. (正在)听音乐_6. 靠右_7. 保持你的课桌干净_8. 小声讲话 9. 按顺序来_10. work quietly _11. anything else _三、重点句子。(汉译英)(12 分)1

2、. 他们在干什么? _2. 他们在吃午饭! _3. 那只小猴子在干什么? _4. 它在和妈妈玩耍! _5. 小声讲话。_ 6. 保持你的桌面整洁。_ 四、核心语言点。(5 分)(一) 动词-ing 形式(现在分词)变化规律情况一般动词直接加-ing以不发音的 e 结尾的动词,去掉 e 加-ing重读闭音节辅音字母结尾,双写辅音字母加 -ing(二)根据上面的规律,写出下列动词的-ing 形式。 1. go_ 2. listen_3. have _ 4. sit_5. play_单元强化检测五、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(10 分)例词looklooking;listenlisteningma

3、kemaking;taketakingrunrunning;swimswimming( )1. a. when( )2. a. mother( )3. a. chicken( )4. a. wait( )5. a. brotherb. whatb. theseb. lunchb. whoseb. fifthc. whoc. thirdc. christmasc. wherec. three六、单项选择。(15 分)( )1. do you see_tigers in the zoo?a. any b. a c. some( )2. he likes_ hamburgers.a. eats b.

4、 eat c. eating( )3. do you have_ to do?a. anything elseb. something elsec. else anything( )4. are the little monkeys_ their mum?a. play withb. playing withc. playing and( )5. the dog is _.a. run b. runing c. running( )6. the new sweater is yours. please_ it clean.a. do( )7. we are in the library. _a

5、. talk quietly.b. talk quiet.c. talk loudly.b. have c. keep( )8. what_ your mother doing?a. does b. is c. are( )9. may i have a look at your storybook?_a. thank you.b. youre welcome.c. sure. here you are.( )10. i have_.a. many breadb. much breadc. many breads七、看图片选句子。(10 分)a. keep your desk clean. b

6、. they are eating lunch.c. talk quietly. d. keep to the right. e. no eating.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.八、按要求完成句子。(15 分)1. he is listening to music at home. (对画线部分提问) _2. your, keep, clean, desk (. )(连词成句) _3. amy is dancing in the classroom. (改为一般疑问句) _4. boys play foot ball playground (用所给词写一个现在进行时的句子) _5. what

7、 is your brother does? (改错)将_改为_ 九、阅读短文,回答问题。(10 分)my name is oliver. i get home at four twenty. my brother is doing his homework. my mother is cooking in the kitchen. my father is reading a book in the study. where is my dog? oh! she is under the table. my grandparents are in the living room. they

8、are watching tv. who is the girl playing with a cat? oh, she is my sister. 1. when does oliver get home?_ 2. whats olivers mother doing?_ 3. whats olivers father doing?_ 4. are there any animals in olivers house?_ 5. are olivers grandparents watching tv?_答案基础知识梳理一、1. turn 2. 保持某种状态3. 竹子4. (指事物、动物或幼儿

9、)它的; 他的; 她的 7. 说; 讲8. 寿司5. 给人看6. 展览9. 教10. 当然11. 加拿大的12. 西班牙的二、1. doing morning exercises 2. havingclass3. eating lunch4. reading a book 5. listening to music 6. keep to the right 7. keep your desk clean 8. talk quietly9. take turns 10. 安静地工作 三、1. what are they doing?11. 别的事2. they are eating lunch!

10、3. whats that baby monkey doing?4. its playing with its mother!5. talk quietly.6. keep your desk clean.四、1. going 2. listening 3. having4. sitting 点拨:sit 的现在分词要先双写尾字母 t,再加-ing。 5. playing单元强化检测五、 1. c 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a六、 1. a 点拨:在疑问句中表示“一些”用 any。2. c点拨:like doing 和 like to do 都表示喜欢做某事。3. a4. b 点拨:play with 表示“和玩”。5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. c10. b 点拨:bread 是不可数名词,只能用 much 修饰; many 修饰可数名词 复数形式。七、 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. b八、 1. whats he doing at home?2. keep your desk clean.3. is amy dancing in the classroom?4. the boys are playin


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